Very nice feature! Will come in handy for sure! Found some bugs when testing it:
Running TortoiseSVN 1.6.99, Build 19060 - 32 Bit -dev, 2010/03/22 20:43:02 on Windows XP.
- Color of the text in the "Message" column does not get inverted (white) when the line is selected (dark blue). This makes the text hard to read.
- When the text in the "Message" column contains a highlighted word, the lower parts of all characters get chopped of. (For example, lower case p and g are lacking the lower part of the character, making it look similar to a lower case o.)
- Text that contains a highlighted word is shifted one pixel downwards.
- A search string consiting of a single digit (for example "1") makes the revision rows become invisible when the cursor passes over them (!).
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Received on 2010-03-23 09:52:06 CET