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Re: Revision graph for subclipse

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:06:33 +0100

Suran Jayathilaka wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a student intending to take part in GSoC 2008. I am interested in
> the subclipse project of adding Revision Graph support for subclipse.
> A major issue presenting itself in this regards is the task of
> retrieving the necessary information from the repository for building
> the revision graph. Is there any documentation available for the
> algorithm used to achieve this? Any feedback would be greatly
> appreciated.

To create a revision graph, you need the information where an URL gets
copied to for each revision. Subversion doesn't store that information,
only backwards. That means you have to recreate that information:

* get the log for the repository root
* go through *all* revisions, create an object for every revision the
URL you want to show the graph for is mentioned (including all parents
of that URL)
* go through all created objects from HEAD to rev0, find all "copyfrom"
revisions (you see those in the svn log). Create an object for each of
the copyfrom revisions. Create a link in those objects who point to the
target (so the copyfrom object points to the object which has the
copyfrom information).

Now you have an object tree which you can use to follow the copies


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Received on 2008-03-25 14:07:45 CET

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