SF community awards
From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 21:01:40 +0200
We've made it into the finals of the Sourceforge community awards for
But to have our nomination accepted, we have to answer some questions.
1. Complete this sentence in about 140 characters: "Our project is
Lübbe's answer:
my answer:
2. Complete this sentence, also in about 140 characters: "We should win
Lübbe's answer:
my answer:
3. Please provide a logo (or screenshot, if you'd prefer) for your
Lübbe has created a logo - see attachement.
4. This one is optional, but it could make a big difference. We'd like
Ok, that's not gonna happen - I'm definitely way too ugly to have a
So please, tell us your opinion and better answers.
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