some more fixes plus a bug:
- missing check (just like in ngram) caused a possible negative index
into an array
- temporary std::string usage fixed
- several dead codes removed
- intentional fallthrough should be marked
Please notice, there's a serious bug in
CSVNProgressDlg::IsCommittingToTag(CString& url):
3445 bool CSVNProgressDlg::IsCommittingToTag(CString& url)
3446 {
3447 bool isTag = false;
Logically dead code (DEADCODE) After this line, the value of
"bURLFetched" is equal to 0.
Assigning: "bURLFetched" = "false".
3448 bool bURLFetched = false;
3449 for (int i=0; i<m_targetPathList.GetCount(); ++i)
3450 {
On this path, the condition "bURLFetched" cannot be true.
3451 if (bURLFetched)
Execution cannot reach this statement "continue;".
3452 continue;
After careful inspection I found that there's a hardwired break at the
end of the for cycle, so it's true that although bURLFetched is set
once after the condition, but never used again.
This also means that only the first element of m_targetPathList is
examined, the rest of them will never be examined.
I don't really know what's the purpose here, so I let you to correct
it either way: remove bURLFetched completely and replace the for cycle
with a condition, or delete the break at the end of the for cycle (and
possibly make more modifications in this function).
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