Stefan wrote:
>That's a known issue - the focus is 'restored' to the log dialog about
>two seconds *after* TortoiseMerge (or the configured diff tool) starts.
>This is a 'feature' of the progress dialog showing the download of the
>two files to diff.
>Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to prevent this or even found out
>why the progress dialog behaves this way. If you have any ideas, please
>tell them!
I've played with Spy++ for a while and noticed the following: "Log Messages" dialog receives WM_ACTIVATE each time TMerge is spawned to show changes. Sometimes the WM_ACTIVATE's parameter is WA_INACTIVE - then the dialog doesn't flash. Sometimes it is WA_ACTIVE - then is does flash. Do you have any idea why this difference occurs - why WM_ACTIVATE is sent with differenct parameter values? Also which code exactly is meant to restore the focus?
Best wishes.
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Received on 2010-01-19 14:14:26 CET