On 12.09.2012 12:00, Oto BREZINA wrote:
> On 2012-09-10 16:36, Stefan Küng wrote:
>> On 10.09.2012 16:08, Oto BREZINA wrote:
>>>> When resolving a conflicted file (svn status indicates a conflict), then
>>>> the flag is passed to TMerge.
>>>> TMerge then asks to save the changes (even if there were no changes
>>>> made) to ensure that situations where TMerge can do the merge without a
>>>> conflict, that merge is saved.
>>> Sorry for stupid, question I'll try that on Wednesdays soonest, so it is
>>> easier to ask - until I forgot :)
>>> Thing is there are two ways to save file in T-Merge. 1. Save 2. Mark as
>>> resolved. I miss the second option in closing dialog when closing
>>> T-Merge (from conflict resolve mode) sometimes.
>>> Is this what happen now? In source codes I have seen only save what
>>> usually means save and "resolve later manualy" ...
>>> From this point it seems to be there some "missconception" but I'll
>>> know once really tested.
>> If you save the file before you close TMerge, it does not ask to save
>> the changes anymore.
>> So even if you use "mark as resolved" it won't bother you when you close
>> TMerge.
>> Only if you try to close TMerge without ever having saved, then it will
>> ask you to save first.
> I tried that. Yes it ask.
> My scenario:
> 0 Have a file in conflict state.
> 1. Invoke TortoiseSVN->Edit conflict on it.
> 2. TMerge opens, you can see conflict in it. Hit Alt-F4(or other way to
> close T-Merge).
> 3. You are asked if save should be performed. Select Save.
Yes, because you haven't actually done anything.
> 4. You are asked about not resolved conflict. Select save.
> Now file is saved(I guess), but is not resolved! Thus when reopen using
> Edit conflict same state as before apears.
Of course: you didn't resolve the conflict at all!
If there's a conflict shown in TMerge, you *must* resolve that conflict
Only if there's no conflict shown in TMerge but SVN still shows a
conflict, *then* you only have to save.
> My sugestion is to add "Resolve" in step 3. This will make file resolved ...
There's a button "resolve conflict".
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on 2012-09-12 14:11:59 CEST