On 2011-05-14 11:02, Stefan Küng wrote:
> (was: Re: Repo browser labelling on the task bar)
> We've had discussions about this before:
> http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=757&dsMessageId=682612
> http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=757&dsMessageId=960408
> I think it's time to find a solution for all dialogs once and for all.
> Here's my proposal:
> all dialog titles should have the format:
> path/url - dialog
> with path/url shortened to about 20 chars so the whole title fits into
> the tooltip on the taskbar.
This is quite interesting question how to shorten path to keep important
part of it.
> Reason:
> users can have many TSVN dialogs open at the same time, and also
> multiple dialogs of the same type (e.g., log dialogs). What
> distinguishes them is the path/url for which they were started, so that
> info should be first.
> I know some people prefer the format:
> dialog - path/url
> So what will it be?
> Please vote and also explain why you vote that way.
For me "dialog - path" is more native, but I can live with both way
without any problem.
In fact "dialog: path" or just "dialog path" (but "path - dialog") would
make it shorter and nicer for my eye, but not big deal.
Note: I'm missing this info mainly on properties dialog, if I copy some
parts - external usualy, and in mean time switch to other windows is
harder to return to one I want to go.
I would interesting if update or other progress dialogs (operation on
more paths) can have their actual progressing (not externals) WC path
instead of common one. I usualy update about dosen WCs at once so this
give me more info about actual progress without open window itself, also
I have all project in one dir and sometimes I update then in more parts
(2-3) so I have two same dialog names. But again: not big deal
At least commonPath... would make a trick to know common dir name was used.
Other improvement I see is moving "finished!" part more more to front
for text logic reason, however not sure if this is improve its visibility.
Maybe changing its color, or style - just kidding.
In c++ builder I can change App title and window title separetely if you
would like this concept I can check if it is possible to use it in VC.
Result: what ever is ok for me, consistency is nice
> Stefan
Oto BREZINA, Printflow s.r.o., EU
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Received on 2011-05-14 12:00:52 CEST