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Re: Blind and visually impaired developers.

From: Serge Tumanyan <tumanyan_at_mail.ru>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 02:26:57 +0300

Hello, Stefan.

>> If you are interested in my suggestion please let me know.
> Sure, if you have any issues or suggestions on what we can do to improve
> TSVN for blind people just let us know! You maybe can imagine that we
> just don't see the problems and issues TSVN has for blind people.

Ok, thank you, I really appriciate this. I am in a bit better position
because I was sighted before I have lost the ability to see and I can
understand both descriptions sighted and blind. So I can better describe the
situation to the sighted developers - at least I want to believe in this

Let me introduce the principles we use while working on the computer under
screen reader - I shall be as short as possible.
1. No mouse - everything is done from the keyboard. We can emulate mouse
from the keyboard - but it is really a hard job and takes a lot of time and
2. We mostly try to use HotKeys if present for all possible operations - see
option 1, though menu and tab order is also rather easily usable - simply to
hit a keystroke is faster then travel through the nmenu or tab order.
3. All the dialogues are better to be strictly structured - we then better
understand the content.

According to the principles I want to suggest you to start from adding the
hotkeys to the buttons, radio-buttons, combo boxes, checkboxes and so on.
TSVN lacks the keystrokes and mostly I have to Tab and Tab around to reach a
button or a radio-button. May be if you have the shortcuts done already the
screen readers do not get them - this happens sometimes if the shortcut keys
are assigned in somewhat unstandard way.
For example I want to start from the starting dialogue (smile) SVN
checkout - here is the list of controls lacking the hotkeys:
1. Combo box to select the repository - ControlID = 1029,
2. The next in tab order repository byutton ControlID = 1035,
3. The next Repository button in the bab order with the ControlID = 1036,
4. Checkout depth combo box with controlID = 1373,
5. The revision edit box with the ControlID = 1034,
6. Though the Ok and Cancel buttons do not have hotkeys assigned - it is not
so important since the Ok button is the default one and reacts on pressing
Enter and the Cancel button reacts on pressing Escape as supposed to be.

The second thing to do is - to add some internal (non-visible) tags to the
items in the listviews that you mark with the colour for the sighted
persons. I noticed one example in the revision log dialogues - you mark
already merged revisions with the gray colour - and it takes some time for
the blind developer to distinguish between the merged and non-merged
revision. There could be several ways here:
1. Adding MSAA information, where MSAA stand for Microsoft Active
Accessability. I do not know exactly if you are familiar with MSAA - if
not - I surely can help you with descriptions, testing of changes and
answering questions on it.
2. Adding some internal messages to such windows that can be handled by the
screen reader scripts and provide information to it. The screen readers have
very limited access to the messages - but this can be used - no structures,
no strings, only integers can be passed back and forth.
3. Adding additional interface to your COM interface. Here we are in better
position then in option 2 we can pass integers and strings and sometimes
The preferable is option 1 if you do not mind investigating the MSAA

The third thing is that some operations can be performed only by Right-mouse
button drag - it is possible to perform this operation for me, but trust
me - it is easier to move a mountain then to perform it for me. The
operation where this is the only way is move operation - may be some others
that I have not noticed yet because I did not need them till now.
I suggest to add some kind of TSVN specific Cut and paste operation that can
be performed from the keyboard if needed - you can use different keystrokes
from the Windows standard ones - for example Windows+X to cut and Windows+V
to paste.

Additionally I shall provide you with exact location of controls that seems
to lack accessability - if you do not mind of course.

Thank you in advance. You did an excellent product and I hope to help to
make it even better in terms of accessability.



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Received on 2009-12-10 02:40:17 CET

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