On 22.12.2010 21:56, Nick Gilbert wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
>> That's like removing all doors and windows in your home because you
>> don't like opening and closing them.
>> Of course, you can do that and it works...
> No, it's more like disabling a burglar alarm which sounds the siren
> every single anybody goes into the house through the front door (even
> with the key) just in case they're burglar. It's useless and serves only
> to constantly serve up annoying warnings (are you familiar with the
> English expression to "cry wolf"?). Surveys have shown that most people
> always click OK even if they don't know why the dialog has appeared -
> simply because they have to do it so often.
> It's useful for people who don't understand computers, but I fail to see
> why a software developer would really need a reminder that they're
> installing something. I feel that I'm unlikely to fall for the scam of
> opening a readme.doc.exe scam with my knowledge of computers (and that's
> really the only thing UAC can protect against).
> Please bear in mind I'm used to using Vista where UAC is REALLY
> annoying. In Windows 7 I will leave it turned on and see if it's any
> less instrusive.
> Thanks for your tip about giving my own account full access - I can now
> update fine (with UAC on!) :)
I used Vista for a long time, and I didn't find it annoying at all.
Sure, the first few hours after installing the OS it's very annoying
because that's when you configure the OS to your liking and therefore
get those dialogs very, very often.
But once that's done, you rarely get such a dialog. And I mean rarely.
However if you still get that dialog often, then I assume you're using
an old app that requires admin privileges just to run. Get rid of that
app - it's written the wrong way even for XP: no app should require
admin privileges for normal use (unless it's a special tool like a
system debugger or something like that).
And if you ever used linux: it does the very same. Many operations
require that you enter the root password first.
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