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Re: Where shall we go?

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 17:53:09 +0100

On 13.03.2015 12:25, Simon Large wrote:
> Hi Lübbe,
> I have not used SourceForge for a while but I seem to remember it
> being slow. Their website interface is very poor, though we probably
> won't need that.

Well, it's not as slow as it once was. And compared to Google code the
last few weeks, I'm sure it can't be slower than that.

> GitHub is good, but their subversion interface is a git bridge so it
> doesn't fully support all Subversion operations.

No, I don't like GitHub either. Their web interface is ugly, and I have
no intention on using Git any time soon.

> I use CloudForge for work and that is OK but I find it to be very slow.
> I have a couple of projects on Assembla and that seems to work pretty
> well. I may migrate my CloudForge repo there.

I haven't tried neither Assembla nor CloudForge before, so I have no
idea how stable their service really is.

> Another option is to become an Apache project and get hosted there.

I don't think that's an option: we'd have to change the license of TSVN
to the Apache License - and you remember the discussion about changing
the license we had before, don't you?

There are other options though:
* Ivan Zhakov from VisualSVN offered to host the repository for free on
a AWS instance using (of course) VisualSVN.
* We could also host the sourcecode on the server where the website is
hosted at WANdisco.

As for Google, I don't buy their bullshit about their problems with
abuse managment ("Lately, the administrative load has consisted almost
exclusively of abuse management."). After all, all other hosting
services have to deal with the same problems, using much less money and
people than Google has. And they can do it, so why isn't Google able to
deal with this? No, as I said, I don't buy their BS.
They should be honest and just tell people that they don't care anymore,
that there's nobody left working who understands the code the whole
thing is built upon and that there were problems they just couldn't fix.
If there were people left who understood the code, then there would have
been updates/fixes/enhancements to GC in the last three years, but there
are none - well, except for disabled features:

I'll move my other projects (http://stefanstools.sourceforge.net/) to
sourceforge. As for where we should move the TSVN repo, I'm open for
suggestions. But please if you suggest something, also tell why we
should move there and if you can, also list pros and cons of that place.


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Received on 2015-03-13 17:53:03 CET

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