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Too long crawling of TSVNCache with 1.6.3, not happened with 1.6.2

From: Kazutoshi Satoda <k_satoda_at_f2.dion.ne.jp>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 04:26:58 +0900


Some of my colleague reported notable slowdown happening after upgrading
TortoiseSVN to 1.6.3 from 1.6.2.

Looking at their Task Manager, I found that TSVNCache.exe was taking
hours of CPU time. For example, 5 hours for a day (about 8 hours * 2
cores). And actually, I could see that TSVNCache is often running in
100% CPU usage for some minutes after some browsing in their WC.

The WC is very large (over 10000 files and over 1000 directory), but
strangely, some others who has the same WC has also upgraded to 1.6.3
without notable slowdown (CPU time is less than a hour for a day).

After some testing, I found the following:
  - Using CacheTrayIcon, the window repeatedly shows paths for a same
    part of the large WC. Sometimes it seems crawling same paths without
    any idle time.
  - Replacing TSVNCache.exe with it in 1.6.2 can be a workaround.

With these criteria, I suspect that the following change (r16421), which
was merged between 1.6.2 and 1.6.3, is causing this problem.
> # Merge r16420 from trunk:
> * Check whether we have changed conditions due to releasing the lock, and if we have, restart the watching loop.

Could you please take another care for this change, or other changes for
TSVNCache between 1.6.2 and 1.6.3, to avoid this problem?

I hope this problem can be fixed in upcoming 1.6.4. Please let me know
if more information required.

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Received on 2009-08-04 21:27:13 CEST

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