Hi Roger,
On 22/04/2008, Roger Lipscombe <roger_at_differentpla.net> wrote:
> The user story I'm attempting to solve here is this one:
> 1. Marvin the manager assigns a ticket or task to Dave, the developer,
> using the issue-tracking or task-management software (we use
> TargetProcess, I use Trac for my personal projects).
> 2. Dave looks at his list of tasks using the issue-tracking software's
> front end (i.e. a web-dashboard). He picks something to work on this
> morning.
> 3. Dave fires up Visual Studio; hacks on some code; does some work
> toward the task.
> 4. Dave brings up TSVN's commit dialog. He types in a comment that lists:
> a) The ticket/task number of what he's been working on.
> b) Some comments about what he's changed.
> c) How long he's spent working on the task.
> d) How long he thinks is remaining.
> 5. He clicks OK, and his changes are committed to the repository.
> 6. TargetProcess monitors the SVN repository, watching for commits. It
> sees Dave's commit message, extracts the information from it, and
> updates the task, by adding "time" to it.
> 7. Marvin looks in TargetProcess, and can monitor the project's progress.
> As it stands, TSVN supports (most of) this admirably. For example, with
> the Trac integration, I can put "See #43" or "Fixes #99" somewhere in
> the commit message, and Trac's post-commit hook will update the tickets
> accordingly.
> However:
> 1. Dave has to keep the issue-tracker front-end open in order to look up
> the ticket numbers.
> 2. Some issue trackers want more information (e.g. time spent, time
> remaining), and it needs to be formatted more rigidly. For example,
> TargetProcess wants something like (from memory): "task:66 spent:3
> remaining:2 comment:Move strings to resource files"
Why not reverse the way Dave works: let him update the issue via the
issue tracker and then let the tracker start the commit with a
pre-formatted commit message (put the burden of accessing (T)SVN on
the issue tracker, not the other way around?
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Received on 2008-04-22 08:54:40 CEST