1. For image compression, I use PNGGauntlet and then zopfli-png, which is a
zlib algorithm similar to zlib (so no compatibility issues) but it's uber
slow. Still, another 5% compression for a one time run it's worth to me, so
I use it.
2. The needed web files are generated; see www/minify.bat. So you edit
style.css for example and then run minify.bat. I do plan to make this
process simpler, but when I started playing with the website I didn't want
Stefan to bother with installing the dependencies, hence I commit the
generated files in the repository.
3. I'm not sure tabspace belongs to the repository. Now that all the 3rd
party files are in ext/ you can cd to /src and run "tabspace
/exclude:resource.h". resource.h has spaces when edited with VS so it
doesn't make sense to remove it there.
4. Definitely, but I'm not sure these things are important as other things,
like using nullptr for pointers for instance.
On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Friedrich Brunzema <brunzefb_at_yahoo.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> Couple of questions which may be of general interest:
> 1. XhmikosR - saw that you compressed my new images (thanks!) - is there
> any specific tool you use for this, or just set the settings to max
> compression (I use paint.net).
> 2. When changing the .css, which tool do you use to pack the .css (Visual
> Studio reformats it nicely with Ctrl-K Ctrl-D to allow editing).
> 3. Any guidelines as to when to run tabspace and what args to use (e.g.
> before checkin)? What folders should it be run on? Is there any reason why
> tabspace is not checked in with the tools (I know you can download it from
> Stefan's tools). [I volunteer to modify the build script and add the target
> if someone tells me what the args and folders should be]
> 4. Does it make sense to have a development guideline doc to capture some
> of the conventions used on the project? Again, I could start such a
> document, if it makes sense to everyone.
> Best,
> Friedrich Brunzema
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