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Progress Dialog (again)

From: Damian L. Powell <damian_at_shadow-angel.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:32:11 -0000

Hi TSVN Devs,


I know this subject keeps going around over and over again, but please
bear with me.


On the current (trunk) version of the progress dialog the Mime type
column takes up lots of space, the Path column takes up a medium amount,
and the Action column takes up a small amount of space. Now I think this
is odd because the Mime type column is very rarely used (at least in the
repositories I've seen) so it seems strange to give it such a large
amount of space. The Action column usually only has a small amount of
text in it (at least in the English version) so it seems wierd to
restrict it so that it shows ellipsises dots!


Here's my suggested solution to this problem:


1. When the progress dialog is initially displayed, set the Action
column to the width of the largest text that will appear inside it.

2. Set the width of the Mime type column to the width of
"application/rss+xml". This is a suitably long mime type which should
provide enough space for most common mime types.

3. Set the width of the Path column to the width of whatever space is
left minus the width of the vertical scroll bar (in order to prevent the
horizontal bar showing up when we scroll off the end of the client

4. If the dialog is resized, adjust the width of the Path Column
accordingly and keep Action and Mime type at the same width.


This should avoid the expense of having to recalculate the column widths
after each new row is added, and also the inconvenience of relying on a


I understand that you're probably sick of making these changes so if you
think these changes are sensible, then I volunteer to create and submit
a patch that implements them. Comments please...





Received on 2008-01-28 13:38:17 CET

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