New icons
From: John Haugeland <>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 11:02:12 -0700 (PDT)
I'd like to offer new icons for TortoiseSVN/CVS. I made the first two already. If you would provide me a complete list of the shell icons needed, I would make the rest of the list.
Here are the first two (yes, the unsynced has a much thicker border than the synced, it's an attention grabber, and it's much less noticable at shell sizes):
These two applications have saved me enormous amounts of time over the years, and I'd be pleased and proud if I could give even a little bit back this way. I'd happily run all the icons, given a chance. I do not want any money. A link or a note in the docs mightbe nice, but aren't dealbreakers; I'd do this anonymously if needed.
These icons would of course be released under whatever license was appropriate, and would be made available to all other Tigris projects.
- John from
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