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TortoiseOverlay merge module questions

From: Steve Borho <steve_at_borho.org>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 23:02:49 -0600


I'm the project lead of TortoiseHg. We're transitioning our project
to use WIX and thus switching from bundling your excellent
TortoiseOverlay MSI packages to using the provided merge modules
instead. This leads to a couple of issues I'm hoping you can help me
out with.

First, our x64 MSI package installs our 32 bit applications and both
the x86 and x64 shell extensions. This seems to mostly work, except
light generates a validation error during the link step. Even though
light generates this error message and returns an error code, it still
generates a functional MSI.

light.exe : error LGHT0204 : ICE08: Component:
OverlayRegistry.3C89127D_F335_46EB_8720_CAFE0C0FEB7E has a duplicate
GUID: {87654321-4321-4321-4321-110987654321}

Digging through the TortoiseOverlay source, I can see that both the
TortoiseOverlaysDir,wxi and TortoiseOverlaysDirx64.wxi define this
component and GUID. Is this something that could be easily resolved
on your side?

The second issue is a simpler question: We've shipped three different
versions of TortoiseOverlay*.msi since the project adopted your
overlay shims about 18 months ago. When we finally release our new
MSI packages, we're going to ask (well, actually force) that users
uninstall their previous TortoiseHg packages to avoid having to
upgrade the old InnoSetup based installs. What do we tell users about
these (potentially several) TortoiseOverlay packages that are left on
their machines? Should they be left installed unconditionally? Is
there a way to tell when they can be safely removed?


Steve Borho
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Received on 2010-02-09 06:21:53 CET

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