Jens Geyer wrote:
> Hello Stefan,
>>> Next I disabled really all checkboxes in the "drive types" area
>>> of the options dialog, excluded the \\domain\* as above and only
>>> explicitly included my local drives C:\* and D:\*
>>> Regardles of what I try, it still shows me those overlays on
>>> \\domain\share\somepath and on mapped network drives.
>> Settings dialog->Icon Overlays at the bottom, you have the option
>> "show excluded folders as normal". If you deactivate that, then you
>> won't get the 'normal' overlays on folders to indicate that a
>> folder is versioned.
> Ok, that was the solution. Perfect.
> So this small checkbox (that can be easily overlooked) in fact
> overrides all my exclusions made above? Is this correct?
Not really. The whole status fetching is still disabled/excluded as you
have configured it.
But with that option activated, the shell extension does a quick check
whether an .svn folder exists. If it does, it shows the 'normal'
overlay. But that's all: it only checks if the .svn folder exists,
nothing more! You could create an empty .svn folder without any data in
it, that would be enough to show the overlay.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
/_/ \_\
Received on 2008-06-26 11:17:01 CEST