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Re: Using Various Versions of Tortoise within a Team

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 07 May 2011 08:02:36 +0200

On 06.05.2011 23:39, Dave Schinkel wrote:
> On any team I've worked with in the past as well as I've setup
> Subversion before for a team, we've always just gone and downloaded the
> latest tortoise svn version. It never caused an issue period. So why do
> I see this in your FAQs <http://tortoisesvn.net/faq.html#multiclients>?
> "But you can only use different clients if they all use the same version
> of the Subversion library. The version of the Subversion library that
> TortoiseSVN uses is indicated in the filename of the installer, other
> clients have similar indications. You have to make sure that those
> versions match each other in the first two digits. For example, all
> clients using Subversion 1.6.x can be used together (the 'x' indicates
> that this number is not relevant for compatibility)." ok.....can you
> explain why? you don't state the reason. So obviously Subversion 1.4
> might be different than 1.6. So what can or has happened if you have
> lets say one person on 1.4.2 and another on 1.6.1 or something like that?

This question is not about developing TSVN and therefore belongs to the
users list.

But answering your question: the FAQ clearly states that it's about
"different Subversion clients with the same working copy". In your
situation, you have different working copies because every one in your
team has his/her own working copy. So that FAQ doesn't apply.

Different SVN versions use different versions for the working copy
metadata. Older clients can't read the format of newer clients. That's
what this FAQ is about.

But there's no problem using different SVN client-versions with
different working copies because all clients are compatible with the
*server* versions, i.e. when accessing the repository on the server.


   oo  // \\      "De Chelonian Mobile"
  (_,\/ \_/ \     TortoiseSVN
    \ \_/_\_/>    The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
    /_/   \_\     http://tortoisesvn.net
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Received on 2011-05-07 08:02:44 CEST

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