Stefan Küng wrote:
Hi Stefan,
> Hmm, you have a problem, you're using processmonitor.
> Do you also hang out a light sensor, then measure the voltage it returns
> to find out whether the sun is shinging outside instead of simply looking?
when I read the "So, be nice to them." on the reporting bugs page, I had
somehow expected that niceness would flow in both directions :-)
> Sorry for the bad analogy, but seriously: why don't people just take a
> look at the docs or even the available dialogs?
Seriously: I think it is difficult for the average user to connect a
"hanging" TortoiseSVN dialog with a full recycler. An without that
connection, it is hard to look for a solution in settings dialog or user
I have a colleague here with the same problems who never found out that
the recycler is causing the trouble. So maybe some other hint for the
user could be found to make him aware that what first looks like
horrible TortoiseSVN performance really is terrible Windows performance,
with an easy, although not obvious solution.
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