Stefan Küng wrote:
>Our doc build script uses SBAppLocale.exe to set the locale for the
>htmlhelp compiler. Without that, the index of chm files in languages
>that are not 'compatible' with the current OS locale are not compiled
>See here for why we have to do this:
>Now, since I've switched to Win7, this doesn't work anymore. The
>htmlhelp compiler is started by SBAppLocale, but uses up all available
>CPU time and never ends. This means I can't build the docs anymore :(
>Calling the hhc (the htmlhelp compiler) directly works, but then as
>mentioned above the Japanese docs get garbled help indexes.
>Turning off UAC or running the build as elevated Admin doesn't help either.
>Anyone got an idea on how to fix this?
Since I don't have Windows 7 at hand,
I can only speculate what is going wrong.
SteelBytes packed their SBAppLocale
with their own exe packer (exe32pack 1.44).
Maybe, the code modification (i.e. extraction)
is no longer that simple with win7.
Sadly, there is no reference to the packer
tool on their homepage anymore. I guess
that means they are no longer developing it.
-- Stefan^2.
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Received on 2009-08-02 16:16:05 CEST