Tools in the repository, continuous integration?
From: Friedrich Brunzema <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 05:45:34 -0700 (PDT)
Regarding the tools:
So I'm wondering if we can't come up with a way to have absolutely everything you need to setup a build environment in only two places: either its part of TSVN repo, or it comes from "somewhere else", but a single location. [Note: I don't have really strong feelings about this; the current approach also works]
The build.txt file is good - we tend to have a bit less terse documents with screenshots in our build-guides. Developers create the build-guide, and an independent internal IT person follows the steps to setup the build machine and create the end-install CD image - just to make sure that nothing was missed.
We also use continuous integration using - as soon as someone checks something in, a build gets started, and the results are accessible via a web page (including the nant output). We also do automated code and architectural metrics and run unit tests and storytests (customer acceptance automated FIT tests).
I'm also thinking that the project needs a good unit testing framework for C++ that includes a visual test runner. On the .net side, nUnit is pretty nice and a test runner is part of the resharper plugin for VS we use. Any suggestions for the best one to use? Even though there is a lot of UI in TSVN, it is still possible to structure things in such a way to test the "view-model" logic automatically. Stefan said there are some unit-tests for the Async stuff already - I have yet to take a look.
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