Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:
> Question: Which of the following should we do?
> (a) keep that inconsistency as is
> (b) use the new behavior for all cases
> (c) add an "create independent w/cs" (or the opposite)
> option to the c/o dialog and disable it in the second case.
> (d) something else
(b). Missing .svn directories are a bigger problem than too many .svn
directories. And when you need to, it's easy enough to create
independent w/cs - just create them one at a time.
> (2) New "editfile" command. It is currently available via CL
> only but will soon be added to the repobrowser.
> Synopsis:
> * the given path may either be a URL or a path within a w/c
> * if it is a URL, the item will be checked out to temp location
> and will be deleted after the command finished.
> * if the item is not locked but has svn:needs-lock set, the
> lock will be acquired (asking the user for a lock comment,
> if the TSVN or project settings require it). In the latter case,
> it will released automatically at the end as well.
> * the document gets opened with the associated application
> (using Windows standard mechanism)
Which means it will attempt to *run* my .py-files, rather than edit
them, and my co-workers will attempt to edit IDE project files, which
will fail because files referred to are missing, and possibly end up
committing corrupted project files.
> * after closing that application, the changes will be committed
> using the standard commit dialog. If nothing was changed,
> the dialog will not show up.
Have you thought about non-blocking file associations? I don't think
you *can* detect when the application closes, in general.
I think this feature is more trouble than it's worth.
regards, Anders
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Received on 2009-12-09 12:39:44 CET