>> - If I select a property and then press the "New... >"-button, the
>> property gets deselected but whithout the Export/Save/... buttons being
>> grayed out.
> Can't reproduce that here. When I press the "New" button, the property
> doesn't get deselected (only the focus is lost, but it's still selected).
True. It's only the focus that is lost. Unfortunately you can't tell that it's still selected on XP, which makes it look like sort of a bug. I would expect the row to be selected in "gray", like when a row in the log-dialog is selected but have lost focus.
>> - Generally six buttons on a row feels a little crowded.
>> Maybe some of the functionality could be moved from
>> buttons to right click menus?
> Adding a context menu is on my TODO list. But I'd like to keep the
> buttons anyway. At least most of them. Maybe the "Save value" button can
> get removed and only have that feature available from the context menu.
Ok. I was more interested in greaty reducing the over all button-clutter to make the interface clearer, but one less button is always one less button I guess. :-)
Btw, I noticed that the "double button" ( as in "Edit... | >´") is featured in the log dialog as well. But it looks different there. The arrow is smaller and points downward. Maybe it would be an idea to have both buttons using the same look?
> Keep in mind though that issue #10 isn't finished yet. There's still a
> lot to be done until I can close it :)
Ok. I'll try to be gentle. ;-)
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Received on 2010-04-07 08:02:18 CEST