I have skipped responding to some parts of the original mail. Hopefully no one minds. =)
> Those three options you mentioned ARE the "dependency manager".
> I am not convinced there are other, better options. I've done this long
> enough that you cannot convince me otherwise.
I sincerely hope that you haven't done this for so long that you cannot be convinced otherwise, but rather that you havent seen any arguments so far that have convinced you otherwise.
> The dependency management you are talking about, after briefly looking
> over Apache Ivy's website, looks like code-level dependency management.
You can use it as a general dependency manager, but it is mainly geared towards code-level dependency management for Java.
>> And to me that is a perfectly good argument not to prioritize this feature. ;-)
> Again, you're being naive and selfish.
> Just because you do not prefer this feature does not mean there aren't others
> that do. Perhaps we should take some time to hear feedback from people.
Absolutely! I'm all ears.
> Anyway, we're getting a bit off-topic from my initial post, and I blame myself
> for that. So, let's try to keep things on track. While this is a great philosophical
> discussion, we should really take it elsewhere. If you want to continue the discussion
> please email me personally so we do not cause unnecessary traffic on the mailing list.
I will do just that.
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Received on 2009-06-11 16:39:27 CEST