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New doc translation - Slovenian

From: Matjaz Cepon <matjaz.cepon_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2007-11-07 07:30:06 CET


I have translated both TSVN and TMerge docs into Slovenian language. The
translation is based on 11278 revision of .pot files.

Can you give me the permissions to commit the files in the future myself
(also for GUI translation)? My tigris.org ID is matjaz.


# Slovenian translation for TortoiseSVN
# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 the TortoiseSVN team
# This file is distributed under the same license as TortoiseSVN
# Authors
# Matjaz Cepon <matjaz.cepon@gmail.com>, 2007
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: TortoiseSVN Documentation\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-07 07:17+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Matjaz Cepon <matjaz.cepon@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: TortoiseSVN translation team <dev@tortoisesvn.tigris.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Slovenian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVENIA\n"

#. (title)
#. (secondary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2909
msgid "TortoiseSVN"
msgstr "TortoiseSVN"

#. (subtitle)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5
msgid "A Subversion client for Windows"
msgstr "Odjemalec za Subversion za Windows"

#. TRANSLATORS: "$MajorVersion$.$MinorVersion$.$MicroVersion$" is a literal value and should not be translated
#. (subtitle)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6
msgid "Version $MajorVersion$.$MinorVersion$.$MicroVersion$"
msgstr "Version $MajorVersion$.$MinorVersion$.$MicroVersion$"

#. (edition)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8
msgid "First"
msgstr "Prva"

#. (firstname)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11
msgid "Stefan"
msgstr "Stefan"

#. (surname)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12
msgid "Küng"
msgstr "Küng"

#. (firstname)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:15
msgid "Lübbe"
msgstr "Lübbe"

#. (surname)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:16
msgid "Onken"
msgstr "Onken"

#. (firstname)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:19
msgid "Simon"
msgstr "Simon"

#. (surname)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:20
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Large"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:27
msgid "Preface"
msgstr "Predgovor"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:35
msgid "Do you work in a team?"
msgstr "Delate v teamu?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:40
msgid "Has it ever happened that you were working on a file, and someone else was working on the same file at the same time? Did you lose your changes to that file because of that?"
msgstr "Se vam je že kdaj zgodilo, da ste popravljali datoteko istoasno kot nekdo drug? Ste zaradi tega izgubili narejene spremembe?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:47
msgid "Have you ever saved a file, and then wanted to revert the changes you made? Have you ever wished you could see what a file looked like some time ago?"
msgstr "Ste že kdaj shranili datoteko in potem želeli spremembe preklicati? Ste si kdaj želeli, da bi lahko videli, kako je datoteka izgledala pred asom?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:54
msgid "Have you ever found a bug in your project and wanted to know when that bug got into your files?"
msgstr "Ste kdaj našli hroša v svojem projektu in ste želeli izvedeti, kdaj se je prikradel tja?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:61
msgid "If you answered <quote>yes</quote> to one of these questions, then TortoiseSVN is for you! Just read on to find out how TortoiseSVN can help you in your work. It's not that difficult."
msgstr "Œe ste vsaj na eno vprašanje odgovorili z <quote>da</quote>, potem je TortoiseSVN za vas! Preberite si, kako vam lahko TortoiseSVN pomaga pri delu. Sploh ni težko."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:71
msgid "Audience"
msgstr "Ciljna publika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:72
msgid "This book is written for computer literate folk who want to use Subversion to manage their data, but are uncomfortable using the command line client to do so. Since TortoiseSVN is a windows shell extension it's assumed that the user is familiar with the windows explorer and knows how to use it."
msgstr "Kniga je napisana za raunalniško pismene uporabnike, ki želijo uporabljati Subversion, vendar niso veši dela preko ukazne vrstice. Ker je TortoiseSVN razširitev Windowsove lupine, predpostavljamo, da uporabnik pozna Raziskovalca in ga zna uporabljati."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:84
msgid "Reading Guide"
msgstr "Vodnik po knjigi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:85
msgid "This <emphasis>Preface</emphasis> explains a little about the TortoiseSVN project, the community of people who work on it, and the licensing conditions for using it and distributing it."
msgstr "<emphasis>Predgovor</emphasis> razloži nekaj osnove projekta TortoiseSVN, pove nekaj o skupnosti ljudi, ki delajo na tem projektu ter o licennih pogojih uporabe in distribucije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:90
msgid "The <emphasis>Introduction</emphasis> explains what TortoiseSVN is, what it does, where it comes from and the basics for installing it on your PC."
msgstr "V poglavju <emphasis>Uvod</emphasis> si pogledamo, kaj TortoiseSVN je, kaj lahko naredi, od kje prihaja in osnove namestitve."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:95
msgid "In <emphasis>Basic Concepts</emphasis> we give a short introduction to the <emphasis>Subversion</emphasis> revision control system which underlies TortoiseSVN. This is borrowed from the documentation for the Subversion project and explains the different approaches to version control, and how Subversion works."
msgstr "Poglavje <emphasis>Osnovni principi</emphasis> poda nekaj osnov o sistemu za nadzor razliic <emphasis>Subversion</emphasis>, ki je podlaga za TortoiseSVN. Ta del je izposojen iz dokumentacije Subversion in ponazori razline pristope k vodenju razliic datotek in delovanje sistema Subversion."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:102
msgid "Even most Subversion users will never have to set up a server themselves. The next chapter deals with how to set up such a server, and is useful for administrators."
msgstr "Œeprav veini uporabnikov sistema Subversion ne bo nikoli potrebno postavljati strežnika, naslednje poglavje opiše, kako se to naredi. Primerno je za administratorje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:107
msgid "The chapter on <emphasis>The Repository</emphasis> explains how to set up a local repository, which is useful for testing Subversion and TortoiseSVN using a single PC. It also explains a bit about repository administration which is also relevant to repositories located on a server."
msgstr "Poglavje <emphasis>Skladiše</emphasis> razloži, kako narediti krajevno skladiše, ki je uporabno za preizkušanje programov Subversion in TortoiseSVN z uporabo enega samega raunalnika. Poleg tega opiše osnove administracije skladiša, kar se nanaša tudi na skladiša na strežniku."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:113
msgid "The <emphasis>Daily Use Guide</emphasis> is the most important section as it explains all the main features of TortoiseSVN and how to use them. It takes the form of a tutorial, starting with checking out a working copy, modifying it, committing your changes, etc. It then progresses to more advanced topics."
msgstr "<emphasis>Dnevna uporaba</emphasis> je najpomembnejše poglavje, saj so v njem razložene vse glavne zmožnosti programa TortoiseSVN in njihova uporaba. Napisano je kot vodnik. Zane se z prevzemom delovne kopije, njenim spreminjanjem, nadaljuje pa z objavo narejenih sprememb. V nadaljevanju so razložene zahtevnejše tematike."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:120
msgid "<emphasis>SubWCRev</emphasis> is a separate program included with TortoiseSVN which can extract the information from your working copy and write it into a file. This is useful for including build information in your projects."
msgstr "<emphasis>SubWCRev</emphasis> je zunanji program, ki je vkljuen v paket TortoiseSVN. Z njegovo pomojo lahko izlušimo informacije iz delovne kopije in jih zapišemo v datoteko. To je uporabno, e želimo v projekt vkljuiti informacijo o številki revizije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:125
msgid "The <emphasis>How Do I...</emphasis> section answers some common questions about performing tasks which are not explicitly covered elsewhere."
msgstr "Poglavje <emphasis>Kako naredim...</emphasis> poda odgovore na nekatera pogosta vprašanje o zmožnostih, ki niso opisana v ostalih poglavjih."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:129
msgid "The section on <emphasis>Automating TortoiseSVN</emphasis> shows how the TortoiseSVN GUI dialogs can be called from the command line. This is useful for scripting where you still need user interaction."
msgstr "Poglavje <emphasis>Avtomatizacija TortoiseSVN</emphasis> ponazori, kako lahko kliemo pogovorna okna TortoiseSVN iz ukazne vrstice. To je primerno za pisanje skrip, v katerih še vedno želimo uporabnikove odzive."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:134
msgid "The <emphasis>Command Line Cross Reference</emphasis> give a correlation between TortoiseSVN commands and their equivalents in the Subversion command line client <literal>svn.exe</literal>."
msgstr "Poglavje <emphasis>Ekvivalentni ukazi v ukazni vrstici</emphasis> poda seznam ukazov TortoiseSVN in njihovih sorodnih ukazov v odjemalcu Subversion za ukazno vrstico (<literal>svn.exe</literal>)."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:144
msgid "TortoiseSVN is free!"
msgstr "TortoiseSVN je brezplaen!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:145
msgid "TortoiseSVN is free. You don't have to pay to use it, and you can use it any way you want. It is developed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)."
msgstr "Program TortoiseSVN je brezplaen. Za njegovo uporabo vam ni potrebno plaati. Uporabljate ga lahko, kakor želite. Razvit je pod licenco GNU General Public License (GPL)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:149
msgid "TortoiseSVN is an Open Source project. That means you have full access to the source code of this program. You can browse it on this link <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/\"><citetitle>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/</citetitle></ulink>. (Username:guest, for password hit enter) The most recent version (where we're currently working) is located under <filename>/trunk/</filename> the released versions are located under <filename>/tags/</filename>."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN je odptrokodni projekt. To pomeni, da imate popolnoma prost dostop do izvorne kode programa. Po njej lahko brskate, če kliknete na povezavo <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/\"><citetitle>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/</citetitle></ulink>. (Uporabniško ime: guest, geslo: &lt;pustite prazno&gt;). Najnovejša različica, na kateri trenutno delamo, se nahaja v mapi <filename>/trunk/</filename>, končne izdaje pa v mapi <filename>/tags/</filename>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:168
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Skupnost"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:169
msgid "Both TortoiseSVN and Subversion are developed by a community of people who are working on those projects. They come from different countries all over the world and joined together to create wonderful programs."
msgstr "Projekta TortoiseSVN in Subversion razvija skupnost ljudi, ki prihajajo iz vseh koncev sveta in ki so se združili, da bi ustvarjali udovite programe."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:180
msgid "Acknowledgments"
msgstr "Zasluge"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:183
msgid "Tim Kemp"
msgstr "Tim Kemp"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:185
msgid "for founding the TortoiseSVN project"
msgstr "za ustanovitev projekta TortoiseSVN"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:191
msgid "Stefan Küng"
msgstr "Stefan Küng"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:193
msgid "for the hard work to get TortoiseSVN to what it is now"
msgstr "za trdo delo, s katerim je pripomogel, da je TortoiseSVN danes to, kar je"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:199
msgid "Lübbe Onken"
msgstr "Lübbe Onken"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:201
msgid "for the beautiful icons, logo, bug hunting and taking care of the documentation"
msgstr "za udovite ikone, logotip, iskanje napak in urejanje dokumentacije"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:208
msgid "The Subversion Book"
msgstr "The Subversion Book"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:210
msgid "for the great introduction to Subversion and its chapter 2 which we copied here"
msgstr "za izvrsten uvod v sistem Subversion in poglavje številka dve, ki smo ga uporabili v tej knjigi"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:217
msgid "The Tigris Style project"
msgstr "The Tigris Style project"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:219
msgid "for some of the styles which are reused in this documentation"
msgstr "za nekatere stile, ki smo jih uporabili v tej dokumentaciji"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:225
msgid "Our Contributors"
msgstr "Zunanji sodelavci"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:227
msgid "for the patches, bug reports and new ideas, and for helping others by answering questions on our mailing list."
msgstr "za popravke, poroila o napakah in nove ideje in za pomo ostalim, podano preko naših dopisnih seznamov"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:234
msgid "Our Donators"
msgstr "Naši donatorji"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:236
msgid "for many hours of joy with the music they sent us"
msgstr "za številne ure užitkov ob poslušanju glasbe, ki so nam jo poslali"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:247
msgid "Terminology used in this document"
msgstr "Terminologija, uporabljena v knjigi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:248
msgid "To make reading the docs easier, the names of all the screens and Menus from TortoiseSVN are marked up in a different font. The <guilabel>Log Dialog</guilabel> for instance."
msgstr "Da bi olajšali branje knjige, so imena vseh oken in menijev TortoiseSVN oznaena z drugo barvo, npr. <guilabel>Dnevnik</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:253
msgid "A menu choice is indicated with an arrow. <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Log</guimenuitem></menuchoice> means: select <emphasis>Show Log</emphasis> from the <emphasis>TortoiseSVN</emphasis> context menu."
msgstr "Izbira v meniju je prikazana s pušico. <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži dnevnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice> pomeni: iz kontekstnega menija <emphasis>TortoiseSVN</emphasis> izberite <emphasis>Pokaži dnevnik</emphasis>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:262
msgid "Where a local context menu appears within one of the TortoiseSVN dialogs, it is shown like this: <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save As ...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"
msgstr "V primeru, ko se kontekstni meni pojavi znotraj enega od pogovornih oken sistema TortoiseSVN, je to prikazano takole: <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Shrani kot ...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:270
msgid "User Interface Buttons are indicated like this: Press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to continue."
msgstr "Gumbi uporabniškega vmesnika so prikazani takole: Za nadaljevanje pritisnite <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:274
msgid "User Actions are indicated using a bold font. <action>ALT+A</action>: press the <keycap>ALT</keycap>-Key on your keyboard and while holding it down press the <keycap>A</keycap>-Key as well. <action>Right-drag</action>: press the right mouse button and while holding it down <emphasis>drag</emphasis> the items to the new location."
msgstr "Uporabnikove akcije so nakazane z uporabo polkrepke pisave. <action>ALT+A</action>: pritisnite in držite tipko <keycap>ALT</keycap> na tipkovnici, hkrati pa pritisnite še tipko <keycap>A</keycap>. <action>Desni poteg</action>: pritisnite desno tipko na miški, jo držite in <emphasis>povlecite</emphasis> elemente na novo lokacijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:282
msgid "System output and keyboard input is indicated with a <literal>different</literal> font as well."
msgstr "Odgovor sistema in vnos preko tipkovnice sta prav tako ponazorjena z <literal>drugano</literal> pisavo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:287
msgid "Important notes are marked with an icon."
msgstr "Pomembne opombe so oznaene z ikono."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:292
msgid "Tips that make your life easier."
msgstr "Napotki za lažje delo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:297
msgid "Places where you have to be careful what you are doing."
msgstr "Kjer morate biti previdni, kaj ponete."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:302
msgid "Where extreme care has to be taken, data corruption or other nasty things may occur if these warnings are ignored."
msgstr "Kjer morate biti še posebej previdni, saj lahko ob neupoštevanju pride do okvare podatkov ali ostalih hudih zapletov."

#. (title)
#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:311
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1476
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2490
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Uvod"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:314
msgid "version control"
msgstr "nadzor razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:317
msgid "Version control is the art of managing changes to information. It has long been a critical tool for programmers, who typically spend their time making small changes to software and then undoing or checking some of those changes the next day. Imagine a team of such developers working concurrently - and perhaps even simultaneously on the very same files! - and you can see why a good system is needed to <emphasis>manage the potential chaos</emphasis>."
msgstr "Nadzor razliic je umetnost vodenja sprememb informacij. Že dolgo je orodje kritinega pomena za programerje, ki tipino porabijo veliko asa za male spremembe na programski opremi, naslednji dan pa nekatere izmed njih razveljavijo ali preverijo. Zamislite si ekipo razvijalcev programske opreme, ki dela soasno na istih datotekah in videli boste, zakaj je potreben dober sistem za <emphasis> vodenje potencialnega nereda</emphasis>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:331
msgid "What is TortoiseSVN?"
msgstr "Kaj je TortoiseSVN?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:332
msgid "TortoiseSVN is a free open-source client for the <firstterm>Subversion</firstterm> version control system. That is, TortoiseSVN manages files and directories over time. Files are stored in a central <firstterm>repository</firstterm>. The repository is much like an ordinary file server, except that it remembers every change ever made to your files and directories. This allows you to recover older versions of your files and examine the history of how and when your data changed, and who changed it. This is why many people think of Subversion and version control systems in general as a sort of <quote>time machine</quote>."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN je brezplaen odprtokodni odjemalec za sistem nadzora razliic <firstterm>Subversion</firstterm>. TortoiseSVN upravlja datoteke in mape skozi as. Datoteke so shranjene v centralnem <firstterm>skladišu</firstterm>. Skladiše je podobno obiajnemu strežniku datotek, s to razliko, da si zapomni vse spremembe, ki so bile kdajkoli narejene na datotekah in mapah. To omogoa, da lahko pridobite starejšo razliico datoteke in pogledate skozi zgodovino, kako so se podatki spreminjali in kdo je spremembe napravil. Prav zato veliko ljudi smatra Subversion in tudi ostale sisteme za nadzor razliic kot neke vrste <quote>asovni stroj</quote>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:344
msgid "Some version control systems are also software configuration management (SCM) systems. These systems are specifically tailored to manage trees of source code, and have many features that are specific to software development - such as natively understanding programming languages, or supplying tools for building software. Subversion, however, is not one of these systems; it is a general system that can be used to manage <emphasis>any</emphasis> collection of files, including source code."
msgstr "Nekateri sistemi za nadroz razliic so posebej prikrojeni za urejanje dreves izvorne kode in imajo veliko zmožnosti, ki so specifine za razvoj programske opreme - na primer razumevanje programskih jezikov ali dodatna orodja za njhovo gradnjo. To so sistemi SCM (software configuration management). Subversion ni tak sistem; je splošen sistem, ki omogoa urejanje <emphasis>katerokoli</emphasis> zbirke datotek, vkljuno z datotekami izvorne kode."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:360
msgid "TortoiseSVN's History"
msgstr "Zgodovina TortoiseSVN"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:361
msgid "In 2002, Tim Kemp found that Subversion was a very good version control system, but it lacked a good GUI client. The idea for a Subversion client as a Windows shell integration was inspired by the similar client for CVS named TortoiseCVS."
msgstr "Leta 2002 je Tim Kemp ugotovil, da je Subversion zelo dober sistem za nadzor razliic, a brez grafinega uporabniškega vmesnika. Idejo za odjemalca kot lupino sistema Windows je dobil iz podobnega odjemalca za sistem CVS - TortoiseCSV."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:367
msgid "Tim studied the source code of TortoiseCVS and used it as a base for TortoiseSVN. He then started the project, registered the domain <literal>tortoisesvn.org</literal> and put the source code online. During that time, Stefan Küng was looking for a good and free version control system and found Subversion and the source for TortoiseSVN. Since TortoiseSVN was still not ready for use then he joined the project and started programming. Soon he rewrote most of the existing code and started adding commands and features, up to a point where nothing of the original code remained."
msgstr "Tim je preuil izvorno kodo aplikacije TortoiseCVS in jo uporabil kot osnovo za TortoiseSVN. Nato je zael s projektom, registriral domeno <literal>tortoisesvn.org</literal> in objavil izvorno kodo. Med tem asom je Stefan Küng iskal dober brezplaen sistem za nadzor razliic in našel Subversion ter izvorno kodo za TortoiseSVN. Ker aplikacija še ni bila primerna za uporabo, se je pridružil projektu in zael programirati. Kmalu je na novo napisal veji del obstojee kode in zael dodajati nove ukaze in zmožnosti. Prvotna koda je kmalu povsem izginila."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:378
msgid "As Subversion became more stable it attracted more and more users who also started using TortoiseSVN as their Subversion client. The user base grew quickly (and is still growing every day). That's when Lübbe Onken offered to help out with some nice icons and a logo for TortoiseSVN. And he takes care of the website and manages the translation."
msgstr "S tem, ko je sistem Subversion postal bolj stabilen, je pridobival vedno ve uporabnikov, ki so uporabljali TortoiseSVN kot odjemalca za Subversion. Število uporabnikov je hitro narašalo (in raste še danes). Takrat je Lübbe Onken ponudil svojo pomo in izdelal lepe ikone in logotip za TortoiseSVN. Ureja tudi spletno stran in ureja prevode."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:391
msgid "TortoiseSVN's Features"
msgstr "Zmožnosti TortoiseSVN"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:392
msgid "What makes TortoiseSVN such a good Subversion client? Here's a short list of features."
msgstr "Zakaj je TortoiseSVN tako dober odjemalec za Subversion? Tukaj je kratek seznam njegovih zmožnosti."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:398
msgid "Shell integration"
msgstr "Integracija z lupino"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:401
msgid "Windows shell"
msgstr "Lupina Windows"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:404
msgid "explorer"
msgstr "raziskovalec"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:406
msgid "TortoiseSVN integrates seamlessly into the Windows shell (i.e. the explorer). This means you can keep working with the tools you're already familiar with. And you do not have to change into a different application each time you need functions of the version control!"
msgstr "TortoiseSVN se integrira v lupino operacijskega sistema Windows (v Raziskovalca). To pomeni, da lahko še naprej delate z orodji, ki jih poznate. In ni vam potrebno zamenjati aplikacije vsaki, ko želite uporabiti funkcije sistema za nadzor razliic!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:413
msgid "And you are not even forced to use the Windows Explorer. TortoiseSVN's context menus work in many other file managers, and in the File/Open dialog which is common to most standard Windows applications. You should, however, bear in mind that TortoiseSVN is intentionally developed as extension for the Windows Explorer. Thus it is possible that in other applications the integration is not as complete and e.g. the icon overlays may not be shown."
msgstr "Pri tem pa vam ni nujno uporabljati ravno Raziskovalca. Kontekstni meniji TortoiseSVN delujejo v velikem številu upravljalnikov datotek, prav tako pa tudi v pogovornem oknu File/Open (Datoteka/Odpri), ki se nahaja v vseh standardnih programih sistema Windows. Morate pa se vesas zavedati, da je TortoiseSVN namenoma izdelan kot nadgradnja Raziskovalca. Zato je možno, da v drugih aplikacij ne deluje popolnoma pravilno, n. pr. lahko se pojavijo težave pri prikazu prekrivnih ikon."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:427
msgid "Icon overlays"
msgstr "Prekrivne ikone"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:429
msgid "The status of every versioned file and folder is indicated by small overlay icons. That way you can see right away what the status of your working copy is."
msgstr "Status vsake datoteke pod nadzorom razliic nakazuje majhna prekrivna ikona. Tako lahko hitro vidite, kakšen je status vaše delovne kopije."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:437
msgid "Easy access to Subversion commands"
msgstr "Preprost dostop do ukazov sistema Subversion"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:439
msgid "All Subversion commands are available from the explorer context menu. TortoiseSVN adds its own submenu there."
msgstr "Vsi ukazi sistema Subversion so na razpolago v kontekstnem meniju Raziskovalca. TortoiseSVN doda tja svoj lasten pomeni."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:446
msgid "Since TortoiseSVN is a Subversion client, we would also like to show you some of the features of Subversion itself:"
msgstr "Ker je TortoiseSVN odjemalec za Subversion, vam bomo prikazali tudi nekaj zmožnosti samega sistema Subversion:"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:452
msgid "Directory versioning"
msgstr "Vodenje razliic map"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:454
msgid "CVS only tracks the history of individual files, but Subversion implements a <quote>virtual</quote> versioned filesystem that tracks changes to whole directory trees over time. Files <emphasis>and</emphasis> directories are versioned. As a result, there are real client-side <command>move</command> and <command>copy</command> commands that operate on files and directories."
msgstr "CVS upravlja le zgodovino posameznih datotek, Subversion pa ima <quote>virtualni</quote> datoteni sistem pod nadzorom razliic, ki upravlja spremembe na celotnem drevesu map. Pod nadzorom so datoteke <emphasis>in</emphasis> mape. Posledica tega je, da imamo na strani odjemalca na razpolago ukaza <command>premakni</command> in <command>kopiraj</command>, ki delujeta na datotekah in mapah."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:467
msgid "Atomic commits"
msgstr "Atomine objave"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:469
msgid "A commit either goes into the repository completely, or not at all. This allows developers to construct and commit changes as logical chunks."
msgstr "Objava zapiše vse spremembe v skladiše ali pa jih sploh ne zapiše. To omogoa razvijalcem, da sestavijo in objavijo spremembe kot logine celote."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:477
msgid "Versioned metadata"
msgstr "Metapodatki pod nadzorom razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:479
msgid "Each file and directory has an invisible set of <quote>properties</quote> attached. You can invent and store any arbitrary key/value pairs you wish. Properties are versioned over time, just like file contents."
msgstr "Vsaka datoteka in mapa ima prirejeno nevidno množico <quote>lastnosti</quote>. Lahko si izmislite kakršen koli par klju/vrednost. Lastnosti so pod nadzorom razliic, prav tako kot vsebina datoteke."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:489
msgid "Choice of network layers"
msgstr "Izbira plasti omrežja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:491
msgid "Subversion has an abstracted notion of repository access, making it easy for people to implement new network mechanisms. Subversion's <quote>advanced</quote> network server is a module for the Apache web server, which speaks a variant of HTTP called WebDAV/DeltaV. This gives Subversion a big advantage in stability and interoperability, and provides various key features for free: authentication, authorization, wire compression, and repository browsing, for example. A smaller, standalone Subversion server process is also available. This server speaks a custom protocol which can be easily tunneled over ssh."
msgstr "Subversion je vpeljal abstrakten koncept dostopa do skladiša, kar uporabnikom omogoa, da izdelajo nove omrežne mehanizme. Subversionov <quote>napredni</quote> mrežni strežnik je modul za spletni strežnik Apache, ki govori nareje protokola HTTP, imenovano WebDAV/DeltaV. To daje sistemu Subversion veliko prednosti glede stabilnosti in povezovanja, prinaša pa še številne zmožnosti, n. pr.: avtentikacijo, avtorizacijo, wire compression in brskanje po skladišu. Na razpolago pa je tudi manjši, samostojen strežnik za Subversion. Strežnik se pogovarja po prilagojenem protokolu, ki se ga preprosto preusmeri preko ssh."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:508
msgid "Consistent data handling"
msgstr "Konsistentno rokovanje s podatki"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:510
msgid "Subversion expresses file differences using a binary differencing algorithm, which works identically on both text (human-readable) and binary (human-unreadable) files. Both types of files are stored equally compressed in the repository, and differences are transmitted in both directions across the network."
msgstr "Subversion predstavi razlike med datotekami z dvojiškim algoritmom za razlikovanje, ki deluje tako na tekstovnih (uporabniku berljivih) kot na dvojiških (uporabniku neberljivih) datotekah. Datoteke obeh tipov so enako stisnjene in shranjene v skladišu, razlike pa se prenašajo v obeh smereh po mreži."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:521
msgid "Efficient branching and tagging"
msgstr "Uinkovita uporaba vej in oznak"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:523
msgid "The cost of branching and tagging need not be proportional to the project size. Subversion creates branches and tags by simply copying the project, using a mechanism similar to a hard-link. Thus these operations take only a very small, constant amount of time, and very little space in the repository."
msgstr "Cena vej in oznak ni nujno sorazmerna z velikostjo projekta. Subversion ustvari veje in oznake tako, da projekt skopira z uporabo mehanizma, podobnega simbolnim povezavam. Tako ti operaciji trajata zelo kratek (konstanten) as in zavzameta zelo malo prostora v skladišu."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:534
msgid "Hackability"
msgstr "Možnost vkljuevanja v druge aplikacije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:536
msgid "Subversion has no historical baggage; it is implemented as a collection of shared C libraries with well-defined APIs. This makes Subversion extremely maintainable and usable by other applications and languages."
msgstr "Sistem Subversion nima zgodovine. Razvit je kot zbirka knjižnic v jeziku C z dobro definiranim programskim vmesnikom (API). Zato je Subversion zelo primeren za vzdrževanje in uporabo s strani ostalih aplikacij in jezikov."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:550
msgid "Installing TortoiseSVN"
msgstr "Namestitev TortoiseSVN"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:552
msgid "System requirements"
msgstr "Sistemske zahteve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:553
msgid "TortoiseSVN runs on Windows 2000 SP2, Windows XP or higher. Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows NT4 are no longer supported since TortoiseSVN 1.2.0, but you can still download the older versions if you really need them."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN deluje na sistemih Windows 2000 SP2, Windows XP ali novejšem. Od verzije TortoiseSVN 1.2.0 ne podpiramo sistemov Windows 98, Windows ME in Windows NT4. Œe želite uporabljati TortoiseSVN na teh sistemih, lahko na naši domai strani najdete starejše razliice."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:559
msgid "If you encounter any problems during or after installing TortoiseSVN please refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-faq\"/> first."
msgstr "Œe med namestitvijo TortoiseSVN ali po njej naletite na težave, se najprej obrnite na <xref linkend=\"tsvn-faq\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:567
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "Namestitev"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:569
msgid "install"
msgstr "namesti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:571
msgid "TortoiseSVN comes with an easy to use installer. Double click on the installer file and follow the instructions. The installer will take care of the rest. If you want to install TortoiseSVN for <emphasis>all users</emphasis> then you must have administrator rights on your system. If you don't have those rights, TortoiseSVN will automatically install for the current user only."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN ima enostaven namestitveni program. Dvokliknite na namestitveno datoteko in sledite navodilom. Namestitveni program bo poskrbel za vse potrebno. Œe želite namestiti TortoiseSVN za <emphasis>vse uporabnike</emphasis>, morate imeti na raunalniku administratorske pravice. Œe teh pravic nimate, se bo TortoiseSVN samodejno namestil za trenutnega uporabnika."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:581
msgid "If you don't have the latest C-runtime and MFC libraries installed, you still must have Administrator privileges to install TortoiseSVN. But once those libraries are installed, you can update or install TortoiseSVN without those privileges."
msgstr "Œe nimate namešenih najnovejših knjižnic C in MFC, za namestitev sistema TortoiseSVN vseeno potrebujete administratorske pravice . Ko so knjižnice namešene, lahko TortoiseSVN posodobite ali namestite kot navaden uporabnik."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:590
msgid "Language Packs"
msgstr "Jezikovni paketi"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:592
msgid "language packs"
msgstr "jezikovni paketi"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:595
msgid "translations"
msgstr "prevodi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:597
msgid "The TortoiseSVN user interface has been translated into many different languages, so you may be able to download a language pack to suit your needs. You can find the language packs on our <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/translation_status\"><citetitle>translation status page</citetitle></ulink>. And if there is no language pack available yet, why not join the team and submit your own translation ;-)"
msgstr "Uporabniški vmesnik TortoiseSVN je preveden v veliko jezikov, med drugim tudi v slovenščino. Jezikovne pakete najdete <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/translation_status\"><citetitle> na tem naslovu</citetitle></ulink>. Če jezikovnega paketa za vaš jezik ni, se lahko pridružite naši ekipi in naredite lasten prevod ;-)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:608
msgid "Each language pack is packaged as a <literal>.exe</literal> installer. Just run the install program and follow the instructions. Next time you restart, the translation will be available."
msgstr "Vsak jezikovni paket je na razpolago v obliki namestitvenega programa <literal>.exe</literal>. Poženite ga in sledite navodilom. Ob naslednjem zagonu programa bo TortoiseSVN uporabljal izbrani jezik."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:615
msgid "Spellchecker"
msgstr "Œrkovalnik"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:617
msgid "spellchecker"
msgstr "rkovalnik"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:620
msgid "dictionary"
msgstr "slovar"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:622
msgid "TortoiseSVN includes a spell checker which allows you to check your commit log messages. This is especially useful if the project language is not your native language. The spell checker uses the same dictionary files as <ulink url=\"http://openoffice.org\"><citetitle>OpenOffice</citetitle></ulink> and <ulink url=\"http://mozilla.org\"><citetitle>Mozilla</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN vsebuje črkovalnik, ki vam omogoča, da preverite sporočila v dnevniškem zapisu. To je še posebej pomembno, če na projektu uporabljate jezik, ki ni vaš materin jezik. Črkovalnik uporablja iste datoteke s slovarjem kot <ulink url=\"http://openoffice.org\"><citetitle>OpenOffice</citetitle></ulink> in <ulink url=\"http://mozilla.org\"><citetitle>Mozilla</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:635
msgid "The installer automatically adds the US and UK English dictionaries. If you want other languages, the easiest option is simply to install one of TortoiseSVN's language packs. This will install the appropriate dictionary files as well as the TortoiseSVN local user interface. Next time you restart, the dictionary will be available too."
msgstr "Namestitveni program samodejno doda slovarja za ameriško in britansko anglešino. Œe želite rkovalnik za kak dodaten jezik, je najlažja možnost, da namestite jezikovni paket programa TortoiseSVN za ta jezik. Le-ta bo namestil ustrezen slovar, poleg tega pa tudi uporabniški vmesnik v izbranem jeziku. Ko boste ponovno zagnali sistem, vam bo na voljo tudi ta slovar."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:643
msgid "Or you can install the dictionaries yourself. If you have OpenOffice or Mozilla installed, you can copy those dictionaries, which are located in the installation folders for those applications. Otherwise, you need to download the required dictionary files from <ulink url=\"http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries\"><citetitle>http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries</citetitle></ulink>"
msgstr "Slovarje lahko namestite tudi sami. Če imate nameščene aplikacije OpenOffice ali Mozilla, lahko prekopirate njihove slovarje, ki se nahajajo v namestitvenih mapah za teh aplikacij. V nasprotnem primeru morate prenesti zahtevane slovarje iz <ulink url=\"http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries\"><citetitle>http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries</citetitle></ulink>"

#. (filename)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:660
msgid "en_US.aff"
msgstr "en_US.aff"

#. (filename)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:665
msgid "en_US.dic"
msgstr "en_US.dic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:652
msgid "Once you have got the dictionary files, you probably need to rename them so that the filenames only have the locale chars in it. Example: <placeholder-1/> Then just copy them to the <filename>bin</filename> sub-folder of the TortoiseSVN installation folder. Normally this will be <filename>C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin</filename>. If you don't want to litter the <filename>bin</filename> sub-folder, you can instead place your spell checker files in <filename>C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\Languages</filename>. If that folder isn't there, you have to create it first. The next time you start TortoiseSVN, the spell checker will be available."
msgstr "Ko imate datoteke slovarjev, jih morate verjetno preimenovati, tako da vsebujejo le nize, ki oznaujejo jezik. Primer: <placeholder-1/> Potem jih le prekopirajte v podmapo <filename>bin</filename> namestitvene mape TortoiseSVN. Obiajno je ta pot <filename>C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin</filename>. Œe ne želite smetiti po podmapi <filename>bin</filename>, lahko datoteke rkovalnika namesitve v mapo <filename>C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\Languages</filename>. Œe ta mapa še ne obstaja, jo morate naprej ustvariti. Ko boste TortoiseSVN naslednji zagnali, bo rkovalnik na voljo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:683
msgid "Check the <literal>tsvn:projectlanguage</literal> setting. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/> for information about setting project properties."
msgstr "Preveri nastavitev <literal>tsvn:projectlanguage</literal>. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/> za informacije o nastavitvi projektnih lastnosti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:690
msgid "If no project language is set, or that language is not installed, try the language corresponding to the Windows locale."
msgstr "Œe projektni jezik ni nastavljen ali nastavljeni jezik ni namešen, poiskusi z jezikom sistema Windows."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:696
msgid "If the exact Windows locale doesn't work, try the <quote>Base</quote> language, eg. <literal>de_CH</literal> (Swiss-German) falls back to <literal>de_DE</literal> (German)."
msgstr "Œe jezik sistema Windows ne deluje, poizkusi <quote>osnovni</quote> jezik, n. pr. <literal>de_CH</literal> (švicarska nemšina) ima za osnovo <literal>de_DE</literal> (nemšino)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:704
msgid "If none of the above works, then the default language is English, which is included with the standard installation."
msgstr "Œe ni od zgoraj naštetega ni uspešno, potem je privzeti jezik anglešina, ki se nahaja v standarnem namestitvenem paketu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:678
msgid "If you install multiple dictionaries, TortoiseSVN uses these rules to select which one to use. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe namestite ve slovarjev, TortoiseSVN uporabi ta pravila, da ugotovi, katerega naj uporabi. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:721
msgid "Basic Concepts"
msgstr "Osnovni principi"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:723
msgid "Subversion book"
msgstr "Subversion book"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:726
msgid "This chapter is a slightly modified version of the same chapter in the Subversion book. An online version of the Subversion book is available here: <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/\"><citetitle>http://svnbook.red-bean.com/</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "To poglavje je rahlo spremenjena verzija istega poglavjq v knjigi The Subversion book. Spletna verzija knjige je na voljo na tem naslovu: <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/\"><citetitle>http://svnbook.red-bean.com/</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:734
msgid "This chapter is a short, casual introduction to Subversion. If you're new to version control, this chapter is definitely for you. We begin with a discussion of general version control concepts, work our way into the specific ideas behind Subversion, and show some simple examples of Subversion in use."
msgstr "To poglavje je kratek uvod v Subversion. Œe se z nadzorom razliic še niste sreali, potem je to poglavje za vas. Zanemo z debato o splošnih principih nadzora razliic, pregledamo posebnosti sistema Subversion in na enostavnih primerih pogledamo, kako se Subversion uporablja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:742
msgid "Even though the examples in this chapter show people sharing collections of program source code, keep in mind that Subversion can manage any sort of file collection - it's not limited to helping computer programmers."
msgstr "Œeprav primeri v tem poglavju prikazujejo, kako si uporabniki delijo programsko izvorno kodo, upoštevajte, da lahko Subversion upravlja katerekoli datoteke - ni omejen samo na pomo raunalniškim programerjem."

#. (title)
#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:750
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1255
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2834
msgid "The Repository"
msgstr "Skladiše"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:752
msgid "repository"
msgstr "skladiše"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:754
msgid "Subversion is a centralized system for sharing information. At its core is a <firstterm>repository</firstterm>, which is a central store of data. The repository stores information in the form of a <firstterm>filesystem tree</firstterm> - a typical hierarchy of files and directories. Any number of <firstterm>clients</firstterm> connect to the repository, and then read or write to these files. By writing data, a client makes the information available to others; by reading data, the client receives information from others."
msgstr "Subversion je centraliziran sistem za souporabo informacij. Njegovo bistvo je <firstterm>skladiše</firstterm>, centralno mesto za shranjevanje podatkov. Skladiše shranjuje informacije v obliki <firstterm>drevesne strukture datotenega sistema</firstterm> - tipini hierarhiji datotek in map. S skladišem se lahko poveže poljubno število <firstterm>odjemalcev</firstterm> in bere ali zapisuje datoteke. S pisanjem podatkov da odjemalec te podatke na voljo drugim; z branjem podatkov odjemalec dobi infomacije od drugih."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:766
msgid "A Typical Client/Server System"
msgstr "Tipien sistem odjemalec/strežnik"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:769
msgid "So why is this interesting? So far, this sounds like the definition of a typical file server. And indeed, the repository <emphasis>is</emphasis> a kind of file server, but it's not your usual breed. What makes the Subversion repository special is that <emphasis>it remembers every change</emphasis> ever written to it: every change to every file, and even changes to the directory tree itself, such as the addition, deletion, and rearrangement of files and directories."
msgstr "Zakaj je to zanimivo? Po dosedanji razlagi izgleda to kot tipien datoteni strežnik. In v resnici skladiše <emphasis>je</emphasis> neke vrste datoteni strežnik, vendar ne navadne vrste. Subversion je poseben zaradi dejstva, da si <emphasis>zapomni vsako spremembo</emphasis>, ki je bila kadarkoli zapisana: vsako spremembo vsake datoteke, pa tudi spremembe strukture map, n. pr. dodajanje, brisanje in preureditev datotek in map."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:779
msgid "When a client reads data from the repository, it normally sees only the latest version of the filesystem tree. But the client also has the ability to view <emphasis>previous</emphasis> states of the filesystem. For example, a client can ask historical questions like, \"what did this directory contain last Wednesday?\", or \"who was the last person to change this file, and what changes did they make?\" These are the sorts of questions that are at the heart of any <firstterm>version control system</firstterm>: systems that are designed to record and track changes to data over time."
msgstr "Ko odjemalec bere podatke iz skladiša, obiajo gleda le zadnjo razliico drevesne strukture map. Vendar ima odjemalec možnost videti tudi <emphasis>predhodnja</emphasis> stanja datotenega sistema. Odjemalec lahko postavi vprašanja o zgodovini, n. pr. \"kaj je ta mapa vsebovala prešnjo sredo?\" ali \"kdo je zadnji avtor sprememb na tej datoteki in kakšne so te spremembe?\" Takšna vprašanja so osrje kateregakoli <firstterm>sistema za nadzor razliic</firstterm>. Ti sistemi so nareni za hranjenje in spremljanje sprememb podatkov skozi as."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:794
msgid "Versioning Models"
msgstr "Modeli nadzora razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:795
msgid "All version control systems have to solve the same fundamental problem: how will the system allow users to share information, but prevent them from accidentally stepping on each other's feet? It's all too easy for users to accidentally overwrite each other's changes in the repository."
msgstr "Vsi sistemi nadzora razliic morajo rešiti isto osnovno težavo: kako bo sistem omogoal souporabo informacij, hkrati pa prepreil, da bi si uporabniki skakali v zelje. Vse prelahko je povoziti spremembe ostalih uporabnikov v skladišu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:804
msgid "The Problem of File-Sharing"
msgstr "Težave souporabe datotek"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:805
msgid "Consider this scenario: suppose we have two co-workers, Harry and Sally. They each decide to edit the same repository file at the same time. If Harry saves his changes to the repository first, then it's possible that (a few moments later) Sally could accidentally overwrite them with her own new version of the file. While Harry's version of the file won't be lost forever (because the system remembers every change), any changes Harry made <emphasis>won't</emphasis> be present in Sally's newer version of the file, because she never saw Harry's changes to begin with. Harry's work is still effectively lost - or at least missing from the latest version of the file - and probably by accident. This is definitely a situation we want to avoid!"
msgstr "Zamislite si naslednji scenarij: imamo dva sodelavca, Harryja in Sally. Odloita se, da bosta spremenjala isto datoteko iz skladiša. Œe spremembe najprej shrani Harry, potem je možno, da Sally (ez nekaj trenutkov) pomotoma prepiše te spremembe s svojo novo razliico datoteke. Harryjeva datoteka sicer ne bo izgubljena, saj si sistem zapomni vsako spremembo, <emphasis>ne bodo</emphasis> pa te spremembe prisotne v Sallyjini datoteki, saj sploh ne ve zanje. Harryjevo delo je tako kljub vsemu izgubljeno - oziroma vsaj ni na voljo v zadnji razliici -in to po vsej verjetnosti po pomoti. Takšnim situacijam se želimo izogniti."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:821
msgid "The Problem to Avoid"
msgstr "Težava, ki se ji je potrebno izogniti"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:826
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:842
msgid "The Lock-Modify-Unlock Solution"
msgstr "Rešitev zakleni-spremeni-odkleni"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:827
msgid "Many version control systems use a <firstterm>lock-modify-unlock</firstterm> model to address this problem, which is a very simple solution. In such a system, the repository allows only one person to change a file at a time. First Harry must \"lock\" the file before he can begin making changes to it. Locking a file is a lot like borrowing a book from the library; if Harry has locked a file, then Sally cannot make any changes to it. If she tries to lock the file, the repository will deny the request. All she can do is read the file, and wait for Harry to finish his changes and release his lock. After Harry unlocks the file, his turn is over, and now Sally can take her turn by locking and editing."
msgstr "Veliko sistemov za nadzor razliic uporablja model <firstterm>zakleni-spremeni-odkleni</firstterm>, kar predstavlja zelo enostavno rešitev problema. V takšnem sistemu lahko datoteko spreminja samo en uporabnik naenkrat. Preden želi Harry spreminjati datoteko, jo mora \"zakleniti\". Zaklepanje datoteke je podobno izposoji knjige v knjižnici; e Harry zaklene datoteko, potem Sally ne more narediti nobenih sprememb na tej datoteki. Œe poskuša datoteko zakleniti, ji bo skladiše to onemogoilo. Datoteko lahko le bere in aka, da jo bo Harry nehal urejati in sprostil zaklep. Potem ko Harry odklene datoteko, jo lahko zaklene Sally in jo zane urejati."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:845
msgid "The problem with the lock-modify-unlock model is that it's a bit restrictive, and often becomes a roadblock for users:"
msgstr "Model zakleni-spremeni-odkleni uporabnike zelo omejuje in jih ovira pri uporabi:"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:852
msgid "<emphasis>Locking may cause administrative problems.</emphasis> Sometimes Harry will lock a file and then forget about it. Meanwhile, because Sally is still waiting to edit the file, her hands are tied. And then Harry goes on vacation. Now Sally has to get an administrator to release Harry's lock. The situation ends up causing a lot of unnecessary delay and wasted time."
msgstr "<emphasis>Zaklepanje lahko povzroa administrativne težave.</emphasis> Vasih Harry zaklene datoteko in nanjo pozabi. Medtem je Sally, ki želi spremeniti isto datoteko, prisiljena akati. Harry gre na poitnice, Sally pa mora po pomo k administratorju, da ji odklene datoteko. Takšna situacija povzroi precej nepotrebnih zamud in izgube asa."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:863
msgid "<emphasis>Locking may cause unnecessary serialization.</emphasis> What if Harry is editing the beginning of a text file, and Sally simply wants to edit the end of the same file? These changes don't overlap at all. They could easily edit the file simultaneously, and no great harm would come, assuming the changes were properly merged together. There's no need for them to take turns in this situation."
msgstr "<emphasis>Zaklepanje lahko povzroi nepotrebno delo eden za drugim.</emphasis> Harry popravlja zaetni del datoteke, Sally pa želi popravljati zadnji del iste datoteke. Te spremembe se ne prekrivajo. Oba uporabnika bi lahko datoteko spreminjala soasno brez posledic, pod pogojem, bi spremembe pravilno spojila skupaj. Nobene potrebe ni, da v takšni situaciji delata eden za drugim."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:875
msgid "<emphasis>Locking may create a false sense of security.</emphasis> Pretend that Harry locks and edits file A, while Sally simultaneously locks and edits file B. But suppose that A and B depend on one another, and the changes made to each are semantically incompatible. Suddenly A and B don't work together anymore. The locking system was powerless to prevent the problem - yet it somehow provided a sense of false security. It's easy for Harry and Sally to imagine that by locking files, each is beginning a safe, insulated task, and thus inhibits them from discussing their incompatible changes early on."
msgstr "<emphasis>Zaklepanje ustvarja lažen obutek varnosti.</emphasis> Predstavljajte si, da Harry zaklene in spreminja datoteko A, Sally pa hkrati zaklene in spreminja datoteko B. Recimo, da sta datoteki A in B odvisni ena od druge, in spremembe, narejene na posamezni datoteki, so semantino nezdružljive. Kar naenkrat datoteki A in B skupaj ne funkcionirata pravilno. Sistem zaklepanja je nemoen pri prepreevanju težave - hkrati pa ustvarja lažen obutek varnosti. Harry in Sally si mislita, da z zaklepanjem datotek zaenjata varno, izolirano operacijo, kar povzroi, da se sploh ne pogovarjata o možni nezdružljivosti datotek."

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:893
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:921
msgid "The Copy-Modify-Merge Solution"
msgstr "Rešitev kopiraj-spremeni-spoji"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:894
msgid "Subversion, CVS, and other version control systems use a <firstterm>copy-modify-merge</firstterm> model as an alternative to locking. In this model, each user's client reads the repository and creates a personal <firstterm>working copy</firstterm> of the file or project. Users then work in parallel, modifying their private copies. Finally, the private copies are merged together into a new, final version. The version control system often assists with the merging, but ultimately a human being is responsible for making it happen correctly."
msgstr "Subversion, CVS in še nekateri drugi sistemi za nadzor razliic uporabljajo model <firstterm>kopiraj-spremeni-spoji</firstterm> kot alternativo zaklepanju datotek. Pri tem modelu ustvari odjemalec vsakega uporabnika osebno <firstterm>delovno kopijo</firstterm> datoteke ali projekta. Uporabniki delajo soasno in spreminjajo krajevne kopije. Nazadnje se zasebne kopije spojijo skupaj v novo, konno verzijo. Sistem za nadzor razliic pogosto pomaga pri spajanju, vendar je koncu za pravilno spajanje odgovoren uporabnik."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:906
msgid "Here's an example. Say that Harry and Sally each create working copies of the same project, copied from the repository. They work concurrently, and make changes to the same file \"A\" within their copies. Sally saves her changes to the repository first. When Harry attempts to save his changes later, the repository informs him that his file A is <firstterm>out-of-date</firstterm>. In other words, that file A in the repository has somehow changed since he last copied it. So Harry asks his client to <firstterm>merge</firstterm> any new changes from the repository into his working copy of file A. Chances are that Sally's changes don't overlap with his own; so once he has both sets of changes integrated, he saves his working copy back to the repository."
msgstr "Poglejmo primer. Harry in Sally ustvarita delovni kopiji istega projekta, prenesenega iz skladiša. Delata istoasno in naredita spremembe v isti datoteki \"A\" v svojih delovnih kopijah. Sally prva shrani spremembe v skladiše. Ko Harry kasneje poskusi shraniti svoje spremembe, ga skladiše obvesti, da je njegova datoteka A <firstterm>zastarela</firstterm>. Z drugimi besedami: datoteka A se je od takrat, ko jo je Harry prevzel iz skladiša, spremenila. Zato Harry zahteva od svojega odjemalca, da nove spremembe v skladišu <firstterm>spoji</firstterm> z datoteko A v njegovi delovni kopiji. Verjetno se spremembe ne prepletajo. Ko ima obe verziji združeni, shrani datoteko v skladiše."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:925
msgid "...Copy-Modify-Merge Continued"
msgstr "...Kopiraj-spremeni-spoji (nadaljevanje)"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:929
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4504
msgid "conflict"
msgstr "spor"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:931
msgid "But what if Sally's changes <emphasis>do</emphasis> overlap with Harry's changes? What then? This situation is called a <firstterm>conflict</firstterm>, and it's usually not much of a problem. When Harry asks his client to merge the latest repository changes into his working copy, his copy of file A is somehow flagged as being in a state of conflict: he'll be able to see both sets of conflicting changes, and manually choose between them. Note that software can't automatically resolve conflicts; only humans are capable of understanding and making the necessary intelligent choices. Once Harry has manually resolved the overlapping changes (perhaps by discussing the conflict with Sally!), he can safely save the merged file back to the repository."
msgstr "Kaj pa, e se Sallyjine spremembe <emphasis>vseeno</emphasis> prekrivajo s Harryjevimi? Nastane <firstterm>sporna</firstterm> situacija, ki pa obiajno ne povzroa problemov. Ko Harry zahteva od svojega odjemalca, naj spoji zadnje spremembe v delovno kopijo, je njegova datoteka A oznaena kot sporna: Harry bo lahko videl oba nabora spornih sprememb in imel možnost izbrati pravilne. Upoštevajte, da program ne more samodejno reševati sporov; samo ljudje smo sposobni razmišljati in narediti ustrezne inteligentne odloitve. Ko Harry rono reši prekrivajoe se spremembe (mogoe se je ob tem moral celo posvetovati s Sally!), lahko varno shrani spojeno datoteko v skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:946
msgid "The copy-modify-merge model may sound a bit chaotic, but in practice, it runs extremely smoothly. Users can work in parallel, never waiting for one another. When they work on the same files, it turns out that most of their concurrent changes don't overlap at all; conflicts are infrequent. And the amount of time it takes to resolve conflicts is far less than the time lost by a locking system."
msgstr "Model kopiraj-spremeni-spoji se mogoe zdi nekoliko kompliciran, vendar se v praksi izkaže, da funkcionira zelo dobro. Uporabniki lahko delajo soasno, nikoli jim ni potrebno akati nekoga drugega. Izkaže se, da se v primerih, ko delajo na istih datotekah, veina sprememb ne prekriva. Spori so redki. In as, ki ga uporabniki porabijo za reševanje sporov, je mnogo krajši, kot bi bila izguba asa zaradi sistema zaklepanja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:955
msgid "In the end, it all comes down to one critical factor: user communication. When users communicate poorly, both syntactic and semantic conflicts increase. No system can force users to communicate perfectly, and no system can detect semantic conflicts. So there's no point in being lulled into a false promise that a locking system will somehow prevent conflicts; in practice, locking seems to inhibit productivity more than anything else."
msgstr "Na koncu pridemo do enega samega kljunega dejavnika: komunikacija med uporabniki. Kjer se uporabniki malo pogovarjajo, se povea število sintaktinih in semantinih sporov. Noben sistem ne more prisiliti uporabnikov, da bi idealno komunicirali med sabo in noben sistem ne more zaznati semantinih sporov. Torej nima nobenega smisla živeti v lažnem preprianju, da bo sistem zaklepanja prepreil spore. V praksi se izkaže, da zaklepanje zmanjša produktivnost bolj kot karkoli drugega."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:965
msgid "There is one common situation where the lock-modify-unlock model comes out better, and that is where you have unmergeable files. For example if your repository contains some graphic images, and two people change the image at the same time, there is no way for those changes to be merged together. Either Harry or Sally will lose their changes."
msgstr "Obstaja pa primer, v katerem se model zakleni-spremeni-odkleni izkaže za boljšega in sicer pri datotekah, ki se jih ne da spajati. Na primer: e vaše skladiše vsebuje grafine datoteke in dva uporabnika naredita spremembe na isti datoteki naenkrat, se teh dveh sprememb ne da združiti. Eden od obeh uporabnikov bo spremembe izgubil."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:975
msgid "What does Subversion Do?"
msgstr "Kaj naredi Subversion?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:976
msgid "Subversion uses the copy-modify-merge solution by default, and in many cases this is all you will ever need. However, as of Version 1.2, Subversion also supports file locking, so if you have unmergeable files, or if you are simply forced into a locking policy by management, Subversion will still provide the features you need."
msgstr "Subversion po privzetih nastavitvah uporablja model kopiraj-spremeni-spoji in v veliko primerih je to vse, kar potrebujete. Od razliice 1.2 naprej pa Subversion podpira tudi zaklepanje datotek. Œe torej delate na datotekah, ki se jih ne da spajati ali e ste takšen model prisiljeni uporabljati zaradi pravil, ki veljajo v vašem podjetju, vam Subversion ponuja možnosti, ki jih potrebujete."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:988
msgid "Subversion in Action"
msgstr "Subversion v akciji"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:990
msgid "Working Copies"
msgstr "Delovne kopije"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:992
msgid "working copy"
msgstr "delovna kopija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:994
msgid "You've already read about working copies; now we'll demonstrate how the Subversion client creates and uses them."
msgstr "O delovnih kopijah ste že brali. Sedaj bomo prikazali, kako jih odjemalec Subversion ustvari in uporablja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:999
msgid "A Subversion working copy is an ordinary directory tree on your local system, containing a collection of files. You can edit these files however you wish, and if they're source code files, you can compile your program from them in the usual way. Your working copy is your own private work area: Subversion will never incorporate other people's changes, nor make your own changes available to others, until you explicitly tell it to do so."
msgstr "Delovna kopija sistema Subversion je obiajna struktura map na vašem krajevnem sistemu, ki vsebuje datoteke. Datoteke lahko poljubno spreminjate. Œe so to datoteke izvorne kode, lahko iz njih povsem obiajno prevedete program. Vaša delovna kopija je vaše zasebno delovno obmoje: Subversion ne bo v vašo delovno kopijo nikoli vnašal sprememb, ki so jih naredili drugi uporabniki, prav tako vaših sprememb ne bo dal na voljo drugim, razen ko boste to izrecno zahtevali od njega."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1009
msgid "After you've made some changes to the files in your working copy and verified that they work properly, Subversion provides you with commands to \"publish\" your changes to the other people working with you on your project (by writing to the repository). If other people publish their own changes, Subversion provides you with commands to merge those changes into your working directory (by reading from the repository)."
msgstr "Ko ste naredili doloene spremembe v datotekah v delovni kopiji in jih preverili, uporabite ukaze sistema Subversion, da spremembe objavite (s pisanjem v skladiše), tako da so vidne ostalim sodelavcem, ki delajo na projektu. Œe ostali sodelavci naredijo spremembe na datotekah, vam Subversion omogoa, da te spremembe spojite v delovno kopijo (z branjem iz skladiša)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1019
msgid "A working copy also contains some extra files, created and maintained by Subversion, to help it carry out these commands. In particular, each directory in your working copy contains a subdirectory named <filename>.svn</filename>, also known as the working copy <firstterm>administrative directory</firstterm>. The files in each administrative directory help Subversion recognize which files contain unpublished changes, and which files are out-of-date with respect to others' work."
msgstr "Delovna kopija vsebuje tudi nekaj posebnih datotek, ki jih ustvari in vzdržuje Subversion za pomo pri izvajanju ukazov. Vsak mapa znotraj delovne kopije vsebuje podmapo <filename>.svn</filename>, ki ji reemu <firstterm>administrativna mapa</firstterm>. Datoteke znotraj te mape pomagajo sistemu Subversion prepoznati datoteke, ki vsebujejo neobjavljene spremembe, in datoteke, ki so jih spreminjali drugi uporabniki in so tako zastarele."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1030
msgid "A typical Subversion repository often holds the files (or source code) for several projects; usually, each project is a subdirectory in the repository's filesystem tree. In this arrangement, a user's working copy will usually correspond to a particular subtree of the repository."
msgstr "Tipino skladiše sistema Subversion pogosto vsebuje datoteke (ali izvorno kodo) za ve projektov; obiajno je vsak projekt podmapa v drevesni strukturi skladiša. Pri takšni ureditvi bo uporabnikova delovna kopija obiajno ustrezala doloenemu podrevesu skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1037
msgid "For example, suppose you have a repository that contains two software projects."
msgstr "Recimo, da imate skladiše z dvema projektoma programske opreme."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1042
msgid "The Repository's Filesystem"
msgstr "Datoteni sistem skladiša"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1045
msgid "In other words, the repository's root directory has two subdirectories: <filename>paint</filename> and <filename>calc</filename>."
msgstr "Z drugimi besedami, korenska mapa skladiša ima dve podmapi: <filename>paint</filename> in <filename>calc</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1050
msgid "To get a working copy, you must <firstterm>check out</firstterm> some subtree of the repository. (The term \"check out\" may sound like it has something to do with locking or reserving resources, but it doesn't; it simply creates a private copy of the project for you)."
msgstr "Œe želite ustvariti delovno kopijo, morate <firstterm>prevzeti</firstterm> neko poddrevo skladiša. (\"Prevzeti\" se morda sliši, kot da vir podatkov zaklenete ali rezervirate, v resnici pa si s tem izdelate zasebno kopijo projekta)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1057
msgid "Suppose you make changes to <filename>button.c</filename>. Since the <filename>.svn</filename> directory remembers the file's modification date and original contents, Subversion can tell that you've changed the file. However, Subversion does not make your changes public until you explicitly tell it to. The act of publishing your changes is more commonly known as <firstterm>committing</firstterm> (or <firstterm>checking in</firstterm>) changes to the repository."
msgstr "Recimo, da naredite spremembo na datoteki <filename>button.c</filename>. Ker si mapa <filename>.svn</filename> zapomni datum spremembe datoteke in izvirno vsebino, Subversion ve, da ste datoteko sprememenili. Vendar pa Subversion ne objavi sprememb, dokler mu tega ne ukažete. Temu reemo <firstterm>objava</firstterm> (ali <firstterm>vrnitev</firstterm>) sprememb v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1067
msgid "To publish your changes to others, you can use Subversion's <command>commit</command> command."
msgstr "Da bi omogoili dostop do svojih sprememb ostalim, uporabite ukaz <command>objavi</command>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1071
msgid "Now your changes to <filename>button.c</filename> have been committed to the repository; if another user checks out a working copy of <filename>/calc</filename>, they will see your changes in the latest version of the file."
msgstr "Sedaj so spremembe v datoteki <filename>button.c</filename> objavljene v skladišu; e nek drug uporabnik prevzame delovno kopijo iz mape <filename>/calc</filename>, bo te spremembe videl v zadnji razliici datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1077
msgid "Suppose you have a collaborator, Sally, who checked out a working copy of <filename>/calc</filename> at the same time you did. When you commit your change to <filename>button.c</filename>, Sally's working copy is left unchanged; Subversion only modifies working copies at the user's request."
msgstr "Predpostavimo, da imate sodelavko Sally, ki je prevzela delovno kopijo <filename>/calc</filename> takrat, kot ste to storili tudi vi. Ko objavite spremembe v datoteki <filename>button.c</filename>, se Sallyjina delovna kopija ne spremeni; Subversion spreminja delovne kopije le na zahtevo uporabnika."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1085
msgid "To bring her project up to date, Sally can ask Subversion to <firstterm>update</firstterm> her working copy, by using the Subversion <command>update</command> command. This will incorporate your changes into her working copy, as well as any others that have been committed since she checked it out."
msgstr "Da bi naredila svoj projekt sodoben, Sally od sistema Subversion zahteva, da <firstterm>posodobi</firstterm> njeno delovno kopijo z uporabo ukaza <command>update</command>. To bo spojilo vaše spremembe v njeno delovno kopijo, prav tako pa tudi vse ostale spremembe, ki so bile objavljene po njenem prevzemu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1093
msgid "Note that Sally didn't need to specify which files to update; Subversion uses the information in the <filename>.svn</filename> directory, and further information in the repository, to decide which files need to be brought up to date."
msgstr "Upoštevajte, da Sally ni potrebno povedati, katere datoteke želi posodobiti; Subversion uporabi informacije v mapi <filename>.svn</filename> in dodatne informacije iz skladiša, da se odloi, katere datoteke je potrebno posodobiti."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1102
msgid "Repository URLs"
msgstr "Nalosvi URL skladiša"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1103
msgid "Subversion repositories can be accessed through many different methods - on local disk, or through various network protocols. A repository location, however, is always a URL. The URL schema indicates the access method:"
msgstr "Do skladiš Subversion lahko dostopate na ve razlinih nainov - na krajevnem disku ali preko razlinih omrežnih protokolov. Lokacija skladiša pa je vedno navedena z naslovom URL. Shema naslova URL pove nain dostopa:"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1111
msgid "Repository Access URLs"
msgstr "Naslovi URL za dostop do skladiša"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1117
msgid "Schema"
msgstr "Shema"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1118
msgid "Access Method"
msgstr "Nain dostopa"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1124
msgid "file://"
msgstr "file://"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1126
msgid "Direct repository access on local or network drive."
msgstr "Neposreden dostop do skladiša na krajevnem ali omrežnem disku."

#. (literal)
#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1132
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1143
msgid "http://"
msgstr "http://"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1134
msgid "Access via WebDAV protocol to Subversion-aware Apache server."
msgstr "Dostop do strežnika Apache s sistemom Subversion preko protokola WebDAV."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1140
msgid "https://"
msgstr "https://"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1142
msgid "Same as <placeholder-1/>, but with SSL encryption."
msgstr "Enako kot <placeholder-1/>, vendar z enkripcijo SSL."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1148
msgid "svn://"
msgstr "svn://"

#. (literal)
#. (literal)
#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1152
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1161
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2492
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2624
msgid "svnserve"
msgstr "svnserve"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1150
msgid "Unauthenticated TCP/IP access via custom protocol to a <placeholder-1/> server."
msgstr "Dostop TCP/IP brez avtentikacije preko protokola po meri do strežnika <placeholder-1/>"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1157
msgid "svn+ssh://"
msgstr "svn+ssh://"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1159
msgid "authenticated, encrypted TCP/IP access via custom protocol to a <placeholder-1/> server."
msgstr "avtenticiran, enkriptiran dostop TCP/IP preko protokola po meri na strežnik <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1167
msgid "For the most part, Subversion's URLs use the standard syntax, allowing for server names and port numbers to be specified as part of the URL. The <literal>file:</literal> access method is normally used for local access, although it can be used with UNC paths to a networked host. The URL therefore takes the form <literal>file://hostname/path/to/repos</literal>. For the local machine, the <literal>hostname</literal> portion of the URL is required to be either absent or <literal>localhost</literal>. For this reason, local paths normally appear with three slashes, <literal>file:///path/to/repos</literal>."
msgstr "V večini primerov se v sistemu Subversion za naslove URL uporablja standardna sintaksa, kar omogoča, da se ime strežnika in številka vrat pojavljata kot del naslova URL. Metoda dostopa <literal>file:</literal> se običajno uporablja za lokalni dostop, možno pa jo je uporabljati tudi za poti UNC. URL je naslednje oblike: <literal>file://strežnik/pot/do/skladišča</literal>. Za krajevne dostope dela <literal>strežnik</literal> ne navedemo ali pa navedemo <literal>localhost</literal>. Iz tega razloga se krajevne poti običajno zapisujejo s tremi poševnicami: <literal>file:///path/to/repos</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1180
msgid "Also, users of the <literal>file:</literal> scheme on Windows platforms will need to use an unofficially <quote>standard</quote> syntax for accessing repositories that are on the same machine, but on a different drive than the client's current working drive. Either of the two following URL path syntaxes will work where <literal>X</literal> is the drive on which the repository resides:"
msgstr "Poleg tega morajo uporabniki sheme <literal>file:</literal> na operacijskem sistemu Windows uporabljati <quote>standardno</quote> sintakso za dostopanje do skladiš, ki so na istem raunalniku, vendar na drugem pogonu, kot je trenutni delovni pogon odjemalca. Naslednji dve razliici sintakse poti URL sta pravilni; <literal>X</literal> je pogon, na katerem se nahaja skladiše:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1190
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1196
msgid "Note that a URL uses ordinary slashes even though the native (non-URL) form of a path on Windows uses backslashes."
msgstr "Upoštevajte, da se za naslove URL uporablja poševnica, eprav je znak za loitev posameznih delov poti v sistemu Windows obrnjena poševnica."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1200
msgid "You can safely access a FSFS repository via a network share, but you <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> access a BDB repository in this way."
msgstr "Do skladiš tipa FSFS lahko varno dostopate preko omrežnih map v skupni rabi, vendar na ta nain <emphasis>ne morete</emphasis> dostopati do skladiš tipa BDB."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1206
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2611
msgid "Do not create or access a Berkeley DB repository on a network share. It <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> exist on a remote filesystem. Not even if you have the network drive mapped to a drive letter. If you attempt to use Berkeley DB on a network share, the results are unpredictable - you may see mysterious errors right away, or it may be months before you discover that your repository database is subtly corrupted."
msgstr "Ne ustvarjajte ali dostopajte do skladiš tipa Berkley DB v mapah skupne rabe v omrežju. Takšno skladiše <emphasis>ne more</emphasis> obstajati na oddaljenem datotenem sistemu, etudi imate omrežni pogon preslikan v lokalni pogon. Œe boste poskušali dostopati do skladiša tipa Berkley DB v omrežju, so rezultati nepredvidljivi - lahko se takoj pojavijo udne napake, lahko pa traja mesece, preden boste opazili, da je vaša baza podatkov pokvarjena."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1218
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Revizije"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1220
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8735
msgid "revision"
msgstr "revizija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1222
msgid "A <command>svn commit</command> operation can publish changes to any number of files and directories as a single atomic transaction. In your working copy, you can change files' contents, create, delete, rename and copy files and directories, and then commit the complete set of changes as a unit."
msgstr "Operacija <command>svn commit</command> objavi spremembe poljubnega števila datotek in map v eni atomini transakciji. V delovni kopiji lahko spreminjate vsebine datotek, ustvarjate, brišete, preimenujete in kopirate datoteke in potem objavite celoten nabor sprememb kot celoto."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1230
msgid "In the repository, each commit is treated as an atomic transaction: either all the commits changes take place, or none of them take place. Subversion retains this atomicity in the face of program crashes, system crashes, network problems, and other users' actions."
msgstr "V skladišu se vsaka objava opravi kot atomina transakcija: upoštevane so vse spremembe v objavi ali pa nobena. Subversion poskuša ohraniti atominost zaradi sesutja aplikacij, sistema, težav z omrežjem in ostalih uporabnikov posredovanj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1237
msgid "Each time the repository accepts a commit, this creates a new state of the filesystem tree, called a <firstterm>revision</firstterm>. Each revision is assigned a unique natural number, one greater than the number of the previous revision. The initial revision of a freshly created repository is numbered zero, and consists of nothing but an empty root directory."
msgstr "Vsakokrat, ko skladiše sprejme objavo, se ustvari novo stanje drevesa dototene strukture, imenovano <firstterm>revizija</firstterm>. Vsaki reviziji se predpiše unikatno naravno število, za eno veje od številke prejšnje revizije. Zaetna revizija novo ustvarjenega skladiša ima številko 0 in vsebuje zgolj korensko mapo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1246
msgid "A nice way to visualize the repository is as a series of trees. Imagine an array of revision numbers, starting at 0, stretching from left to right. Each revision number has a filesystem tree hanging below it, and each tree is a <quote>snapshot</quote> of the way the repository looked after each commit."
msgstr "Dober nain za predstavljanje skladiša je vrsta dreves. Predstavljajte si polje številk revizij, ki se zane z 0 in se razteza od leve proti desni. Iz vsake številke revizije visi drevo datotenega sistema in vsako drevo je <quote>posnetek</quote> izgleda skladiša po vsaki objavi."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1259
msgid "Global Revision Numbers"
msgstr "Globalna številka revizije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1260
msgid "Unlike those of many other version control systems, Subversion's revision numbers apply to <emphasis>entire trees</emphasis>, not individual files. Each revision number selects an entire tree, a particular state of the repository after some committed change. Another way to think about it is that revision N represents the state of the repository filesystem after the Nth commit. When a Subversion user talks about ``revision 5 of <filename>foo.c</filename>'', they really mean ``<filename>foo.c</filename> as it appears in revision 5.'' Notice that in general, revisions N and M of a file do <emphasis>not</emphasis> necessarily differ!"
msgstr "Za razliko od mnogih drugih sistemov za nadzor razliic se revizije v sistemu Subversion nanašajo na <emphasis>celotno drevo</emphasis>, ne na posamezne datoteke. Vsaka številka revizije izbere celotno drevo - doloeno stanje skladiša po neki objavi sprememb. Drug nain gledanja je ta, da revizija N predstavlja stanje skladiša po N-ti objavi. Ko v sistemu Subversion govorimo o ``reviziji 5 datoteke <filename>foo.c</filename>'', v resnici mislimo ``Datoteka <filename>foo.c</filename>, kot se nahaja v reviziji 5\". Upoštevajte, da se v splošnem revizi N in M neke datoteke <emphasis>ne</emphasis> razlikujeta."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1275
msgid "It's important to note that working copies do not always correspond to any single revision in the repository; they may contain files from several different revisions. For example, suppose you check out a working copy from a repository whose most recent revision is 4:"
msgstr "Pomembno je poudariti, da delovne kopije niso vedno odraz samo eno revizije v skladišu; vsebujejo lahko datoteke ve razlinih revizij. Primer: recimo, da prevzamete delovno kopijo iz skladiša, kjer zadnja shranjena revizija nosi številko 4:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1282
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" integer.c:4\n"
" button.c:4\n"
msgstr ""
" integer.c:4\n"
" button.c:4\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1287
msgid "At the moment, this working directory corresponds exactly to revision 4 in the repository. However, suppose you make a change to <filename>button.c</filename>, and commit that change. Assuming no other commits have taken place, your commit will create revision 5 of the repository, and your working copy will now look like this:"
msgstr "V tem trenutku delovna kopija ustreza tono reviziji številka 4 v skladišu. Denimo, da naredite spremembe v datoteki <filename>button.c</filename> in objavite spremembo. Denimo, da se med tem niso zgodile nobene druge objave. Vaša objava bo ustvarila revizijo 5 v skladišu in vaša delovna kopija bo izgledala takole:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1295
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" integer.c:4\n"
" button.c:5\n"
msgstr ""
" integer.c:4\n"
" button.c:5\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1300
msgid "Suppose that, at this point, Sally commits a change to <filename>integer.c</filename>, creating revision 6. If you use <command>svn update</command> to bring your working copy up to date, then it will look like this:"
msgstr "Denimo, da v tem trenutku Sally objavi spremembo datoteke <filename>integer.c</filename> in s tem ustvari revizijo 6. Œe uporabite ukaz <command>svn update</command>, ki posodobi vašo delovno kopijo, bo le-ta izgledala takole:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1306
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" integer.c:6\n"
" button.c:6\n"
msgstr ""
" integer.c:6\n"
" button.c:6\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1311
msgid "Sally's changes to <filename>integer.c</filename> will appear in your working copy, and your change will still be present in <filename>button.c</filename>. In this example, the text of <filename>Makefile</filename> is identical in revisions 4, 5, and 6, but Subversion will mark your working copy of <filename>Makefile</filename> with revision 6 to indicate that it is still current. So, after you do a clean update at the top of your working copy, it will generally correspond to exactly one revision in the repository."
msgstr "Sallyjine spremembe datoteke <filename>integer.c</filename> se bodo pojavile v vaši delovni kopiji in v datoteki <filename>button.c</filename> bodo še vedno vaše spremembe. V tem primeru je besedilo datoteke <filename>Makefile</filename> identino v revizijah 4, 5 in 6, vendar bo Subversion oznail vašo delovno kopijo datoteke <filename>Makefile</filename> s številko revizije 6 in s tem povedal, je datoteka trenutna. Torej: ko boste naredili posodobitev vrhnje datoteke delovne kopije, bo le-ta ustrezala tono eni reviziji v skladišu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1324
msgid "How Working Copies Track the Repository"
msgstr "Kako delovne kopije spremljajo skladiše"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1325
msgid "For each file in a working directory, Subversion records two essential pieces of information in the <filename>.svn/</filename> administrative area:"
msgstr "Za vsako datoteko v delovni kopiji Subversion shrani dve pomembni informaciji v administrativno podroje <filename>.svn/</filename>:"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1331
msgid "what revision your working file is based on (this is called the file's <firstterm>working revision</firstterm>), and"
msgstr "na kateri reviziji je osnovana vaša delovna datoteka (temu reemo datotena <firstterm>delovna revizija</firstterm>) in"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1338
msgid "a timestamp recording when the local copy was last updated by the repository."
msgstr "asovni žig, ki pove, kdaj je bila krajevna kopija nazadnje posodobljena iz skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1344
msgid "Given this information, by talking to the repository, Subversion can tell which of the following four states a working file is in:"
msgstr "S temi informacijami in komunikacijo s skladišem Subversion lahko ugotovi, v katerem od štirih stanj se delovna datoteka nahaja:"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1351
msgid "Unchanged, and current"
msgstr "Nespremenjeno in trenutno"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1353
msgid "The file is unchanged in the working directory, and no changes to that file have been committed to the repository since its working revision. A <command>commit</command> of the file will do nothing, and an <command>update</command> of the file will do nothing."
msgstr "Ta datoteka je nespremenjena v delovni kopiji, prav tako pa od prevzema za to datoteko niso bile objavljene nobene spremembe v skladišu. Ukaz <command>objavi</command> ne bo storil niesar, prav tako tudi ne ukaz <command>posodobi</command>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1364
msgid "Locally changed, and current"
msgstr "Krajevno spremenjeno in trenutno"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1366
msgid "The file has been changed in the working directory, and no changes to that file have been committed to the repository since its base revision. There are local changes that have not been committed to the repository, thus a <command>commit</command> of the file will succeed in publishing your changes, and an <command>update</command> of the file will do nothing."
msgstr "Datoteka v delovni kopiji je spremenjena, v skladišu pa ni bila objavljena nobena sprememba od osnovne revizije. Obstajajo krajevne spremembe, ki niso bile objavljene v skladišu, tako da bo ukaz <command>objavi</command> na datoteki objavil vaše spremembe, ukaz <command>posodobi</command> pa ne bo naredil niesar."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1378
msgid "Unchanged, and out-of-date"
msgstr "Nespremenjeno in zastarelo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1380
msgid "The file has not been changed in the working directory, but it has been changed in the repository. The file should eventually be updated, to make it current with the public revision. A <command>commit</command> of the file will do nothing, and an <command>update</command> of the file will fold the latest changes into your working copy."
msgstr "Datoteka v delovni kopiji ni bila spremenjena, se je pa spremenila v skladišu. Da bo datoteka enaka javni reviziji, jo je potrebno posodobiti. Ukaz <command>objavi</command> ne bo naredil niesar, ukaz <command>posodobi</command> pa bo prenesel najnovejše spremembe iz skladiša v delovno kopijo."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1392
msgid "Locally changed, and out-of-date"
msgstr "Krajevno spremenjeno in zastarelo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1394
msgid "The file has been changed both in the working directory, and in the repository. A <command>commit </command> of the file will fail with an \"out-of-date\" error. The file should be updated first; an <command>update </command> command will attempt to merge the public changes with the local changes. If Subversion can't complete the merge in a plausible way automatically, it leaves it to the user to resolve the conflict."
msgstr "Datoteka je bila spremenjena v delovni kopiji in v skladišu. Ukaz <command>objavi</command> ne bo uspel; prikazalo se bo sporoilo, da je datoteka \"zastarela\". Datoteko je potrebno najprej posodobiti; ukaz <command>posodobi</command> bo poskušal javne spremembe spojiti s krajevnimi. Œe Subversion ne more spojiti razliic samodejno, prepusti uporabniku, da reši spor."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1411
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Povzetek"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1412
msgid "We've covered a number of fundamental Subversion concepts in this chapter:"
msgstr "V tem poglavju smo pregledali nekaj osnovnih konceptov sistema Subversion:"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1418
msgid "We've introduced the notions of the central repository, the client working copy, and the array of repository revision trees."
msgstr "Predstavili smo koncept centralnega skladiša, delovne kopije na strani odjemalca in polja dreves revizij v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1424
msgid "We've seen some simple examples of how two collaborators can use Subversion to publish and receive changes from one another, using the 'copy-modify-merge' model."
msgstr "Videli smo nekaj primerov, kako lahko dva sodelavca uporabljata Subversion in model 'kopiraj-spremeni-spoji' za objavljanje sprememb in sprejemanje sprememb drug od drugega'."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1431
msgid "We've talked a bit about the way Subversion tracks and manages information in a working copy."
msgstr "Govorili smo o tem, kako Subversion sledi in upravlja informacije v delovni kopiji."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1444
msgid "Setting Up A Server"
msgstr "Namešanje strežnika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1446
msgid "To use TortoiseSVN (or any other Subversion client), you need a place where your repositories are located. You can either store your repositories locally and access them using the <emphasis>file://</emphasis> protocol or you can place them on a server and access them with the <emphasis>http://</emphasis> or <emphasis>svn://</emphasis> protocols. The two server protocols can also be encrypted. You use <emphasis>https://</emphasis> or <emphasis>svn+ssh://</emphasis>. This chapter shows you step by step on how you can set up such a server on a Windows machine."
msgstr "Za uporabo programa TortoiseSVN (ali kateregakoli drugega odjemalca za Subversion) potrebuteje prostor, kjer se bodo nahajala skladišča. Lahko jih namestite krajevno in dostopate do njih preko protokola <emphasis>file://</emphasis> ali pa jih postavite na strežnik in dostopate do njih preko protokolov <emphasis>http://</emphasis> ali <emphasis>svn://</emphasis>. Strežniška protokola sta lahko ekriptirana. Pri tem uporabite <emphasis>https://</emphasis> ali <emphasis>svn+ssh://</emphasis>. V tem poglavju so posadi koraki nameščanja strežnika na operacijskem sistemu Windows."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1457
msgid "More detailed information on the Subversion server options, and how to choose the best architecture for your situation, can be found in the Subversion book under <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.html\"><citetitle>Server Configuration</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Podrobnejše informacije o možnostih strežnika Subversion in izberi pravilne arhitekture za vaš primer najdete v knjigi Subversion Book: <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.html\"><citetitle>Server Configuration</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1465
msgid "If you don't have a server and/or if you only work alone then local repositories are probably your best choice. You can skip this chapter and go directly to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository\"/>."
msgstr "Œe spletnega strežnika nimate in/ali e delate na projektu sami, potem je krajevno skladiše verjetno najboljša izbira. To poglavje lahko preskoite in greste neposredno na <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1474
msgid "Apache Based Server"
msgstr "Strežnik na osnovi strežnika Apache"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1478
msgid "Apache"
msgstr "Apache"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1480
msgid "The most flexible of all possible server setups for Subversion is the Apache based one. Although a bit more complicated to set up, it offers benefits that other servers cannot:"
msgstr "Najbolj prilagodljiv sistem za Subversion dobite pri uporabi strežnika Apache. Njegova namestitev je sicer nekoliko bolj zahtevna, vendar ima v primerjavi z ostalimi strežniki številne prednosti:"

#. (primary)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1486
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1490
msgid "WebDAV"
msgstr "WebDAV"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1492
msgid "The Apache based Subversion server uses the WebDAV protocol which is supported by many other programs as well. You could e.g. mount such a repository as a \"Web folder\" in the Windows explorer and then access it like any other folder in the file system."
msgstr "Strežniki Subversion, postavljeni na strežniku Apache, uporabljajo protokol WebDAV, ki ga podpirajo številni ostali programi. Ta omogoa, da naprimer priklopite skladiše kot \"internetno mapo\" v Windowsovem Raziskovalcu in do nje dostopate kot do katerekoli druge mape v datotenem sistemu"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1503
msgid "Browsing The Repository"
msgstr "Brskanje po skladišu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1505
msgid "You can point your browser to the URL of your repository and browse the contents of it without having a Subversion client installed. This gives access to your data to a much wider circle of users."
msgstr "V spletni brskalnik lahko vpišete naslov URL skladiša in brskate po vsebini, ne da bi imeli namešenega odjemalca za Subversion. To omogoa dostop do podatkov precej širšemu krogu uporabnikov."

#. (term)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1515
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3325
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Avtentikacija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1517
msgid "You can use any authentication mechanism Apache supports, including SSPI and LDAP."
msgstr "Uporabite lahko prav vse avtentikacijske mehanizme, ki jih podpira Apache, vkljuno z SSPI in LDAP."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1524
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Varnost"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1526
msgid "Since Apache is very stable and secure, you automatically get the same security for your repository. This includes SSL encryption."
msgstr "Ker je strežnik Apache zelo stabilen in varen, je prav tako varno tudi vaše skladiše. Uporabite lahko tudi enkripcijo SSL."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1536
msgid "Installing Apache"
msgstr "Namestitev strežnika Apache"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1541
msgid "Please note that Windows XP without the service pack 1 will lead to bogus network data and could therefore corrupt your repository!"
msgstr "Prosimo, upoštevajte, da lahko uporaba operacijskega sistema Windows XP brez prvega paketa popravkov (service pack 1) pripelje do nepravinih podatkov v omrežju in tako pokvari skladiše!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1549
msgid "Download the latest version of the Apache web server from <ulink url=\"http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi\"><citetitle>http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi</citetitle></ulink>. Make sure that you download the version &gt; 2.0.54 - the version 1.3.xx won't work!"
msgstr "Prenesite si zadnjo različico spletnega strežnika Apache z naslova <ulink url=\"http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi\"><citetitle>http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi</citetitle></ulink>. Poskrbite, da prenesete različico &gt; 2.0.54 - različica 1.3.x.x ne bo delovala!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1560
msgid "Once you have the Apache2 installer you can double click on it and it will guide you through the installation process. Make sure that you enter the server-URL correctly (if you don't have a DNS name for your server just enter the IP-address). I recommend to install Apache <emphasis>for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service</emphasis>. Note: if you already have IIS or any other program running which listens on port 80 the installation might fail. If that happens, go to the programs directory, <filename>\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\conf</filename> and locate the file <filename>httpd.conf</filename>. Edit that file so that <literal>Listen 80</literal> is changed to a free port, e.g. <literal>Listen 81</literal>. Then restart the installation - this time it should finish without problems."
msgstr "Ko ste prenesli namestitveni program za strežnik Apache 2, ga poženite in vodil vas bo skozi namestitveni proces. Preverite, da ste pravilno vnesli naslov URL strežnika (e strežnik nima imena DNS ali pa ga ne poznate, vnesite kar naslov IP strežnika). Priporoamo, da namestite Apache <emphasis>za vse uporabnike, na vrata 80, kot storitev</emphasis> (service). Opomba: e že imate namešen IIS ali kakšen drug program, ki posluša port 80, je lahko namestitev neuspešna. Œe se to zgodi, pojdite v namestitveno mapo strežnika Apache, obiajno <filename>c:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\conf</filename> in poišite datoteko <filename>httpd.conf</filename>. Spremenite jo tako, da vrednost vrat v izrazu <literal>Listen 80</literal> zamenjate z vrednostjo katerihkoli prostih vrat, na primer <literal>Listen 81</literal>. Potem namestitev ponovite - tokrat bi morala biti uspešna."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1582
msgid "Now test if the Apache web server is running correctly by pointing your web browser to <systemitem class=\"url\">http://localhost/</systemitem> - a preconfigured Website should show up."
msgstr "Sedaj preverite, če spletni strežnik Apache deluje pravilno. Usmerite svoj spletni brskalnik na stran <systemitem class=\"url\">http://localhost/</systemitem> - pojaviti se mora prednastavljena spletna stran."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1591
msgid "If you decide to install Apache as a service, be warned that by default it will run as the local system account. It would be a more secure practice for you to create a separate account for Apache to run as."
msgstr "Œe se odloite namestiti strežnik Apache kot storitev (service), upoštevajte, da se bo po privzetih nastavitvah pognal s krajevnim sistemskim raunom (local system account). Bolj varen nain je, da za poganjanje strežnika Apache ustvarite poseben raun."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1597
msgid "Make sure that the account on the server that Apache is running as has an explicit entry in the repository directory's access control list (right-click directory | properties | security), with full control. Otherwise, users will not be able to commit their changes."
msgstr "Zagotovite, da ima raun, pod katerim tee strežnik Apache, v mapi, kjer se nahajajo skladiša, eksplicitno doloene vse pravice (desni klik na mapo | lastnosti | varnost). V nasprotnem primeru uporabniki ne bodo mogli objavljati svojih sprememb."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1603
msgid "Even if Apache runs as local system, you still need such an entry (which will be the SYSTEM account in this case)."
msgstr "Tudi e Apache tee pod sistemskim raunom, morate pravico vseeno doloiti (v tem eprimeru za raun SYSTEM)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1607
msgid "If Apache does not have this permission set up, your users will get \"Access denied\" error messages, which show up in the Apache error log as error 500."
msgstr "Œe strežnik Apache tega dovoljenja nima nastavljenega, bodo uporabniki dobili opozorilo \"Dostop zavrnjen\", ki je v dnevniku napak strežnika Apache predstavljen s številko 500."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1537
msgid "The first thing you need before installing Apache is a computer with Windows 2000, Windows XP+SP1 or Windows 2003. <warning><placeholder-1/></warning><placeholder-2/><caution><placeholder-3/><placeholder-4/><placeholder-5/><placeholder-6/></caution>"
msgstr "Za namestitev strežnika Apache potrebujete raunalnik s sistemom Windows 2000, Windows XP+SP1 ali Windows 2003. <warning><placeholder-1/></warning><placeholder-2/><caution><placeholder-3/><placeholder-4/><placeholder-5/><placeholder-6/></caution>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1616
msgid "Installing Subversion"
msgstr "Namestitev sistema Subversion"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1620
msgid "Download the latest version of the Subversion Win32 binaries for Apache. Be sure to get the right version to integrate with your version of Apache, otherwise you will get an obscure error message when you try to restart. If you have Apache 2.2.x go to <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100</citetitle></ulink>. If you still have the older Apache 2.0.x go to <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Prenesite zadnjo različico Win32 dvojiških datotek Subversion za Apache. Prepričajte se, da ste prenesli pravilno različico, drugače boste ob ponovnem zagonu dobili čudna sporočila o napakah. Če uporabljate Apache 2.2.x, uporabite povezavo <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100</citetitle></ulink>. Če še vedno uporabljate starejšo različico Apache 2.0.x, uporabite povezavo <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1636
msgid "Run the Subversion installer and follow the instructions. If the Subversion installer recognized that you've installed Apache, then you're almost done. If it couldn't find an Apache server then you have to do some additional steps."
msgstr "Poženite namestitveni program za Subversion in sledite navodilom. Œe namestitveni program ugotovi, da imate namešen strežnik Apache, ste že skoraj pri koncu. Œe strežnika ne najde, potem vas aka še nekaj korakov."

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1646
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1975
msgid "mod_authz_svn"
msgstr "mod_authz_svn"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1648
msgid "Using the windows explorer, go to the installation directory of Subversion (usually <filename>c:\\program files\\Subversion</filename>) and find the files <filename>/httpd/mod_dav_svn.so</filename> and <filename>mod_authz_svn.so</filename>. Copy these files to the Apache modules directory (usually <filename>c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2\\modules </filename>)."
msgstr "Z Raziskovalcem pojdite v namestitveno mapo Subversion (obiajno <filename>c:\\program files\\Subversion</filename>) in poišite datoteki <filename>/httpd/mod_dav_svn.so</filename> in <filename>mod_authz_svn.so</filename>. Prekopirajte ti datoteki v podmapo modules namestitvene mape strežnika Apache (obiajno <filename>c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2\\modules </filename>)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1661
msgid "Copy the file <filename>/bin/libdb*.dll</filename> and <filename>/bin/intl3_svn.dll</filename> from the Subversion installation directory to the Apache bin directory."
msgstr "Prekopirajte datoteki <filename>/bin/libdb*.dll</filename> in <filename>/bin/intl3_svn.dll</filename> iz namestitvene mape Subversion v podmapo bin strežnika Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1669
msgid "Edit Apache's configuration file (usually <filename> C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\conf\\httpd.conf</filename>) with a text editor such as Notepad and make the following changes:"
msgstr "Popravite konfiguracijsko datoteko strežnika Apache (ponavadi <filename> C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\conf\\httpd.conf</filename>) z urejevalnikom besedil (n. pr. z Beležko) in naredite naslednje spremembe:"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1675
msgid ""
"Uncomment (remove the '<literal>#</literal>' mark) the following lines: <screen>\n"
"#LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so\n"
"#LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so\n"
"</screen> Add the following two lines to the end of the <literal>LoadModule</literal> section. <screen>\n"
"LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so\n"
"LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so\n"
msgstr ""
"Odstranite komentar (oznako '<literal>#</literal>') izpred naslednjih vrstic:<screen>\n"
"#LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so\n"
"#LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so\n"
"</screen> Dodajte naslednji vrstici na konec sekcije <literal>LoadModule</literal>. <screen>\n"
"LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so\n"
"LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so\n"

#. (title)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1694
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10695
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguracija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1705
msgid ""
"At the end of the config file add the following lines: <screen>\n"
"&lt;Location /svn&gt;\n"
"DAV svn\n"
"SVNListParentPath on\n"
"SVNParentPath D:\\SVN\n"
"#SVNIndexXSLT \"/svnindex.xsl\"\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"AuthName \"Subversion repositories\"\n"
"AuthUserFile passwd\n"
"#AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile\n"
"Require valid-user\n"
"</screen> This configures Apache so that all your Subversion repositories are physically located below <filename>D:\\SVN</filename>. The repositories are served to the outside world from the URL: <systemitem class=\"url\"> http://MyServer/svn/ </systemitem>. Access is restricted to known users/passwords listed in the <filename>passwd</filename> file."
msgstr ""
"Na koncu datoteke Config dodajte naslednje vrstice: <screen>\n"
"&lt;Location /svn&gt;\n"
"DAV svn\n"
"SVNListParentPath on\n"
"SVNParentPath D:\\SVN\n"
"#SVNIndexXSLT \"/svnindex.xsl\"\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"AuthName \"Skladiša Subversion\"\n"
"AuthUserFile passwd\n"
"#AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile\n"
"Require valid-user\n"
"</screen> S tem nastavite strežnik Apache tako, da so vsa skladišča sistema Subversion znotraj mape <filename>D:\\SVN</filename>. Zunanjemu svetu so skladišča na voljo na naslovu <systemitem class=\"url\"> http://MojStre%c5%benik/svn/ </systemitem>. Dostop je omejen na uporabniška imena/gesla, ki so navedena v datoteki <filename>passwd</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1732
msgid ""
"To create the <filename>passwd</filename> file, open the command prompt (DOS-Box) again, change to the <filename>apache2</filename> folder (usually <filename>c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2</filename>) and create the file by entering <screen>\n"
"bin\\htpasswd -c passwd &lt;username&gt;\n"
"</screen> This will create a file with the name <filename>passwd</filename> which is used for authentication. Additional users can be added with <screen>\n"
"bin\\htpasswd passwd &lt;username&gt;\n"
msgstr ""
"Za ustvarjanje datoteke <filename>passwd</filename> ponovno odprite ukazno lupino (okno DOS), pojdite v mapo strežnika Apache2 (ponavadi <filename>c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2</filename>) in z naslednjim ukazom ustvarite datoteko: <screen>\n"
"bin\\htpasswd -c passwd &lt;username&gt;\n"
"</screen> To ustvari datoteko z imenom <filename>passwd</filename>, ki se uporablja za avtentikacijo. Dodatne uporabnike lahko vnesete z <screen>\n"
"bin\\htpasswd geslo &lt;uporabniško ime&gt;\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1751
msgid "Restart the Apache service again."
msgstr "Ponovno zaženite storitev (service) Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1756
msgid "Point your browser to <systemitem class=\"url\">http://MyServer/svn/MyNewRepository</systemitem> (where <filename>MyNewRepository</filename> is the name of the Subversion repository you created before). If all went well you should be prompted for a username and password, then you can see the contents of your repository."
msgstr "Usmerite spletni brskalnik na <systemitem class=\"url\">http://MojStre%c5%benik/svn/MojeNovoSkladi%c5%a1%c4%8de</systemitem> (kjer je <filename>MojeNovoSkladišče</filename> ime skladišča Subversion, ki je ste ga predhodno ustvarili). Če je šlo vse po načrtih, potem vas mora pričakati vnosno polje za uporabnišo ime in geslo. Po vpisu lahko vidite vsebino skladišča."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1695
msgid "Now you have set up Apache and Subversion, but Apache doesn't know how to handle Subversion clients like TortoiseSVN yet. To get Apache to know which URL will be used for Subversion repositories you have to edit the Apache configuration file (usually located in <filename>c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2\\conf\\httpd.conf</filename>) with any text editor you like (e.g. Notepad): <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Namešena imate strežnik Apache in sistem Subversion, vendar Apache še ne zna delati z odjemalci Subversion, kakršen je TortoiseSVN. Da poveste strežniku Apache, kateri naslovi URL bodo uporabljeni kot skladiša Subversion, morate popraviti nejgovo konfiguracijsko datoteko (obiajno se nahaja na <filename>c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2\\conf\\httpd.conf</filename>) z urejevalnikom besedila (n. pr. z Beležko): <placeholder-1/>"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1769
msgid "SVNPath"
msgstr "SVNPath"

#. (primary)
#. (literal)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1772
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1807
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1943
msgid "SVNParentPath"
msgstr "SVNParentPath"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1777
msgid "Apache <filename>httpd.conf</filename> Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve Apache <filename>httpd.conf</filename>"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1783
msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Nastavitev"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1784
msgid "Explanation"
msgstr "Razlaga"

#. (systemitem)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1792
msgid "http://MyServer/svn/"
msgstr "http://MojStre%c5%benik/svn/"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1790
msgid "means that the Subversion repositories are available from the URL <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "pomeni, da so skladiša sistema Subversion na voljo na naslovu URL <placeholder-1/>"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1797
msgid "tells Apache which module will be responsible to serve that URL - in this case the Subversion module."
msgstr "pove strežniku Apache, kateri modul bo odgovoren za strežbo naslova URL - v tem primeru modul Subversion."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1804
msgid "For Subversion version 1.3 and higher, this directive enables listing all the available repositories under <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "V razliicah sistema Subversion 1.3 ali novejših ta direktiva omogoa izpis seznama vse razpoložljivih skladiš v mapi <placeholder-1/>."

#. (filename)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1814
msgid "D:\\SVN"
msgstr "D:\\SVN"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1812
msgid "tells Subversion to look for repositories below <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "pove sistemu Subversion, naj skladiša iše v mapi <placeholder-1/>"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1819
msgid "Used to make the browsing with a web browser prettier."
msgstr "Nastavitev za lepši izpis pri brskanju po skladiših."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1826
msgid "is to activate basic authentication, i.e. Username/password"
msgstr "se uporablja za nastavitev osnovne avtentikacije, n. pr. uporabniško ime/geslo"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1833
msgid "is used as an information whenever an authentication dialog pops up to tell the user what the authentication is for"
msgstr "se uporablja kot informacija ob prikazu pojavnega okna za avtentikacijo. Uporabniku pove, za kaj se avtentikacija uporablja."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1840
msgid "specifies which password file to use for authentication"
msgstr "doloi datoteko z gesli, ki naj se uporabi za avtentikacijo"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1846
msgid "Location of the Access file for paths inside a Subversion repository"
msgstr "lokacija datoteke dostopov za poti v skladiših Subversion"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1853
msgid "specifies that only users who entered a correct username/password are allowed to access the URL"
msgstr "doloi, da lahko do naslova URL dostopajo le uporabniki, ki so navedli pravilno kombinacijo uporabniškega imena in gesla"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1865
msgid ""
"If you want your repository to have read access for everyone but write access only for specific users you can change the line <screen>\n"
"Require valid-user\n"
"</screen> to <screen>\n"
"Require valid-user\n"
msgstr ""
"Œe želite, da imajo pravico branja v vašem skladišu vsi uporabniki, pravico pisanja pa samo nekateri, spremenite vrstico <screen>\n"
"Require valid-user\n"
"</screen> v <screen>\n"
"Require valid-user\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1880
msgid ""
"Using a <filename>passwd</filename> file limits and grants access to all of your repositories as a unit. If you want more control over which users have access to each folder inside a repository you can uncomment the line <screen>\n"
"#AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile\n"
"</screen> and create a Subversion access file. Apache will make sure that only valid users are able to access your <filename>/svn</filename> location, and will then pass the username to Subversion's <literal>AuthzSVNAccessFile</literal> module so that it can enforce more granular access based upon rules listed in the Subversion access file. Note that paths are specified either as <literal>repos:path</literal> or simply <literal>path</literal>. If you don't specify a particular repository, that access rule will apply to all repositories under <literal>SVNParentPath</literal>. The format of the authorization-policy file used by <literal>mod_authz_svn</literal> is described in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup-mod_authz_svn\"/>"
msgstr ""
"Z uporabno datoteke <filename>passwd</filename> lahko omejite oziroma dovolite dostop do vseh skladiš naenkrat. Œe želite imeti ve nadzora nad tem, kateri uporabnik ima pravice v doloeni mapi skladiša, odkomentirajte vrstico <screen>\n"
"#AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile\n"
"</screen> in ustvarite datoteko dostopa. Apache poskrbi, da lahko samo veljavni uporabniki dostopajo do lokacije <filename>/svn</filename>, in potem posreduje uporabniško ime modulu <literal>AuthzSVNAccessFile</literal>, tako da lahko le-ta bolj podrobno ugotovi pravice glede na pravila, ki so zapisana v datoteki dostopa. Poti so zapisane kot <literal>skladiše:pot</literal> ali preprosto <literal>pot</literal>. Œe ne doloite skladiša, pravilo velja za vsa skladiša v mapi <literal>SVNParentPath</literal>. Oblika avtorizacijske datoteke, ki jo uporablja <literal>mod_authz_svn</literal>, je opisana v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup-mod_authz_svn\"/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1907
msgid ""
"To make browsing the repository with a web browser 'prettier', uncomment the line <screen>\n"
"#SVNIndexXSLT \"/svnindex.xsl\"\n"
"</screen> and put the files <filename>svnindex.xsl</filename>, <filename>svnindex.css</filename> and <filename>menucheckout.ico</filename> in your document root directory (usually <filename>C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs</filename>). The directory is set with the <literal>DocumentRoot</literal> directive in your Apache config file."
msgstr ""
"Da bi polepšali izpis pri brskanju po skladišu, odkomentirajte naslednjo vrstico <screen>\n"
"#SVNIndexXSLT \"/svnindex.xsl\"\n"
"</screen> in dodajte datoteke <filename>svnindex.xsl</filename>, <filename>svnindex.css</filename> in <filename>menucheckout.ico</filename> v korensko mapo dokumentov na strežniku (ponavadi <filename>C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs</filename>). Mapa je nastavljena z direktivo <literal>DocumentRoot</literal> v konfiguracijski datoteki strežnika Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1920
msgid "You can get those three files directly from our source repository at <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/contrib/other/svnindex\"><citetitle>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/contrib/other/svnindex</citetitle></ulink>. If you're asked for authentication for this link, enter <literal>guest</literal> as username and leave the password empty."
msgstr "Te tri datoteke lahko prenesete neposredno iz našega skladišča na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/contrib/other/svnindex\"><citetitle>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/contrib/other/svnindex</citetitle></ulink>. Če se pojavi zahteva po avtentikaciji, vnesite <literal>guest</literal> za uporabniško ime in pustite polje za geslo prazno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1929
msgid "The XSL file from the TortoiseSVN repository has a nice gimmick: if you browse the repository with your web browser, then every folder in your repository has an icon on the right shown. If you click on that icon, the TortoiseSVN checkout dialog is started for this URL."
msgstr "Datoteka XSL skladiša TortoiseSVN ima koristen dodatek: e uporabljate za brskanje po skladišu spletni brskalnik, se ob vsaki mapi v skladišu izriše ikona na desni strani imena. Œe kliknete nanjo, se prikaže pogovorno okno za prevzem za ta naslov URL."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1774
msgid "A short explanation of what you just entered: <placeholder-1/> But that's just an example. There are many, many more possibilities of what you can do with the Apache web server. <placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "Kratka obrazložitev pravkar vnesenega: <placeholder-1/> Vendar je to le primer. Obstaja še zelo veliko stvari, ki jih lahko naredite s spletnim strežnikom Apache. <placeholder-2/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1941
msgid "Multiple Repositories"
msgstr "Ve skladiš"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1946
msgid "Index of projects"
msgstr "Indeks projektov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1948
msgid "If you used the <literal>SVNParentPath</literal> directive then you don't have to change the Apache config file every time you add a new Subversion repository. Simply create the new repository under the same location as the first repository and you're done! In my company I have direct access to that specific folder on the server via SMB (normal windows file access). So I just create a new folder there, run the TortoiseSVN command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Create repository here...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and a new project has a home..."
msgstr "Œe ste pri namešanju nastavili direktivo <literal>SVNParentPath</literal>, potem vam ni treba spreminjati konfiguracijske datoteke Apache vsaki, ko dodate novo skladiše. Enostavno ustvarite novo skladiše na isti lokaciji, na kateri ste ustvarili prvo skladiše! V našem podjetju imamo neposreden dostop do te lokacije na strežniku preko SMB (obiajen datoteni dostop sistema Windows). Tako enostavno na tej lokaciji ustvarimo novo mapo, uporabimo ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Tukaj ustvari skladiše...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in nov projekt ima svoj dom..."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1962
msgid "If you are using Subversion 1.3 or later, you can use the <literal>SVNListParentPath on</literal> directive to allow Apache to produce a listing of all available projects if you point your browser at the parent path rather than at a specific repository."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate Subversion 1.3 ali novejšo razliico, lahko uporabite direktivo <literal>SVNListParentPath on</literal>. S tem dovolite strežniku Apache, da prikaže seznam vseh projektov, e v brskalnik vpišete korensko pot namesto specifinega skladiša."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1970
msgid "Path-Based Authorization"
msgstr "Avtorizacija na osnovi poti"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1972
msgid "Authorization"
msgstr "Avtorizacija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1977
msgid "The <literal>mod_authz_svn</literal> module permits fine-grained control of access permissions based on user names and repository paths. This is available with the Apache server, and as of Subversion 1.3 it is available with svnserve as well."
msgstr "Modul <literal>mod_authz_svn</literal> omogoa podrobno nastavitev pravic dostopa na osnovi uporabniških imen in poti skladiš. Možnost je na voljo pri uporabi strežnika Apache, od razliice Subversion 1.3 naprej pa tudi pri uporabi svnserve."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:1983
msgid ""
"An example file would look like this: <screen>\n"
"admin = john, kate\n"
"devteam1 = john, rachel, sally\n"
"devteam2 = kate, peter, mark\n"
"docs = bob, jane, mike\n"
"training = zak\n"
"# Default access rule for ALL repositories\n"
"# Everyone can read, admins can write, Dan German is excluded.\n"
"* = r\n"
"@admin = rw\n"
"dangerman =\n"
"# Allow developers complete access to their project repos\n"
"@devteam1 = rw\n"
"@devteam2 = rw\n"
"@devteam1 = rw\n"
"@devteam2 = rw\n"
"trevor = rw\n"
"# Give the doc people write access to all the docs folders\n"
"@docs = rw\n"
"# Give trainees write access in the training repository only\n"
"@training = rw\n"
msgstr ""
"Primer datoteke izgleda takole: <screen>\n"
"administratorji = john, kate\n"
"razvijalci1 = john, rachel, sally\n"
"razvijalci2 = kate, peter, mark\n"
"dokumentaristi = bob, jane, mike\n"
"tecajniki = zak\n"
"# Privzeto pravilo za dostope za VSA skladiša\n"
"# Vsi lahko berejo, administratorji imajo pravice za pisanje, Dan German nima nobenih pravic.\n"
"* = r\n"
"@administratorji = rw\n"
"dangerman =\n"
"# Dovoli razvijalcem popoln dostop do projektnih skladiš\n"
"@razvijalci1 = rw\n"
"@razvijalci2 = rw\n"
"@razvijalci1 = rw\n"
"@razvijalci2 = rw\n"
"trevor = rw\n"
"# Dodeli dokumentaristom pravice pisanja v vseh doc mapah\n"
"@dokumentaristi = rw\n"
"# Dodeli teajnikom pravice pisanja le v skladišu TrainingRepos\n"
"@tecajniki = rw\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2015
msgid "Note that checking every path can be an expensive operation, particularly in the case of the revision log. The server checks every changed path in each revision and checks it for readability, which can be time-consuming on revisions which affect large numbers of files."
msgstr "Upoštevajte, da je preverjanje vsake poti lahko zelo potratna operacija, predvsem v primeru dnevnika. Strežnik preverja vsako spremenjeno pot v vsaki reviziji in preveri berljivost, kar je lahko zelo zamudno pri revizijah, kjer je spremenjeno veliko število datotek."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2022
msgid "Authentication and authorization are separate processes. If a user wants to gain access to a repository path, she has to meet <emphasis>both</emphasis>, the usual authentication requirements and the authorization requirements of the access file."
msgstr "Avtentikacija in avtorizacija sta dva loena procesa. Œe želi uporabnik dobiti dostop do poti v skladišu, mora zadostiti <emphasis>obema</emphasis> pogojema: obiajni zahtevi po avtentikaciji in avtorizacijski zahtevi za dostop do datoteke."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2030
msgid "Authentication With a Windows Domain"
msgstr "Avtentikacija z Windows domeno"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2032
msgid "Windows domain"
msgstr "Domena Windows"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2035
msgid "domaincontroller"
msgstr "domenski kontroler"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2037
msgid "As you might have noticed you need to make a username/password entry in the <filename>passwd</filename> file for each user separately. And if (for security reasons) you want your users to periodically change their passwords you have to make the change manually."
msgstr "Kot se verjetno opazili, morate narediti vnos uporabniškega imena in gesla v datoteko <filename>passwd</filename> za vsakega uporabnika posebej. In e želite, da vaši uporabniki (iz varnostnih razlogov) periodino spreminjajo geslo, morate te spremembe vnašati rono."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2044
msgid "But there's a solution for that problem - at least if you're accessing the repository from inside a LAN with a windows domain controller: <literal>mod_auth_sspi</literal>!"
msgstr "Vendar obstaja rešitev problema - vsaj e dostopate do skladiša iz krajevnega omrežja z domenskim kontrolerjem sistema Windows: <literal>mod_auth_sspi</literal>!"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2050
msgid "SSPI"
msgstr "SSPI"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2052
msgid "The original SSPI module was offered by Syneapps including source code. But the development for it has been stopped. But don't despair, the community has picked it up and improved it. It has a new home on <ulink url=\"http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-auth-sspi/\"><citetitle>SourceForge</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Originalni modul SSPI, vključno z izvorno kodo, je včasih ponujajo podjetje Syneapps. Vendar je razvoj že nekaj časa ustavljen. A ne obupajte, skupnost nadaljuje s projektom in ga izboljšuje. Nova lokacija projekta je <ulink url=\"http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-auth-sspi/\"><citetitle>SourceForge</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2063
msgid "Download the module, copy the file <filename>mod_auth_sspi.so</filename> into the Apache modules folder."
msgstr "Prenesite modul, prekopirajte datoteko <filename>mod_auth_sspi.so</filename> v podmapo modules namestitvene mape strežnika Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2070
msgid ""
"Edit the Apache config file: add the line <screen>\n"
"LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/mod_auth_sspi.so\n"
"</screen> to the <literal>LoadModule</literal> section. Make sure you insert this line <emphasis>before</emphasis> the line <screen>\n"
"LoadModule auth_module modules/mod_auth.so\n"
msgstr ""
"Popravite konfiguracijsko datoteko strežnika Apache: dodajte vrstico <screen>\n"
"LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/mod_auth_sspi.so\n"
"</screen> v sekcijo <literal>LoadModule</literal>. To vrstico morate vstaviti <emphasis>pred</emphasis> vrstico <screen>\n"
"LoadModule auth_module modules/mod_auth.so\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2083
msgid ""
"To make the Subversion location use this type of authentication you have to change the line <screen>\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"</screen> to <screen>\n"
"AuthType SSPI\n"
"</screen> also you need to add <screen>\n"
"SSPIAuth On\n"
"SSPIAuthoritative On\n"
"SSPIDomain &lt;domaincontroller&gt;\n"
"SSPIOmitDomain on\n"
"SSPIUsernameCase lower\n"
"SSPIPerRequestAuth on\n"
"SSPIOfferBasic On\n"
"</screen> within the <literal>&lt;Location /svn&gt;</literal> block. If you don't have a domain controller, leave the name of the domain control as <literal>&lt;domaincontroller&gt;</literal>."
msgstr ""
"Œe želite, da Subversion uporablja ta tip avtentikacije, morate spremeniti vrstico <screen>\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"</screen> v <screen>\n"
"AuthType SSPI\n"
"</screen> in dodati <screen>\n"
"SSPIAuth On\n"
"SSPIAuthoritative On\n"
"SSPIDomain &lt;domaincontroller&gt;\n"
"SSPIOmitDomain on\n"
"SSPIUsernameCase lower\n"
"SSPIPerRequestAuth on\n"
"SSPIOfferBasic On\n"
"</screen> v blok <literal>&lt;Location /svn&gt;</literal>. Œe nimate domenskega kontrolerja, pustite ime domenske kontrole na <literal>&lt;domaincontroller&gt;</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2109
msgid "Note that if you are authenticating using SSPI, then you don't need the <literal>AuthUserFile</literal> line to define a password file any more. Apache authenticates your username and password against your windows domain instead. You will need to update the users list in your <filename>svnaccessfile</filename> to reference <literal>DOMAIN\\username</literal> as well."
msgstr "Œe za avtentikacijo uporabljate SSPI, potem ne potrebujete ve vrstice <literal>AuthUserFile</literal>, da bi nastavili datoteko za gesla. Apache avtenticira vaše uporabniko ime in geslo v domeni Windows. Morali pa boste posodobiti seznam uporabnikov v datoteki <filename>svnaccessfile</filename>, da bo le-ta vsebovala tudi uporabnike oblike <literal>DOMENA\\uporabniško ime</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2119
msgid "Subversion <filename>AuthzSVNAccessFile</filename> files are case sensitive in regard to user names (<literal>JUser</literal> is different from <literal>juser</literal>)."
msgstr "Datoteke <filename>AuthzSVNAccessFile</filename> sistema Subversion so obutljive na velike in male rke pri navajanju uporabniških imen (<literal>UPorabnik</literal> je torej razlino kot <literal>uporabnik</literal>)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2124
msgid "In Microsoft's world, Windows domains and user names are not case sensitive. Even so, some network administrators like to create user accounts in CamelCase (e.g. <literal>JUser</literal>)."
msgstr "V Microsoftovem svetu domene Windows in uporabniška imena ne loijo velikih in malih rk. Kljub vsemu nekateri administratorji radi uporabljajo kamelji stil za uporabniške raune (n.pr. <literal>JUporabnik</literal>)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2129
msgid "This difference can bite you when using SSPI authentication as the windows domain and user names are passed to Subversion in the same case as the user types them in at the prompt. Internet Explorer often passes the username to Apache automatically using whatever case the account was created with."
msgstr "Ta razlika pa vam lahko ponagaja pri uporabi avtentikacije SSPI. Sistem Subversion dobi domeno Windows in uporabniško ime v natanno takšni obliki, kot ju je uporabnik vpisal. Internet Explorer pogosto pošlje uporabniško ime strežniku Apache v obliki, ki je bila uporabljena pri ustvarjanju rauna."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2137
msgid "The end result is that you may need at least two entries in your <literal>AuthzSVNAccessFile</literal> for each user -- a lowercase entry and an entry in the same case that Internet Explorer passes to Apache. You will also need to train your users to also type in their credentials using lower case when accessing repositories via TortoiseSVN."
msgstr "Rezultat tega je, da boste mogoe potrebovali vsak dva vnosa v <literal>AuthzSVNAccessFile</literal> za vsakega uporabnika -- vnos z malimi rkami in vnos v enakem formatu, kot ga Internet Explorer pošlje strežniku Apache. Prav tako boste morali nauiti uporabnike, da vnašajo avtentikacijske podatke z malimi rkami, ko dostopajo do skladiš preko programa TortoiseSVN."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2145
msgid "Apache's Error and Access logs are your best friend in deciphering problems such as these as they will help you determine the username string passed onto Subversion's <literal>AuthzSVNAccessFile</literal> module. You may need to experiment with the exact format of the user string in the <literal>svnaccessfile</literal> (e.g. <literal>DOMAIN\\user</literal> vs. <literal>DOMAIN//user</literal>) in order to get everything working."
msgstr "Zapis dostopov in napak strežnika Apache sta vaša najboljša prijatelja, ko je potrebno reševati takšne težave. Pomagata vam ugotoviti natanen niz, ki ga dobi modul <literal>AuthzSVNAccessFile</literal>. Mogoe boste morali poskušati ugotoviti pravilno obliko niza v datoteki <literal>svnaccessfile</literal> (n. pr. <literal>DOMENA\\uporabnik</literal> oz. <literal>DOMEMA//uporabnik</literal>), preden bo sistem res deloval."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2158
msgid "SSL and Internet Explorer"
msgstr "SSL in Internet Explorer"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2159
msgid "If you're securing your server with SSL and use authentication against a windows domain you will encounter that browsing the repository with the Internet Explorer doesn't work anymore. Don't worry - this is only the Internet Explorer not able to authenticate. Other browsers don't have that problem and TortoiseSVN and any other Subversion client are still able to authenticate."
msgstr "Œe dostop do strežnika zavarujete s protokolom SSL in uporabite avtentikacijo z domeno Windows, boste ugotovili, da brskanje po skladiših z Internet Explorerjem ne deluje ve. Ne skrbite - samo Internet Explorer ni sposoben izvesti avtentikacije. Ostali brskalniki tega problema nimajo, TortoiseSVN in ostali odjemalci za Subversion še vedno lahko izvajajo avtentikacijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2173
msgid "define a separate <literal>&lt;Location /path&gt;</literal> directive in the Apache config file, and add the <literal>SSPIBasicPreferred On</literal>. This will allow IE to authenticate again, but other browsers and Subversion won't be able to authenticate against that location."
msgstr "v konfiguracijski datoteki Apache definirate loeno direktivo <literal>&lt;Location /path&gt;</literal> in dodate vrstico <literal>SSPIBasicPreferred On</literal>. To omogoi avtentikacijo preko Internet Explorerja, vendar pa ostali brskalniki in odjemalci za Subversion ne bodo mogli izvajati avtentikacije na tej lokaciji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2183
msgid "Offer browsing with unencrypted authentication (without SSL) too. Strangely IE doesn't have any problems with authenticating if the connection is not secured with SSL."
msgstr "Ponudite tudi brskanje preko neenkriptirane avtentikacije (brez SSL). Zauda IE nima nobenih težav z avtentikacijo, e povezava ni zašitena z SSL."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2191
msgid ""
"In the SSL \"standard\" setup there's often the following statement in Apache's virtual SSL host: <screen>\n"
"SetEnvIf User-Agent \".*MSIE.*\" \\\n"
" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \\\n"
" downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0\n"
"</screen> There are (were?) good reasons for this configuration, see <ulink url=\"http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8/ssl_faq.html#ToC49\"><citetitle>http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8/ssl_faq.html#ToC49</citetitle></ulink> But if you want NTLM authentication you have to use <literal>keepalive</literal>. If You uncomment the whole <literal>SetEnvIf</literal> you should be able to authenticate IE with windows authentication over SSL against the Apache on Win32 with included <literal>mod_auth_sspi</literal>."
msgstr ""
"Pri \"standardni\" namestitvi SSL se v Apachejevem virtualnem gostitelju pogosto nahaja naslednji stavek: <screen>\n"
"SetEnvIf User-Agent \".*MSIE.*\" \\\n"
" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \\\n"
" downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0\n"
"</screen> Obstajajo (so obstajali?) dobri razlogi za takšno konfiguracijo, poglejte na <ulink url=\"http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8/ssl_faq.html#ToC49\"><citetitle>http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8/ssl_faq.html#ToC49</citetitle></ulink> Toda če želite avtentikacijo NTLM, morate uporabiti opcijo <literal>keepalive </literal>. Če odkomentirate celoten blok <literal>SetEnvIf</literal>, boste lahko uporabljali avtentikacijo IE z avtentikacijo sistema Windows preko protokola SSL in strežnika Apache na sistemu WIN32 z vključenim modulom <literal>mod_auth_sspi</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2168
msgid "If you still want to use IE to browse the repository you can either: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe še vedno želite uporabljati Internet Explorer za brskanje po skladišu, lahko: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2215
msgid "Multiple Authentication Sources"
msgstr "Avtentikacija iz ve virov"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2217
msgid "Multiple authentication"
msgstr "Vekratna avtentikacija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2219
msgid "It is also possible to have more than one authentication source for your Subversion repository. To do this, you need to make each authentication type non-authoritative, so that Apache will check multiple sources for a matching username/password."
msgstr "Doloiti je mogoe ve virov za avtentikacijo skladiš Subversion. Da bi to delovalo, morate vsako avtentikacijo narediti neavtoritativno. S tem bo Apache pri ve virih preveril, ali je sta uporabniško ime in geslo pravilna."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2225
msgid "A common scenario is to use both Windows domain authentication and a <literal>passwd</literal> file, so that you can provide SVN access to users who don't have a Windows domain login."
msgstr "Pogosta je situacija, ko imamo avtentikacijo tako preko domene Windows kot preko datoteke <literal>passwd</literal>. Na ta nain lahko omogoite dostop tudi uporabnikom, ki nimajo uporabniškega imena in gesla za domeno Windows."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2232
msgid ""
"To enable both Windows domain and <filename>passwd</filename> file authentication, add the following entries within the <literal>&lt;Location&gt;</literal> block of your Apache config file: <screen>\n"
"AuthAuthoritative Off\n"
"SSPIAuthoritative Off\n"
msgstr ""
"Da bi omogoili avtentikacijo preko domene Windows in datoteke <filename>passwd</filename>, dodajte naslednji vrstici znotraj bloka <literal>&lt;Location&gt;</literal> v konfiguracijski datoteki strežnika Apache: <screen>\n"
"AuthAuthoritative Off\n"
"SSPIAuthoritative Off\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2243
msgid ""
"Here is an example of the full Apache configuration for combined Windows domain and <literal>passwd</literal> file authentication: <screen>\n"
"&lt;Location /svn&gt;\n"
"DAV svn\n"
"SVNListParentPath on\n"
"SVNParentPath D:\\SVN\n"
"AuthName \"Subversion repositories\"\n"
"AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile.txt\n"
"# NT Domain Logins.\n"
"AuthType SSPI\n"
"SSPIAuth On\n"
"SSPIAuthoritative Off\n"
"SSPIDomain &lt;domaincontroller&gt;\n"
"SSPIOfferBasic On\n"
"# Htpasswd Logins.\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"AuthAuthoritative Off\n"
"AuthUserFile passwd\n"
"Require valid-user\n"
msgstr ""
"Tukaj je celoten primer konfiguracije strežnika Apache za kombinacijo avtentikacije preko domene Windows in dateteke <literal>passwd</literal>: <screen>\n"
"&lt;Location /svn&gt;\n"
"DAV svn\n"
"SVNListParentPath on\n"
"SVNParentPath D:\\SVN\n"
"AuthName \"Skladiša Subversion\"\n"
"AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile.txt\n"
"# Logiranje preko domen NT.\n"
"AuthType SSPI\n"
"SSPIAuth On\n"
"SSPIAuthoritative Off\n"
"SSPIDomain &lt;domaincontroller&gt;\n"
"SSPIOfferBasic On\n"
"# Logiranje preko datoteke passwd.\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"AuthAuthoritative Off\n"
"AuthUserFile passwd\n"
"Require valid-user\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2273
msgid "Securing the server with SSL"
msgstr "Zavarovanje strežnika z SSL"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2275
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2277
msgid "The Apache server doesn't have SSL support installed by default due to US-export restrictions. But you can easily download the required module from somewhere else and install it yourself."
msgstr "Strežnik Apache zaradi ameriških izvoznih doloil ne vsebuje podpore za SSL. Vendar lahko potreben modul dobite na alternativnih lokacijah in ga namestite sami."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2284
msgid "First you need the required files to enable SSL. You can find those in the package available at <ulink url=\"http://hunter.campbus.com/\"><citetitle>http://hunter.campbus.com/</citetitle></ulink>. Just unzip the package and then copy <filename>mod_ssl.so</filename> to the <filename>modules</filename> folder of Apache and the file <filename>openssl.exe</filename> to the <filename>bin</filename> folder. Also copy the file <filename>conf/ssl.conf</filename> to the <filename>conf</filename> folder of Apache."
msgstr "Najprej potrebujete zahtevane datoteke za postavitev protokola SSL. Najdete jih v paketu na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://hunter.campbus.com/\"><citetitle>http://hunter.campbus.com/</citetitle></ulink>. Razpakirajte datoteko ZIP in skopirajte <filename>mod_ssl.so</filename> v podmapo <filename>modules</filename> v namestitveni mapi strežnika Apache in datoteko <filename>openssl.exe</filename> v podmapo <filename>bin</filename>. Prekopirajte še datoteko <filename>conf/ssl.conf</filename> v podmapo <filename>conf</filename> namestitvene mape strežnika Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2300
msgid "Open the file <filename>ssl.conf</filename> in the Apache <filename>conf</filename> folder with a text editor."
msgstr "Z urejevalnikom besedil odprite datoteko <filename>ssl.conf</filename> v mapi <filename>conf</filename> strežnika Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2307
msgid ""
"Place a comment char (<literal>#</literal>) in front of the following lines: <screen>\n"
"DocumentRoot \"c:/apache/htdocs\"\n"
"ServerName www.example.com:443\n"
"ServerAdmin you@example.com\n"
"ErrorLog logs/error_log\n"
"TransferLog logs/access_log\n"
msgstr ""
"Pred vsako od naslednjih vrstic vnesite znak za komentar (<literal>#</literal>):<screen>\n"
"DocumentRoot \"c:/apache/htdocs\"\n"
"ServerName www.example.com:443\n"
"ServerAdmin you@example.com\n"
"ErrorLog logs/error_log\n"
"TransferLog logs/access_log\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2320
msgid ""
"change the line <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl.crt/server.crt\n"
"</screen> to <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/my-server.cert\n"
"</screen> the line <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl.key/server.key\n"
"</screen> to <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/my-server.key\n"
"</screen> and the line <screen>\n"
"SSLMutex file:logs/ssl_mutex\n"
"</screen> to <screen>\n"
"SSLMutex default\n"
msgstr ""
"spremenite vrstico <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl.crt/server.crt\n"
"</screen> v <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/my-server.cert\n"
"</screen> vrstico <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl.key/server.key\n"
"</screen> v <screen>\n"
"SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/my-server.key\n"
"</screen> in vrstico <screen>\n"
"SSLMutex file:logs/ssl_mutex\n"
"</screen> v <screen>\n"
"SSLMutex default\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2348
msgid ""
"Delete the lines <screen>\n"
"&lt;IfDefine SSL&gt;\n"
"</screen> and <screen>\n"
msgstr ""
"Izbrišite vrstici <screen>\n"
"&lt;IfDefine SSL&gt;\n"
"</screen> and <screen>\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2360
msgid "If you want that all the Apache modules are aware of the SSL ability, change the registry key <filename>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Services\\Apache2\\ImagePath</filename> from <filename>\"C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\bin\\Apache.exe\" -k runservice</filename> to <filename>\"C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\bin\\Apache.exe\" -D SSL -k runservice</filename>."
msgstr "Œe želite, da vsi moduli Apache poznajo možnost SSL, spremenite vnos v registru <filename>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Services\\Apache2\\ImagePath</filename> iz <filename>\"C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\bin\\Apache.exe\" -k runservice</filename> v <filename>\"C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\bin\\Apache.exe\" -D SSL -k runservice</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2367
msgid "This will set an internal flag which Apache modules can read the next time you start the Apache service."
msgstr "S tem postavite notranjo zastavico, ki jo bodo moduli Apache prebrali naslednji, ko boste zagnali storitev Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2373
msgid ""
"Open the Apache config file (<filename>httpd.conf</filename>) and uncomment the line <screen>\n"
"#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so\n"
msgstr ""
"Odprite konfiguracijsko datoteka strežnika Apache (<filename>httpd.conf</filename>) in odkomentirajte vrstico <screen>\n"
"#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2382
msgid "OpenSSL needs a config file. You can download a working one from <ulink url=\"http://tud.at/programm/openssl.cnf\"><citetitle>http://tud.at/programm/openssl.cnf</citetitle></ulink>. Save the file to <filename>bin/openssl.cnf</filename>. Please note: the file has the type <filename>*.cnf</filename>. Windows treats such files in a special way but it really is just a text file!"
msgstr "OpenSSL potrebuje konfiguracijsko datoteko. Delujočo verzijo datoteke si lahko prenesete z naslova <ulink url=\"http://tud.at/programm/openssl.cnf\"><citetitle>http://tud.at/programm/openssl.cnf</citetitle></ulink>. Shranite datoteko v mapo <filename>bin/openssl.cnf</filename>. Opomba: končnica datoteke je <filename>*.cnf</filename>. Operacijski sistem Windows obravnava to datoteko na poseben način, v resnici pa je to navadna besedilna datoteka!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2396
msgid ""
"Next you need to create an SSL certificate. To do that open a command prompt (DOS-Box) and change to the Apache folder (e.g. <filename>C:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2</filename>) and type the following command: <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl req -config bin\\openssl.cnf -new -out my-server.csr\n"
"</screen> You will be asked for a passphrase. Please don't use simple words but whole sentences, e.g. a part of a poem. The longer the phrase the better. Also you have to enter the URL of your server. All other questions are optional but we recommend you fill those in too."
msgstr ""
"Nato morate ustvariti certifikat SSL. Odprite ukazni poziv (okno DOS) in spremenite trenutno mapo v namestitveno mapo strežnika Apache (n. pr. <filename>C:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2</filename>) in vpišite naslednji ukaz: <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl req -config bin\\openssl.cnf -new -out my-server.csr\n"
"</screen> Vpisati boste morali šifrirno frazo. Ne uporabljajte enostavnih besed, ampak vpišite cel stavek, naprimer del pesmi. Veja ko je dolžina fraze, boljša je. Vnesti morate še naslov URL vašega strežnika. Na ostala vprašanja vam ni nujno odgovoriti, vendar vam priporoamo, da vseeno odgovorite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2411
msgid ""
"Normally the <filename>privkey.pem</filename> file is created automatically, but if it isn't you need to type this command to generate it: <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048\n"
msgstr ""
"Obiajno se datoteka <filename>privkey.pem</filename> ustvari samodejno, e pa se ne, morate vtipkati naslednji ukaz, da jo ustvarite:<screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2419
msgid ""
"Next type the commands <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out my-server.key\n"
"</screen> and (on one line) <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl x509 -in my-server.csr -out my-server.cert\n"
" -req -signkey my-server.key -days 4000\n"
"</screen> This will create a certificate which will expire in 4000 days. And finally enter: <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl x509 -in my-server.cert -out my-server.der.crt -outform DER\n"
"</screen> These commands created some files in the Apache folder (<filename>my-server.der.crt</filename>, <filename>my-server.csr</filename>, <filename>my-server.key</filename>, <filename>.rnd</filename>, <filename>privkey.pem</filename>, <filename>my-server.cert</filename>). Copy the files to the folder <filename>conf/ssl</filename> (e.g. <filename>C:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2\\conf\\ssl</filename>) - if this folder does not exist you have to create it first."
msgstr ""
"Nato vnesite naslednje ukaze <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out my-server.key\n"
"</screen> in (v eni vrstici) <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl x509 -in my-server.csr -out my-server.cert\n"
" -req -signkey my-server.key -days 4000\n"
"</screen> To ustvari certifikat, ki bo potekel po 4000 dneh. Nazadnje vnesite še: <screen>\n"
"bin\\openssl x509 -in my-server.cert -out my-server.der.crt -outform DER\n"
"</screen> Ti ukazi so ustvarili nekaj datotek v namestitveni mapi Apache (<filename>my-server.der.crt</filename>, <filename>my-server.csr</filename>, <filename>my-server.key</filename>, <filename>.rnd</filename>, <filename>privkey.pem</filename>, <filename>my-server.cert</filename>). Prekopirajte datoteke v mapo <filename>conf/ssl</filename> (n. pr. <filename>C:\\program files\\apache group\\apache2\\conf\\ssl</filename>) - e ta mapa še ne obstaja, jo morate najprej ustvariti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2448
msgid "Restart the Apache service."
msgstr "Ponovno zaženite storitev Apache."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2453
msgid "Point your browser to <systemitem class=\"url\">https://servername/svn/project</systemitem> ..."
msgstr "Usmerite vaš spletni brskalnik na <systemitem class=\"url\">https://servername/svn/project</systemitem> ..."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2461
msgid "Forcing SSL access"
msgstr "Vsiljevanje dostopa SSL"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2462
msgid "When you've set up SSL to make your repository more secure, you might want to disable the normal access via non-SSL (http) and only allow https access. To do this, you have to add another directive to the Subversion <literal>&lt;Location&gt;</literal> block: <literal>SSLRequireSSL</literal>."
msgstr "Œe ste nastavili protokol SSL, da bi bili dostopi do skladiš bolj varni, onemogoite navaden - ne-SSL (http) dostop in dovolite le dostop https. To naredite tako, da dodate novo direktivo v Subversion blok <literal>&lt;Location&gt;</literal>: <literal>SSLRequireSSL</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2469
msgid ""
"An example <literal>&lt;Location&gt;</literal> block would look like this: <screen>\n"
"&lt;Location /svn&gt;\n"
"DAV svn\n"
"SVNParentPath D:\\SVN\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"AuthName \"Subversion repositories\"\n"
"AuthUserFile passwd\n"
"#AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile\n"
"Require valid-user\n"
msgstr ""
"Primer bloka <literal>&lt;Location&gt;</literal> izgleda takole: <screen>\n"
"&lt;Location /svn&gt;\n"
"DAV svn\n"
"SVNParentPath D:\\SVN\n"
"AuthType Basic\n"
"AuthName \"Skladiša Subversion\"\n"
"AuthUserFile passwd\n"
"#AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile\n"
"Require valid-user\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2488
msgid "Svnserve Based Server"
msgstr "Strežnik svnserve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2494
msgid "There may be situations where it's not possible to use Apache as your server. Fortunately, Subversion includes Svnserve - a lightweight stand-alone server which uses a custom protocol over an ordinary TCP/IP connection."
msgstr "Vasih strežnika Apache ne morete uporabiti. Na sreo Subversion vsebuje Svnserve - samostojen mini strežnik, ki uporablja protokol po meri preko obiajne povezave TCP/IP."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2500
msgid "In most cases svnserve is easier to setup and runs faster than the Apache based server."
msgstr "V veini primerov je svnserve lažje namestiti in deluje hitreje kot strežniki Apache."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2506
msgid "Installing svnserve"
msgstr "Namešanje svnserve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2510
msgid "Get the latest version of Subversion from <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Najnovejšo različico sistema Subversion dobite na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2518
msgid "If you already have a version of Subversion installed, and svnserve is running, you will need to stop it before continuing."
msgstr "Œe je Subversion že namešen in svnserve trenutno tee, ga morate pred nadaljevanjem zaustaviti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2524
msgid "Run the Subversion installer. If you run the installer on your server you can skip step 4."
msgstr "Zaženite namestitvni program Subversion. Œe namešate Subversion na strežniku, lahko korak 4 preskoite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2530
msgid "Open the windows-explorer, go to the installation directory of Subversion (usually <filename>C:\\Program Files\\Subversion</filename>) and in the <filename>bin</filename> directory, find the files <filename>svnserve.exe</filename>, <filename>intl3_svn.dll</filename>, <filename>libapr.dll</filename>, <filename>libapriconv.dll</filename>, <filename>libapriutil.dll</filename>, <filename>libdb*.dll</filename>, <filename>libeay32.dll</filename> and <filename>ssleay32.dll</filename> - copy these files, or just copy all of the <filename>bin</filename> directory, into a directory on your server e.g. <filename>c:\\svnserve</filename>"
msgstr "Odprite Raziskovalca, pojdite na namestitveno mapo Subversion (obiajno <filename>C:\\Program Files\\Subversion</filename>) in v mapi <filename>bin</filename> poišite datoteke <filename>svnserve.exe</filename>, <filename>intl3_svn.dll</filename>, <filename>libapr.dll</filename>, <filename>libapriconv.dll</filename>, <filename>libapriutil.dll</filename>, <filename>libdb*.dll</filename>, <filename>libeay32.dll</filename> in <filename>ssleay32.dll</filename> - prekopirajte jih ali pa prekopirajte celopno mapo <filename>bin</filename> v mapo na vašem strežniku, n. pr. <filename>c:\\svnserve</filename>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2552
msgid "Running svnserve"
msgstr "Poganjanje svnserve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2553
msgid ""
"Now that svnserve is installed, you need it running on your server. The simplest approach is to run the following from a DOS shell or create a windows shortcut: <screen>\n"
"svnserve.exe --daemon\n"
"</screen> svnserve will now start waiting for incoming requests on port 3690. The --daemon switch tells svnserve to run as a daemon process, so it will always exist until it is manually terminated."
msgstr ""
"Sedaj, ko je svnserve namešen, ga morate na strežniku zagnati. Najlažji nain je, da v lupini DOS izvedete naslednji ukaz ali narediti bližnjico Windows: <screen>\n"
"svnserve.exe --daemon\n"
"</screen> svnserve bo sedaj akal na prihajajoe zahteve na vratih 3690. Stikalo --daemon pove, naj svnserve tee, dokler ga rono ne zaustavimo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2564
msgid "If you have not yet created a repository, follow the instructions given with the Apache server setup <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup-apache-4\"/>."
msgstr "Œe še niste ustvarili skladiša, sledite navodilom, podanim pri namestitvi strežnika Apache: <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup-apache-4\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2569
msgid "To test that svnserve is working, use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Repo-Browser</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to view a repository."
msgstr "Œe želite preveriti, ali svnserve tee, uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Skladišni brskalnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice> - videti morate skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2577
msgid ""
"Assuming your repository is located in <filename>c:\\repos\\TestRepo</filename>, and your server is called <filename>localhost</filename>, enter: <screen>\n"
"</screen> when prompted by the repo browser."
msgstr ""
"Œe predpostavimo, da se skladiše nahaja v mapi <filename>c:\\repos\\TestRepo</filename>, in je vašemu strežniku ime <filename>localhost</filename>, vpišite: <screen>\n"
"</screen>ko dobite poziv brskalnika po skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2586
msgid ""
"You can also increase security and save time entering URLs with svnserve by using the --root switch to set the root location and restrict access to a specified directory on the server: <screen>\n"
"svnserve.exe --daemon --root drive:\\path\\to\\repository\\root\n"
"</screen> Using the previous test as a guide, svnserve would now run as: <screen>\n"
"svnserve.exe --daemon --root c:\\repos\n"
"</screen> And in TortoiseSVN our repo-browser URL is now shortened to: <screen>\n"
"</screen> Note that the --root switch is also needed if your repository is located on a different partition or drive than the location of svnserve on your server."
msgstr ""
"Z uporabo stikala --root lahko poveate varnost in prihranite as pri vnašanju naslovov URL. S tem doloite korensko lokacijo in omejite dostop na izbrano mapo na strežniku: <screen>\n"
"svnserve.exe --daemon --root drive:\\pot\\do\\skladiša\\root\n"
"</screen> Œe uporabimo prejšnji primer, se ukaz za zagon svnserve sedaj glasi: <screen>\n"
"svnserve.exe --daemon --root c:\\repos\n"
"</screen> V skladišnem brskalniku TortoiseSVN pa se naslov URL skrajša na: <screen>\n"
"</screen> Upoštevajte, da morate stikalo --root uporabiti tudi takrat, ko se skladiše nahaja na drugi particiji ali pogonu kot svnserve."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2605
msgid "Svnserve will service any number of repositories. Just locate them somewhere below the root folder you just defined, and access them using a URL relative to that root."
msgstr "Svnserve lahko streže poljubno število skladiš. Postavite jih nekam pod korensko mapo, ki ste jo pravkar definirali, in dostopajte do njih z uporabo relativnega naslova URL glede na korenskega."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2622
msgid "Run svnserve as a Service"
msgstr "Zaženite svnserve kot storitev"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2626
msgid "Running svnserve as a user is usually not the best way. It means always having a user logged in on your server, and remembering to restart it after a reboot. A better way is to run svnserve as a windows service. Starting with Subversion 1.4, svnserve can be installed as a native windows service."
msgstr "Poganjanje svnserve kot nek uporabnik obiajno ni najboljša rešitev. To pomeni, da mora biti uporabnik stalno prijavljen na strežniku, prav tako se mora uporabnik prijaviti po ponovnem zagonu. Boljši nain je poganjanje svnserve kot storitev (service) Windows. Od razliice Subversion 1.4 se svnserve lahko namesti kot native windows service."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2633
msgid ""
"To install svnserve as a native windows service, execute the following command all on one line to create a service which is automatically started when windows starts. <screen>\n"
"sc create svnserve binpath= \"c:\\svnserve\\svnserve.exe --service \n"
" --root c:\\repos\" displayname= \"Subversion\" depend= tcpip start= auto\n"
"</screen> If any of the paths include spaces, you have to use (escaped) quotes around the path, like this: <screen>\n"
"sc create svnserve binpath= \"\\\"C:\\Program Files\\Subversion\\bin\\svnserve.exe\\\"\n"
" --service --root c:\\repos\" displayname= \"Subversion\" depend= tcpip start= auto\n"
"</screen> You can also add a description after creating the service. This will show up in the Windows Services Manager. <screen>\n"
"sc description svnserve \"Subversion server (svnserve)\"\n"
msgstr ""
"Za namestitev svnserve kot native windows service izvršite naslednji ukaz v eni vrstici. S tem ustvarite storitev, ki se samodejno zažene ob zagonu sistema. <screen>\n"
"sc create svnserve binpath= \"c:\\svnserve\\svnserve.exe --service \n"
" --root c:\\repos\" displayname= \"Subversion\" depend= tcpip start= auto\n"
"</screen> Œe katera od poti vsebuje presledke, morate uporabiti poševnice in navednice. Primer: <screen>\n"
"sc create svnserve binpath= \"\\\"C:\\Program Files\\Subversion\\bin\\svnserve.exe\\\"\n"
" --service --root c:\\repos\" displayname= \"Subversion\" depend= tcpip start= auto\n"
"</screen> Potem, ko ste storitev ustvarili, jih lahko dodate tudi opis. Le ta se potem pojavi v upravljalcu storitev (Windows Service Manager). <screen>\n"
"sc description svnserve \"Subversion server (svnserve)\"\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2653
msgid "Note the rather unusual command line format used by <literal>sc</literal>. In the <literal>key= value</literal> pairs there must be no space between the key and the <literal>=</literal> but there must be a space before the value."
msgstr "Pazite na nekoliko nenavadno obliko ukaza <literal>sc</literal>. Pri podajanju parametrov <literal>klju= vrednost</literal> ne sme biti med kljuem in znakom <literal>=</literal> nobenega presledka, mora pa se nahajati pred vrednostjo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2660
msgid ""
"Microsoft now recommend services to be run as under either the Local Service or Network Service account. Refer to <ulink url=\"http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/topics/serversecurity/serviceaccount/default.mspx\"><citetitle>The Services and Service Accounts Security Planning Guide</citetitle></ulink>. To create the service under the Local Service account, append the following to the example above. <screen>\n"
"obj= \"NT AUTHORITY\\LocalService\"\n"
"</screen> Note that you would have to give the Local Service account appropriate rights to both Subversion and your repositories, as well as any applications which are used by hook scripts. The built-in group for this is called \"LOCAL SERVICE\"."
msgstr ""
"Microsoft po novem priporoča, da se storitve poganjajo pod računom Lokalna storitev (Local Service) ali Omrežna storitev (Network Service). Preverite <ulink url=\"http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/topics/serversecurity/serviceaccount/default.mspx\"><citetitle>The Services and Service Accounts Security Planning Guide</citetitle></ulink>. Za ustvarjanje storitve pod računom Lokalna storitev dodajte zgornjemu primeru naslednjo vrstico. <screen>\n"
"obj= \"NT AUTHORITY\\LocalService\"\n"
"</screen> Upoštevajte, da morate dodati raunu potrebne pravice za Subversion in skladiša, prav tako pa tudi za vse aplikacije, ki jih kliejo skripte akcij. Vgrajena skupina za to se imenuje \"LOCAL SERVICE\"."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2677
msgid "Once you have installed the service, you need to go to the services manager to start it (this time only; it will start automatically when the server reboots)."
msgstr "Ko ste namestili storitev, morate v urejevalnik storitev, da jo zaženete (samo tokrat; po ponovnem zagonu strežnika se bo pognala samodejno)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2682
msgid "For more detailed information, refer to <ulink url=\"http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/notes/windows-service.txt\"><citetitle>Windows Service Support for Svnserve</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Za ostale informacije kliknite na <ulink url=\"http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/notes/windows-service.txt\"><citetitle>Windows Service Support for Svnserve</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2688
msgid ""
"If you installed an earlier version of svnserve using the <literal>SVNService</literal> wrapper, and you now want to use the native support instead, you will need to unregister the wrapper as a service (remember to stop the service first!). Simply use the command <screen>\n"
"svnservice -remove\n"
"</screen> to remove the service registry entry."
msgstr ""
"Œe ste predhodnjo razliico svnserve namestili z uporabo ovoja <literal>SVNService</literal>, sedaj pa želite uporabiti podprto storitev, morate preklicati registracijo ovoja kot storitve (ne pozabiti storitve najprej zaustaviti!). Za odstranitev registracije iz registra uporabite naslednji ukaz <screen>\n"
"svnservice -remove\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2702
msgid "Authentication with svnserve"
msgstr "Avtentikacija s svnserve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2703
msgid "The default svnserve setup provides anonymous read-only access. This means that you can use an <filename>svn://</filename> URL to checkout and update, or use the repo-browser in TortoiseSVN to view the repository, but you won't be able to commit any changes."
msgstr "Po privzetih nastavitvah svnserve omogoča anonimen dostop samo za branje. To pomeni, da lahko uporabite naslov <filename>svn://</filename> za prevzem in posodobitev skladišča ali skladiščni brskalnik za pregledovanje skladišča, ne morete pa objavljati narejenih sprememb."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2709
msgid "To enable write access to a repository, you need to edit the <filename>conf/svnserve.conf</filename> file in your repository directory. This file controls the configuration of the svnserve daemon, and also contains useful documentation."
msgstr "Da bi omogoili pisanje v skladiše, morate popraviti datoteko <filename>conf/svnserve.conf</filename> v mapi skladiša. Ta datoteka vsebuje nastavitve svnserve, poleg tega pa vsebuje koristno dokumentacijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2715
msgid ""
"You can enable anonymous write access by simply setting: <screen>\n"
"anon-access = write\n"
"</screen> However, you will not know who has made changes to a repository, as the <literal>svn:author</literal> property will be empty. You will also be unable to control who makes changes to a repository. This is a somewhat risky setup!"
msgstr ""
"Možnost pisanja anonimnim uporabnikom lahko omogoite z enostavno nastavitvijo: <screen>\n"
"anon-access = write\n"
"</screen> Vendar pa pri tem ne boste vedeli, kdo je spremembe vpisal, saj bo lastnost <literal>svn:author</literal> prazna. Prav tako ne boste mogli doloati, kdo lahko spremembe v skladiše zapisuje. To je nevarno!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2726
msgid ""
"One way to overcome this is to create a password database: <screen>\n"
"anon-access = none\n"
"auth-access = write\n"
"password-db = userfile\n"
"</screen> Where <filename>userfile</filename> is a file which exists in the same directory as <filename>svnserve.conf</filename>. This file can live elsewhere in your file system (useful for when you have multiple repositories which require the same access rights) and may be referenced using an absolute path, or a path relative to the <filename>conf</filename> directory. If you include a path, it must be written <filename>/the/unix/way</filename>. Using \\ or drive letters will not work. The <filename>userfile</filename> should have a structure of: <screen>\n"
"username = password\n"
"</screen> This example would deny all access for unauthenticated (anonymous) users, and give read-write access to users listed in <filename>userfile</filename>."
msgstr ""
"En nain za rešitev problema je ustvarjanje baze gesel: <screen>\n"
"anon-access = none\n"
"auth-access = write\n"
"password-db = datotekauporabnikov\n"
"</screen> <filename>datotekauporabnikov</filename> je datoteka, ki se nahaja v isti mapi kot datoteka <filename>svnserve.conf</filename>. Datoteka se lahko nahaja tudi drugje (kar je uporabno, e imate ve skladiš, kjer potrebujete iste pravice za dostop) in jo navedete z absolutno potjo ali potjo, relativno na mapo <filename>conf</filename>. Œe vkljuite pot, mora biti navedena <filename>/po/pravilih/sistema/unix</filename>. Uporaba znaka \\ ali rk pogona ne bo delovala. Datoteka <filename>datotekauporabnikov</filename> mora imeti naslednjo strukturo: <screen>\n"
"uporabniško ime = geslo\n"
"</screen> Ta primer prepove dostop vsem anonimnim uporabnikom (takšnim, ki se niso avtenticirali), uporabnikom, ki so navedeni v datoteki <filename>datotekauporabnikov</filename> pa dovoli branje in pisanje po skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2754
msgid "If you maintain multiple repositories using the same password database, the use of an authentication realm will make life easier for users, as TortoiseSVN can cache your credentials so that you only have to enter them once. More information can be found in the Subversion book, specifically in the sections <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html#svn.serverconfig.svnserve.auth.users\"><citetitle>Create a 'users' file and realm</citetitle></ulink> and <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.netmodel.html#svn.serverconfig.netmodel.credcache\"><citetitle>Client Credentials Caching</citetitle></ulink>"
msgstr "Če vzdržujete več skladišč, bo uporaba iste baze gesel olajšala avtentikacijo uporabnikom, saj ima TortoiseSVN možnost, da uporabniško ime in geslo shrani v predpomnilnik. Tako ju je potrebno vnesti le enkrat. Več informacij o tem najdete v The Subversion book v poglavjih <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html#svn.serverconfig.svnserve.auth.users\"><citetitle>Create a 'users' file and realm</citetitle></ulink> in <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.netmodel.html#svn.serverconfig.netmodel.credcache\"><citetitle>Client Credentials Caching</citetitle></ulink>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2772
msgid "Authentication with svn+ssh"
msgstr "Avtentikacija s svn+ssh"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2773
msgid "Another way to authenticate users with a svnserve based server is to use a secure shell (SSH) to tunnel requests through."
msgstr "Drug nain za avtentikacijo uporabnikov s strežnikom na osnovi svnserve je uporaba SSH za prenos zahtevkov."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2778
msgid "With this approach, svnserve is not run as a daemon process, rather, the secure shell starts svnserve for you, running it as the SSH authenticated user. To enable this, you need a secure shell daemon on your server."
msgstr "S tem pristopom se svnserve ne zaganja kot proces daemon, ampak varnostna lupina zažene svnserve za vas, poganja pa ga kot avtenticiran uporabnik SSH. Na strežniku potrebujete secure shell daemon."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2784
msgid "It is beyond the scope of this documentation to detail the installation and setup of a secure shell, however you can find further information in the <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/faq\"><citetitle>TortoiseSVN FAQ</citetitle></ulink>. Search for <quote>SSH</quote>."
msgstr "Namestitev in nastavitev varnostne lupine presega okvire te knjige. Več informacij najdete v članku <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/faq\"><citetitle>Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o TortoiseSVN (FAQ)</citetitle></ulink>. Iščite izraz <quote>SSH</quote>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2793
msgid "Further information about svnserve can be found in the <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com\"><citetitle>Version Control with Subversion</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Več informacij o svnserve lahko dobite na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com\"><citetitle>Version Control with Subversion</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2801
msgid "Path-based Authorization with svnserve"
msgstr "Avtorizacija svnserve na osnovi poti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2802
msgid ""
"Starting with Subversion 1.3, svnserve supports the same <literal>mod_authz_svn</literal> path-based authorization scheme that is available with the Apache server. You need to edit the <filename>conf/svnserve.conf</filename> file in your repository directory and add a line referring to your authorization file. <screen>\n"
"authz-db = authz\n"
"</screen> Here, <filename>authz</filename> is a file you create to define the access permissions. You can use a separate file for each repository, or you can use the same file for several repositories. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup-mod_authz_svn\"/> for a description of the file format."
msgstr ""
"Od razliice Subversion 1.3 najprej svnserve omogoa uporabo istega modula <literal>mod_authz_svn</literal> za avtorizacijo na osnovi poti, kot je na voljo v strežniku Apache. Spremeniti morate datoteko <filename>conf/svnserve.conf</filename> v mapi skladiša in dodati vrstico, ki pove referenco na avtorizacijsko datoteko. <screen>\n"
"authz-db = authz\n"
"</screen> <filename>authz</filename> je datoteka, ki jo ustvarite za doloanje pravic dostopa. Za vsako skladiše lahko ustvarite svojo datoteko, lahko pa uporabite skupno datoteko za ve skladiš. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup-mod_authz_svn\"/>, kjer je opisana oblika datoteke."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2820
msgid "Cyrus SASL Support"
msgstr "Podpora za Cyrus SASL"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2821
msgid "Starting with Subversion 1.5.0, svnserve and TortoiseSVN support Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) for the <filename>svn://</filename> protocol. You can find further information in this subversion app note: <ulink url=\"http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/notes/sasl.txt\"><citetitle>Using Cyrus SASL Authentication with Subversion</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Od različice Subversion 1.5.0 naprej svnserve in TortoiseSVN podpirata Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) za protokol <filename>svn://</filename>. Več informacij o tem najdete v naslednjem članku: <ulink url=\"http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/notes/sasl.txt\"><citetitle>Using Cyrus SASL Authentication with Subversion</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2836
msgid "No matter which protocol you use to access your repositories, you always need to create at least one repository. This can either be done with the Subversion command line client or with TortoiseSVN."
msgstr "Ne glede na uporabljen protokol za dostop do skladiša morate vedno ustvariti vsaj eno skladiše. To lahko storite preko ukazne vrstice (Subversion) ali preko grafinega vmesnika (TortoiseSVN)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2841
msgid "If you haven't created a Subversion repository yet, it's time to do that now."
msgstr "Œe še niste ustvarili skladiša Subversion, je sedaj as, da to storite."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2849
msgid "Repository Creation"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje skladiša"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2850
msgid "You can create a repository with the FSFS backend or with the older Berkeley Database (BDB) format. The FSFS format is generally faster and easier to administer, and it works on network shares and Windows 98 without problems. The BDB format was once considered more stable simply because it has been in use for longer, but since FSFS has now been in use in the field for several years, that argument is now rather weak. Read <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.planning.html#svn.reposadmin.basics.backends\"><citetitle>Choosing a Data Store</citetitle></ulink> in the Subversion book for more information."
msgstr "Skladišče lahko ustvarite s sistemom FSFS ali s starejšim, vendar stabilnim sistemom Berkeley Database (BDB). Sistem FSFS je hitrejši in sedaj brez težav deluje na mapah skupne rabe v omrežju in sistemu Windows 98. Sistem BDB smo včasih smatrali za stabilnejšega zaradi daljše uporabe, vendar ta argument ne drži več, saj se FSFS uporablja že več let. Za več informacij preberite <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.planning.html#svn.reposadmin.basics.backends\"><citetitle>Choosing a Data Store</citetitle></ulink> v knjigi The Subversion Book."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2865
msgid "Creating a Repository with the Command Line Client"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje skladiša z odjemalcem za ukazno vrstico"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2867
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2908
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Ustvari"

#. (secondary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2868
msgid "Command Line Client"
msgstr "Odjemalec za ukazno vrstico"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2872
msgid "Create an empty folder with the name SVN (e.g. <filename>D:\\SVN\\</filename>), which is used as root for all your repositories."
msgstr "Ustvarite prazno mapo z imenom SVN (n.pr. <filename>D:\\SVN\\</filename>), ki se uporablja kot korenska mapa za vsa vaša skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2879
msgid "Create another folder <filename>MyNewRepository</filename> inside <filename>D:\\SVN\\</filename>."
msgstr "Ustvarite še eno mapo iz imenom <filename>MojeNovoSkladiše</filename> znotraj <filename>D:\\SVN\\</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2886
msgid ""
"Open the command prompt (or DOS-Box), change into <filename>D:\\SVN\\</filename> and type <screen>\n"
"svnadmin create --fs-type bdb MyNewRepository\n"
"</screen> or <screen>\n"
"svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs MyNewRepository\n"
msgstr ""
" Odprite ukazni poziv (ali okno DOS), spremenite trenutno mapo v <filename>D:\\SVN\\</filename> in vtipkajte <screen>\n"
"svnadmin create --fs-type bdb MojeNovoSkladiše\n"
"</screen> ali <screen>\n"
"svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs MojeNovoSkladiše\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2899
msgid "Now you've got a new repository located at <filename>D:\\SVN\\MyNewRepository</filename>."
msgstr "Sedaj imate novo skladiše na lokaciji <filename>D:\\SVN\\MojeNovoSkladiše</filename>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2906
msgid "Creating The Repository With TortoiseSVN"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje skladiša s programom TortoiseSVN"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2913
msgid "The TortoiseSVN menu for unversioned folders"
msgstr "Menu TrotoiseSVN za datoteke brez razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2918
msgid "Open the windows explorer"
msgstr "Odpri Raziskovalca"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2923
msgid "Create a new folder and name it e.g. <filename>SVNRepository</filename>"
msgstr "Ustvarite novo mapo in jo poimenujte npr. <filename>SkladišeSVN</filename>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2929
msgid "<action>Right-click</action> on the newly created folder and select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Create Repository here...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Na novo ustvarjeno mapo <action>kliknite z desnim gumbom</action> in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Ustvari skladiše tukaj...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2937
msgid "A repository is then created inside the new folder. <emphasis>Don't edit those files yourself!!!</emphasis>. If you get any errors make sure that the folder is empty and not write protected."
msgstr "Skladiše se ustvari znotraj nove mape. <emphasis>Datotek v v novi mapi ne urejajte sami!!!</emphasis>. Œe se pojavijo kakšne napake, preverite, ali je mapa res prazna in da ni zašitena proti pisanju."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2946
msgid "TortoiseSVN no longer offers the option to create BDB repositories, although you can still use the command line client to create them. FSFS repositories are generally easier for you to maintain, and also makes it easier for us to maintain TortoiseSVN due to compatibility issues between the different BDB versions."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN ne ponuja ve možnosti ustvarjanja skladiš BSB, lahko pa še vedno uporabite odjemalca ukazne vrstice in z njim ustvarite skladiše. Skladiša FSFS so na splošno lažja za vzdrževanje, prav tako pa nam razvijalcem programa TortoiseSVN pomaga vzdrževati program (zaradi težav s kompatibilnostjo razlinih revizij BDB)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2953
msgid "Future versions of TortoiseSVN will not support <literal>file:///</literal> access to BDB repositories due to these compatibility issues, although it will of course always support this repository format when accessed via a server through the <literal>svn://</literal>, <literal>http://</literal> or <literal>https://</literal> protocols. For this reason, we strongly recommend that any new repository which must be accessed using <literal>file:///</literal> protocol is created as FSFS."
msgstr "Prihodnje različice TortoiseSVN ne bodo podpirale dostopa <literal>file:///</literal> do BDB skladišč zaradi težav s kompatibilnostjo, bodo pa vedno podpirale ta format skladišča za dostope do strežnika preko protokolov <literal>svn://</literal>, <literal>http://</literal> ali <literal>https://</literal>. Zato priporočamo, da za nova skladišča uporabite sistem FSFS, če želite do njih dostopati preko protokola <literal>file:///</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2965
msgid "Of course we also recommend that you don't use <literal>file:///</literal> access at all, apart from local testing purposes. Using a server is more secure and more reliable for all but single-developer use."
msgstr "Seveda priporočamo, da sploh ne uporabljate dostopa <literal>file:///</literal>, razen za preizkušanje. Uporaba strežnika je bolj varna in zanesljiva, razen v primeru enega samega razvijalca. "

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2974
msgid "Local Access to the Repository"
msgstr "Krajevni dostop do skladiša"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2976
msgid "Access"
msgstr "Dostop"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2979
msgid "UNC paths"
msgstr "Poti UNC"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2981
msgid "To access your local repository you need the path to that folder. Just remember that Subversion expects all repository paths in the form <systemitem class=\"url\">file:///C:/SVNRepository/</systemitem>. Note the use of forward slashes throughout."
msgstr "Za dostop do krajevnega skladišča potrebujete le pot do skladišča. Zapomnite si, da Subversion pričakuje pot do skladišč oblike <systemitem class=\"url\">file:///C:/SkladiščeSVN/</systemitem>. Upoštevajte, da morate uporabljati poševnico in ne obrnjeno poševnico."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2987
msgid "To access a repository located on a network share you can either use drive mapping, or you can use the UNC path. For UNC paths, the form is <systemitem class=\"url\">file://ServerName/path/to/repos/</systemitem>. Note that there are only 2 leading slashes here."
msgstr "Za dostop do skladišča na mapi v skupni rabi v omrežju lahko uporabite preslikavo pogona ali pa pot UNC. Za poti UNC je oblika naslova URL <systemitem class=\"url\">file://ImeStrežnika/pot/do/skladišča/</systemitem>. Upoštevajte, da je potrebno na začetku uporabiti le dve poševnici."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:2994
msgid "Prior to SVN 1.2, UNC paths had to be given in the more obscure form <systemitem class=\"url\">file:///\\ServerName/path/to/repos</systemitem>. This form is still supported, but not recommended."
msgstr "Pred različico Subversion 1.2 so morale biti poti UNC podane v nekoliko bolj obskurni obliki <systemitem class=\"url\">file:///\\ImeStrežnika/pot/do/skladišča</systemitem>. Ta oblika je še vedno možna, vendar ni priporočljiva."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3001
msgid "Do not create or access a Berkeley DB repository on a network share. It <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> exist on a remote file system. Not even if you have the network drive mapped to a drive letter. If you attempt to use Berkeley DB on a network share, the results are unpredictable - you may see mysterious errors right away, or it may be months before you discover that your repository database is subtly corrupted."
msgstr "Ne ustvarjajte skladiš tipa Berkley DB v mapah skupne rabe v omrežju, prav tako ne dostopajte do njih. Takšno skladiše <emphasis>ne more</emphasis> obstajati na oddaljenem datotenem sistemu, etudi imate omrežni pogon preslikan v lokalni pogon. Œe boste poskušali dostopati do skladiša tipa Berkley DB v mapi v skupni rabi, so rezultati nepredvidljivi - lahko takoj vidite udne napake, lahko pa traja mesece, preden boste opazili, da je vaša baza podatkov pokvarjena."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3012
msgid "If you really need to access a repository through a network share, create the repository with FSFS format. If you need to provide server access as well, you will need Subversion Server 1.1 or higher."
msgstr "Œe res potrebujete dostop do skladiša preko mape v skupni rabi v omrežju, ustvarite skladiše v formatu FSFS. Œe želite ponuditi tudi dostop preko strežnika, morate namestiti strežnik Subversion razliice 1.1 ali novejšega."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3020
msgid "Repository Backup"
msgstr "Varnostna kopija skladiša"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3022
msgid "backup"
msgstr "varnostna kopija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3024
msgid "Whichever type of repository you use, it is vitally important that you maintain regular backups, and that you verify the backup. If the server fails, you may be able to access a recent version of your files, but without the repository all your history is lost forever."
msgstr "Neglede na tip skladiša, ki ga uporabljate, je izjemno pomembno, da redno ustvarjate varnostne kopije in da jih tudi preverite. Œe je s strežnikom kaj narobe, boste mogoe lahko dobili zadnjo verzijo datotek, vendar je brez skladiša zgodovina vaših datotek za vedno izgubljena."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3031
msgid "The simplest (but not recommended) way is just to copy the repository folder onto the backup medium. However, you have to be absolutely sure that no process is accessing the data. In this context, access means <emphasis>any</emphasis> access at all. A BDB repository is written to even when the operation only appears to require reading, such as getting status. If your repository is accessed at all during the copy, (web browser left open, WebSVN, etc.) the backup will be worthless."
msgstr "Najbolj enostaven nain (vendar ni priporoljiv) je, da mape in datoteke skladiša prekopirate na medij, ki ga uporabljate za varnostno shranjevanje. V tem primeru noben proces ne sme dostopati do podatkov v skladišu. V tem primeru dostop pomeni <emphasis>kakršenkoli</emphasis> dostop. V skladiše tipa BDB se podatki zapisujejo tudi, ko operacija zahteva le branje, n. pr. pridobivanje stanja. Œe se med kopiranjem zgodi dostop do podatkov (spletni brskalnik je ostal odprt, WebSVN in podobno), bo varnostna kopija neuporabna."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3041
msgid ""
"The recommended method is to run <screen>\n"
"svnadmin hotcopy path/to/repository path/to/backup --clean-logs\n"
"</screen> to create a copy of your repository in a safe manner. Then backup the copy. The <literal>--clean-logs</literal> option is not required, but removes any redundant log files when you backup a BDB repository, which may save some space."
msgstr ""
"Priporoen nain je uporaba ukaza <screen>\n"
"svnadmin hotcopy por/do/skladiša pot/do/varnostne/kopije --clean-logs\n"
"</screen>S tem naredite kopijo skladiša na varen nain. Potem naredite varnostno kopije kopije. Stipalo <literal>--clean-logs</literal> ni potrebno, vendar odstrani vse odvene datoteke za logiranje, ko naredite varnostno kopijo skladiša BDB, s emer lahko prihranite nekaj prostora."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3051
msgid "The <literal>svnadmin</literal> tool is installed automatically when you install the Subversion command line client. If you are installing the command line tools on a Windows PC, the best way is to download the Windows installer version. It is compressed more efficiently than the <filename>.zip</filename> version, so the download is smaller, and it takes care of setting the paths for you. You can download the latest version of the Subversion command line client from <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Orodje <literal>svnadmin</literal> se namesti samodejno ob namestitvi odjemalca Subversion za ukazno vrstico. Če nameščate odjemalca za ukazno vrstico na operacijskem sistemu Windows, je najbolje, da si prenesete namestitveni program. Stisnjen je bolj učinkovito kot različica <filename>.zip</filename>, tako da je prenos hitrejši, poleg tega pa namesto vas opravi nastavitve. Najnovejša različica odjemalca Subversion za ukazno vrstico se nahaja na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91\"><citetitle>http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3066
msgid "Hook Scripts"
msgstr "Skripte akcij"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3068
msgid "hooks"
msgstr "akcije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3070
msgid "A hook script is a program triggered by some repository event, such as the creation of a new revision or the modification of an unversioned property. Each hook is handed enough information to tell what that event is, what target(s) it's operating on, and the username of the person who triggered the event. Depending on the hook's output or return status, the hook program may continue the action, stop it, or suspend it in some way. Please refer to the chapter on <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.create.html#svn.reposadmin.create.hooks\"><citetitle>Hook Scripts</citetitle></ulink> in the Subversion Book for full details about the hooks which are implemented."
msgstr "Skripta akcije je program, ki ga sproži dogodek v skladišču, n. pr. nova revizija ali sprememba lastnosti brez različic. Vsaka akcija dobi dovolj informacij, da ve, za kateri dogodek gre, na katerih ciljih operira in uporabniško ime osebe, ki je dogodek sprožila. Glede na rezultat akcije ali vrnjen status lahko skripta pusti, da se operacija nadaljuje, jo ustavi ali drugače prepreči njeno izvajanje. Preberite poglavje <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.create.html#svn.reposadmin.create.hooks\"><citetitle>Hook Scripts</citetitle></ulink> v knjigi The Subversion Book, če želite izvedeti kaj več o akcijah, ki so na voljo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3085
msgid "These hook scripts are executed by the server that hosts the repository. TortoiseSVN also allows you to configure client side hook scripts that are executed locally upon certain events. See <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-hooks\"/> for more information."
msgstr "Skripte akcij izvede strežnik, ki gosti skladiše. TortoiseSVN pa vam omogoa, da nastavite skripte akcij na strani odjemalca. Te skripte se izvedejo krajevno ob doloenih dogodkih. Za ve informacij poglejte <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-hooks\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3091
msgid ""
"Sample hook scripts can be found in the <filename>hooks</filename> directory of the repository. These sample scripts are suitable for Unix/Linux servers but need to be modified if your server is Windows based. The hook can be a batch file or an executable. The sample below shows a batch file which might be used to implement a pre-revprop-change hook. <screen>\n"
"rem Only allow log messages to be changed.\n"
"if \"%4\" == \"svn:log\" exit 0\n"
"echo Property '%4' cannot be changed &gt;&amp;2\n"
"exit 1\n"
"</screen> Note that anything sent to stdout is discarded. if you want a message to appear in the Commit Reject dialog you must send it to stderr. In a batch file this is achieved using <filename>&gt;&amp;2</filename>"
msgstr ""
"Primere skript akcij najdete v podmapi <filename>hooks</filename> skladiša. Ti primeri so narejeni za sisteme Unix/Linux, tako da jih morate prilagoditi, e uporabljate strežnik s sistemom Windows. Akcija je lahko sistemska skripta (batch file) ali izvršna datoteka. Spodnji primer prikazuje skripto, ki jo lahko uporabite kot akcijo pre-revprop-change. <screen>\n"
"rem Dovoli samo spremembe sporoil dnevniških zapisov.\n"
"if \"%4\" == \"svn:log\" exit 0\n"
"echo Lastnosti '%4' ne morete spremeniti &gt;&amp;2\n"
"exit 1\n"
"</screen> Upoštevajte, da se sporoila, ki jih pošljete na standardni izhod (stdout), ne prikažejo. Œe želite, da se besedilo prikaže v oknu Objava zavrnjena, ga morate poslati na stderr. V sistemski skripti to dosežete z uporabo niza <filename>&gt;&amp;2</filename> na koncu sporoila."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3111
msgid "Checkout Links"
msgstr "Povezave za prevzem"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3113
msgid "checkout link"
msgstr "povezava za prevzem"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3115
msgid "If you want to make your Subversion repository available to others you may want to include a link to it from your website. One way to make this more accessible is to include a <firstterm>checkout link</firstterm> for other TortoiseSVN users."
msgstr "Œe želite ponuditi skladiše Subversion tudi ostalim, lahko povezavo vkljuite v svojo spletno stran. Ena od možnosti, kako jo narediti bolj dostopno, je, da vkljuite <firstterm>prevzemno povezavo</firstterm> za druge uporabnike TortoiseSVN."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3121
msgid "When you install TortoiseSVN, it registers a new <literal>tsvn:</literal> protocol. When a TortoiseSVN user clicks on such a link, the checkout dialog will open automatically with the repository URL already filled in."
msgstr "Ko namestite TortoiseSVN, ta registrira nov protokol <literal>tsvn:</literal>. Ko uporabnik klikne na takšno povezavo, se samodejno odpre okno za prevzem z že izpolnjenim naslovom URL skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3127
msgid ""
"To include such a link in your own html page, you need to add code which looks something like this: <screen>\n"
"&lt;a href=\"tsvn:https://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk\"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;\n"
msgstr ""
"Œe želite dodati takšno povezavo na svojo HTML stran, ji dodajte naslednjo kodo: <screen>\n"
"&lt;a href=\"tsvn:https://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk\"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3134
msgid ""
"Of course it would look even better if you included a suitable picture. You can use the <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/images/TortoiseCheckout.png\"><citetitle>TortoiseSVN logo</citetitle></ulink> or you can provide your own image. <screen>\n"
"&lt;a href=\"tsvn:https://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk\"&gt;\n"
"&lt;img src=TortoiseCheckout.png&gt;&lt;/a&gt;\n"
msgstr ""
"Seveda bo vse skupaj izgledajo še bolje, če dodate primerno sliko. Uporabite lahko <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/images/TortoiseCheckout.png\"><citetitle>logotip programa TortoiseSVN</citetitle></ulink> ali pa svojo sliko. <screen>\n"
"&lt;a href=\"tsvn:https://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk\"&gt;\n"
"&lt;img src=TortoiseCheckout.png&gt;&lt;/a&gt;\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3149
msgid "Daily Use Guide"
msgstr "Dnevna uporaba"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3153
msgid "This document describes day to day usage of the TortoiseSVN client. It is <emphasis>not</emphasis> an introduction to version control systems, and <emphasis>not</emphasis> an introduction to Subversion (SVN). It is more like a place you may turn to when you know approximately what you want to do, but don't quite remember how to do it."
msgstr "Ta dokument opisuje dnevno uporabo odjemalca TortoiseSVN. To <emphasis>ni</emphasis> uvod v sisteme za nadzor razliic, prav tako pa <emphasis>ni</emphasis> uvod v Subversion (SVN). To poglavje uporabite, ko veste, kaj želite narediti, vendar se ne spomnite natanno, kako se to naredi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3161
msgid "If you need an introduction to version control with Subversion, then we recommend you read the fantastic book: <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/\"><citetitle>Version Control with Subversion</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Če potrebujete uvod v nadzor različic s sistemom Subversion, vam priporočamo odlično knjigo: <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/\"><citetitle>Version Control with Subversion</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3168
msgid "This document is also a work in progress, just as TortoiseSVN and Subversion are. If you find any mistakes, please report them to the mailing list so we can update the documentation. Some of the screenshots in the Daily Use Guide (DUG) might not reflect the current state of the software. Please forgive us. We're working on TortoiseSVN in our free time."
msgstr "Tako kot programa TortoiseSVN in Subversion je tudi ta dokument \"v delu\". Œe najdete kakšne napake, jih sporoite na dopisni seznam, da bomo lahko dokumentacijo dopolnili. Nekateri posnetki zaslona v Vsakonevni uporabi so lahko drugani, kot so trenutno v aplikaciji. Prosimo, oprostite. Aplikacijo TortoiseSVN razvijamo v svojem prostem asu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3180
msgid "You should have installed TortoiseSVN already."
msgstr "morate imeti TortoiseSVN že namešen,"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3185
msgid "You should be familiar with version control systems."
msgstr "morate poznati sisteme za nadzor razliic,"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3190
msgid "You should know the basics of Subversion."
msgstr "morate poznati osnove sistema Subversion,"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3195
msgid "You should have set up a server and/or have access to a Subversion repository."
msgstr "imeti morate namešen strežnik in/ali dostop do skladiša Subversion."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3176
msgid "In order to get the most out of the Daily Use Guide: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Da bi se imve nauili iz poglavja Dnevna uporaba: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3206
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Kako zaeti"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3208
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4618
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13465
msgid "Icon Overlays"
msgstr "Prekrivne ikone"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3211
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4627
msgid "Explorer showing icon overlays"
msgstr "Raziskovalec prikaže prekrivne ikone"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3209
msgid "<placeholder-1/> One of the most visible features of TortoiseSVN is the icon overlays which appear on files in your working copy. These show you at a glance which of your files have been modified. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-wcstatus-1\"/> to find out what the different overlays represent."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Ena izmed vizuelno najbolj opaznih zmožnosti TortoiseSVN so prekrivne ikone, ki se pojavijo na datotekah v delovni kopiji. Z njihovo pomojo že na prvi pogled vidite, katere datoteke so spremenjene. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-wcstatus-1\"/> za ve informacij o tem, kaj razline ikone predstavljajo."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3222
msgid "Context Menus"
msgstr "Kontekstni meni"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3224
msgid "context menu"
msgstr "kontekstni meni"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3228
msgid "Context menu for a directory under version control"
msgstr "Kontekstni meni za mapo pod nadzorom razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3226
msgid "<placeholder-1/> All TortoiseSVN commands are invoked from the context menu of the windows explorer. Most are directly visible, when you <action>right click</action> on a file or folder. The commands that are available depend on whether the file or folder or its parent folder is under version control or not. You can also see the TortoiseSVN menu as part of the Explorer file menu."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Vsi ukazi TortoiseSVN se kliejo iz kontekstnega menija Raziskovalca. Veina je vidna, ko <action>desno kliknete</action> na datoteko ali mapo. Ukazi, ki so na voljo, so odvisni od tega, ali je datoteka ali mapa oziroma njihova vrhnja mapa pod nadzorom razliic ali ne. Meni TortoiseSVN lahko vidite tudi kot del glavnega menija Datoteka v Raziskovalcu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3240
msgid "Explorer file menu for a shortcut in a versioned folder"
msgstr "Kontekstni meni v Raziskovalcu za bližnjico v mapi pod nadzorom razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3237
msgid "In some cases you may see several TortoiseSVN entries. This is not a bug! <placeholder-1/> This example is for an unversioned shortcut within a versioned folder, and in the Explorer file menu there are <emphasis>three</emphasis> entries for TortoiseSVN. One is for the folder, one for the shortcut itself, and the third for the object the shortcut is pointing to. To help you distinguish between them, the icons have an indicator in the lower right corner to show whether the menu entry is for a file, a folder, a shortcut or for multiple selected items."
msgstr "V nekaterih primerih lahko vidite ve elementov TortoiseSVN. To ni hroš! <placeholder-1/> Ta primer opisuje bližnjico za datoteke brez razliic. Znotraj mape pod nadzorom in v meniju Raziskovalca so <emphasis>trije</emphasis> elementi sistema TortoiseSVN. Eden je za mapo, eden za bližnjico samo in tretji za objekt, na katerega bližnjica kaže. Da bi lažje loevali med njimi, imajo ikone v spodnjem desnem kotu indikator, ki pove, ali se element menija nanaša na datoteko, mapo, bližnico ali na ve elementov."

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3253
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4106
msgid "Drag and Drop"
msgstr "Povleci in spusti"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3255
msgid "drag handler"
msgstr "držalo za poteg"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3258
msgid "drag-n-drop"
msgstr "povleci-in-spusti"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3261
msgid "right drag"
msgstr "poteg z desnim gumbom"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3265
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6267
msgid "Right drag menu for a directory under version control"
msgstr "Meni ob premikanju mape, ki je pod nadzorom razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3263
msgid "<placeholder-1/> Other commands are available as drag handlers, when you <action>right drag</action> files or folders to a new location inside working copies or when you <action>right drag</action> a non-versioned file or folder into a directory which is under version control."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Drugi ukazi so na voljo kot meni, ko <action>z desnim gumbom</action> povleete datoteke ali mape na novo lokacijo znotraj delovne kopije ali ko <action>z desnim gumbom</action> povleete datoteko ali mapo brez razliic v mapo, ki je pod nadzorom."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3275
msgid "Common Shortcuts"
msgstr "Pogoste bližnjice"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3282
msgid "F1"
msgstr "F1"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3284
msgid "Help, of course."
msgstr "Pomo, seveda."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3290
msgid "F5"
msgstr "F5"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3292
msgid "Refresh the current view. This is perhaps the single most useful one-key command. For example ... In Explorer this will refresh the icon overlays on your working copy. In the commit dialog it will re-scan the working copy to see what may need to be committed. In the Revision Log dialog it will contact the repository again to check for more recent changes."
msgstr "Osveži trenutni pogled. To je verjetno najbolj uporaben ukaz, ki ga lahko izvršite z eno tipko. Na primer: v Raziskovalcu boste s tem osvežili prekrivne ikone v delovni kopiji. V oknu za objave se bo s tem ponovno pregledala delovna kopija, v okno pa se bodo dodale najdene spremembe. V oknu dnevniških zapisov bo to povzroilo ponovno kontaktiranje skladiša in preverjanje, e obstajajo novejši zapisi."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3304
msgid "Ctrl-A"
msgstr "Ctrl-A"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3306
msgid "Select all. This can be used if you get an error message and want to copy and paste into an email. Use Ctrl-A to select the error message and then ..."
msgstr "Izberi vse. To lahko uporabite, e se pojavi sporoilo o napaki in ga želite prekopirati in prilepiti v elektronsko pošto. Uporabite Ctrl-A, e želite izbrati sporoilo o napaki in potem..."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3314
msgid "Ctrl-C"
msgstr "Ctrl-C"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3316
msgid "... Copy the selected text."
msgstr "... Kopirajte izbrano besedilo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3276
msgid "Some common operations have well-known Windows shortcuts, but do not appear on buttons or in menus. If you can't work out how to do something obvious, like refreshing a view, check here. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Nekatere pogoste operacije imajo znane bližnjice sistema Windows, vendar se ne pojavljajo na gumbih ali v menijih. Œe vam ne uspe ugotoviti, kako se naredi kaj preprostega, n. pr. kako se osveži pogled, poglejte sem. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3327
msgid "authentication"
msgstr "avtentikacija"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3333
msgid "Authentication Dialog"
msgstr "Okno za avtentikacijo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3341
msgid "<filename>svn.simple</filename> contains credentials for basic authentication (username/password)."
msgstr "<filename>svn.simple</filename> vsebuje podatke o osnovni avtentikaciji (uporabniško ime/geslo)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3347
msgid "<filename>svn.ssl.server</filename> contains SSL server certificates."
msgstr "<filename>svn.ssl.server</filename> vsebuje certificate strežnika SSL"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3353
msgid "<filename>svn.username</filename> contains credentials for username-only authentication (no password needed)."
msgstr "<filename>svn.username</filename> vsebuje avtentikacijske podatke za avtentikacijo samo z uporabniškim imenom (brez gesla)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3329
msgid "If the repository that you are trying to access is password protected, an authentication Dialog will show up. <placeholder-1/> Enter your username and password. The checkbox will make TortoiseSVN store the credentials in Subversion's default directory: <filename>%APPDATA%\\Subversion\\auth</filename> in three subdirectories: <placeholder-2/> There is one file for each server that you access, formatted as plain text, so you can use a text editor to check which server it applies to. In order to make Subversion and TortoiseSVN (and any other Subversion client) forget your credentials for a particular server, simply delete the corresponding file."
msgstr "Œe je skladiše, do katerega želite dostopati, zašiteno z geslom, se prikaže avtentikacijsko pogovorno okno. <placeholder-1/> Vpišite svoje uporabniško ime in geslo. Potrditveno polje pove programu TortoiseSVN, naj avtentikacijske podatke shrani v privzeto mapo: <filename>%APPDATA%\\Subversion\\auth</filename> v tri podmape: <placeholder-2/> Tam se nahaja po ena tekstovna datoteka za vsak strežnik, do katerega dostopate. Za vpogled v datoteke (za kateri strežnik vsebujejo informacije) lahko uporabite katerikoli urejevalnik besedil. Za izbris avtentikacijskih podatkov, ki jih uporabljata Subversion in TortoiseSVN ter ostali odjemalci za Subversion, enostavno izbrišite pripadajoo datoteko."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3365
msgid "If you want to clear the authentication cache for <emphasis>all</emphasis> servers, you can do so from the <guilabel>General</guilabel> page of TortoiseSVN's settings dialog. That button will clear all cached authentication data from the Subversion <filename>auth</filename> directories, as well as any authentication data stored in the registry by earlier versions of TortoiseSVN. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/>."
msgstr "Œe želite izbrisati avtentikacijski predpomnilnik za <emphasis>vse</emphasis> strežnike, lahko to storite v nastavitvah TortoiseSVN - stran <guilabel>Splošno</guilabel>. Ta gumb bo izbrisal vse avtentikacijske podatke iz map <filename>auth</filename>, prav tako pa tudi vse podatke iz registra (iz prejšnjih razliic TortoiseSVN). Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3374
msgid "For more information on how to set up your server for authentication and access control, refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup\"/>"
msgstr "Za ve informacij, kako namestiti strežnik za avtentikacijo in nadzor dostopov, si oglejte <xref linkend=\"tsvn-serversetup\"/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3380
msgid "If you have to authenticate against a Windows NT domain, enter your username including the domain name, like: <filename>MYDOMAIN\\johnd</filename>."
msgstr "Œe se morate identificirati preko domene Windows NT, vpišite uporabniško ime skupaj z imenom domene, n. pr. <filename>DOMENA\\janezn</filename>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3388
msgid "Maximizing Windows"
msgstr "Poveevanje oken"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3390
msgid "maximize"
msgstr "poveaj"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3392
msgid "Many of TortoiseSVN's dialogs have a lot of information to display, but it is often useful to maximize only the height, or only the width, rather than maximizing to fill the screen. As a convenience, there are shortcuts for this on the <guilabel>Maximize</guilabel> button. Use the <action>middle mouse</action> button to maximize vertically, and <action>right mouse</action> to maximize horizontally."
msgstr "Kar nekaj pogovornih oken TortoiseSVN prikaže veliko informacij. Pogosto je uporabno, e poveate le širino ali le višino, namesto da poveate okno na celo stran. Z lažje prilagajanje je tu gumb <guilabel>Razpni</guilabel>. Uporabite <action>srednji miškin gumb</action> za podaljšanje navpine stranice na višino zaslona in <action>desni miških gumb</action> za podaljšanje vodoravne stranice na širino zaslona."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3403
msgid "Importing Data Into A Repository"
msgstr "Uvažanje podatkov v skladiše"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3405
msgid "import"
msgstr "uvoz"

#. (primary)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3408
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13890
msgid "Repository"
msgstr "Skladiše"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3412
msgid "Repository Layout"
msgstr "Postavitev skladiša"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3413
msgid "Before you import your data into the repository you should first think about how you want to organize your data. If you use one of the recommended layouts you will later have it much easier."
msgstr "Preden uvozite podatke v skladiše, premislite, kako jih boste organizirali. Œe uporabite katero od priporoenih postavitev, vam bo kasneje laže."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3419
msgid "There are some standard, recommended ways to organize a repository. Most people create a <filename>trunk</filename> directory to hold the \"main line\" of development, a <filename>branches</filename> directory to contain branch copies, and a <filename>tags</filename> directory to contain tag copies. If a repository holds only one project, then often people create these top-level directories:"
msgstr "Obstaja nekaj standardnih, priporoenim nainov, kako organizirati skladiše Subversion. Veina ljudi naredi mapo <filename>trunk</filename> za glavno vejo razvoja, mapo <filename>branches</filename> za razline veje in mapo <filename>tags</filename>, ki vsebuje oznake. Œe se v skladišu nahaja samo en projekt, uporabniki pogosto ustvarijo naslednjo strukture vrhnjih map:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3428
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3433
msgid "If a repository contains multiple projects, people often index their layout by branch:"
msgstr "Œe skladiše vsebuje ve projektov, uporabniki pogosto indeksirajo njihovo postavitev glede na veje:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3437
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3445
msgid "...or by project:"
msgstr "... ali po projektu:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3448
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3456
msgid "Indexing by project makes sense if the projects are not closely related and each one is checked out individually. For related projects where you may want to check out all projects in one go, or where the projects are all tied together in a single distribution package, it is often better to index by branch. This way you have only one trunk to checkout, and the relationships between the sub-projects is more easily visible."
msgstr "Indeksiranje po projektih je smiselno, e projekti med sabo niso povezani in se prevzemajo neodvisno drug od drugega. Za povezane projekte, kjer želite narediti prevzem z eno potezo, ali pa v primeru, kjer so projekti povezani v en distribucijski paket, pa je indeksiranje po vejah pogosto boljša odloitev. V tem primeru imate le eno glavno vejo (trunk), relacije med podprojekti pa so lažje vidne."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3464
msgid "If you adopt a top level <filename>/trunk /tags /branches</filename> approach, there is nothing to say that you have to copy the entire trunk for every branch and tag, and in some ways this structure offers the most flexibility."
msgstr "Œe izberete izgled <filename>/trunk /tags /branches</filename>, to ne pomeni, da morate prekopirati celotno glavno vejo za vsako vejo ali oznako, tako da ta struktura prinaša ve prilagodljivosti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3470
msgid "For unrelated projects you may prefer to use separate repositories. When you commit changes, it is the revision number of the whole repository which changes, not the revision number of the project. Having 2 unrelated projects share a repository can mean large gaps in the revision numbers. The Subversion and TortoiseSVN projects appear at the same host address, but are completely separate repositories allowing independent development, and no confusion over build numbers."
msgstr "Za nepovezane projekte boste verjetno uporabili razlina skladiša. Ko objavite spremembe, se spremeni številka revizije celotnega skladiša, ne številka revizije projekta. Œe imate v enem skladišu dva projekta, lahko to vodi do velikih \"lukenj\" pri številkah revizij. Projekta Subversion in TortoiseSVN se nahajata na istem strežniku, vendar sta postavljena v razlina skladiša, kar omogoa neodvisen razvoj in reši zmedo glede številk gradenj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3480
msgid "Of course, you're free to ignore these common layouts. You can create any sort of variation, whatever works best for you or your team. Remember that whatever you choose, it's not a permanent commitment. You can reorganize your repository at any time. Because branches and tags are ordinary directories, TortoiseSVN can move or rename them however you wish."
msgstr "Seveda vam teh postavitev ni treba upoštevati. Lahko naredite kakršnokoli variacijo, karkoli najbolj ustreza vam ali vaši ekipi sodelavcev. Postavitev, ki jo boste izbrali, pa ni nujno trajna. Skladiše lahko kadarkoli na novo organizirate. Ker so veje in oznake navadne mape, jih lahko TortoiseSVN premakne ali preimenuje po vaših željah."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3488
msgid "Switching from one layout to another is just a matter of issuing a series of server-side moves; If you don't like the way things are organized in the repository, just juggle the directories around."
msgstr "Sprememba iz enega naina postavitve v drugega se naredi z nizom premikov na strani strežnika. Œe vam ni vše, kako so stvari v skladišu organiziranje, enostavno premaknite mape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3499
msgid "create a new empty folder on your hard drive"
msgstr "ustvarite novo prazno mapo na trdem disku"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3504
msgid "create your desired top-level folder structure inside that folder - don't put any files in it yet!"
msgstr "ustvarite željeno strukturo map vrhnjega nivoja znotraj mape - zaenkrat ne vnašajte datotek!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3510
msgid "import this structure into the repository via a <action>right click</action> on the folder and selecting <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Import...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> This will import your temp folder into the repository root to create the basic repository layout."
msgstr "uvozite to strukturo v skladiše - <action>desno kliknite</action> na mapo in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Uvozi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> S tem uvozite zaasno mapo v korensko mapo skladiša in ustvarite osnovno postavitev."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3494
msgid "So if you haven't already created a basic folder structure inside your repository you should do that now: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe še niste ustvarilii osnovne strukture map v svojem skladišu, storite to sedaj: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3525
msgid ""
"Note that the name of the folder you are importing does not appear in the repository, only its contents. For example, create the following folder structure: <screen>\n"
"</screen> Import <filename>C:\\Temp\\New</filename> into the repository root, which will then look like this: <screen>\n"
msgstr ""
"Upoštevajte, da se ime mape, ki jo uvažate, ne pojavi v skladišu, ampak le njena vsebina. Naprimer: ustvarite naslednjo strukturo: <screen>\n"
"</screen> Uvozite <filename>C:\\Temp\\New</filename> v korensko mapo skladiša, ki potem izgleda takole: <screen>\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3542
msgid "You can also use the repository browser to create new folders directly in the repository."
msgstr "Za ustvarjanje novih map neposredno v skladišu lahko uporabite tudi brskalnik po skladišu."

#. (title)
#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3548
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12270
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13396
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13790
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Uvoz"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3550
msgid "temporary files"
msgstr "zaasne datoteke"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3556
msgid "Remove all files which are not needed to build the project (temporary files, files which are generated by a compiler e.g. *.obj, compiled binaries, ...)"
msgstr "Odstraniti vse datoteke, ki niso potrebne za gradnjo projekta (zaasne datoteke, datoteke, ki jih generira prevajalnik, n. pr. *.obj, prevedene dvojiške datoteke...)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3564
msgid "Organize the files in folders and sub-folders. Although it is possible to rename/move files later it is highly recommended to get your project's structure straight before importing!"
msgstr "Organizirajte datoteke v mape in podmape. Œeprav je možno preimenovanje/premikanje tudi kasneje, je zelo priporoljivo, da postavite strukturo projekta pred uvažanjem."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3552
msgid "Before you import your project into a repository you should: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Preden projekt uvozite v skladiše, morate: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3584
msgid "The Import dialog"
msgstr "Okno za uvažanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3573
msgid "Now select the top-level folder of your project directory structure in the windows explorer and <action>right click</action> to open the context menu. Select the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Import...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> which brings up a dialog box: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Sedaj izberite vrhnjo datoteko vašega projekta v Raziskovalcu in <action>desno kliknite</action>. S tem odprete kontekstni meni. Izberite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Uvozi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, ki prikaže naslednje okno: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3588
msgid "In this dialog you have to enter the URL of the repository into which you want to import your project."
msgstr "V tem oknu morate vnesti naslov URL skladiša, v katerega želite uvoziti projekt."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3592
msgid "The import message is used as a log message."
msgstr "Sporoilo uvoza se uporabi kot sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3595
msgid "By default, files and folders which match the global-ignore patterns are <emphasis>not</emphasis> imported. To override this behaviour you can use the <guilabel>Include ignored files</guilabel> checkbox. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/> for more information on setting a global ignore pattern."
msgstr "Po privzetih nastavitvah se datoteke in mape, ki ustrezajo splošnemu vzorcu prezrtih elementov, <emphasis>ne</emphasis> uvozijo. Œe želite to pri posameznem uvozu spremeniti, potrdite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Vkljui prezrte datoteke</guilabel>. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/> za ve informacij o nastavljanju splošnih vzorcev prezrtih elementov."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3602
msgid "As soon as you press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> TortoiseSVN imports the complete directory tree including all files into the repository. As before, the name of the folder you import does not appear in the repository, only the folder contents. The project is now stored in the repository under version control. Please note that the folder you imported is <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> under version control! To get a version-controlled <firstterm>working copy</firstterm> you need to do a Checkout of the version you just imported. Or read on to find out how to import a folder in place."
msgstr "Ko pritisnete gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>, TortoiseSVN uvozi celotno strukturo map, vkljuno z vsemi datotekami, v skladiše. Podobno kot prej se ime mape, ki jo uvažate, ne pojavi v skladišu, ampak le njena vsebina. Projekt je sedaj shranjen v skladišu pod nadzorom razliic. Upoštevajte, da mapa, ki ste jo uvozili, <emphasis>NI</emphasis> pod nadzorom razliic! Da bi dobili <firstterm>delovno kopijo</firstterm> datotek pod nadzorom, morate narediti prevzem verzije, ki ste jo pravkat uvozili. Ali pa berite naprej, da izveste, kako uvoziti mapo na mestu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3616
msgid "Import in Place"
msgstr "Uvažanje na mestu"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3618
msgid "import in place"
msgstr "uvažanje na mestu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3620
msgid "The Subversion import command has limited functionality - you cannot easily pick items for import. Also, the folder you are importing does not become a Subversion working copy - you have to do a separate checkout. But don't worry, there is another way of working which overcomes both these shortcomings :-)"
msgstr "Ukaz za uvažanje v sistem Subversion je precej omejen - ne morete enostavno izbrati elementov, ki jih želite uvoziti. Poleg tega mapa, ki jo uvažate, ne postane vaša delovna kopija - narediti morate prevzem. Vendar ne skrbite, obstaja drug nain dela, ki nima takih omejitev :-)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3632
msgid "Use the repository browser to create a new project folder directly in the repository."
msgstr "Uporabite brskalnik po skladišu, da ustvarite novo projektno mapo neposredno v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3638
msgid "Checkout the new folder over the top of the folder you want to import. You will get a warning that the local folder is not empty. Now you have a versioned top level folder with unversioned content."
msgstr "Prevzemite novo mapo na mapi, ki jo želite uvoziti. Dobili boste obvestilo, da krajevna mapa ni prazna. Sedaj imate vrhnjo mapo pod nadzorom razliic, medtem ko njena vsebina ni pod nadzorom."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3645
msgid "Use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Add...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on this versioned folder to add some or all of the content. You can add and remove files, set <literal>svn:ignore</literal> properties on folders and make any other changes you need to."
msgstr "Uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dodaj...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> na mapi pod nadzorom. S tem lahko dodate delno ali celotno vsebino, dodate ali odstranite datoteke, nastavite lastnosti <literal>svn:ignore</literal> na mapah in naredite vse ostale spremembe, ki so potrebne."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3657
msgid "Commit the top level folder, and you have a new versioned tree, and a local working copy, created from your existing folder."
msgstr "Objavite vrhnjo mapo in dobili ste novo drevo pod nadzorom in krajevno delovno kopijo, ustvarjeno iz obstojee mape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3627
msgid "Assuming you already have a repository, and you want to add a new folder structure to it, just follow these steps: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Ob predpostavki, da skladiše že imate in želite dodati vanj novo drevesno strukturo, naredite naslednje: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3666
msgid "Special Files"
msgstr "Posebne datoteke"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3668
msgid "special files"
msgstr "posebne datoteke"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3670
msgid "Sometimes you need to have a file under version control which contains user specific data. That means you have a file which every developer/user needs to modify to suit his/her local setup. But versioning such a file is difficult because every user would commit his/her changes every time to the repository."
msgstr "Vasih imate v sistemu razliic datoteko, ki vsebuje podatke, specifine za uporabnika. To pomeni, da imate datoteko, ki jo mora vsak uporabnik urediti, da ustreza njegovi/njeni namestitvi. Imeti takšno datoteko pod nadzorom je težko, ker bi vsak uporabnik ob vsaki objavi objavil svoje spremembe te datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3677
msgid "In such cases we suggest to use <emphasis>template</emphasis> files. You create a file which contains all the data your developers will need, add that file to version control and let the developers check this file out. Then, each developer has to <emphasis>make a copy</emphasis> of that file and rename that copy. After that, modifying the copy is not a problem anymore."
msgstr "V takšnih primerih priporoamo uporabo <emphasis>predlog</emphasis>. Ustvarite datoteko, ki vsebuje vse podatke, ki jih razvijalci potrebujejo, jo dodajte v sistem nadzora razliic in pustite, da jo razvijalci prevzamejo. Nato si vsak razvijalec <emphasis>naredi kopijo</emphasis> te datoteke in jo preimenuje. Po tem spreminjanje kopije ni ve problematino."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3685
msgid "As an example, you can have a look at TortoiseSVN's build script. It calls a file named <filename>TortoiseVars.bat</filename> which doesn't exist in the repository. Only the file <filename>TortoiseVars.tmpl</filename>. <filename>TortoiseVars.tmpl</filename> is the template file which every developer has to create a copy from and rename that file to <filename>TortoiseVars.bat</filename>. Inside that file, we added comments so that the users will see which lines they have to edit and change according to their local setup to get it working."
msgstr "Za primer si poglejte skripto za gradnjo TortoiseSVN. Ta klie datoteko <filename>TortoiseVars.bat</filename>, ki ne obstaja v skladišu. Obstaja le datoteka <filename>TortoiseVars.tmpl</filename>. <filename>TortoiseVars.tmpl</filename> je predloga datoteke. Vsak uporabnik si izdela svojo kopijo in jo preimenuje v <filename>TortoiseVars.bat</filename>. V datoteko smo dodali komentarje, da uporabniki vidijo, katere vrstice morajo spremeniti v skladu s svojo namestitvijo, da bo stvar delovala."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3696
msgid "So as not to disturb the users, we also added the file <filename>TortoiseVars.bat</filename> to the ignore list of its parent folder, i.e. we've set the Subversion property <literal>svn:ignore</literal> to include that filename. That way it won't show up as unversioned on every commit."
msgstr "Da ne bi motili uporabnikov, smo dodali datoteko <filename>TortoiseVars.bat</filename> na listo prezrtih elementov v nadrejeni mapi, to pomeni, da smo nastavili lastnost <literal>svn:ignore</literal>, ki vsebuje to datoteko. Tako se ta datoteka ne bo pojavila v oknu za objave kot datoteka brez razliic."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3705
msgid "Referenced Projects"
msgstr "Povezani projekti"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3707
msgid "external repositories"
msgstr "zunajnja skladiša"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3710
msgid "externals"
msgstr "zunanji"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3712
msgid "Sometimes it is useful to construct a working copy that is made out of a number of different checkouts. For example, you may want different subdirectories to come from different locations in a repository, or perhaps from different repositories altogether. If you want every user to have the same layout, you can define the <literal>svn:externals</literal> properties."
msgstr "Vasih je koristno izdelati delovno kopijo, ki je sestavljena iz ve razlinih prevzemov. Primer: narediti želite delovno kopijo, kjer podmape prihajajo iz razlinih lokacij v skladišu ali mogoce celo iz razlinih skladiš. Œe želite, da ima vsak uporabnik isto postavitev, lahko definirate lastnosti <literal>svn:externals</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3720
msgid ""
"Let's say you check out a working copy of <filename>/project1</filename> to <filename>D:\\dev\\project1</filename>. Select the folder <filename>D:\\dev\\project1</filename>, <action>right click</action> and choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Windows Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the context menu. The Properties Dialog comes up. Then go to the Subversion tab. There, you can set properties. Click <guibutton>Add...</guibutton>. Select the <literal>svn:externals</literal> property from the combobox and write in the edit box the repository URL in the format <literal>name url</literal> or if you want to specify a particular revision, <literal>name -rREV url</literal> You can add multiple external projects, 1 per line. Note that URLs must be properly escaped or they will not work properly. For example you must replace each space with <literal>%20</literal>. Note that it is not possible to use folder names with spaces in them. Suppose that you have set these properties on <filename>D:\\dev\\project1</filename>: <screen>\n"
"sounds http://sounds.red-bean.com/repos\n"
"quick_graphs http://graphics.red-bean.com/repos/fast%20graphics\n"
"skins/toolkit -r21 http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/skin-maker\n"
"</screen> Now click <guibutton>Set</guibutton> and commit your changes. When you (or any other user) update your working copy, Subversion will create a sub-folder <filename>D:\\dev\\project1\\sounds</filename> and checkout the sounds project, another sub-folder <filename>D:\\dev\\project1\\quick graphs</filename> containing the graphics project, and finally a nested sub-folder <filename>D:\\dev\\project1\\skins\\toolkit</filename> containing revision 21 of the skin-maker project."
msgstr ""
"Denimo, da prevzamete delovno kopijo projekta <filename>/projekt1</filename> v <filename>D:\\dev\\projekt</filename>. Izberite mapo <filename>D:\\dev\\projekt1</filename>, <action>desno kliknite</action> in iz kontekstnega menija izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Windows Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Lastnosti</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Pojavi se okno Lastnosti. Pojdite na zavihek Subversion. Tu lahko nastavite lastnosti. Kliknite <guibutton>Dodaj...</guibutton>. Iz spustnega seznama izberite lastnost <literal>svn:externals</literal> in vpišite v polje naslov URL skladiša v obliki <literal>ime url</literal> ali e želite nastaviti doloeno revizijo: <literal>ime -rREV url</literal> Dodate lahko ve zunanjih projektov, po enega v vrstico. Upoštevajte, da morate uporabiti pravilne znake za naslov URL, sicer lastnosti ne bodo delovale pravilno. Na primer: vsak presledek morate zamenjati s <literal>%20</literal>. Upoštevajte, da ne morete uporabljati map, ki vsebujejo presledke. Denimo, da ste nastavili na <filename>D:\\dev\\projekt1</filename> naslednje lastnosti: <screen>\n"
"sounds http://sounds.red-bean.com/repos\n"
"quick_graphs http://graphics.red-bean.com/repos/fast%20graphics\n"
"skins/toolkit -r21 http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/skin-maker\n"
"</screen> Sedaj kliknite <guibutton>Nastavi</guibutton> in objavite spremembe. Ko boste (ali pa kak drug uporabniki) posodobili delovno kopijo, bo Subversion ustvaril podmapo <filename>D:\\dev\\projekt1\\sounds</filename> in prevzel projekt Sounds, podmapo <filename>D:\\dev\\projekt1\\quick graphs</filename> s projektom Graphics in nazadnje še vgnezdeno podmapo <filename>D:\\dev\\projekt1\\skins\\toolkit</filename> z revizijo 21 projekta Skin-maker."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3760
msgid "You should strongly consider using explicit revision numbers in all of your externals definitions, as described above. Doing so means that you get to decide when to pull down a different snapshot of external information, and exactly which snapshot to pull. Besides the common sense aspect of not being surprised by changes to third-party repositories that you might not have any control over, using explicit revision numbers also means that as you backdate your working copy to a previous revision, your externals definitions will also revert to the way they looked in that previous revision, which in turn means that the external working copies will be updated to match they way <emphasis>they</emphasis> looked back when your repository was at that previous revision. For software projects, this could be the difference between a successful and a failed build of an older snapshot of your complex code base."
msgstr "Priporoamo, da pri navajanju naslovov skladiš za zunanje projekte uporabljate tudi številke revizij, kot je opisano zgoraj. S tem si zagotovite, da se boste sami odloili, kdaj boste uporabili drug posnetek zunanjega projekta in natanno katerega. Poleg loginega pogleda na stvar - da ne boste preseneeni nad spremembami v zunanjem projektu, nad katerim nimate nadzora - to prinaša tudi prednost pri posodabljanju na staro revizijo. V tem primeru se bodo zunanji projekti posodobili na natanno takšno revizijo, ki ustreza reviziji vaših projektov. Pri projektih razvoja programske opreme to pomeni uspešno oziroma neuspešno gradnjo stare razliice kompleksnega projekta."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3779
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11917
msgid "If the external project is in the same repository, any changes you make there there will be included in the commit list when you commit your main project."
msgstr "Œe se zunanji projekt nahaja v istem skladišu, bodo vse spremembe v njem tudi na seznamu za objavo, ko boste objavljali spremembe v glavnem projektu."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3784
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11922
msgid "If the external project is in a different repository, any changes you make to the external project will be notified when you commit the main project, but you have to commit those external changes separately."
msgstr "Œe se zunanji projekt nahaja v drugem skladišu, bodo vse spremembe, ki jih naredite na zunanjem projektu, prikazane, ko boste objavili glavni projekt, vendar morate zunanje spremembe objaviti posebej."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3790
msgid "Note that if you change the URL in an <literal>svn:externals</literal> property, then next time you update your working copy Subversion will delete the old external folder and make a fresh checkout, so you will see files being <emphasis>Added</emphasis>, rather than being <emphasis>Updated</emphasis> as you might have expected. This situation might occur if you reference a tag from another project. When a new version of that project is released, you change your external reference to point to the new tag."
msgstr "Upoštevajte: e spremenite naslov URL v lastnosti <literal>svn:externals</literal>, bo Subversion ob posodobitvi delovne kopije izbrisal staro zunanjo mapo in naredil nov prevzem. Datoteke bodo zato <emphasis>dodane</emphasis> in ne <emphasis>posodobljene</emphasis>, kot bi morda priakovali. Ta situacija se lahko pojavi, e uporabite referenco na oznako drugega projekta. Ko je na voljo nova izdaja tega projekta, spremenite zunanjo referenco na novo oznako."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3800
msgid "URLs in <literal>svn:externals</literal> definitions are absolute. You cannot use relative URLs. If you relocate your working copy, or if the external repository is relocated, these URLs will not be updated automatically. Also, if you branch a project which has external references within the same repository, the URLs in the branched copy will be unchanged; you may then want to change trunk references to branch references instead."
msgstr "Naslovi URL v lastnostih <literal>svn:externals</literal> so absolutni. Relativnih naslovov ne morete uporabljati. Œe premaknete delovno kopijo ali e se premakne zunanje skladiše, se ti naslovi URL ne bodo samodejno popravili. Œe naredite vejo na projektu, ki vsebuje reference na zunanji projekt, bodo naslovi v veji ostali nespremenjeni; takrat spremenite reference na glavni veji v reference na veji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3809
msgid "If you need more information how TortoiseSVN handles Properties read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>."
msgstr "Œe želite izvedeti ve o tem, kako Subversion obravnava lastnosti, preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3813
msgid "To find out about different methods of accessing common sub-projects read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-howto-common-projects\"/>."
msgstr "Za pregled razlinih nainov dostopa do skupnih projektov si preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-howto-common-projects\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3820
msgid "Checking Out A Working Copy"
msgstr "Prevzemanje delovne kopije"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3822
msgid "checkout"
msgstr "prevzem"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3825
msgid "To obtain a working copy you need to do a <firstterm>checkout</firstterm> from a repository."
msgstr "Da bi ustvarili delovno kopijo, morate narediti <firstterm>prevzem</firstterm> iz skladiša."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3839
msgid "The Checkout dialog"
msgstr "Okno za prevzem"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3829
msgid "Select a directory in windows explorer where you want to place your working copy. <action>Right click</action> to pop up the context menu and select the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Checkout...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, which brings up the following dialog box: <placeholder-1/> If you enter a folder name that does not yet exist, then a directory with that name is created."
msgstr "V Raziskovalcu izberite mapo, kjer želite imeti delovno kopijo. Z <action>desnim klikom</action> prikliite kontekstni meni in izberite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Prevzemi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, ki ponudi naslednje pogovorno okno: <placeholder-1/> Œe vnesete ime mape, ki še ne obstaja, bo le-ta pred prevzemom samodejno ustvarjena."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3846
msgid "When you checkout an existing source tree from the repository, you should do so in an empty directory. If you try to check out your source tree into the same directory that you imported from, Subversion will throw an error message because it will not overwrite the existing unversioned files with versioned ones, even if they are identical. You will have to check out into a different directory or delete the existing source tree first. Better still, read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-in-place\"/> which describes a method that avoids this problem."
msgstr "Prevzem vedno opravljajte na prazni mapi. Œe poskusite napraviti prevzem izvornega drevea v isto mapo, iz katere ste naredili uvoz, boste dobili sporoilo o napaki. Subversion namre nikoli ne povozi obstojeih datotek brez razliic z datotekami pod nadzorom, tudi e so le-te identine. Prevzem morate narediti na drugi mapi ali pa predhodno pobrisati obstojee datoteke. Še bolje pa je, e preberete <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-in-place\"/>, kjer je opisano, kako se temu problemu izognete."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3859
msgid "Checkout Depth"
msgstr "Globina prevzema"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3867
msgid "Fully recursive"
msgstr "Popolnoma rekurzivno"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3869
msgid "Checkout the entire tree, including all child folders and sub-folders."
msgstr "Prevzemi celotno drevo, vkljuno z mapami in podmapami."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3876
msgid "Immediate children, including folders"
msgstr "Takojšnji nasledniki, vkljuno z mapami"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3878
msgid "Checkout the specified directory, including all files and child folders, but do not populate the child folders."
msgstr "Prevzemi doloeno mapo vkljuno z datotekami in podmapami, vendar brez vsebine podmap."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3885
msgid "Only file children"
msgstr "Samo podrejene datoteke"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3887
msgid "Checkout the specified directory, including all files but do not checkout any child folders."
msgstr "Prevzemi izbrano mapo, vkljuno z vsemi datotekami, vendar brez podmap."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3894
msgid "Only this item"
msgstr "Samo ta element"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3896
msgid "Checkout the directory only. Do not populate it with files or child folders."
msgstr "Prevzemi le mapo. Ne prenašaj vsebine (datetok in podmap)."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#. (listitem)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3903
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7341
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13313
msgid "Working copy"
msgstr "Delovna kopija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3905
msgid "Retain the depth specified in the working copy. This option is not used in the checkout dialog, but it is the default in all other dialogs which have a depth setting."
msgstr "Ohrani globino, doloeno v delovni kopiji. Ta možnost se ne uporablja v oknu za prevzem, ampak je privzeta nastavitev v vseh ostalih oknih, kjer je mogoe nastaviti globino."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3860
msgid "You can choose the <firstterm>depth</firstterm> you want to checkout, which allows you to specify the depth of recursion into child folders. If you want just a few sections of a large tree, You can checkout the top level folder only, then update selected folders recursively. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Lahko doloite tudi <firstterm>globino</firstterm> prevzema. Ta oznauje, kako globoko v mape deluje prevzem. Œe želite prevzeti le nekatere mape velikega drevesa, prevzemite le vrhnjo mapo, nato pa rekurzivno posodobite posamezne izbrane mape. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3915
msgid "If you check out a sparse working copy (i.e., by choosing something other than <literal>fully recursive</literal> for the checkout depth), you can fetch additional sub-folders by using the repository browser (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repobrowser\"/>). <action>Right click</action> on the checked out folder, then use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Repo-Browser</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to bring up the repository browser. Find the sub-folder you would like to add to your working copy, then use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update item to revision...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> That menu will only be visible if the selected item does not exist yet in your working copy, but the parent item does exist."
msgstr "Œe prevzamete delno delovno kopijo (e za globino prevzema izberete karkoli drugega kot <literal>popolnoma rekurzivno</literal>), lahko dodatne podmape prenesete z uporabo skladišnega brskalnika (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repobrowser\"/>). <action>Desno-kliknite</action> na prevzeto mapo, potem pa uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Skladišni brskalnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Poišite podmapo, ki jo želite dodati v delovno kopijo, potem pa izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Posodobi element na revizijo...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Ta vnos v meniju bo na voljo le, e element še ne obstaja v delovni kopiji, medtem ko njegova nadrejena mapa obstaja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3935
msgid "If the project contains references to external projects which you do <emphasis>not</emphasis> want checked out at the same time, use the <guilabel>Omit externals</guilabel> checkbox."
msgstr "Œe projekt vsebuje reference na zunanje projekte, ki jih <emphasis>ne</emphasis> želite prevzeti istoasno, uporabite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Izpusti zunanje</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3941
msgid "If <guilabel>Omit externals</guilabel> is checked, or if you wish to increase the depth value, you will have to perform updates to your working copy using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update to Revision...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> instead of <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The standard update will include all sub-folders and all externals."
msgstr "Œe je možnost <guilabel>Izpusti zunanje</guilabel> potrjena ali e želite poveati globino, morate narediti posodobitev delovne kopije z uporabo ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Posodobi na revizijo...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> namesto ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Posodobi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Standardna posodobitev vkljuuje vse podmape in vse zunanje elemente."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3957
msgid "It is recommended that you check out only the <literal>trunk</literal> part of the directory tree, or lower. If you specify the parent path of the directory tree in the URL then you might end up with a full hard disk since you will get a copy of the entire repository tree including every branch and tag of your project!"
msgstr "Priporoamo, da prevzamete samo <literal>trunk</literal> del strukture map ali manj. Œe uporabite vrhnjo mapo, se vam lahko zgodi, da boste imeli povsem poln trdi disk, saj boste prevzeli prav vsako kopijo drevesne strukture, vkljuno z vsemi vejami in oznakami vašega projekta!"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3965
msgid "Exporting"
msgstr "Izvažanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3966
msgid "Sometimes you may want to create a local copy without any of those <filename>.svn</filename> directories, e.g. to create a zipped tarball of your source. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-export\"/> to find out how to do that."
msgstr "Vasih potrebujete krajevno kopijo brez map <filename>.svn</filename>, n. pr. e želite zapakirati svojo izvorno kodo. Ve o tem si preberite v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-export\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3975
msgid "Committing Your Changes To The Repository"
msgstr "Objavljanje sprememb v skladišu"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3977
msgid "commit"
msgstr "objava"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3980
msgid "Sending the changes you made to your working copy is known as <firstterm>committing</firstterm> the changes. But before you commit you have to make sure that your working copy is up to date. You can either use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> directly. Or you can use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Check for Modifications</guimenuitem></menuchoice> first, to see which files have changed locally or on the server."
msgstr "Pošiljanje sprememb, ki ste jih naredili na delovni kopiji, se imenuje <firstterm>objava</firstterm> sprememb. Preden pa spremembe objavite, se morate prepriati, da je vaša delovna kopija posodobljena. Uporabite lahko ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Posodobi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Lahko pa uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preveri spremembe</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, da vidite, katere datoteke so bile spremenjene v delovni kopiji ali v skladišu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3997
msgid "The Commit Dialog"
msgstr "Okno objave"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4007
msgid "The Commit dialog"
msgstr "Okno objave"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:3998
msgid "If your working copy is up to date and there are no conflicts, you are ready to commit your changes. Select any file and/or folders you want to commit, then <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Commit...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe je delovna kopija sodobna in brez sporov, ste pripravljeni, da spremembe objavite. Izberite datoteke in/ali mape, ki jih želite objaviti, in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Objavi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4011
msgid "The commit dialog will show you every changed file, including added, deleted and unversioned files. If you don't want a changed file to be committed, just uncheck that file. If you want to include an unversioned file, just check that file to add it to the commit."
msgstr "Okno za objave pokaže vsako spremenjeno datoteko, vkljuno z dodanimi, izbrisanimi in datotekami brez razliic. Œe ne želite, da se spremembe doloene datoteke objavijo, izklopite potrditveno polje pred to datoteko. Œe želite vkljuiti datoteko brez razliic, potrdite potrditveno polje - s tem jo dodate v objavo."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4018
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4828
msgid "Items which have been switched to a different repository path are also indicated using an <literal>(s)</literal> marker. You may have switched something while working on a branch and forgotten to switch back to trunk. This is your warning sign!"
msgstr "Elementi, ki so bili preklopljeni na drugo pot v skladišu, so oznaeni z znakom <literal>(s)</literal>. Lahko da ste kakšen element preklopili, ko ste delali na neki veji in ga pozabili preklopiti nazaj. To je opozorilo!"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4025
msgid "Commit files or folders?"
msgstr "Naj objavim datoteke ali mape?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4026
msgid "When you commit files, the commit dialog shows only the files you have selected. When you commit a folder the commit dialog will select the changed files automatically. If you forget about a new file you created, committing the folder will find it anyway. Committing a folder does <emphasis>not</emphasis> mean that every file gets marked as changed; It just makes your life easier by doing more work for you."
msgstr "Ko objavljate datoteke, pogovorno okno prikaže le datoteke, ki ste jih izbrali. Ko objavljate mapo, pogovorno okno izbere spremenjene datoteke samodejno. Œe ste pozabili na novo datoteko, jo okno pri objavljanju mape vseeno najde. Objava mape <emphasis>ne</emphasis> pomeni, da se vse datoteke oznaijo kot spremenjene, ampak vam le olajša delo, saj ga opravi namesto vas."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4036
msgid "If you have modified files which have been included from a different repository using <literal>svn:externals</literal>, those changes cannot be included in the same atomic commit. A warning symbol below the file list tells you if this has happened, and the tooltip explains that those external files have to be committed separately."
msgstr "Œe ste spreminjali datoteke, ki so vkljuene iz drugega skladiša z uporabo lastnosti <literal>svn:externals</literal>, teh sprememb ne morete objaviti v isti atomini objavi. Œe se to zgodi, se pod seznamom datotek pojavi opozorilni simbol, namig pa vam pojasni, da morajo biti zunanje datoteke objavljene posebej."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4044
msgid "Many unversioned files in the commit dialog"
msgstr "Veliko datotek brez razliic v oknu objave"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4051
msgid "add the file (or a wildcard extension) to the list of files to exclude on the settings page. This will affect every working copy you have."
msgstr "dodate datoteko (ali konnico) na seznam izloenih datotek, kar storite v nastavitvah. To vpliva ne vse delovne kopije, ki jih imate."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4058
msgid "add the file to the <literal>svn:ignore</literal> list using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Add to ignore list</guimenuitem></menuchoice> This will only affect the directory on which you set the <literal>svn:ignore</literal> property. Using the SVN Property Dialog, you can alter the <literal>svn:ignore</literal> property for a directory."
msgstr "dodate datoteko na seznam prezrtih (<literal>svn:ignore</literal>) z uporabo ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dodaj na seznam prezrtih</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Ta nastavitev vpliva le na mapo, v kateri ste nastavili lastnost <literal>svn:ignore</literal>. Z uporabo okna Lastnosti lahko lastnost mape spremenite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4045
msgid "If you think that the commit dialog shows you too many unversioned (e.g. compiler generated or editor backup) files, there are several ways to handle this. You can: <placeholder-1/> Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-ignore\"/> for more information."
msgstr "Œe se vam zdi, da okno za objavo prikaže preveliko število datotek brez razliic (generirane datoteke razvojnega okolja, varnostne datoteke), obstaja ve nainov, da situacijo popravite. Lahko: <placeholder-1/> Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-ignore\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4075
msgid "<action>Double clicking</action> on any modified file in the commit dialog will launch the external diff tool to show your changes. The context menu will give you more options, as shown in the screenshot. You can also drag files from here into another application such as a text editor or an IDE."
msgstr "<action>Dvoklik</action> na spremenjeno datoteko v oknu objav požene zunanje orodje za razlikovanje in vam prikaže spremembe. Kontekstni meni vam ponuja še ve možnosti, kar je razvidno iz posnetka zaslona. Poleg tega lahko iz okna potegnete in prenesete datoteke v ostale aplikacije, npr. v urejevalnik besedil ali ravojno okolje (IDE)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4082
msgid "You can select or deselect items by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the item. For directories you can use <action>SHIFT-Select</action> to make the action recursive."
msgstr "Izbiro elementov naredite s potrditvijo polja pred posameznim elementom. Za mape lahko uporabite oznaevanje s tipko <action>SHIFT</action>, s imer naredite akcijo rekurzivno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4087
msgid "The columns displayed in the bottom pane are customizable. If you <action>right click</action> on any column header you will see a context menu allowing you to select which columns are displayed. You can also change column width by using the drag handle which appears when you move the mouse over a column boundary. These customizations are preserved, so you will see the same headings next time."
msgstr "Stolpci v spodnjem delu okna so povsem prilagodljivi. Z <action>desnim klikom</action> na glavo kateregakoli stolpca prikliete kontekstni meni, ki vam omogoa izbiro stolpcev, ki jih želite prikazati. Prav tako lahko spremenite širino stolpcev. To storite tako, da rob stolpca premaknete, ko je miška na meji med dvema stolpcema. Prilagoditve se ohranijo, tako da boste naslednji videli enako postavitev."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4096
msgid "By default when you commit changes, any locks that you hold on files are released automatically after the commit succeeds. If you want to keep those locks, make sure the <guilabel>Keep locks</guilabel> checkbox is checked. The default state of this checkbox is taken from the <literal>no_unlock</literal> option in the Subversion configuration file. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/> for information on how to edit the Subversion configuration file."
msgstr "Œe imate nastavljene privzete nastavitve in naredite objavo sprememb, se vsi zaklepi v vaši lasti sprostijo takoj po uspešno izvedeni objavi. Œe želite zaklepe ohraniti, potrdite polje <guilabel>Ohrani zaklepe</guilabel>. Privzeto stanje tega polja je definirano v konfiguracijski datoteki sistema Subversion z možnostjo <literal>no_unlock</literal>. Za ve informacij o urejanju konfiguracijske datoteke Subversion si preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4107
msgid "You can drag files into the commit dialog from elsewhere, so long as the working copies are checked out from the same repository. For example, you may have a huge working copy with several explorer windows open to look at distant folders of the hierarchy. If you want to avoid committing from the top level folder (with a lengthy folder crawl to check for changes) you can open the commit dialog for one folder and drag in items from the other windows to include within the same atomic commit."
msgstr "Datoteke lahko povleete in spustite v okno za objavo od drugod pod pogojem, da ste delovne kopije prevzeli iz istega skladiša. Primer: imato ogromno delovno kopijo in uporabljate ve Raziskovalcev, ki ima nastavljene razline trenutne mape znotraj delovne kopije. Œe se želite izogniti objavljanju vrhnje mape (kar bi pomenilo dolgo iskanje spremenjenih datotek), lahko okno za objave odprete v neki mapi, nato pa iz razlinih Raziskovalcev povleete v okno datoteke, ki jih želite istoasno objaviti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4117
msgid "You can drag unversioned files which reside within a working copy into the commit dialog, and they will be SVN added automatically."
msgstr "Datoteke brez razliic lahko povleete v pogovorno okno za objavo in bodo samodejno dodane v sistem Subversion."

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4123
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4900
msgid "Repairing External Renames"
msgstr "Popravljanje zunanjih preimenovanj"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4124
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4901
msgid "Sometimes files get renamed outside of Subversion, and they show up in the file list as a missing file and an unversioned file. To avoid losing the history you need to notify Subversion about the connection. Simply select both the old name (missing) and the new name (unversioned) and use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Repair Move</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to pair the two files as a rename."
msgstr "Vasih datoteke preimenujete zunaj sistema Subversion, zato se v seznamu sprememb pojavita manjkajoa datoteka in datoteka brez razliic. Da bi prepreili izgubo zgodovine, morate sistemu Subversion povedati, da med datotekama obstaja povezava. Enostavno izberite tako staro ime (manjkajoe) kot novo ime (brez razliic) in uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Popravi premik</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in s tem povežete datoteki v preimenovanje."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4139
msgid "Change Lists"
msgstr "Seznami sprememb"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4141
msgid "changelist"
msgstr "seznam sprememb"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4143
msgid "In an ideal world, you only ever work on one thing at a time, and your working copy contains only one set of logical changes. OK, back to reality. It often happens that you have to work on several unrelated tasks at once, and when you look in the commit dialog, all the changes are mixed in together. The <firstterm>changelist</firstterm> feature helps you group files together, making it easier to see what you are doing. Of course this can only work if the changes do not overlap. If two different tasks affect the same file, there is no way to separate the changes."
msgstr "V idealnem svetu delate naenkrat na eni zadevi in vaša delovna kopija vsebuje le en skupek loginih sprememb. V redu, nazaj v realnost. Vekrat se zgodi, da morate delati na ve nepovezanih nalogah naenkrat in ko pogledate v okno za objave, vidite vse spremembe skupaj. Zmožnost <firstterm>seznam sprememb</firstterm> vam pomaga združiti datoteke v skupine. Tako lažje vidite, kaj delate. Seveda je to možno le, e se spremembe ne prekrivajo. Œe dve razlini nalogi zahtevata spremembo iste datoteke, sprememb ni mogoe loiti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4154
msgid "The changelist feature is only available in Windows XP and later, as it depends on a shell capability which is not present in Windows 2000. Sorry, but Win2K is really quite old now, so please don't complain."
msgstr "Možnost uporabe seznamov sprememb je na voljo le v operacijskem sistemu Windows XP ali novejšem, ker uporablja možnosti lupine, ki v sistemu Windows 2000 ne obstajajo. Oprostite, ampak sistem Windown 2000 je že precej star, zato vas prosimo, da se ne pritožujete."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4172
msgid "Commit dialog with Changelists"
msgstr "Okno za objave s seznami sprememb"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4160
msgid "Use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Move to changelist</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to add an item to a changelist. Initially there will be no changelists, so the first time you do this you will create a new changelist. Give it name which describes what you are using it for, and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. The commit dialog will now change to show groups of items. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe želite element dodati v seznam sprememb, uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Premakni v seznam sprememb</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Na zaetku ne obstaja noben seznam sprememb, zato boste prvi morali ustvariti nov seznam. Poimenujte ga smiselno glede na uporabo in kliknite gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>. Okno za objave se spremeni in prikazuje skupine elementov. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4176
msgid "Apart from giving an immediate visual indication of groupings, you can also use the group headings to select which files to commit."
msgstr "Združevanje datotek v skupine vam poleg vizuelnega pregleda olajša izbiro datotek, saj lahko s klikom na glavo skupine izberete vse datoteke v skupini."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4181
msgid "Changelists are purely a local client feature. Creating and removing changelists will not affect the repository, nor any other client."
msgstr "Seznami sprememb so povsem stvar odjemalca. Ustvarjanje in odstranjevanje seznamov sprememb ne vpliva na skladiše, prav tako pa ne igra nobene vloge v drugih odjemalcih Subversion."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4188
msgid "Commit Log Messages"
msgstr "Sporoila dnevniških zapisov objav"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4189
msgid "Be sure to enter a log message which describes the changes you are committing. This will help you to see what happened and when, as you browse through the project log messages at a later date. The message can be as long or as brief as you like; many projects have guidelines for what should be included, the language to use, and sometimes even a strict format."
msgstr "Vedno vnesite sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa, ki opisuje spremembe, ki jih objavljate. To vam bo pomagalo, da boste kasneje, ko boste pregledovali dnevniške zapise, lahko videli, kaj se je spremenilo in kdaj. Sporoilo je lahko poljubne dolžine. Veliko projektov natanno doloa, kaj je potrebno vpisati, v katerem jeziku, vasih pa je doloena zelo natanna oblika zapisa."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4197
msgid "You can apply simple formatting to your log messages using a convention similar to that used within emails. To apply styling to <literal>text</literal>, use <literal>*text*</literal> for bold, <literal>_text_</literal> for underlining, and <literal>^text^</literal> for italics."
msgstr "Sporoilom dnevniških zapisov lahko dodate enostavno oblikovanje, podobno tistemu, ki ga uporabljate pri elektronski pošti. Œe želite <literal>besedilu</literal> dodati oblikovanje, uporabite <literal>*besedilo*</literal> za polkrepko pisavo, <literal>_besedilo_</literal> za podrtano pisavo in <literal>^besedilo^</literal> za poševno pisavo."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4207
msgid "The Commit Dialog Spellchecker"
msgstr "Œrkovalnik v oknu objave"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4205
msgid "<placeholder-1/> TortoiseSVN includes a spellchecker to help you get your log messages right. This will highlight any mis-spelled words. Use the context menu to access the suggested corrections. Of course, it doesn't know <emphasis>every</emphasis> technical term that you do, so correctly spelt words will sometimes show up as errors. But don't worry. You can just add them to your personal dictionary using the context menu."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> TortoiseSVN vsebuje rkovalnik, ki vam pomaga pri pravilnem pisanju sporoil dnevniških zapisov. Oznail bo vse nepravilno rkovane besede. Uporabite kontekstni meni za dostop do predlaganih popravkov. Seveda ne pozna prav <emphasis>vseh</emphasis> tehninih terminov, tako bodo pravilno rkovane besede vasih oznaene kot napane. Ne skrbite. Z uporabo kontekstnega menija jih lahko dodate v osebni slovar."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4217
msgid "The log message window also includes a filename and function auto-completion facility. This uses regular expressions to extract class and function names from the (text) files you are committing, as well as the filenames themselves. If a word you are typing matches anything in the list (after you have typed at least 3 characters, or pressed <action>CTRL+Space</action>), a drop-down appears allowing you to select the full name. The regular expressions supplied with TortoiseSVN are held in the TortoiseSVN installation <filename>bin</filename> folder. You can also define your own regexes and store them in <filename>%APPDATA%\\TortoiseSVN\\autolist.txt</filename>. Of course your private autolist will not be overwritten when you update your installation of TortoiseSVN. If you are unfamiliar with regular expressions, take a look at the introduction at <ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression\"><citetitle>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression</citetitle></ulink>, and the online documentation and tutorial at <ulink url=\"http://www.regular-expressions.info/\"><citetitle>http://www.regular-expressions.info/</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Okno za vnos sporočila dnevniškega zapisa ima možnost samozaključevanja imen datotek in funkcij. Ta uporablja regularne izraze, da izlušči imena razredov in funkcij iz besedilnih datotek, ki jih objavljate, prav tako pa tudi sama imena datotek. Če beseda, ki jo tipkate, ustreza besedi v seznamu (potem, ko ste vpisali vsaj tri znake ali pritisnili tipko <action>CTRL+Space</action>), se pojavi spustni meni, ki vam omogoča, da izberete cel izraz. Regularni izrazi, ki so na voljo, se nahajajo v podmapi <filename>bin</filename> namestitvene mape sistema TortoiseSVN. Definirate pa lahko tudi svoje regularne izraze in jih shranite v datoteko <filename>%APPDATA%\\TortoiseSVN\\autolist.txt</filename>. Seveda se pri nadgranji sistema TortoiseSVN ta zasebni seznam ohrani. Če regularnih izrazov ne poznate, si lahko ogledate dokumentacijo na spletu na naslovih <ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression\"><citetitle>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression</citetitle></ulink> in <ulink url=\"http://www.regular-expressions.info/\"><citetitle>http://www.regular-expressions.info/</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4239
msgid "Special Folder Properties"
msgstr "Posebne lastnosti map"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4240
msgid "There are several special folder properties which can be used to help give more control over the formatting of commit log messages and the language used by the spellchecker module. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/> for further information."
msgstr "Obstaja ve posebnih lastnosti za mape, ki vam omogoajo ve nadzora nad oblikovanjem sporoil dnevniških zapisov in jezikom, ki se uporabi za preverjanje rkovanja. Ve o tem pove <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4248
msgid "Integration with Bug Tracking Tools"
msgstr "Integracija s sistemi za sledenje hrošev"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4249
msgid "If you have activated the bug tracking system, you can set one or more Issues in the <guilabel>Bug-ID / Issue-Nr:</guilabel> text box. Multiple issues should be comma separated. Alternatively, if you are using regex-based bug tracking support, just add your issue references as part of the log message. Learn more <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-bugtracker\"/>."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate sistem za sledenje zadevam, lahko v vnosno polje <guilabel>ID hroša / št. zadeve:</guilabel> vpišete eno ali ve številk zadev. Œe vpišete ve številk, naj bodo loene z vejico. Druga možnost je, da uporabljate podporo sistem za sledenje zadevam na osnovi regularnih izrazov. V tem primeru lahko številko zadeve navedete nekje znotraj sporoila dnevniškega zapisa. Ve o tem vam pove <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-bugtracker\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4260
msgid "Commit Progress"
msgstr "Napredek objave"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4265
msgid "The Progress dialog showing a commit in progress"
msgstr "Okno napredka prikazuje napredovanje objave"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4261
msgid "After pressing <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, a dialog appears displaying the progress of the commit. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Po pritisku na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton> se pojavi okno napredka objave. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4274
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4766
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Modra"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4276
msgid "Committing a modification."
msgstr "Objavljanje spremembe."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4282
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4346
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4774
msgid "Purple"
msgstr "Škrlatna"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4284
msgid "Committing a new addition."
msgstr "Objavljanje novega elementa."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4290
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4354
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4786
msgid "Dark red"
msgstr "Temno rdea"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4292
msgid "Committing a deletion or a replacement."
msgstr "Objavljanje brisanja ali zamenjave."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4298
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4381
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4814
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Œrna"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4300
msgid "All other items."
msgstr "Ostali elementi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4269
msgid "The progress dialog uses colour coding to highlight different commit actions <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Okno napredka uporablja barvno kodiranje za oznaevanje razlinih operacij objave. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4307
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4391
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4823
msgid "This is the default colour scheme, but you can customise those colours using the settings dialog. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-colours\"/> for more information."
msgstr "To je privzeta barvna shema, vendar lahko barve poljubno nastavite v oknu za nastavitve. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-colours\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4315
msgid "Update Your Working Copy With Changes From Others"
msgstr "Posodobite delovno kopijo s spremembami ostalih uporabnikov"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4317
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11662
msgid "update"
msgstr "posodobitev"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4321
msgid "Progress dialog showing finished update"
msgstr "Okno napredka prikazuje konano posodobitev"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4319
msgid "<placeholder-1/> Periodically, you should ensure that changes done by others get incorporated in your local working copy. The process of getting changes from the server to your local copy is known as <emphasis>updating</emphasis>. Updating may be done on single files, a set of selected files, or recursively on entire directory hierarchies. To update, select the files and/or directories you want, <action>right click</action> and select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the explorer context menu. A window will pop up displaying the progress of the update as it runs. Changes done by others will be merged into your files, keeping any changes you may have done to the same files. The repository is <emphasis>not</emphasis> affected by an update."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Ob doloenih asovnih razmakih morate poskrbeti, da se spremembe, ki jih na projektu naredijo drugi uporabniki, vnesejo v vašo delovno kopijo. Procesu prenosa sprememb iz strežnika v delovno kopijo reemo <emphasis>posodabljanje</emphasis>. Posodobite lahko posamezne datoteke, skupino izbranih datotek ali celotno hierarhijo map. Ko želite izvesti posodobitev, izberite datoteke in/ali mape in iz kontekstnga menija zaženite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Posodobi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Pojavi se okno, ki prikazuje napredek posodobitve. Spremembe, ki so jih naredili ostali uporabniki, se spojijo v vašo delovno kopijo, pri tem pa se vaše spremembe ohranijo. V skladišu se s posodobitvijo delovne kopije <emphasis>ne</emphasis> zgodi nobena sprememba."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4348
msgid "New item added to your WC."
msgstr "Nov element dodan v delovno kopijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4356
msgid "Redundant item deleted from your WC, or missing item replaced in your WC."
msgstr "Odveen element brisan iz krajevne kopije ali manjkajo element zamenjan v krajevni kopiji."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4363
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4794
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Zelena"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4365
msgid "Changes from repository successfully merged with your local changes."
msgstr "Spremembe iz skladiša so bile uspešno spojene s krajevnimi spremembami."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4372
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4804
msgid "Bright red"
msgstr "Svetlo rdea"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4374
msgid "Changes from repository merged with local changes, resulting in conflicts which you need to resolve."
msgstr "Spremembe iz skladiša, spojene s krajevnimi spremembami, so povzroile spore, ki jih morate rešiti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4383
msgid "Unchanged item in your WC updated with newer version from the repository."
msgstr "Nespremenjem element v delovni kopiji, posodobljen iz nove verzije v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4341
msgid "The progress dialog uses colour coding to highlight different update actions <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Okno napredka uporablja barvno oznaevanje razlinih akcij posodobitev <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4396
msgid "If you get any <emphasis>conflicts</emphasis> during an update (this can happen if others changed the same lines in the same file as you did and those changes don't match) then the dialog shows those conflicts in red. You can <action>double click</action> on these lines to start the external merge tool to resolve the conflicts."
msgstr "Œe med posodabljanjem nastanejo <emphasis>spori</emphasis> (to se lahko zgodi, e je nek drug uporabnik spremenil iste vrstice v datoteki kot vi, vendar so spremembe razline od vaših), okno pokaže spore v rdei barvi. Z <action>dvoklikom</action> na te vrtsice zaženete zunanje orodje za spajanje, s katerim lahko spore rešite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4403
msgid "When the update is complete, the progress dialog shows a summary of the number of items updated, added, removed, conflicted, etc. below the file list. This summary information can be copied to the clipboard using <action>CTRL+C</action>."
msgstr "Ko je posodobitev konana, dialog napredka pod seznamom datotek pokaže povzetek - število posodobljenih, dodanih, odstranjenih, spornih... elementov. Povzetek lahko skopirate na odložiše s kombinacijo tipk <action>CTRL+C</action>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4410
msgid "The standard Update command has no options and just updates your working copy to the HEAD revision of the repository, which is the most common use case. If you want more control over the update process, you should use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update to Revision...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> instead. This allows you to update your working copy to a specific revision, not only to the most recent one. Suppose your working copy is at revision 100, but you want it to reflect the state which it had in revision 50 - then simply update to revision 50. In the same dialog you can also choose the <firstterm>depth</firstterm> at which to update the current folder. The terms used are described in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-checkout-depth\"/>. The default depth is <guilabel>Working copy</guilabel>, which preserves the existing depth setting. You can also choose whether to ignore any external projects in the update (i.e. projects referenced using <literal>svn:externals</literal>)."
msgstr "Ukaz Posodobi ne omogoa nobenih možnosti, ampak le posodobi vašo delovno kopijo na zadnjo (HEAD) revizijo v skladišu. To je tudi najbolj pogosta uporaba posodobitve. Œe želite imeti ve nadzora nad procesom posodabljanja, uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Posodobi na revizijo...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Ta vam omogoa, da delovno kopijo posodobite na neko doloeno revizijo, ne samo na zadnjo. Denimo, da ste naredili delovno kopijo iz revizije 100, sedaj pa želite pogledati stanje, kot je bilo v reviziji 50 - preprosto posodobite vašo delovno kopijo na revizijo 50. V istem pogovornem oknu lahko izberete tudi <firstterm>globino</firstterm>, do katere se izvede posodobitev na trenutni mapi. Uporabljeni izrazi so definirani v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-checkout-depth\"/>. Privzeta globina je <guilabel>delovna kopija</guilabel>, ki ohrani obstojeo nastavitev globine. Izberete lahko tudi, ali želite pri posodabljanju prezreti zunanje projekte (projekte, ki imajo nastavljeno lastnost <literal>svn:externals</literal>)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4432
msgid "If you update a file or folder to a specific revision, you should not make changes to those files. You will get <quote>out of date</quote> error messages when you try to commit them! If you want to undo changes to a file and start afresh from an earlier revision, you can rollback to a previous revision from the revision log dialog. Take a look at <xref linkend=\"tsvn-howto-rollback\"/> for further instructions, and alternative methods."
msgstr "Œe datoteko ali mapo posodobite na neko doloeno revizijo, na teh elementih ne smete delati sprememb. Œe boste spremembe poskusili objaviti, boste dobili obvestilo, da so datoteke oziroma mape <quote>zastarele</quote>! Œe želite razveljaviti spremembe na datoteki in zaeti znova iz zgodnejše revizije, se lahko zavrtite nazaj na prejšnjo revizijo iz dnevnika. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-howto-rollback\"/> za nadaljnje informacije in druge metode."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4442
msgid "<menuchoice><guimenuitem>Update to Revision</guimenuitem></menuchoice> can occasionally be useful to see what your project looked like at some earlier point in its history. But in general, updating individual files to an earlier revision is not a good idea as it leaves your working copy in an inconsistent state. If the file you are updating has changed name, you may even find that the file just disappears from your working copy because no file of that name existed in the earlier revision. If you simply want a local copy of an old version of a file it is better to use the <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save revision to...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> command from the log dialog for that file."
msgstr "Ukaz <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Posodobi na revizijo</guimenuitem></menuchoice> je vasih uporaben, e želite pogledati, kako je projekt izgledal v nekem trenutku v svoji zgodovini. V splošnem pa posodabljanje posameznih datotek na starejšo revizijo ni najboljše, saj je s tem vaša delovna kopija v nekonsistentnem stanju. Œe je bila datoteka, ki jo posodabljate, preimenovana, se vam lahko zgodi, da preprosto izgine iz delovne kopije, ker v stari reviziji datoteka s takšnim imenom ni obstajala. Œe želite le krajevno kopijo starejše revizije datoteke, je bolje iz dnevnika izbrati ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Shrani revizijo v...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4461
msgid "Multiple Files/Folders"
msgstr "Ve datotek/map"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4462
msgid "If you select multiple files and folders in the explorer and then select <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, all of those files/folders are updated one by one. TortoiseSVN makes sure that all files/folders which are from the same repository are updated to the exact same revision! Even if between those updates another commit occurred."
msgstr "Œe v Raziskovalcu izberete ve datotek in map in potem uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Posodobi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, bodo vse datoteke/mape posodobljene ena za drugo. TortoiseSVN poskrbi, da se vse datoteke/mape, ki se nahajajo v istem skladišu, posodobijo na natanno isto revizijo, tudi e se med procesom posodabljanja v skladišu zgodi nova objava!"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4474
msgid "Local File Already Exists"
msgstr "Krajevna datoteka že obstaja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4475
msgid "Sometimes when you try to update, the update fails with a message to say that there is already a local file of the same name. This typically happens when Subversion tries to checkout a newly versioned file, and finds that an unversioned file of the same name already exists in your working folder. Subversion will never overwrite an unversioned file - it might contain something you are working on, which coincidentally has the same filename as another developer has used for his newly committed file."
msgstr "Vasih posodabljanje ni uspešno in dobite obvestilo, da v delovni kopiji že obstaja datoteka z enakim imenom. To se zgodi takrat, ko želi Subversion prevzeti iz skladiša novo dodano datoteko in ugotovi, da v delovni kopiji že obstaja datoteka z enakim imenom. Subversion nikoli ne prepiše datoteke, ki ni pod nadzorom - lahko vsebuje nekaj, na emer delate in ima sluajno povsem enako ime, kot ga je nek drug uporabnik uporabil za novo dodano datoteko."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4484
msgid "If you get this error message, the solution is simply to rename the local unversioned file. After completing the update, you can check whether the renamed file is still needed."
msgstr "Œe se pojavi takšna napaka, jo lahko rešite tako, da preimenujete krajevno datoteko brez razliic. Po posodobitvi lahko preverite, e je preimenovana datoteka še potrebna."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4489
msgid "If you keep getting error messages, use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Check for Modifications</guimenuitem></menuchoice> instead to list all the problem files. That way you can deal with them all at once."
msgstr "Œe se sporoila o napakah ponavljajo, raje uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preveri spremembe</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, da dobite seznam težavnih datotek. Na ta nain se lotite reševanja vseh naenkrat."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4502
msgid "Resolving Conflicts"
msgstr "Reševanje sporov"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4527
msgid "filename.ext.mine"
msgstr "imedatoteke.kon.mine"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4529
msgid "This is your file as it existed in your working copy before you updated your working copy - that is, without conflict markers. This file has your latest changes in it and nothing else."
msgstr "To je vaša datoteka v delovni kopiji, preden ste jo posodobili - ne vsebuje oznak sporov. Datoteka vsebuje zgolj vaše zadnje spremembe."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4538
msgid "filename.ext.rOLDREV"
msgstr "imedatoteke.kon.rSTARAREVIZIJA"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4540
msgid "This is the file that was the BASE revision before you updated your working copy. That is, it the file that you checked out before you made your latest edits."
msgstr "To je datoteka prevzete revizije (BASE), preden ste posodobili delovno kopijo. Torej datoteka, ki ste jo prevzeli, preden ste naredili zadnje spremembe."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4549
msgid "filename.ext.rNEWREV"
msgstr "imedatoteke.kon.rNOVAREVIZIJA"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4551
msgid "This is the file that your Subversion client just received from the server when you updated your working copy. This file corresponds to the HEAD revision of the repository."
msgstr "To je datoteka, ki jo je odjemalec Subversion pri posodabljanju delovne kopije prejel od strežnika. Ta datoteka ustreza reviziji HEAD v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4506
msgid ""
"Once in a while, you will get a <emphasis>conflict</emphasis> when you update your files from the repository. A conflict occurs when two or more developers have changed the same few lines of a file. As Subversion knows nothing of your project, it leaves resolving the conflicts to the developers. Whenever a conflict is reported, you should open the file in question, and search for lines starting with the string <literal>&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;</literal>. The conflicting area is marked like this: <screen>\n"
"&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; filename\n"
" your changes\n"
" code merged from repository\n"
"&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; revision\n"
"</screen> Also, for every conflicted file Subversion places three additional files in your directory: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr ""
"Obasno se pri posodabljanju delovne kopije iz skladiša pojavijo <emphasis>spori</emphasis>. Spor se pojavi, ko ve uporabnikov spremeni iste vrstice v datoteki. Ker Subversion o vašem projektu ne ve ni, prepusti reševanje sporov uporabnikom. Ko dobite sporoilo o sporu, morate sporno datoteko odpreti in poiskati vrstice, ki imajo na zaetku niz <literal>&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;</literal>. Sporno obmoje je oznaeno takole: <screen>\n"
"&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; ime datoteke\n"
" vaše spremembe\n"
" koda, spojena iz skladiša\n"
"&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; revizija\n"
"</screen> Poleg tega Subversion za vsako sporno datoteko doda v mapo tri dodatne datoteke: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4561
msgid "You can either launch an external merge tool / conflict editor with <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edit Conflicts</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or you can use any other editor to manually resolve the conflict. You should decide what the code should look like, do the necessary changes and save the file."
msgstr "Uporabite lahko zunanje orodje za spajanje / urejanje sporov z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Uredi spore</guimenuitem></menuchoice> ali pa uporabite katerikoli urejevalnik besedil in rono rešite spor. Odloiti se morate, kako mora koda izgledati, narediti ustrezne spremembe in shraniti datoteko."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4572
msgid "Afterwards execute the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Resolved</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and commit your modifications to the repository. Please note that the Resolve command does not really resolve the conflict. It just removes the <filename>filename.ext.mine</filename> and <filename>filename.ext.r*</filename> files, to allow you to commit your changes."
msgstr "Nato uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Rešen</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in objavite svoje spremembe v skladišu. Upoštevajte, da ukaz Reši ne reši sporov, ampak le odstrani datoteki <filename>imedatoteke.kon.mine</filename> in <filename>imedatoteke.kon.r*</filename>, da lahko spremembe objavite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4585
msgid "If you have conflicts with binary files, Subversion does not attempt to merge the files itself. The local file remains unchanged (exactly as you last changed it) and you have <filename>filename.ext.r*</filename> files. If you want to discard your changes and keep the repository version, just use the Revert command. If you want to keep your version and overwrite the repository version, use the Resolved command, then commit your version."
msgstr "Œe se pojavijo spori pri dvojiških datotekah, Subversion ne poskuša sam spajati datotek. Krajevna datoteka ostane nespremenjena (natanno takšna kot ob vaši zadnji spremembi), pojavijo pa se datoteke <filename>imedatoteke.kon.r*</filename>. Œe želite preklicati svoje spremembe in uporabiti razliico datoteke iz skladiša, uporabite ukaz Povrni. Œe želite obdržati vašo razliico in povoziti razliico v skladišu, uporabite ukaz Rešen, nato pa objavite spremembe."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4595
msgid "You can use the Resolved command for multiple files if you right click on the parent folder and select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Resolved...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> This will bring up a dialog listing all conflicted files in that folder, and you can select which ones to mark as resolved."
msgstr "Ukaz Rešen lahko uporabite tudi za ve datotek, e kliknete na nadrejeno mapo in izberete <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Rešen...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Pokaže se okno s seznamom spornih datotek v mapi, v katerem izberete datoteke, ki jih želite oznaiti kot rešene."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4608
msgid "Getting Status Information"
msgstr "Pridobivanje informacije o stanju"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4610
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4732
msgid "status"
msgstr "stanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4612
msgid "While you are working on your working copy you often need to know which files you have changed/added/removed or renamed, or even which files got changed and committed by others."
msgstr "Ko delate na delovni kopiji, pogosto želite vedeti, katere datoteke ste spremenili/dodali/odstranili ali preimenovali oziroma celo, katere datoteke so spremenili in objavili ostali uporabniki."

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4620
msgid "overlays"
msgstr "prekrivki"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4623
msgid "icons"
msgstr "ikone"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4631
msgid "Now that you have checked out a working copy from a Subversion repository you can see your files in the windows explorer with changed icons. This is one of the reasons why TortoiseSVN is so popular. TortoiseSVN adds a so called overlay icon to each file icon which overlaps the original file icon. Depending on the Subversion status of the file the overlay icon is different."
msgstr "Ko prevzamete delovno kopijo iz skladiša Subversion, imajo datoteke v Raziskovalcu spremenjene ikone. To je razlog za veliko popularnost programa TortoiseSVN. TortoiseSVN doda datotekam prekrivno ikono, ki se prekriva z originalno ikono. Prekrivna ikona je odvisna od statusa datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4639
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/InSubVersionIcon.png\"/> A fresh checked out working copy has a green checkmark as overlay. That means the Subversion status is <emphasis>normal</emphasis>."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/InSubVersionIcon.png\"/> Sveže prevzeta delovna kopija ima zeleno prekrivno ikono. To pomeni, da je status datoteke/mape <emphasis>obiajno</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4644
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ModifiedIcon.png\"/> As soon as you start editing a file, the status changes to <emphasis>modified</emphasis> and the icon overlay then changes to a red exclamation mark. That way you can easily see which files were changed since you last updated your working copy and need to be committed."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ModifiedIcon.png\"/> Ko zanete urejati datoteko, se njen status spremeni v <emphasis>spremenjeno</emphasis>, prekrivna ikona pa se spremeni v rde klicaj. Tako hitro vidite, katere datoteke so se od zadnje posodobitve spremenile in jih je potrebno objaviti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4652
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ConflictIcon.png\"/> If during an update a <emphasis>conflict</emphasis> occurs then the icon changes to a yellow exclamation mark."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ConflictIcon.png\"/> Œe se pri posodabljanju pojavi <emphasis>spor</emphasis>, se ikona spremeni v rumen klicaj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4657
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ReadOnlyIcon.png\"/> If you have set the <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal> property on a file, Subversion makes that file read-only until you get a lock on that file. Such files have this overlay to indicate that you have to get a lock first before you can edit that file."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ReadOnlyIcon.png\"/> Œe ste datoteki nastavili lastnost <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>, Subversion napravi to datoteko samo za branje, dokler za datoteko ne pridobite zaklepa. Datoteke, ki so namenjene samo za branje, imajo takšno ikono, da lahko hitro vidite, da morate pred urejanjem datoteke zanjo pridobiti zaklep."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4664
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/LockedIcon.png\"/> If you hold a lock on a file, and the Subversion status is <emphasis>normal</emphasis>, this icon overlay reminds you that you should release the lock if you are not using it to allow others to commit their changes to the file."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/LockedIcon.png\"/> Œe ste lastnik zaklepa datoteke, ki ima stanje <emphasis>obiajno</emphasis>, vas ta ikona opominja, da morate zaklep sprostiti, e ga ne uporabljate, da lahko tudi drugi uporabniki objavijo spremembe na tej datoteki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4671
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/DeletedIcon.png\"/> This icon shows you that some files or folders inside the current folder have been scheduled to be <emphasis>deleted</emphasis> from version control or a file under version control is missing in a folder."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/DeletedIcon.png\"/> Ta ikona pove, da so nekatere datoteke ali mape znotraj trenutne mape oznaene <emphasis>za brisanje</emphasis> iz nadzora razliic ali pa da se datoteka, ki je pod nadzorom, ne nahaja v mapi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4677
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/AddedIcon.png\"/> The plus sign tells you that a file or folder has been scheduled to be <emphasis>added</emphasis> to version control."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/AddedIcon.png\"/> Znak plus pomeni, da je datoteka ali mapa oznaena <emphasis>za dodajanje</emphasis> v nadzor razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4682
msgid "Unlike TortoiseCVS (the CVS shell integration) no overlay icon is shown for unversioned files. We do this because the number of icon overlays is limited system wide and should be used economically."
msgstr "Za razliko od TortoiseCVS (integracija sistema CVS v lupino) se za elemente brez razliic ne pokažejo prekrivne ikone. Razlog za to je, da je število prekrivnih ikon v sistemu omejeno in jih je zato potrebno uporabljati smotrno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4687
msgid "In fact, you may find that not all of these icons are used on your system. This is because the number of overlays allowed by Windows is very limited and if you are also using TortoiseCVS, then there are not enough overlay slots available. TortoiseSVN tries to be a <quote>Good Citizen (TM)</quote> and limits its use of overlays to give other apps a chance too."
msgstr "Lahko celo ugotovite, da omenjene ikone niso vse na voljo na vašem sistemu. Razlog je v omejitvi sistema Windows, ki omogoa le petnajst prekrivnih ikon. Štiri uporablja operacijski sistem sam, enajst pa jih je na razpolago ostalim aplikacijam. Œe uporabljate tudi program TortoiseCVS, potem ni ve dovolj prostih prekrivnih ikon. TortoiseSVN poskuša biti <quote>pošten državljan (TM)</quote> in ne uporablja veliko prekrivnih ikon, da ostane prostor tudi za ostale aplikacije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4694
msgid "For a description of how icon overlays correspond to Subversion status and other technical details, read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-app-internals-overlays\"/>."
msgstr "Za opis, kakšnemu statusu v sistemu Subversion ustrezajo prekrivne ikone in ostale tehnine podrobnosti preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-app-internals-overlays\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4701
msgid "TortoiseSVN Columns In Windows Explorer"
msgstr "Kolone TortoiseSVN v Raziskovalcu"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4703
msgid "Explorer Columns"
msgstr "Stolpci v Raziskovalcu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4705
msgid "The same information which is available from the icon overlays (and much more) can be displayed as additional columns in Windows Explorer's Details View."
msgstr "Iste informacije, ki jih dajejo prekrivne ikone (in še veliko ve), je možno prikazati z dodatnimi stolpci v podrobnem pogledu Raziskovalca."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4710
msgid "Simply right click on one of the headings of a column, choose <guimenuitem>More...</guimenuitem> from the context menu displayed. A dialog will appear where you can specify the columns and their order, which is displayed in the \"Detailed View\". Scroll down until the entries starting with SVN come into view. Check the ones you would like to have displayed and close the dialog by pressing <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. The columns will be appended to the right of those currently displayed. You can reorder them by drag and drop, or resize them, so that they fit your needs."
msgstr "Enostavno desnokliknite na eno od glav stolpcev in iz kontekstnega menija izberite <guimenuitem>Ve...</guimenuitem>. Pojavi se pogovorno okno, kjer lahko doloite stolpce in njihov vrstni red, ki se prikaže v pogledu \"Detajli\". Poišite stolce, katerih imena se zanejo s SVN. Oznaite tiste, ki jih želite prikazati in zaprite okno s klikom na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>. Stolpci se dodajo na desni strani. Z metodo povleci in spusti lahko spremenite vrstni red, prav tako pa jim lahko spremenite širino, tako da ustreza vašim potrebam."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4722
msgid "If you want the current layout to be displayed in all your working copies, you may want to make this the default view."
msgstr "Œe želite, da se trenutni razpored prikaže v vseh delovnih kopijah, lahko ta pogled nastavite kot privzet."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4730
msgid "Local and Remote Status"
msgstr "Krajevno in oddaljeno stanje"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4735
msgid "modifications"
msgstr "spremembe"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4739
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13160
msgid "Check for Modifications"
msgstr "Preveri posodobitve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4737
msgid "<placeholder-1/> It's often very useful to know which files you have changed and also which files got changed and committed by others. That's where the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Check For Modifications...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> comes in handy. This dialog will show you every file that has changed in any way in your working copy, as well as any unversioned files you may have."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Pogosto je zelo koristno, e veste, katere datoteke ste spremenili in katere datoteke so spremenili vaši sodelavci. Takrat pride prav ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preveri posodobitve...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. To pogovorno okno prikaže vse datoteke, ki so se kakorkoli spremenile, prav tako pa tudi vse datoteke brez razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4754
msgid "If you click on the <guibutton>Check Repository</guibutton> then you can also look for changes in the repository. That way you can check before an update if there's a possible conflict. You can also update selected files from the repository without updating the whole folder."
msgstr "Œe kliknete na gumb <guibutton>Preveri skladiše</guibutton>, lahko vidite, katere spremembe so se zgodile v skladišu. Tako lahko pred posodobitvijo preverite, e obstaja potencialen spor. Lahko pa tudi posodobite izbrane datoteke iz skladiša, ne da bi posodobili celotno mapo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4768
msgid "Locally modified items."
msgstr "Krajevno spremenjeni elementi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4776
msgid "Added items. Items which have been added with history have a <literal>+</literal> sign in the <guilabel>Text status</guilabel> column, and a tooltip shows where the item was copied from."
msgstr "Dodani elementi. Elementi, ki so bili dodani z zgodovino, imajo pred v stolpcu <guilabel>Stanje besedila</guilabel> znak <literal>+</literal>, namig pa pokaže, od kje je bil element skopiran."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4788
msgid "Deleted or missing items."
msgstr "Izbrisani ali manjkajoi elementi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4796
msgid "Items modified locally and in the repository. The changes will be merged on update. These <emphasis>may</emphasis> produce conflicts on update."
msgstr "Elementi so spremenjeni krajevno in v skladišu. Ob posodobitvi bodo spremembe spojene. Situacija <emphasis>lahko</emphasis> povzroi spore pri posodobitvi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4806
msgid "Items modified locally and deleted in repository, or modified in repository and deleted locally. These <emphasis>will</emphasis> produce conflicts on update."
msgstr "Elementi, ki so bili lokalno spremenjeni in izbrisani v skladišu ali spremenjeni v skladišu in izbrisani lokalno. Ob posodobitvi se spori <emphasis>bodo</emphasis> pojavili."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4816
msgid "Unchanged and unversioned items."
msgstr "Nespremenjeni elementi in elementi brez razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4762
msgid "The dialog uses colour coding to highlight the status. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Pogovorno okno uporablja barvno kodiranje, da poudari stanje. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4834
msgid "From the context menu of the dialog you can show a diff of the changes. Check the local changes <emphasis>you</emphasis> made using <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Compare with Base</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Check the changes in the repository made by others using <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Differences as Unified Diff</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Iz kontekstnega menija lahko prikažete spremembe. Z uporabo <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Primerjaj z osnovo</guimenuitem></menuchoice> preverite spremembe, ki ste jih naredili <emphasis>vi</emphasis>. Z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži razlike kot poenotene razlike</guimenuitem></menuchoice> preverite spremembe, ki so jih v skladišu naredili drugi uporabniki ."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4847
msgid "You can also revert changes in individual files. If you have deleted a file accidentally, it will show up as <emphasis>Missing</emphasis> and you can use <emphasis>Revert</emphasis> to recover it."
msgstr "Posameznim datotekam lahko povrnete spremembe. Œe ste pomotoma izbrisali datoteko, bo le-ta oznaena kot <emphasis>manjkajoa</emphasis>, zato lahko uporabite ukaz <emphasis>Povrni</emphasis>, da jo pridobite nazaj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4852
msgid "Unversioned and ignored files can be sent to the recycle bin from here using <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. If you want to delete files permanently (bypassing the recycle bin) hold the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key while clicking on <guilabel>Delete</guilabel>."
msgstr "Datoteke brez razliic in prezrte datoteke lahko pošljete v Koš z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Zbriši</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Œe želite datoteke zbrisati trajno (brez pošiljanja v Koš), ob kliku na <guilabel>Zbriši</guilabel> držite pritisnjeno tipko <keycap>Shift</keycap>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4861
msgid "If you want to examine a file in detail, you can drag it from here into another application such as a text editor or IDE."
msgstr "Œe želite podrobno pregledati datoteko, jo lahko od tu povleete v drugo aplikacijo, npr. urejevalnik besedil ali razvojno okolje (IDE)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4865
msgid "The columns are customizable. If you <action>right click</action> on any column header you will see a context menu allowing you to select which columns are displayed. You can also change column width by using the drag handle which appears when you move the mouse over a column boundary. These customizations are preserved, so you will see the same headings next time."
msgstr "Stolpci so prilagodljivi. Œe <action>desno kliknete</action> na glavo stolpca, se pojavi kontekstni meni, ki vam omogoa izbiro prikazanih stolpcev. Spremenite lahko tudi širino stolpcev z uporabo potega roaja, ki se pojavi, ko greste z miško ez mejo stolpca. Spremembe se shranijo, tako da boste prilagojen pogled videli tudi naslednji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4874
msgid "If you are working on several unrelated tasks at once, you can also group files together into changelists. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-commit-changelists\"/> for more information."
msgstr "Œe delate na ve nepovezanih nalogah hkrati, lahko sestavljate datoteke skupaj v sezname sprememb. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-commit-changelists\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4879
msgid "At the bottom of the dialog you can see a summary of the range of repository revisions in use in your working copy. These are the <emphasis>commit</emphasis> revisions, not the <emphasis>update</emphasis> revisions; they represent the range of revisions where these files were last committed, not the revisions to which they have been updated. Note that the revision range shown applies only to the items displayed, not to the entire working copy. If you want to see that information for the whole working copy you must check the <guilabel>Show unmodified files</guilabel> checkbox."
msgstr "Na dnu okna vidite povzetek obmoja revizij, ki jih uporabljate v delovni kopiji. To so <emphasis>objavljene</emphasis> revizije, ne <emphasis>posodobljene</emphasis> revizije; predstavlajo obmoje revizij, v katerih so bile datoteke nazadnje objavljene in ne revizije, pri katerih je bila narejena posodobitev delovne kopije. Obmoje revizij se nanaša le na prikazane elemente, ne na celovno delovno kopijo. †e želite, da se povzetek nanaša na celotno delovno kopijo, potrdite polje <guilabel>Prikaži nespremenjene datoteke</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4890
msgid "If you want a flat view of your working copy, i.e. showing all files and folders at every level of the folder hierarchy, then the <guilabel>Check for Modifications</guilabel> dialog is the easiest way to achieve that. Just check the <guilabel>Show unmodified files</guilabel> checkbox to show all files in your working copy."
msgstr "Œe želite videti ploski pogled delovne kopije (vse datoteke in mape na vseh nivojih hierarhije), to najlažje dosežete s pogovornim oknom <guilabel>Preveri spremembe</guilabel>. Edino, kar morate storiti, je, da potrdite polje <guilabel>Prikaži nespremenjene datoteke</guilabel>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4916
msgid "Viewing Diffs"
msgstr "Pregledovanje razlik"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4918
msgid "diffing"
msgstr "razlikovanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4920
msgid "Often you want to look inside your files, to have a look at what you've changed. You can accomplish this by selecting a file which has changed, and selecting <guimenuitem>Diff</guimenuitem> from TortoiseSVN's context menu. This starts the external diff-viewer, which will then compare the current file with the pristine copy (<literal>BASE</literal> revision), which was stored after the last checkout or update."
msgstr "Pogosto želite pogledati, kaj ste v datoteki spremenili. To storite z izbiro željene datoteke in uporabo ukaza <guimenuitem>Razlikuj</guimenuitem> iz kontekstnega menija. S tem poženete zunanji pregledovalnik razlik, ki bo primerjal trenutno datoteko z osnovno datoteko (revizija <literal>BASE</literal>), ki se je shranila, ko ste naredili zadnji prevzem ali posodobitev."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4930
msgid "Even when not inside a working copy or when you have multiple versions of the file lying around, you can still display diffs:"
msgstr "Tudi ko ne delate na delovni kopiji ali ko imate ve verzij iste datoteke v mapi, lahko prikažete razlike:"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4934
msgid "Select the two files you want to compare in explorer (e.g. using <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> and the mouse) and choose <guimenuitem>Diff</guimenuitem> from TortoiseSVN's context menu. The file clicked last (the one with the focus, i.e. the dotted rectangle) will be regarded as the later one."
msgstr "V Raziskovalcu izberite datoteki, ki ju želite primerjati (n. pr. z uporabo tipke <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> in miške) in iz kontekstnega menija TortoiseSVN izberite <guimenuitem>Razlikuj</guimenuitem>. Datoteka, na katero ste kliknili nazadnje (datoteka, ki ima fokus oziroma datoteka s pikasto obrobo) se bo obravnavala kot novejša."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4945
msgid "Keyword Expansion"
msgstr "Razširitev kljunih besed"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4947
msgid "keywords"
msgstr "kljune besede"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4957
msgid "Date of last known commit. This is based on information obtained when you update your working copy. It does <emphasis>not</emphasis> check the repository to find more recent changes."
msgstr "Datum zadnje znane objave glede na informacije iz zadnje posodobitve delovne kopije. <emphasis>Ne</emphasis> preverja, e so v skladišu novejše spremembe."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4968
msgid "Revision of last known commit."
msgstr "Revizija zadnje znane objave."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4976
msgid "Author who made the last known commit."
msgstr "Avtor zadnje znane objave."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4984
msgid "The full URL of this file in the repository."
msgstr "Celoten naslov URL te datoteke v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4992
msgid "A compressed combination of the previous four keywords."
msgstr "Stisnjena kombinacija prejšnjih štirih kljunih besed."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:4949
msgid "Subversion supports CVS-like keyword expansion which can be used to embed filename and revision information within the file itself. Keywords currently supported are: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Subversion omogoa (podobno kot sistem CVS) razširitev kljunih besed, ki se lahko uporabljajo za vstavljanje imena datoteke in številke revizije v vsebino datoteke. Trenutno so podprte naslednje kljune besede: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5000
msgid "To find out how to use these keywords, look at the <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.special.keywords.html\"><citetitle>svn:keywords section</citetitle></ulink> in the Subversion book, which gives a full description of these keywords and how to enable and use them."
msgstr "O uporabi teh ključnih besed si lahko več preberete v poglavju <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.special.keywords.html\"><citetitle>svn:keywords section</citetitle></ulink> knjige The Subversion Book. Tam dobite popoln opis ključnih besed in njihove uporabe."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5011
msgid "Revision Log Dialog"
msgstr "Pogovorno okno Dnevnik"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5013
msgid "log"
msgstr "dnevnik"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5016
msgid "history"
msgstr "zgodovina"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5019
msgid "For every change you make and commit, you should provide a log message for that change. That way you can later find out what changes you made and why, and you have a detailed log for your development process."
msgstr "Za vsako objavljeno spremembo vnesite sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa. Tako lahko kasneje ugotovite, katere spremembe ste kdaj naredili in imate podroben dnevnik celotnega razvojnega procesa."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5031
msgid "The top pane shows a list of revisions where changes to the file/folder have been committed. This summary includes the date and time, the person who committed the revision and the start of the log message."
msgstr "Zgornji del prikazuje seznam revizij, kjer je bila datoteka/mapa objavljena. Povzetek vsebuje as in datum, avtorja objavljene spremembe in zaetni del sporoila dnevnika."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5037
msgid "Lines shown in blue indicate that something has been copied to this development line (perhaps from a branch)."
msgstr "Vrstice, obarvane z modro barvo, pomenijo, da je bil nek element prekopiran na to vejo razvoja (mogoe iz druge veje)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5043
msgid "The middle pane shows the full log message for the selected revision."
msgstr "Srednji del prikazuje sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa za izbrano revizijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5049
msgid "The bottom pane shows a list of all files and folders that were changed as part of the selected revision."
msgstr "Spodnji del prikazuje seznam datotek in map, ki so bile spremenjene v izbrani reviziji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5025
msgid "The Revision Log Dialog retrieves all those log messages and shows them to you. The display is divided into 3 panes. <placeholder-1/> But it does much more than that - it provides context menu commands which you can use to get even more information about the project history."
msgstr "Pogovorno okno dnevnika pridobi dnevniške zapise in jih prikaže. Zaslon je razdeljen na tri dele. <placeholder-1/> Pogovorno okno pa naredi še veliko ve - ponudi vam kontekstni meni, ki vam prinaša še ve informacij o zgodovini projekta."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5060
msgid "Invoking the Revision Log Dialog"
msgstr "Kilcanje pogovornega okna dnevniških zapisov"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5063
msgid "The Revision Log Dialog"
msgstr "Okno dnevnika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5069
msgid "From the TortoiseSVN context submenu"
msgstr "Iz kontekstnega podmenija TortoiseSVN"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5074
msgid "From the property page"
msgstr "Iz strani lastnosti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5079
msgid "From the Progress dialog after an update has finished. Then the Log dialog only shows those revisions which were changed since your last update"
msgstr "Iz pogovornega okna napredka po posodobitvi delovne kopije. V tem primeru Dnevnik prikaže le tiste revizije, ki so se spremenile od zadnje posodobitve."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5061
msgid "<placeholder-1/> There are several places from where you can show the Log dialog: <placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Obstaja veliko mest, od koder lahko lahko pokliete okno dnevnika: <placeholder-2/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5089
msgid "Revision Log Actions"
msgstr "Akcije dnevnika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5090
msgid "The top pane has an <guilabel>Actions</guilabel> column containing icons that summarize what has been done in that revision. There are four different icons, each shown in its own column."
msgstr "Zgornji del okna vsebuje stolpec <guilabel>Dejanja</guilabel> z ikonami, ki povzemajo, kaj se je v doloeni reviziji zgodilo. Obstajajo štiri razline ikone, vsaka je prikazana v svojem stopcu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5095
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionModifiedIcon.png\"/> If a revision modified a file or directory, the <emphasis>modified</emphasis> icon is shown in the first column."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionModifiedIcon.png\"/> Œe je v reviziji prišlo do spremembe datoteke ali mape, se v prvem stolpcu prikaže ikona <emphasis>spremenjeno</emphasis>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5100
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionAddedIcon.png\"/> If a revision added a file or directory, the <emphasis>added</emphasis> icon is shown in the second column."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionAddedIcon.png\"/> Œe je bila v reviziji dodana datoteka ali mapa, se v drugem stolpcu prikaže ikona <literal>dodano</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5105
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionDeletedIcon.png\"/> If a revision deleted a file or directory, the <emphasis>deleted</emphasis> icon is shown in the third column."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionDeletedIcon.png\"/> Œe je bila v reviziji izbrisana datoteka ali mapa, se v tretjem stolpcu prikaže ikona <literal>zbrisano</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5110
msgid "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionReplacedIcon.png\"/> If a revision replaced a file or directory, the <emphasis>replaced</emphasis> icon is shown in the fourth column."
msgstr "<graphic fileref=\"../images/ActionReplacedIcon.png\"/> Œe je revizija zamenjala datoteko ali mapo, se v etrtem stolcu prikaže ikona <literal>zamenjano</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5117
msgid "Getting Additional Information"
msgstr "Pridobivanje dodatnih informacij"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5120
msgid "The Revision Log Dialog Top Pane with Context Menu"
msgstr "Zgornji del Dnevnika s kontekstnim menijem"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5129
msgid "Compare the selected revision with your working copy. The default Diff-Tool is TortoiseMerge which is supplied with TortoiseSVN. If the log dialog is for a folder, this will show you a list of changed files, and allow you to review the changes made to each file individually."
msgstr "Primerjate izbrane revizije z delovno kopijo. Privzeto orodje za razlikovanje je TortoiseMerge, ki je del paketa TortoiseSVN. Œe ste zahtevali dnevnik za mapo, se bo prikazal seznam spremenjenih datotek, vi pa boste lahko pregledali narejene spremembe za vsako datoteko posebej."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5139
msgid "View the changes made in the selected revision as a Unified-Diff file (GNU patch format). This shows only the differences with a few lines of context. It is harder to read than a visual file compare, but will show all file changes together in a compact format."
msgstr "Pogledate spremembe v izbranih revizijah v obliki poenotene razliice (oblika popravkov GNU). Prikaže le razlike in nekaj bližnjih vrstic. Ta oblika je težje berljiva kot vizualna primerjava, vendar prikaže vse spremembe v datoteki v kompaktni obliki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5148
msgid "Compare the selected revision with the previous revision. This works in a similar manner to comparing with your working copy."
msgstr "Primerjate izbrano revizijo s prejšnjo revizijo. Deluje podobno kot primerjava z delovno kopijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5155
msgid "Blame the selected revision, and the file in your working BASE and compare the blame reports using a visual diff tool. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/> for more detail. (files only)."
msgstr "Okrivite izbrano revizijo in datoteke v delovni osnovi z vizualno primerjavo razlik. Za podrobnejše informacije preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/>. (velja le za datoteke)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5163
msgid "Blame the selected revision, and the previous revision, and compare the results using a visual diff tool. (folders only)."
msgstr "Okrivite izbrano revizijo in predhodne revizije in primerjate rezultatov z vizualnim orodjem za razlikovanje. (velja le za mape)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5170
msgid "Save the selected revision to a file so you have an older version of that file. (files only)."
msgstr "Shranite izbrano revizijo datoteke, tako da imate starejšo razliico te datoteke. (velja le za datoteke)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5176
msgid "Open the selected file, either with the default viewer for that file type, or with a program you choose. (files only)."
msgstr "Odprete izbrano datoteko s privzetim pregledovalnikom ali programom po lastni izbiri. (velja le za datoteke)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5182
msgid "Blame the file up to the selected revision. (files only)."
msgstr "Okrivi datoteko do izbrane revizije (velja le za datoteke)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5187
msgid "Open the repository browser to examine the selected file or folder in the repository as it was at the selected revision."
msgstr "Odprete brskalnik po skladišu za pregled izbrane datoteke ali mape, kakršna je bila ob izbrani reviziji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5193
msgid "Create a branch/tag from a selected revision. This is useful e.g. if you forgot to create a tag and already committed some changes which weren't supposed to get into that release."
msgstr "Ustvarite vejo/oznako iz izbrane revizije. To je uporabno, e pozabite ustvariti oznako, vendar ste že naredili nove objave, ki pa niso predvidene za to izdajo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5201
msgid "Update your working copy to the selected revision. Useful if you want to have your working copy reflect a time in the past. It is best to update a whole directory in your working copy, not just one file, otherwise your working copy will be inconsistent and you will be unable to commit any changes."
msgstr "Posodobite delovno kopijo na izbrano revizijo. Uporabno, e želite, da vaša delovna kopija odraža stanje projekta ob doloenem asu v preteklosti. Najboljše je, da posodobite celotno delovno kopijo, ne samo ene datoteke, v nasprotnem primeru bo vaša delovna kopija nekonsistentna in zato ne boste mogli objavljati sprememb."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5211
msgid "Revert changes from which were made in the selected revision. The changes are reverted in your working copy so this operation does <emphasis>not</emphasis> affect the repository at all! Note that this will undo the changes made in that revision only. It does not replace your working copy with the entire file at the earlier revision. This is very useful for undoing an earlier change when other unrelated changes have been made since. If you have made local changes, this command will merge these changes into your working copy."
msgstr "Povrnete spremembe, ki ste jih naredili v delovni kopiji. Spremembe se povrnejo v delovni kopiji, tako da ta operacija <emphasis>ne</emphasis> vpliva na skladiše! Upoštevajte, da bo ta operacija povrnila spremembe le iz izbrane revizije, ne bo zamenjala datoteke v delovni kopiji s kopijo datoteke iz izbrane revizije. To je uporabno, e želite povrniti neko spremembo, vendar so bile kasneje narejene še druge - nepovezane - spremembe. Œe imate v krajevni datoteki spremembe, bo ta ukaz spremembe iz skladiša spojil s spremembami v delovni kopiji. "

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5225
msgid "Revert to an earlier revision. If you have made several changes, and then decide that you really want to go back to how things were in revision N, this is the command you need. Again, the changes are reverted in your working copy so this operation does <emphasis>not</emphasis> affect the repository until you commit the changes. Note that this will undo <emphasis>all</emphasis> changes made after the selected revision, replacing the file/folder with the earlier version. If you have made local changes, this command will merge these changes into your working copy."
msgstr "Povrnite na zgodnejšo revizijo. Œe ste naredili ve sprememb in potem ugotovili, da se hoete vrniti nazaj na revizijo N, potrebujete ta ukaz. Ponovno upoštevajte, da se spremembe zgodijo na delovni kopiji, tako da ta operacija <emphasis>ne</emphasis> vpliva na skladiše, dokler sprememb ne objavite. Upoštevajte, da bo operacija razveljavila <emphasis>vse</emphasis> spremembe, ki ste jih naredili po izbrani reviziji, tako da zamenja datoteke/mape z zgodnejšo razliico. Œe ste naredili krajevne spremembe, bo ta ukaz spojil te spremembe v delovno kopijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5239
msgid "Merge the selected revision(s) into a different working copy. A folder selection dialog allows you to choose the working copy to merge into, but after that there is no confirmation dialog, nor any opportunity to try a dry run. It is a good idea to merge into an unmodified working copy so that you can revert the changes if it doesn't work out! This is a useful feature if you want to merge selected revisions from one branch to another."
msgstr "Spojite izbrane revizije v drugo delovno kopijo. Pojavi se pogovorno okno, ki omogoa izbiro mape, kamor želite opraviti spajanje, vendar po tem ni nobenega potrditvenega okna ali možnosti za poskusno izvedbo. Priporoamo, da spajanje opravljate v nespremenjeno delovno kopijo, tako da lahko ob nepravilnih rezultatih naredite povrnitev! To je uporabna zmožnost, e želite spojiti izbrane revizije iz ene veje v drugo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5251
msgid "Make a fresh checkout of the selected folder at the selected revision. This brings up a dialog for you to confirm the URL and revision, and select a location for the checkout."
msgstr "Naredite svež prevzem izbrane mape in izbrane revizije. S tem se prikaže okno, v katerem potrdite naslov URL in revizijo in izberete lokacijo za prevzem."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5258
msgid "Export the selected file/folder at the selected revision. This brings up a dialog for you to confirm the URL and revision, and select a location for the export."
msgstr "Izvozite izbrane datoteke/mape v izbrani reviziji. Pokaže se pogovorno okno z naslovom URL in revizijo, kjer vnesete še lokacijo izvoza."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5265
msgid "Edit the log message or author attached to a previous commit. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-showlog-4\"/> to find out how this works."
msgstr "Uredite sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa in avtoja v predhodni objavi. Za dodatne informacije, kako se to naredi, preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-showlog-4\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5272
msgid "Copy the log details of the selected revisions to the clipboard. This will copy the revision number, author, date, log message and the list of changed items for each revision."
msgstr "Prekopirate podrobnosti dnevnika izbranih revizij na odložiše. S tem prekopirate številko revizije, avtorja, datum, sporoilo in seznam spremenjenih elementov za vsako revizijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5279
msgid "Search log messages for the text you enter. This searches the log messages that you entered and also the action summaries created by Subversion (shown in the bottom pane). The search is not case sensitive."
msgstr "Išete po sporoilih dnevniških zapisov. Iskanje poteka po dnevniških zapisih, ki jih vnesete, in po povzetkih akcij, ki jih ustvari Subversion in so prikazani v spodnjem delu okna. Iskanje ni obutljivo na velike in male rke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5118
msgid "<placeholder-1/> The top pane of the Log dialog has a context menu that allows you to access much more information. Some of these menu entries appear only when the log is shown for a file, and some only when the log is shown for a folder. <placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Zgornja polovica Dnevnika ponuja kontekstni meni, ki vam omogoa dostop do veliko informacij. Nekateri vnosi v meniju so na voljo le pri datotekah, drugi le pri mapah. <placeholder-2/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5290
msgid "Top Pane Context Menu for 2 Selected Revisions"
msgstr "Kontekstni meni v zgornjem delu okna v primeru dveh izbranih revizij"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5298
msgid "Compare the two selected revisions using a visual difference tool. The default Diff-Tool is TortoiseMerge which is supplied with TortoiseSVN."
msgstr "Primerjate izbrani reviziji z grafinim orodjem za razlikovanje. Privzeto orodje je TortoiseMerge, ki se namesti hkrati z orodjem TortoiseSVN."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5303
msgid "If you select this option for a folder, a further dialog pops up listing the changed files and offering you further diff options. Read more about the Compare Revisions dialog in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-compare-revs\"/>."
msgstr "Œe izberete to možnost za mapo, se pojavi novo okno, ki vsebuje seznam datotek, za katere lahko pogledate spremembe. Ve o primerjanju revizij si lahko preberete v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-compare-revs\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5311
msgid "Blame the two revisions and compare the blame reports using a visual difference tool. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/> for more detail."
msgstr "Okrivite dve reviziji in primerjate rezultate z grafinim orodjem za razlikovanje. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5318
msgid "View the differences between the two selected revisions as a Unified-Diff file. This works for files and folders."
msgstr "Pogledate razlike med izbranima revizijama v obliki poenotene razliice. Deluje za datoteke in mape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5324
msgid "Copy log messages to clipboard as described above."
msgstr "Skopirate sporoila dnevniških zapisov na odložiše, kot je to opisano zgoraj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5329
msgid "Search log messages as described above."
msgstr "Išete med sporoili dnevniških zapisov, kot je opisano zgoraj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5288
msgid "<placeholder-1/> If you select two revisions at once (using the usual <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>-modifier), the context menu changes and gives you fewer options: <placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/>Œe izberete dve reviziji naenkrat (z uporabo tipke <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>), se kontekstni meni spremeni in ponudi manj možnosti. Lahko: <placeholder-2/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5335
msgid "If you select two or more revisions (using the usual <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> or <keycap>Shift</keycap> modifiers), the context menu will include an entry to Revert all changes which were made in the selected revisions. This is the easiest way to rollback a group of revisions in one go."
msgstr "Œe izberete ve revizij (z uporabo tipk <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> ali <keycap>Shift</keycap>), se v kontekstnem meniju pojavi možnost, ki vam omogoa povrnitev vseh sprememb, ki so bile narejene v teh revizijah. To je najlažji nain, kako povrniti spremembe iz veih revizij v eni potezi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5342
msgid "You can also choose to merge the selected revisions to another working copy, as described above."
msgstr "Izberete pa lahko tudi spajanje izbranih revizij v drugo delovno kopijo, kot je opisano zgoraj."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5348
msgid "The Log Dialog Bottom Pane with Context Menu"
msgstr "Kontekstni meni spodnjega dela Dnevnika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5354
msgid "Show changes made in the selected revision for the selected file. This context menu is only available for files shown as <emphasis>modified</emphasis>."
msgstr "Prikažete spremembe, ki so bile narejene v izbrani reviziji izbrane datoteke. Ta možnost je na razpolago le za <emphasis>spremenjene</emphasis> datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5361
msgid "Blame the selected revision and the previous revision for the selected file, and compare the blame reports using a visual diff tool. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/> for more detail."
msgstr "Okrivite izbrano revizijo in predhodnjo revizijo izbrane datoteke in prikažete razlike z grafinim orodjem za razlikovanje. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/>."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5369
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8568
msgid "Open the selected file, either with the default viewer for that file type, or with a program you choose."
msgstr "Odprete izbrano datoteko s privzetim pregledovalnikom ali programom po lastni izbiri."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5375
msgid "Revert the changes made to the selected file in that revision."
msgstr "Povrnte spremembe, narejene na izbrani datoteki izbrane revizije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5380
msgid "View the Subversion properties for the selected item."
msgstr "Pogledati lastnosti Subversion za izbran element."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5385
msgid "Show the revision log for the selected single file."
msgstr "Prikažete dnevnik za izbrano datoteko."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5390
msgid "Save the selected revision to a file so you have an older version of that file."
msgstr "Shranite izbrano revizijo datoteke, tako da imate starejšo razliico te datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5346
msgid "<placeholder-1/> The bottom pane of the Log dialog also has a context menu that allows you to <placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Spodnji del dnevnika prav tako vsebuje kontekstni meni, s katerim lahko <placeholder-2/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5398
msgid "You may notice that sometimes we refer to changes and other times to differences. What's the difference?"
msgstr "Mogoe ste uporabili, da uporabljamo izraza razlike in spremembe. Kakšna je razlika?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5402
msgid "Subversion uses revision numbers to mean 2 different things. A revision generally represents the state of the repository at a point in time, but it can also be used to represent the changeset which created that revision, eg. \"Done in r1234\" means that the changes committed in r1234 implement feature X. To make it clearer which sense is being used, we use two different terms."
msgstr "Številke revizij v sistemu Subversion pomenijo dve stvari. Revizija predstavlja stanje skladiša v nekem trenutku, predstavlja pa tudi seznam sprememb, ki so ustvarile to revizijo. N. pr. \"Narejeno v r1234\" pomeni, da spremembe, narejene v reviziji 1234, ustvarijo funkcionalnost X. Da ponazorimo, kateri pomen imamo v mislih, uporabljamo dva izraza."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5411
msgid "If you select two revisions N and M, the context menu will offer to show the <emphasis>difference</emphasis> between those two revisions. In Subversion terms this is <literal>diff -r M:N</literal>."
msgstr "Œe izberete revizijo N in M, vam kontekst i meni ponuja možnost prikaza <emphasis>razlik</emphasis> med tema dvema revizijama. Ekvivalenten ukaz pri delu z odjemalcem za ukazno vrstivo je <literal>diff -r M:N</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5417
msgid "If you select a single revision N, the context menu will offer to show the <emphasis>changes</emphasis> made in that revision. In Subversion terms this is <literal>diff -r N-1:N</literal> or <literal>diff -c N</literal>."
msgstr "Œe izberete samo revizijo N, vam kontekstni meni ponuja prikaz <emphasis>sprememb</emphasis>, opravljenih v tej reviziji. Ekvivalentna ukaza pri uporabi odjemalca za ukazno vrstico sta <literal>diff -r N-1:N</literal> in <literal>diff -c N</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5423
msgid "The bottom pane shows the files changed in all selected revisions, so the context menu always offers to show <emphasis>changes</emphasis>."
msgstr "Spodnja polovica prikazuje vse spremenjene datoteke v vseh izbranih revizijah. Kontekstni meni ponuja prikaz <emphasis>sprememb</emphasis>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5430
msgid "Getting more log messages"
msgstr "Pridobivanje dodatnih dnevniških zapisov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5436
msgid "For a large repository there may be hundreds or even thousands of changes and fetching them all could take a long time. Normally you are only interested in the more recent changes. By default, the number of log messages fetched is limited to 100, but you can change this value in <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Settings</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings\"/>),"
msgstr "V vejih skladiših se lahko nahaja stotine ali tisoe sprememb. Pridobivanje informacij o vseh spremembah bi lahko trajalo dolgo asa. Obiajno pa vas zanimajo le zadnje spremembe. Privzeta nastavitev števila dnevniških zapisov za prikaz je 100, vendar lahko to vrednosti spremenite v <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Nastavitve</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings\"/>),"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5451
msgid "When the <guilabel>Stop on copy/rename</guilabel> box is checked, Show Log will stop at the point that the selected file or folder was copied from somewhere else within the repository. This can be useful when looking at branches (or tags) as it stops at the root of that branch, and gives a quick indication of changes made in that branch only."
msgstr "Œe je potrjeno polje <guilabel>Ustavi ob kopiranju/preimenovanju</guilabel>, Dnevnik prikaže le revizije do trenutka, ko je bila izbrana datoteka ali mapa prekopirana iz neke druge lokacije v skladišu. To je uporabno, kadar pregledujete veje (ali oznake), saj se prikažejo le spremembe, ki so bile narejene na tej veji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5460
msgid "Normally you will want to leave this option unchecked. TortoiseSVN remembers the state of the checkbox, so it will respect your preference."
msgstr "Obiajno boste to možnost pustili izklopljeno. TortoiseSVN si zapomni stanje potrditvenih polj, tako da bo upošteval vaše nastavitve."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5465
msgid "When the Show Log dialog is invoked from within the Merge dialog, the box is always checked by default. This is because merging is most often looking at changes on branches, and going back beyond the root of the branch does not make sense in that instance."
msgstr "Kadar je okno Prikaži dnevnik prikazano iz okna za spajanje, je to polje vedno potrjeno. Vzrok je v tem, da spajanje veinoma deluje na spremembah na vejah, zato uporaba map pred korensko mapo v tem primeru nima nobenega smisla."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5472
msgid "Note that Subversion currently implements renaming as a copy/delete pair, so renaming a file or folder will also cause the log display to stop if this option is checked."
msgstr "Upoštevajte, da Subversion izvaja preimenovanje s parom kopirane in izbrisane datoteke, zato bo preimenovanje datoteke ali mape povzroilo, da se v tem primeru dnevniški zapis ustavi, e je ta možnost vklopljena."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5431
msgid "The Log dialog does not always show all changes ever made for a number of reasons: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Okno Dnevnik ne pokaže vedno vseh sprememb. Razlogi so naslednji: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5481
msgid "If you want to see more log messages, click the <guibutton>Next 100</guibutton> to retrieve the next 100 log messages. You can repeat this as many times as needed."
msgstr "Œe želite videti ve dnevniških zapisov, kliknite na gumb <guibutton>Naslednjih 100</guibutton> in prikazalo se bo naslednjih 100 zapisov. Postopek lahko ponovite poljubno mnogokrat."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5486
msgid "Next to this button there is a multi-function button which remembers the last option you used it for. Click on the arrow to see the other options offered."
msgstr "Zraven tega gumba se nahaja vefunkcijski gumb, ki si zapomni zadnjo akcijo, za katero je bil uporabljen. Kliknite na pušico, e želite videti še ostale akcije, ki so vam na razpolago."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5491
msgid "Use <guibutton>Show Range ...</guibutton> if you want to view a specific range of revisions. A dialog will then prompt you to enter the start and end revision."
msgstr "Uporabite gumb <guibutton>Pokaži obseg...</guibutton>, e želite videti le doloen obseg revizij. V okno boste vnesli zaetno in konno revizijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5496
msgid "Use <guibutton>Show All</guibutton> if you want to see <emphasis>all</emphasis> log messages from HEAD right back to revision 1."
msgstr "Uporabite gumb <guibutton>Prikaži vse</guibutton>, e želite videti <emphasis>vse</emphasis> dnevniške zapise od konne revizije HEAD do revizije 1."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5502
msgid "Merge Tracking Features"
msgstr "Zmožnosti sledenja spajanja"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5504
msgid "merge tracking log"
msgstr "zapis sledenja spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5506
msgid "Subversion 1.5 and later keeps a record of merges using properties. This allows us to get a more detailed history of merged changes. For example, if you develop a new feature on a branch and then merge that branch back to trunk, the feature development will show up on the trunk log as a single commit for the merge, even though there may have been 1000 commits during branch development."
msgstr "Subversion 1.5 uvaja sledenje spajanja z uporabo lastnosti. To nam omogoa pridobiti podrobnejšo zgodovino spojenih sprememb. Primer: e na posebni veji razvijate neko novo zmožnost programa in potem spremembe spojite na glavno vejo, boste na glavni veji to novo zmožnost videli kot eno objavo, eprav ste pri razvoju te lastnosti na posebni veji naredili tiso objav."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5515
msgid "The Log Dialog Showing Merge Tracking Revisions"
msgstr "Dnevnik prikazuje sledenje spajanja revizij"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5518
msgid "If you want to see the detail of which revisions were merged as part of that commit, use the <guilabel>Include merged revisions</guilabel> checkbox. This will fetch the log messages again, but will also interleave the log messages from revisions which were merged. Merged revisions are shown in grey because they represent changes made on a different part of the tree."
msgstr "Œe želite videti, katere revizije so bile spojene kot del objave, uporabite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Vkljui spojene revizije</guilabel>. Dnevniška sporoila se bodo ponovno prenesla, tokrat bodo vkljueni tudi zapisi revizij, iz katerih je bilo narejeno spajanje. Spojene revizije so prikazane v sivi barvi, saj predstavljajo spremembe, narejene na drugi veji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5526
msgid "Of course, merging is never simple! During feature development on the branch there will probably be occasional merges back from trunk to keep the branch in sync with the main line code. So the merge history of the branch will also include another layer of merge history. These different layers are shown in the log dialog using indentation levels."
msgstr "Spajanje seveda nikoli ni enostavno! Med razvojem na veji boste na vejo obasno spajali spremembe iz glavne veje. Torej bo zgodovina spajanja glavne veje vsebovala dodaten nivo zgodovine spajanja. Razlini nivoji spajanja so v dnevniku prikazana z zamikanjem."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5536
msgid "Changing the Log Message and Author"
msgstr "Spreminjanje sporoila dnevniškega zapisa in avtorja"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5538
msgid "edit log/author"
msgstr "popravljanje zapisa/avtorja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5540
msgid "Sometimes you might want to change a log message you once entered, maybe because there's a spelling error in it or you want to improve the message or change it for other reasons. Or you want to change the author of the commit because you forgot to set up authentication or..."
msgstr "Vasih boste želeli spremeniti vnešeno sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa - zaradi napake v rkovanju, ker boste želeli izboljšati komentar ali zaradi kakega drugega razloga. Ali pa boste želeli spremeniti avtorja objave, ker ste si nastavili napano avtentikacijo ali pa..."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5547
msgid "Subversion lets you change both the log message and the author of revisions any time you want. But since such changes can't be undone (those changes are not versioned) this feature is disabled by default. To make this work, you must set up a pre-revprop-change hook. Please refer to the chapter on <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.create.html#svn.reposadmin.create.hooks\"><citetitle>Hook Scripts</citetitle></ulink> in the Subversion Book for details about how to do that. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository-hooks\"/> to find some further notes on implementing hooks on a Windows machine."
msgstr "Subversion vam omogoča kadarkoli po objavi spremeniti tako sporočilo dnevniškega zapisa kot tudi avtorja objave. Ker pa se teh sprememb ne na povrniti (niso pod nadzorom različic), s privzetimi nastavitvami ta možnost ni vključena. Nastaviti morate skripto akcije pre-revprop-change. Poglejte v poglavje <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.create.html#svn.reposadmin.create.hooks\"><citetitle>Hook Scripts</citetitle></ulink> v knjiigi The Subversion Book, če želite zvedeti več o tem. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository-hooks\"/>, če želite informacije o nastavljanju skrip akcij v operacijskem sistemu Windows."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5560
msgid "Once you've set up your server with the required hooks, you can change both author and log message of any revision, using the context menu from the top pane of the Log dialog."
msgstr "Ko ste na strežniku nastavili zahtevane akcije, lahko spremenite tako avtorja kot sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa katerekoli revizije z uporabo kontekstnega menija v zgornejm delu Dnevnika."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5566
msgid "Because Subversion's revision properties are not versioned, making modifications to such a property (for example, the <literal>svn:log</literal> commit message property) will overwrite the previous value of that property <emphasis>forever</emphasis>."
msgstr "Lastnosti revizij v sistemu Subversion so brez razliic, zato bo sprememba lastnosti (n. pr. lastnost <literal>svn:log</literal> za sporoilo objave) <emphasis>za vedno</emphasis> prepisala predhodno vrednosti te lastnosti."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5576
msgid "Filtering Log Messages"
msgstr "Filtriranje dnevniških zapisov"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5578
msgid "filter"
msgstr "filter"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5580
msgid "If you want to restrict the log messages to show only those you are interested in rather than scrolling through a list of hundreds, you can use the filter controls at the top of the Log Dialog. The start and end date controls allow you to restrict the output to a known date range. The search box allows you to show only messages which contain a particular phrase."
msgstr "Œe želite omejiti izpise na le tiste, ki vas zanimajo, in se tako izogniti brskanju po seznamu, lahko uporabite možnosti filtriranja na vrhu okna. Zaetni in konni datum vam omogoata omejitev vpisov na omejeno asovno obmoje, polje za iskanje pa vam omogoa izpis le tistih revizij, ki vsebujejo iskani niz."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5589
msgid "Click on the search icon to select which information you want to search in, and to choose <emphasis>regex</emphasis> mode. Normally you will only need a simple text search, but if you need to more flexible search terms, you can use regular expressions. If you hover the mouse over the box, a tooltip will give hints on how to use the regex functions. You can also find online documentation and a tutorial at <ulink url=\"http://www.regular-expressions.info/\"><citetitle>http://www.regular-expressions.info/</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Kliknite na ikono za iskanje ter izberite, po kateri informaciji želite iskati, ter način iskanja <emphasis>regex</emphasis>. Običajno potrebujete le preprosto iskanje po besedilu, če pa želite več prilagodljivosti, uporabite regularne izraze. Če miško za trenutek pridržite na polju, se prikaže namig z opisom uporabe regularnih izrazov. Na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://www.regular-expressions.info/\"><citetitle>http://www.regular-expressions.info/</citetitle></ulink> sta na dokumentacija in učbenik o regularnih izrazih."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5601
msgid "Note that these filters act on the messages already retrieved. They do not control downloading of messages from the repository."
msgstr "Upoštevajte, da filter deluje na sporoilih, ki so že na razpolago. Filter ne nadzira prenosa sporoil iz skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5605
msgid "You can also filter the path names in the bottom pane using the <guilabel>Hide unrelated changed paths</guilabel> checkbox. Related paths are those which contain the path used to display the log. If you fetch the log for a folder, that means anything in that folder or below it. For a file it means just that one file. The checkbox is tristate: you can show all paths, grey out the unrelated ones, or hide the unrelated paths completely."
msgstr "Poti lahko filtrirate s potrditvijo polja <guilabel>Skrij nepovezane spremenjene poti</guilabel>. Povezane poti so tiste, ki vsebujejo pot, ki je bila uporabljena za prikaz Dnevnika. Œe pogledte dnevnik za neko mapo, potem to pomeni vsebino te mape. Pri datotekah to pomeni le izbrano datoteko. Potrditveno polje ima tri stanja: prikažete lahko vse poti, posivite nepovezane ali povsem skrijete nepovezane poti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5614
msgid "Sometimes your working practices will require log messages to follow a particular format, which means that the text describing the changes is not visible in the abbreviated summary shown in the top pane. The property <literal>tsvn:logsummary</literal> can be used to extract a portion of the log message to be shown in the top pane. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage-tsvn-props\"/> to find out how to use this property."
msgstr "Vasih delo na projektu zahteva uporabo predpisane oblike sporoila dnevniškega zapisa, kar pomeni, da besedilo, ki opisuje spremembe, ni vidno pri skrajšanem povzetku, ki se prikaže v zgornjem delu okna. Lastnost <literal>tsvn:logsummary</literal> lahko uporabite, da izvleete del besedila, ki se prikaže kot povzetek. Za ve informacij o tej lastnosti reberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage-tsvn-props\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5626
msgid "Statistical Information"
msgstr "Statistine informacije"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5628
msgid "statistics"
msgstr "statistika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5630
msgid "The <guibutton>Statistics</guibutton> button brings up a box showing some interesting information about the revisions shown in the Log dialog. This shows how many authors have been at work, how many commits they have made, progress by week, and much more. Now you can see at a glance who has been working hardest and who is slacking ;-)"
msgstr "Klik na gumb <guibutton>Statistika</guibutton> postreže z nekaj zanimivimi statistinimi informacijami o revizijah, prikazanih v oknu dnevnika. Prikazano je, koliko avtorjev je sodelovalo, koliko objav so naredili, napredek po tednih in še veliko ve. Sedaj lahko enostavno vidite, kdo je delal najve in kdo je zabušaval;)"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5639
msgid "Statistics Page"
msgstr "Statistika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5640
msgid "This page gives you all the numbers you can think of, in particular the period and number of revisions covered, and some min/max/average values."
msgstr "Ta stran vam pokaže vse mogoe številke, predvsem asovno obmoje in število revizij ter nekatere ekstremne in povprene vrednosti."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5647
msgid "Commits by Author Page"
msgstr "Stran objav glede na avtorja"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5650
msgid "Commits-by-Author Histogram"
msgstr "Histogram objav glede na avtorja"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5657
msgid "Commits-by-Author Pie Chart"
msgstr "Potini graf objav glede na avtoja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5648
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This graph shows you which authors have been active on the project as a simple histogram, stacked histogram or pie chart. <placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Ta graf prikazuje, kateri avtorji so bili aktivni na projektu v obliki preprostega histograma, zloženega stolpinega diagrama ali potinega diagrama. <placeholder-2/> "

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5661
msgid "Where there are a few major authors and many minor contributors, the number of tiny segments can make the graph more difficult to read. The slider at the bottom allows you to set a threshold (as a percentage of total commits) below which any activity is grouped into an <emphasis>Others</emphasis> category."
msgstr "Kadar na projektu sodeluje nekaj glavnih avtorjev in veliko takih, ki prispevajo obasno, veliko majhnih segmentov naredi graf bolj neitljiv. Drsnik na dnu omogoa nastaviti mejo (v obliki odstotkov). Avtorji, katerih aktivnost je manjša od meje, so združeni v skupino <emphasis>Ostali</emphasis>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5670
msgid "Commits by date Page"
msgstr "Objave po datumu"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5673
msgid "Commits-by-date Graph"
msgstr "Objave po datumu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5671
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This page gives you a graphical representation of project activity in terms of number of commits <emphasis>and</emphasis> author. This gives some idea of when a project is being worked on, and who was working at which time."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Na tej strani je grafino prikazana projektna aktivnost: število objav <emphasis>in</emphasis> avtor. To vam pove, kdaj se na projektu dela in kdo je kdaj delal."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5681
msgid "When there are several authors, you will get many lines on the graph. There are two views available here: <emphasis>normal</emphasis>, where each author's activity is relative to the base line, and <emphasis>stacked</emphasis>, where each author's activity is relative to the line underneath. The latter option avoids the lines crossing over, which can make the graph easier to read, but less easy to see one author's output."
msgstr "Kadar sodeluje veliko število avtorjev, bo na grafu prikazano veliko število rt. Na voljo sta dva pogleda: <emphasis>normalen</emphasis>, kjer je avtorjeva aktivnost relativna na osnovno linijo, in <emphasis>zložen</emphasis>, kjer je avtorjeva aktivnost relativna glede na rto pod njim. Ta možnost onemogoa križanje rt, kar olajša branje grafa, vendar je pri tem težje oceniti rezultat posameznega avtorja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5691
msgid "By default the analysis is case-sensitive, so users <literal>PeterEgan</literal> and <literal>PeteRegan</literal> are treated as different authors. However, in many cases user names are not case-sensitive, and are sometimes entered inconsistently, so you may want <literal>DavidMorgan</literal> and <literal>davidmorgan</literal> to be treated as the same person. Use the <guilabel>Authors case insensitive</guilabel> checkbox to control how this is handled."
msgstr "Po privzetih nastavitvah je analiza obutljiva na male in velike rke, torej se uporabnika <literal>PeterEgan</literal> in <literal>PeteRegan</literal> obravnavata kot razlina avtorja. Vendar pa v veliko primerih uporabniška imena niso obutljiva na male in velike rke in so zato vasih vnešena nekonsistentno. Zato v takšnih primerih želite imeni <literal>DavidMorgan</literal> in <literal>davidmorgan</literal> obravnavati kot isto osebo. Za nastavitev tega obnašanja uporabite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Za avtorje ni razlikovanja velikih/malih rk</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5701
msgid "Note that the statistics cover the same period as the Log dialog. If that is only displaying one revision then the statistics will not tell you very much."
msgstr "Statistika pokriva isto asovno obmoje kot okno dnevnika. Œe le-to prikazuje le eno revizijo, potem vam statistika ne pove prav veliko."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5709
msgid "Viewing Differences"
msgstr "Pregledovanje razlik"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5711
msgid "diff"
msgstr "razlika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5713
msgid "One of the commonest requirements in project development is to see what has changed. You might want to look at the differences between two revisions of the same file, or the differences between two separate files. TortoiseSVN provides a built-in tool named <application>TortoiseMerge</application> for viewing differences of text files. For viewing differences of image files, TortoiseSVN also has a tool named <application>TortoiseIDiff</application>. Of course, you can use your own favourite diff program if you like."
msgstr "Ena izmed najbolj pogostih zahtev v razvoju projekta je videti spremembe. Mgoe hoete videti razllike med dvema revizijama iste datoteke ali razlike med dvema razlinima datotekama. TortoiseSVN vsebuje orodje <application>TortoiseMerge</application> za pregledovanje razlik besedinih datotek. Za pregledovanje razlik grafinih datotek TortoiseSVN ponuja <application>TortoiseIDiff</application>. Seveda pa lahko uporabite tudi programe po lastni izbiri."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5726
msgid "File Differences"
msgstr "Spremembe v datoteki"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5729
msgid "Local changes"
msgstr "Krajevne spremembe"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5731
msgid "If you want to see what changes <emphasis>you</emphasis> have made in your working copy, just use the explorer context menu and select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Diff</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Œe želite videti spremembe, ki ste jih naredili <emphasis>vi</emphasis>, uporabite kontekstni meni v Raziskovalcu in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Razlikuj</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5743
msgid "Difference to another branch/tag"
msgstr "Razlike v primerjavi z drugo vejo/oznako"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5745
msgid "If you want to see what has changed on trunk (if you are working on a branch) or on a specific branch (if you are working on trunk), you can use the explorer context menu. Just hold down the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key while you right click on the file. Then select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Diff with URL</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. In the following dialog, specify the URL in the repository with which you want to compare your local file to."
msgstr "Œe želite videti, kaj se je spremenilo na glavni veji (e delate na stranski veji) ali na doloeni veji (e delate na glavni veji), lahko uporabite kontekstni meni Raziskovalca. Med desnim klikom na datoteko držite pritisnjeno tipko <keycap>Shift</keycap>. Potem izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Razlikuj z URL</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. V okno vnesite naslov URL skladiša, s katerim želite primerjati krajevno datoteko. "

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5758
msgid "You can also use the repository browser and select two trees to diff, perhaps two tags, or a branch/tag and trunk. The context menu there allows you to compare them using <guimenuitem>Compare revisions</guimenuitem>. Read more in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-compare-revs\"/>."
msgstr "Lahko uporabite tudi brskalnik po skladišu in izberete dve drevesi, ki ju želite primerjati, mogoe dve oznaki ali vejo/oznako in glavno vejo. Kontekstni meni vam omogoa primerjanje z ukazom <guimenuitem>Primerjaj reviziji</guimenuitem>. Ve o tem razloži <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-compare-revs\"/>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5768
msgid "Difference from a previous revision"
msgstr "Razlike v primerjavi s prejšnjo revizijo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5770
msgid "If you want to see the difference between a particular revision and your working copy, use the Revision Log dialog, select the revision of interest, then select <guimenuitem>Compare with working copy</guimenuitem> from the context menu."
msgstr "Œe želite videti razlike med doloeno revizijo in delovno kopijo, uporabite Dnevnik, izberite revizijo, ki vas zanima, in iz kontekstnega menija izberite <guimenuitem>Primerjaj z delovno kopijo</guimenuitem>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5780
msgid "Difference between two previous revisions"
msgstr "Razlike med dvema prejšnjima razlikama"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5782
msgid "If you want to see the difference between two revisions which are already committed, use the Revision Log dialog and select the two revisions you want to compare (using the usual <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>-modifier). Then select <guimenuitem>Compare revisions</guimenuitem> from the context menu."
msgstr "Œe želite videti razlike med dvema že objavljenima revizijama, uporabite Dnevnik in izberite reviziji, ki ju želite primerjati (uporabite tipko <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>). Potem iz kontekstnega menija izberite <guimenuitem>Primerjaj reviziji</guimenuitem>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5790
msgid "If you did this from the revision log for a folder, a Compare Revisions dialog appears, showing a list of changed files in that folder. Read more in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-compare-revs\"/>."
msgstr "Œe to storite v Dnevniku za mapo, potem pogovorno okno Primerjaj reviziji prikaže seznam spremenjenih datotek v mapi. Ve o tem pove <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-compare-revs\"/>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5799
msgid "All changes made in a commit"
msgstr "Vse spremembe, narejeni pri objavi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5801
msgid "If you want to see the changes made to all files in a particular revision in one view, you can use Unified-Diff output (GNU patch format). This shows only the differences with a few lines of context. It is harder to read than a visual file compare, but will show all the changes together. From the Revision Log dialog select the revision of interest, then select <guimenuitem>Show Differences as Unified-Diff</guimenuitem> from the context menu."
msgstr "Œe želite videti spremembe na vseh datotekah v doloeni reviziji v enem pogledu, lahko izberete obliko poenotena razliica (oblika popravkov GNU). Ta prikaže le razlike skupaj z nekaj bližnjimi vrsticami. Ta oblika je težja za branje kot vizualna, vendar lahko vidite vse spremembe skupaj. Iz Dnevnika izberite revizijo in iz kontekstnega menija zaženite ukaz <guimenuitem>Prikaži razlike kot poenotene razlike</guimenuitem>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5815
msgid "Difference between files"
msgstr "Razlika med datotekami"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5817
msgid "If you want to see the differences between two different files, you can do that directly in explorer by selecting both files (using the usual <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>-modifier). Then from the explorer context menu select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Diff</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Œe želite videti razlike med dvema razlinima datotekama, lahko to storite neposredno iz Razskovalca, tako da izberete obe datoteki (z uporabo gumba <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>). Potem iz kontekstnega menija Raziskovalca izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Razlikuj</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5830
msgid "Difference between WC file/folder and a URL"
msgstr "Razlika med datoteko/mapo v delovni kopiji in na naslovu URL"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5832
msgid "If you want to see the differences between a file in your working copy, and a file in any Subversion repository, you can do that directly in explorer by selecting the file then holding down the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key whilst right clicking to obtain the context menu. Select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Diff with URL</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You can do the same thing for a working copy folder. TortoiseMerge shows these differences in the same way as it shows a patch file - a list of changed files which you can view one at a time."
msgstr "Œe želite videti razlike med datoteko v delovni kopiji in datoteko v skladišu Subversion, lahko to storite neposredno iz Raziskovalca. Izberite datoteko, pritisnite tipko <keycap>Shift</keycap> in desno kliknite, da se pojavi kontekstni meni. Izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Razlikuj z URL</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Enako lahko storite na delovni kopiji. TortoiseMerge prikaže razlike enako kot pri prikazu datoteke popravkov - seznam spremenjenih datotek, ki jih lahko pregledujete eno za drugo."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5850
msgid "Difference with blame information"
msgstr "Razlike z informacijami o krivdi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5852
msgid "If you want to see not only the differences but also the author, revision and date that changes were made, you can combine the diff and blame reports from within the revision log dialog. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/> for more detail."
msgstr "Œe želite poleg razlik videti tudi avtorja, številko revizije in datum sprememb, lahko rezultat razlikovanja in okrivljenja združite. Ve o tem si lahko preberete v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5861
msgid "Difference between folders"
msgstr "Razlika med mapama"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5863
msgid "The built-in tools supplied with TortoiseSVN do not support viewing differences between directory hierarchies. But if you have an external tool which does support that feature, you can use that instead. In <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-tools\"/> we tell you about some tools which we have used."
msgstr "Orodja, ki jih dobite zraven programa TortoiseSVN, ne omogoajo pregledovanja razlik med strukturami map. Œe imate zunanje orodje, ki to omogoa, ga lahko uporabite. <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-tools\"/> pove nekaj o orodjih, ki jih uporabljamo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5873
msgid "If you have configured a third party diff tool, you can use <action>SHIFT</action> when selecting the Diff command to use the alternate tool. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-progs\"/> to find out about configuring other diff tools."
msgstr "Œe ste nastavili zunanje orodje za razlikovanje, lahko uporabite <action>SHIFT</action> ob izbiri ukaza Razlikuj in tako poženete zunanje orodje. O nastavljanju zunanjih orodij lahko ve preberete v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-progs\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5882
msgid "Line-end and Whitespace Options"
msgstr "Nastavitev zakljukov vrstic in presledkov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5883
msgid "Sometimes in the life of a project you might change the line endings from <literal>CRLF</literal> to <literal>LF</literal>, or you may change the indentation of a section. Unfortunately this will mark a large number of lines as changed, even though there is no change to the meaning of the code. The options here will help to manage these changes when it comes to comparing and applying differences. You will see these settings in the <guilabel>Merge</guilabel> and <guilabel>Blame</guilabel> dialogs, as well as in the settings for TortoiseMerge."
msgstr "Med delom na projektu vasih zamenjate zakljuke vrstic - namesto <literal>CRLF</literal> uporabite <literal>LF</literal>. Mogoe pa spremenite zamikanje v nekem delu datoteke. S tem žal povzroite, da je veliko vrstic oznaenih kot spremenjenih, eprav se vsebina vrstic dejansko ni spremenila. Naslednje možnosti vam omogoajo obvladovanje takšnih sprememb pri primerjanju ali namešanju popravkov. Nastavitve so na voljo v pogovornih oknih <guilabel>Spoji</guilabel> in <guilabel>Okrivi</guilabel>, prav tako pa tudi v nastavitvah programa TortoiseMerge."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5894
msgid "<guilabel>Ignore line endings</guilabel> excludes changes which are due solely to difference in line-end style."
msgstr "Možnost <guilabel>Prezri zakljuke vrstic</guilabel> izloi vse spremembe, ki so posledica sprememb zgolj zaradi razlinih zakljukov vrstic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5898
msgid "<guilabel>Compare whitespaces</guilabel> includes all changes in indentation and inline whitespace as added/removed lines."
msgstr "Z možnostjo <guilabel>Primerjaj presledke</guilabel> povzroite, da so vse vrstice, ki vsebuje spremembe presledkov, prikazane kot dodane/odstranjene."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5903
msgid "<guilabel>Ignore whitespace changes</guilabel> excludes changes which are due solely to a change in the amount or type of whitespace, eg. changing the indentation or changing tabs to spaces. Adding whitespace where there was none before, or removing a whitespace completely is still shown as a change."
msgstr "Možnost <guilabel>Prezri razlike presledkov</guilabel> izkljui spremembe, ki so posledica spremembe koliine ali vrste presledkov, n. pr. spreminjanje zamikanja ali uporaba presledkov namesto tabulatorjev. Dodajanje presledkov, kjer jih prej ni bilo, in popolna odstranitev presledkov se še vedno štejeta kot spremembe."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5911
msgid "<guilabel>Ignore all whitespaces</guilabel> excludes all whitespace-only changes."
msgstr "Možnost <guilabel>Prezri vse presledke</guilabel> izloi vse spremembe, ki so posledica spremembe presledkov."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5915
msgid "Naturally, any line with changed content is always included in the diff."
msgstr "Seveda so kot spremenjene prikazane vse vrstice s spremenjeno vsebino."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5921
msgid "Comparing Folders"
msgstr "Primerjanje map"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5923
msgid "compare revisions"
msgstr "primerjaj revizije"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5926
msgid "export changes"
msgstr "izvozi spremembe"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5930
msgid "The Compare Revisions Dialog"
msgstr "Okno za primerjanje revizij"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5928
msgid "<placeholder-1/> When you select two trees within the repository browser, or when you select two revisions of a folder in the log dialog, you can <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Compare revisions</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Ko v brskalniku po skladišu izberete dve drevesi ali ko izberete dve reviziji mape v dnevniku, lahko uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Primerjaj reviziji</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5940
msgid "This dialog shows a list of all files which have changed and allows you to compare or blame them individually using context menu."
msgstr "To pogovorno okno prikaže seznam vseh datotek, ki ste jih spremenili, in omogoa posamino primerjavo ali okrivljanje s pomojo kontekstnega menija."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5944
msgid "You can also export the list of changed files to a text file, or you can export the changed files themselves to a folder. This operation works on the selected files only, so you need to select the files of interest - usually that means all of them."
msgstr "Seznam spremenjenih datotek lahko izvozite v besedilno datoteko, lahko pa izvozite tudi spremenjene datoteke v mapo. Ta operacija deluje le na izbranih datotekah, tako da morate izbrati datoteke, ki vas zanimajo - ponavadi so to kar vse."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5950
msgid "If you want to export the list of files <emphasis>and</emphasis> the actions (modified, added, deleted) as well, you can do that using the keyboard shortcuts <action>Ctrl-A</action> to select all entries and <action>Ctrl-C</action> to copy the detailed list to the clipboard."
msgstr "Œe želite izvoziti seznam datotek <emphasis>in</emphasis> dejanj (spremenjeno, dodano, zbrisano), lahko to storite z uporabo kombinacije <action>Ctrl-A</action> za izbiro vseh vnosov in <action>Ctrl-C</action> za kopiranje podrobnega seznama na odložiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5956
msgid "The button at the top allows you to change the direction of comparison. You can show the changes need to get from A to B, or if you prefer, from B to A."
msgstr "Gumb na vrhu omogoa spremembo smeri primerjave. Lahko prikažete spremembe iz A v B, ali, e vam je lažje, iz B v A."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5961
msgid "The buttons with the revision numbers on can be used to change to a different revision range. When you change the range, the list of items which differ between the two revisions will be updated automatically."
msgstr "Gumbi, ki vsebujejo številke revizij, se uporabljajo za spreminjanje obmoja revizij. Ko obmoje spremenite, se seznam elementov, ki se razlikujejo med revizijama, samodejno posodobi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5966
msgid "If the list of filenames is very long, you can use the search box to reduce the list to filenames containing specific text. Note that a simple text search is used, so if you want to restrict the list to C source files you should enter <filename>.c</filename> rather than <filename>*.c</filename>."
msgstr "Œe je seznam datotek zelo dolg, lahko uporabite polje za iskanje in tako prikažete le datoteke, ki vsebujejo iskane znake. Uporablja se preprosto iskanje, zato za izpis vseh datotek izvorne kode v jeziku C vpišite <filename>.c</filename> in ne <filename>*.c</filename>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5975
msgid "Diffing Images Using TortoiseIDiff"
msgstr "Razlikovanje slik z uporabo programa TortoiseIDiff"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5977
msgid "image diff"
msgstr "razlike slike"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5980
msgid "TortoiseIDiff"
msgstr "TortoiseIDiff"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5982
msgid "There are many tools available for diffing text files, including our own TortoiseMerge, but we often find ourselves wanting to see how an image file has changed too. That's why we created TortoiseIDiff."
msgstr "Obstaja veliko orodij za razlikovanje besedilnih datotek, vkljuno z našim lastnim orodjem TortoiseMerge. Pogosto pa želimo videti tudi, kako so se spreminjale slike. Zato smo ustvarili orodje TortoiseIDiff."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5989
msgid "The image difference viewer"
msgstr "Pregledovalnik razlik med slikami"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:5987
msgid "<placeholder-1/><menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Diff</guimenuitem></menuchoice> for any of the common image file formats will start TortoiseIDiff to show image differences. By default the images are displayed side-by-side but you can use the View menu or toolbar to switch to a top-bottom view instead, or if you prefer, you can overlay the images and pretend you are using a lightbox."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/>Uporaba ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Razlikuj</guimenuitem></menuchoice> na datoteki kateregakoli obiajnega slikovnega formata zažene program TortoiseIDiff, ki prikaže razlike med slikama. Po privzetih nastavitvah se sliki prikažeta ena ob drugi, v meniju Pogled pa lahko izberete tudi nain prikaza ena slika pod drugo ali celo ena slika ez drugo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6002
msgid "Naturally you can also zoom in and out and pan around the image. You can also pan the image simply by left-dragging it. If you select the <guilabel>Link images together</guilabel> option, then the pan controls (scrollbars, mousewheel) on both images are linked."
msgstr "Seveda lahko sliko poveate in pomanjšate ter jo premikate. Premikate lahko tudi s potegom z levim miškinim gumbom. Œe izberete možnost <guilabel>Poveži slike</guilabel>, so kontrole za premikanje (drsni trak, kolešek na miški) povezane."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6008
msgid "An image info box shows details about the image file, such as the size in pixels, resolution and colour depth. If this box gets in the way, use <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Image Info</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to hide it. You can get the same information in a tooltip if you hover the mouse over the image title bar."
msgstr "Okno Informacije o sliki prikaže podrobnosti o slikovni datoteki, n. pr. velikost v slikovnih tokah, resolucijo in barvno globino. Œe vam je okno v napoto, lahko uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Pogled</guimenu><guimenuitem>Informacije o sliki</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem okno skrijete. Iste informacije se prikažejo v namigu, e z miško mirujete v naslovni vrstici."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6020
msgid "When the images are overlaid, the relative intensity of the images (alpha blend) is controlled by a slider control at the left side. You can click anywhere in the slider to set the blend directly, or you can drag the slider to change the blend interactively. <action>Ctrl-Shift-Wheel</action> to change the blend."
msgstr "Ko se sliki prekrivata, lahko relativno intenzivnost slik (alpha blend) nastavljate z drsnikom na levi strani. Œe kliknete kjerkoli na drsniku, boste neposredno nastavili vrednost, lahko pa drsnik potegnete in tako nastavite vrednost interaktivno. Za spreminjanje vrednosti lahko uporabite tudi <action>Ctrl-Shift-Zasuk miškinega koleška</action>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6027
msgid "The button above the slider toggles between two preset blends, indicated by the markers on either side of the blend slider. By default one is at the top and the other at the bottom, so the toggle button just switches between one image and the other. You can move the markers to choose the two blend values that the toggle button will use."
msgstr "Gumb nad drsnikom se uporablja za preklapljanje med dvema prednastavljenima vrednostima, ki ju doloata oznabi na obeh straneh drsnika. Po privzetih nastavitvah je ena oznaba na vrhu, druga pa na dnu drsnika, torej gumb preklaplja med prikazom ene in druge slike. Oznabi lahko premaknete in s tem doloite vrednosti, med katerima preklapljate z gumbom."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6034
msgid "Sometimes you want to see a difference rather than a blend. You might have the image files for two revisions of a printed circuit board and want to see which tracks have changed. If you disable alpha blend mode, the difference will be shown as an <emphasis>XOR</emphasis> of the pixel colour values. Unchanged areas will be plain white and changes will be coloured."
msgstr "Vasih želite namesto združene (prekrite) slike raje videti razlike, n. p.r e imate dve reviziji sheme tiskanega vezja in želite izvedeti, katere linije so se spremenile. Œe izklopite spajanje (alpha blend) slik, se razlike prikažejo kot <emphasis>ekskluzivni ALI</emphasis> barvnih vrednosti tok. Nespremenjena obmoja bodo bela, spremembe pa bodo obarvane."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6044
msgid "External Diff/Merge Tools"
msgstr "Zunanja orodja za razlikovanje/spajanje"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6046
msgid "diff tools"
msgstr "orodja za razlikovanje"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6049
msgid "merge tools"
msgstr "orodja za spajanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6051
msgid "If the tools we provide don't do what you need, try one of the many open-source or commercial programs available. Everyone has their own favourites, and this list is by no means complete, but here are a few that you might consider:"
msgstr "Œe orodja, ki jih ponujamo v paketu, ne zadostujejo vašim potrebam, lahko poskusite številne odprtokodne ali komercialne programe. Vsakdo ima svoje priljubljeno orodje in ta seznam vsekakor ni popoln, vseeno pa poda nekaj imen aplikacij, ki jih lahko uporabite:"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6059
msgid "WinMerge"
msgstr "WinMerge"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6061
msgid "<ulink url=\"http://winmerge.sourceforge.net/\"><citetitle>WinMerge</citetitle></ulink> is a great open-source diff tool which can also handle directories."
msgstr "<ulink url=\"http://winmerge.sourceforge.net/\"><citetitle>WinMerge</citetitle></ulink> je odlično odprtokodno orodje za razlikovanje, ki zna delati tudi z mapami."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6071
msgid "Perforce Merge"
msgstr "Perforce Merge"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6073
msgid "Perforce is a commercial RCS, but you can download the diff/merge tool for free. Get more information from <ulink url=\"http://www.perforce.com/perforce/products/merge.html\"><citetitle>Perforce</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Perforce je komercialna različica sistema RCS, vendar lahko njihovo orodje za razlikovanje uporabljate brezplačno. Za več informacij uporabite tole <ulink url=\"http://www.perforce.com/perforce/products/merge.html\"><citetitle>povezavo</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6083
msgid "KDiff3"
msgstr "KDiff3"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6085
msgid "KDiff3 is a free diff tool which can also handle directories. You can download it from <ulink url=\"http://kdiff3.sf.net/\"><citetitle>here</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "KDiff3 je brezplačno orodje za razlikovanje, ki zna delati z mapami. Dobite ga <ulink url=\"http://kdiff3.sf.net/\"><citetitle>tukaj</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6095
msgid "ExamDiff"
msgstr "ExamDiff"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6097
msgid "ExamDiff Standard is freeware. It can handle files but not directories. ExamDiff Pro is shareware and adds a number of goodies including directory diff and editing capability. In both flavours, version 3.2 and above can handle unicode. You can download them from <ulink url=\"http://www.prestosoft.com/\"><citetitle>PrestoSoft</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "ExamDiff Standard je brezplačen progam. Zna delati z datotekami, ne pa tudi z mapami. ExamDiff Pro je preizkusen program (shareware) in ima v primerjavi z brezplačno različico veliko dodatkov, vključno z možnostjo razlikovanja in urejanja map. Od verzije 3.2 naprej znata obe različici delati z datotekami tipa unicode. Na voljo sta na strani podjetja <ulink url=\"http://www.prestosoft.com/\"><citetitle>PrestoSoft</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6112
msgid "Beyond Compare"
msgstr "Beyond Compare"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6114
msgid "Similar to ExamDiff Pro, this is an excellent shareware diff tool which can handle directory diffs and unicode. Download it from <ulink url=\"http://www.scootersoftware.com/\"><citetitle>Scooter Software</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Podobno kot ExamDiff Pro je tudi to odličen preizkusen program (shareware) za razlikovanje, ki zna delati z mapami in datotekami tipa unicode. Dobite ga na strani podjetja <ulink url=\"http://www.scootersoftware.com/\"><citetitle>Scooter Software</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6125
msgid "Araxis Merge"
msgstr "Araxis Merge"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6127
msgid "Araxis Merge is a useful commercial tool for diff and merging both files and folders. It does three-way comparison in merges and has synchronization links to use if you've changed the order of functions. Download it from <ulink url=\"http://www.araxis.com/merge/index.html\"><citetitle>Araxis</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Araxis Merge uporabno komercialno orodje za razlikovanje in spajanje tako datotek kot map. Uporablja tristransko primerjavo pri spajanju in ima možnost sinhronizacijskih povezav v primeru spremembe vrstnega reda funkcij. Dobite ga na strani podjetja <ulink url=\"http://www.araxis.com/merge/index.html\"><citetitle>Araxis</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6139
msgid "SciTE"
msgstr "SciTE"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6141
msgid "This text editor includes syntax colouring for unified diffs, making them much easier to read. Download it from <ulink url=\"http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDownload.html\"><citetitle>Scintilla</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Ta urejevalnik besedil uporablja barvno kodiranje za poenotene različice, kar precej olajša branje. Prevzamete ga lahko iz naslova <ulink url=\"http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDownload.html\"><citetitle>Scintilla</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6151
msgid "Notepad2"
msgstr "Notepad2"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6153
msgid "Notepad2 is designed as a replacement for the standard Windows Notepad program, and is based on the Scintilla open-source edit control. As well as being good for viewing unified diffs, it is much better than the Windows notepad for most jobs. Download it for free <ulink url=\"http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html\"><citetitle>here</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Notepad2 je zasnovan kot zamenjava za standardno beležko operacijskega sistema Windows in je narejen na osnivi odprtokodne kontrole za urejanje besedil Scintilla. Poleg tega, da je zelo primeren za pregledovanje poenotenih razlik, je za večino operacij precej boljši od Windowsove Beležke. Brezplačno si ga lahko prenesete iz <ulink url=\"http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html\"><citetitle>te strani</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6166
msgid "Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-progs\"/> for information on how to set up TortoiseSVN to use these tools."
msgstr "Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-progs\"/>, e želite izvedeti ve o uporabi teh orodij."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6173
msgid "Adding New Files And Directories"
msgstr "Dodajanje novih datotek in map"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6175
msgid "add"
msgstr "dodaj"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6180
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6307
msgid "Explorer context menu for unversioned files"
msgstr "Kontekstni menu v Raziskovalcu za datoteke brez razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6178
msgid "<placeholder-1/> If you created new files and/or directories during your development process then you need to add them to source control too. Select the file(s) and/or directory and use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Add</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Œe ste med razvojem ustvarili nove datoteke in/ali mape, jih morate dodati v nadzor razliic. Izberite datoteke in map in uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dodaj</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6192
msgid "After you added the files/directories to source control the file appears with a <literal>added</literal> icon overlay which means you first have to commit your working copy to make those files/directories available to other developers. Adding a file/directory does <emphasis>not</emphasis> affect the repository!"
msgstr "Potem ko ste datoteke/mape dodali v nadzor razliic, so oznaene z ikono <literal>dodano</literal>, kar pomeni, da morate delovno kopijo objaviti, preden so dodane datoteke/mape na razplago ostalim uporabnikom. Zgolj dodajanje datoteke/mape <emphasis>ne</emphasis> vpliva na skladiše!"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6201
msgid "Many Adds"
msgstr "Veliko dodanih elementov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6202
msgid "You can also use the Add command on already versioned folders. In that case, the add dialog will show you all unversioned files inside that versioned folder. This helps if you have many new files and need them to add at once."
msgstr "Ukaz Dodaj lahko uporabite tudi na mapi, ki je že pod nadzorom razliic. V tem primeru se bodo v pogovnornem oknu za dodajanje pojavile vse datoteke brez razliic. To vam pomaga, e imate veliko novih datotek, ki jih želite dodati naenkrat."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6215
msgid "select the files you want to add"
msgstr "izberite datoteke, ki jih želite dodati"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6220
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6623
msgid "<action>right-drag</action> them to the new location inside the working copy"
msgstr "povlecite jih <action>z desnim miškinim gumbom</action> na novo mesto znotraj delovne kopije"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6226
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6629
msgid "release the right mouse button"
msgstr "sprostite gumb miške"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6231
msgid "select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN Add files to this WC</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The files will then be copied to the working copy and added to version control."
msgstr "izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN - Dodaj datoteke v to delovno kopijo</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem datoteke prekopirate v delovno kopijo in jih dodate v nadzor razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6210
msgid "To add files from outside your working copy you can use the drag-and-drop handler: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe želite dodati datoteke, ki se ne nahajajo v delovni kopiji, uporabite metodo povleci in spusti: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6243
msgid "You can also add files within a working copy simply by left-dragging and dropping them onto the commit dialog."
msgstr "Datoteke, ki se nahajajo v delovni kopiji, lahko dodate tudi tako, da jih povleete iz Raziskovalca v okno za objave."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6249
msgid "Copying Existing Files and Folders"
msgstr "Kopiranje obstojeih datotek in map"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6251
msgid "copy files"
msgstr "kopiraj datoteke"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6253
msgid "It often happens that you already have the files you need in another project in your repository, and you simply want to copy them across. You could simply copy the files and add them as described above, but that would not give you any history. And if you subsequently fix a bug in the original files, you can only merge the fix automatically if the new copy is related to the original in Subversion."
msgstr "Pogosto se zgodi, da nekatere datoteke že imate v skladišu v okviru drugega projekta in jih želite prekopirati. Lahko jih preprosto prekopirate in dodate v nadzor razliic, kot je opisano v prejšnjem razdelku, vendar v tem primeru izgubite zgodovino datoteke. Œe kasneje odkrijete in popravite napako v originalnih datotekah, lahko spremembe samodejno spojite le, e med originalnimi in novimi datotekami obstaja povezava v sistemu Subversion."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6261
msgid "The easiest way to copy files and folders from within a working copy is to use the right-drag menu. When you <action>right-drag</action> a file or folder from one working copy to another, or even within the same folder, a context menu appears when you release the mouse. <placeholder-1/> Now you can copy existing versioned content to a new location, possibly renaming it at the same time."
msgstr "Najlažji nain kopiranja datotek in map znotraj delovne kopije je z uporabo kontekstnega menija, ki se pojavi v primeru potega z desnim miškinim gumbom. Ko datoteko ali mapo <action>povleete z desnim miškinim gumbom</action> iz ene delovne kopije v drugo, ali pa celo znotraj iste mape, se ob sprostitvi miškinega gumba prikaže kontekstni meni. <placeholder-1/> Sedaj lahko obstojee elemente pod nadzorom prekopirate na drugo lokacijo in jih po potrebi istoasno preimenujete."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6273
msgid "You can copy files and folders from your working copy to another location in the repository using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Branch/Tag</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-branch-1\"/> to find out more."
msgstr "Datoteke in mape lahko prekopirate na drugo lokacijo v skladišu z uporabo ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Veja/oznaka</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-branch-1\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6282
msgid "You can locate an older version of a file or folder in the log dialog and copy it to a new location in the repository directly from the log dialog using <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Create branch/tag from revision</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-showlog-2\"/> to find out more."
msgstr "Starejšo razliico datoteke ali mape lahko poišete v dnevniku in jo skopirate na novo lokacijo v skladišu z uporabo ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Ustvari vejo/oznako iz revizije</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-showlog-2\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6292
msgid "You can also use the repository browser to locate content you want, and copy it into your working copy directly from the repository, or copy between two locations within the repository. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repobrowser\"/> to find out more."
msgstr "Brskalnik po skladišu pa lahko uporabite tudi za iskanje željene vsebine, ki jo lahko prekopirate v delovno kopijo neposredno iz skladiša in jo kopirate med dvema lokacijama v skladišu. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repobrowser\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6300
msgid "Ignoring Files And Directories"
msgstr "Dodajanje datotek in map na seznam prezrtih elementov"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6302
msgid "ignore"
msgstr "prezri"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6305
msgid "<placeholder-1/> In most projects you will have files and folders that should not be subject to version control. These might include files created by the compiler, <filename>*.obj, *.lst</filename>, maybe an output folder used to store the executable. Whenever you commit changes, TortoiseSVN shows your unversioned files, which fills up the file list in the commit dialog. Of course you can turn off this display, but then you might forget to add a new source file."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> V veini projektov obstajajo datoteke in mape, ki jih ne dajemo pod nadzor razliic. To so datoteke, ki jih naredi prevajalnik (<filename>*.obj, *.lst</filename>), mape, kamor se shranjujejo izvršne datoteke. Ko objavljate spremembe, TortoiseSVN prikaže datoteke brez razliic, kar napolni seznam v oknu za objave. Seveda lahko prikaz datotek brez razliic izklopite, vendar lahko to povzroi, da pozabite dodati nove izvorne datoteke v skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6318
msgid "The best way to avoid these problems is to add the derived files to the project's ignore list. That way they will never show up in the commit dialog, but genuine unversioned source files will still be flagged up."
msgstr "Tem problemom se najlažje izognete, e dodate generirane datoteke na projektni seznam prezrtih elementov. Na ta nain se te datoteke ne bodo pojavile v oknu za objave, medtem ko boste tam še vedno videli izvorne datoteke brez razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6324
msgid "If you <action>right click</action> on a single unversioned file, and select the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Add to Ignore List</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the context menu, a submenu appears allowing you to select just that file, or all files with the same extension. If you select multiple files, there is no submenu and you can only add those specific files/folders."
msgstr "Œe <action>desno kliknete</action> na posamezno datoteko brez razliic in iz kontekstnega menija izberete ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dodaj na seznam prezrtih</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, se pojavi podmeni, ki vam omogoa, da izberete le izbrano datoteko ali pa vse datoteke z isto konnico. Œe izberete ve datotek, se podmeni ne pojavi in lahko dodate na seznam prezrtih elementov le izbrane datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6336
msgid "If you want to remove one or more items from the ignore list, <action>right click</action> on those items and select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove from Ignore List</guimenuitem></menuchoice> You can also access a folder's <literal>svn:ignore</literal> property directly. That allows you to specify more general patterns using filename globbing, described in the section below. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/> for more information on setting properties directly. Please be aware that each ignore pattern has to be placed on a separate line. Separating them by spaces does not work."
msgstr "Œe želite iz seznama prezrtih odstraniti enega ali ve elementov, <action>desno kliknite</action> na elemente in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Odstrani s seznama prezrtih</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Dostopate pa lahko tudi neposredno do lastnosti <literal>svn:ignore</literal> doloene mape. To vam omogoa, da lahko doloite bolj splošne vzorce za preziranje, kar je opisano spodaj. Za neposredno nastavljanje lastnosti preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>. Upoštevajte, da je vsak vzorec za prezrte datoteke potrebno vpisati v svojo vrstico. Loevanje s presledki ne deluje."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6351
msgid "The Global Ignore List"
msgstr "Splošni seznam prezrtih"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6352
msgid "Another way to ignore files is to add them to the <firstterm>global ignore list</firstterm>. The big difference here is that the global ignore list is a client property. It applies to <emphasis>all</emphasis> Subversion projects, but on the client PC only. In general it is better to use the <filename>svn:ignore</filename> property where possible, because it can be applied to specific project areas, and it works for everyone who checks out the project. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/> for more information."
msgstr "Drug nain, kako prezreti datoteke, je dodajanje na <firstterm>splošen seznam prezrtih elementov</firstterm>. Razlika je v tem, da je splošen seznam lastnost odjemalca. Velja za <emphasis>vse</emphasis> projekte v sistemu Subversion, vendar le na raunalniku, kjer je namešen odjemalec. Kjer je to le mogoe, je v splošnem bolje uporabiti lastnost <filename>svn:ignore</filename>, ker jo lahko nastavimo na doloene dele projekta, poleg tega pa velja za vse uporabnike, ki prevzamejo projekt. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6365
msgid "Ignoring Versioned Items"
msgstr "Dodajanje elementov pod nadzorom razliic na seznam prezrtih"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6366
msgid "Versioned files and folders can never be ignored - that's a feature of Subversion. If you versioned a file by mistake, read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-howto-unversion\"/> for instructions on how to <quote>unversion</quote> it."
msgstr "Datotek in map pod nadzorom razliic ni mogoe prezreti. Œe ste dali datoteko pod nadzor razliic po pomoti, preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-howto-unversion\"/>, kjer je opisano, kako jo iz sistema nadzora <quote>odstranite</quote>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6374
msgid "Pattern Matching in Ignore Lists"
msgstr "Iskanje vzorcev v seznamu prezrtih elementov"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6376
msgid "globbing"
msgstr "vzorci"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6379
msgid "pattern matching"
msgstr "iskanje vzorcev"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6388
msgid "*"
msgstr "*"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6390
msgid "Matches any string of characters, including the empty string (no characters)."
msgstr "Poiše katerikoli niz znakov ali prazen niz (brez znakov)."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6397
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6399
msgid "Matches any single character."
msgstr "Poiše katerikoli znak."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6405
msgid "[...]"
msgstr "[...]"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6407
msgid "Matches any one of the characters enclosed in the square brackets. Within the brackets, a pair of characters separated by <quote>-</quote> matches any character lexically between the two. For example <literal>[AGm-p]</literal> matches any one of <literal>A</literal>, <literal>G</literal>, <literal>m</literal>, <literal>n</literal>, <literal>o</literal> or <literal>p</literal>."
msgstr "Poiše katerikoli znak, ki je podan v oglatem oklepaju. Par znakov znotraj oklepajev, loen z <quote>-</quote>, pomeni katerikoli znak med tema dvema znakoma. Primer: <literal>[AGm-p]</literal> iše kateregakoli izmed naslednjih znakov: <literal>A</literal>, <literal>G</literal>, <literal>m</literal>, <literal>n</literal>, <literal>o</literal> ali <literal>p</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6381
msgid "Subversion's ignore patterns make use of filename globbing, a technique originally used in Unix to specify files using meta-characters as wildcards. The following characters have special meaning: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Iskanje vzorcev v sistemu Subversion uporablja tehniko, ki izvira iz sistema Unix in se uporablja za doloanje datotek z uporabo meta-znakov. Naslednji znaki imajo poseben pomen: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6421
msgid "Subversion uses the <literal>/</literal> as the path delimiter in all internal pathnames, and all pattern matching is done against this style of path names. If you want to use a path delimiter in your ignore pattern, be sure to use <literal>/</literal>, and not the Windows backslash."
msgstr "Subversion v vseh notranjih imenih poti uporablja znak <literal>/</literal> za loevanje poti, zato se ta oblika zapisa uporablja tudi pri iskanju vzorcev. Œe želite v svojih vzorcih uporabiti znak za loevanje poti, morate uporabiti <literal>/</literal> in ne <literal>\\</literal>, ki se uporablja v sistemu Windows."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6427
msgid "Pattern matching is case sensitive, which can cause problems on Windows. You can force case insensitivity the hard way by pairing characters, eg. to ignore <literal>*.tmp</literal> regardless of case, you could use a pattern like <literal>*.[Tt][Mm][Pp]</literal>."
msgstr "Iskanje vzorcev je obutljivo na velike in male rke, kar lahko v sistemu Windows povzroa težave. Neobutljivost lahko vsilite s podvajanjem znakov. Primer: za prezrtje <literal>*.tmp</literal> ne glede na uporabo velikih in malih rk uporabite vzorec <literal>*.[Tt][Mm][Pp]</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6434
msgid "Subversion uses this pattern matching against every path presented to it for action. These paths are generally relative to the directory being acted upon for import, add, commit, etc. The matching pattern therefore has to take account of the fact that there may or may not be path components before the filename."
msgstr "Subversion uporablja iskanje vzorcev za vse poti, ki jih uporabimo pri ukazih. Te poti so v splošnem relativne na mapo, na kateri ukaz deluje (n. pr. pri uvažanju, dodajanju, objavi). Iskanje vzorcev mora zato upoštevati, da je pred imenom datoteke lahko naveden del poti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6441
msgid "If directory names are present in a path, the matching algorithm will not trim them off, so pattern <literal>Fred.*</literal> will match <literal>Fred.c</literal> but not <literal>subdir/Fred.c</literal>. This is significant if you add a folder which contains some files that you want to be ignored, because those filenames will be preceded with the folder name when Subversion compares them with the ignore pattern."
msgstr "Œe je v imenu datoteke navedena tudi pot, je algoritem za iskanje vzorcev ne bo odrezal. Vzorec <literal>Fred.*</literal> bo našel niz <literal>Fred.c</literal>, ne pa tudi niza <literal>subdir/Fred.c</literal>. To je pomembno, e želite dodati mapo, ki vsebuje doloene datoteke, ki jih želite prezreti. Te datoteke bodo namre navedene z delom poti pred imenom in takšen niz se bo uporabil pri iskanju vzorcev."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6450
msgid "The <literal>/</literal> character is not treated in any special way for pattern matching purposes, so the pattern <literal>abc*xyz</literal> would match <literal>abcdxyz</literal> but also <literal>abcdir/subdir/anything/morexyz</literal>."
msgstr "Znak <literal>/</literal> pri iskanju vzorcev nima posebnega pomena, tako da vzorec <literal>abc*xyz</literal> najde tako <literal>abcdxyz</literal> kot tudi <literal>abcmapa/podmapa/nekaj/šenekajxyz</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6456
msgid "To ignore all <literal>CVS</literal> folders you should either specify a pattern of <literal>*CVS</literal> or better, the pair <literal>CVS */CVS</literal>. The first option works, but would also exclude something called <literal>ThisIsNotCVS</literal>. Using <literal>*/CVS</literal> alone will not work on an immediate child <literal>CVS</literal> folder, and <literal>CVS</literal> alone will not work on sub-folders."
msgstr "Za dodajanje vseh map <literal>CVS</literal> na seznam uporabite vzorec <literal>*CVS</literal> ali še bolje: par <literal>CVS */CVS</literal>. Prva možnost sicer deluje, vendar preskoi naprimer element <literal>ToNiCVS</literal>. Sam vzorec <literal>*/CVS</literal> ne deluje na neposrednih podmapah, sam vzorec <literal>CVS</literal> pa ne deluje na podmapah."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6465
msgid "If you want an official definition for globbing, you can find it in the IEEE specifications for the shell command language <ulink url=\"http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html#tag_02_13\"><citetitle>Pattern Matching Notation</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Če vas zanima uradna definicija iskanja vzorcev v datotekah, jo najdete v Specifikaciji IEEE za ukaze lupine <ulink url=\"http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html#tag_02_13\"><citetitle>Pattern Matching Notation</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6475
msgid "Deleting, Moving and Renaming"
msgstr "Brisanje, preimenovanje in premikanje"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6481
msgid "Explorer context menu for versioned files"
msgstr "Konteksni meni v Raziskovalcu za datotek pod nadzorom razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6476
msgid "Unlike CVS, Subversion allows renaming and moving of files and folders. So there are menu entries for delete and rename in the TortoiseSVN submenu. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "V nasprotju s sistemom CVS Subversion dovoljuje preimenovanje in premikanje datotek in map. Zato so v podmeniju TortoiseSVN ukazi za brisanje in preimenovanje. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6486
msgid "Deleting files and folders"
msgstr "Brisanje datotek in map"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6488
msgid "delete"
msgstr "izbriši"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6491
msgid "remove"
msgstr "odstrani"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6493
msgid "Use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to remove files or folders from subversion."
msgstr "Za brisanje datotek ali map iz sistema Subversion uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6501
msgid "When you <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></menuchoice> a file, it is removed from your working copy immediately as well as being marked for deletion in the repository on next commit. The file's parent folder shows a \"deleted\" icon overlay. Up until you commit the change, you can get the file back using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revert</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on the parent folder."
msgstr "Ko uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši</guimenuitem></menuchoice> na datoteki, se ta takoj izbriše iz delovne kopije, prav tako pa se oznai za brisanje v skladišu. Brisanje se bo zgodilo ob naslednji objavi. Nadrejena mapa datoteke ima ikono \"izbrisano\". Dokler sprememb ne objavite, lahko izbrisano datoteko pridobite nazaj z uporabo ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Povrni</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, ki ga izvedete na nadrejeni mapi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6517
msgid "When you <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></menuchoice> a folder, it remains in your working copy, but the overlay changes to indicate that it is marked for deletion. Up until you commit the change, you can get the folder back using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revert</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on the folder itself. This difference in behaviour between files and folders is a part of Subversion, not TortoiseSVN."
msgstr "Ko uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši</guimenuitem></menuchoice> na mapi, ta ostane v delovni kopiji, njena ikona pa se spremeni in nakazuje, da je mapa oznaena za brisanje. Dokler sprememb ne objavite, lahko mapo pridobite nazaj z uporabo ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Povrni</guimenuitem></menuchoice> na mapi sami. Ta sprememba v obnašanju pri datotekah in mapah ima vzrok v delovanju sistema Subversion, ne sistema TortoiseSVN."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6534
msgid "If you want to delete an item from the repository, but keep it locally as an unversioned file/folder, use <menuchoice><guimenu>Extended Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete (keep local)</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You have to hold the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key while right clicking on the item in the explorer list pane (right pane) in order to see this in the extended context menu."
msgstr "Œe želite izbrisati element iz skladiša, vendar ga želite obdržati krajevno kot datoteko/mapo brez razliic, uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>Razširjeni kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši (ohrani krajevno)</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Da bi se vam prikazal razširjeni kontekstni meni, morate držati tipko <keycap>Shift</keycap> ob desnem kliku na element v Raziskovalcu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6545
msgid "If a <emphasis>file</emphasis> is deleted via the explorer instead of using the TortoiseSVN context menu, the commit dialog shows those files and lets you remove them from version control too before the commit. However, if you update your working copy, Subversion will spot the missing file and replace it with the latest version from the repository. If you need to delete a version-controlled file, always use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></menuchoice> so that Subversion doesn't have to guess what you really want to do."
msgstr "Œe <emphasis>datoteko</emphasis> izbrišete iz Raziskovalca, namesto da bi uporabili ukaz iz kontekstnega menija TortoiseSVN, vam okno za objave to datoteko prikaže in vam omogoa, da jo pred objavo odstranite tudi iz sistema razliic. Œe pa delovno kopijo posodobite, bo Subversion manjkajoo krajevno datoteko nadomestil z zadnjo razliico te datoteke v skladišu. Œe želite izbrisati datoteko pod nadzorom razliic, vedno uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, da sistemu Subversion ne bo potrebno ugibati, kaj pravzaprav želite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6559
msgid "If a <emphasis>folder</emphasis> is deleted via the explorer instead of using the TortoiseSVN context menu, your working copy will be broken and you will be unable to commit. If you update your working copy, Subversion will replace the missing folder with the latest version from the repository and you can then delete it the correct way using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Œe <emphasis>mapo</emphasis> izbrišete iz Raziskovalca, namesto da bi uporabili ukaz iz kontekstnega menija TortoiseSVN, bo vaša delovna kopija pokvarjena in sprememb ne boste mogli objavljati. Œe delovno kopijo posodobite, bo Subversion manjkajoo mapo nadomestil z najnovejšo razliico mape iz skladiša. Potem jo lahko izbrišete na pravilen nain z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6572
msgid "Getting a deleted file or folder back"
msgstr "Kako dobiti nazaj izbrisane datoteke ali mape"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6573
msgid "If you have deleted a file or a folder and already committed that delete operation to the repository, then a normal <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revert</guimenuitem></menuchoice> can't bring it back anymore. But the file or folder is not lost at all. If you know the revision the file or folder got deleted (if you don't, use the log dialog to find out) open the repository browser and switch to that revision. Then select the file or folder you deleted, right-click and select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Copy to...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> as the target for that copy operation select the path to your working copy."
msgstr "Œe ste datoteko ali mapo izbrisali in spremembe že objavili, potem ne morete uporabiti ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Povrni</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, da bi jo dobili nazaj. Datoteka ali mapa pa seveda ni izgubljena. Œe poznate številko revizije, v kateri je bila datoteka ali mapa izbrisana (e je ne poznate, jo poišite v Dnevniku), odprite brskalnik po skladišu in preklopite na to revizijo. Potem izberite datoteko ali mapo in izvedite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Kopiraj v...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, kot cilj kopiranja pa izberite pot v delovni kopiji."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6595
msgid "Moving files and folders"
msgstr "Premikanje datotek in map"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6597
msgid "rename"
msgstr "preimenuj"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6600
msgid "move"
msgstr "premakni"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6603
msgid "If you want to do a simple in-place rename of a file or folder, use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Rename...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Enter the new name for the item and you're done."
msgstr "Œe želite datoteko preimenovati, uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni </guimenu><guimenuitem>Preimenuj...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Vpišite novo ime za element in preimenovanje je opravljeno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6618
msgid "select the files or directories you want to move"
msgstr "izberite datoteke ali mape, ki jih želite premakniti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6634
msgid "in the popup menu select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN Move versioned files here</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"
msgstr "v meniju izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN - Premakni datoteke pod nadzorom sem</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6612
msgid "If you want to move files around inside your working copy, perhaps to a different sub-folder, use the right-mouse drag-and-drop handler: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe želite datoteke premakniti znotraj delovne kopije, naprimer v drugo podmapo, uporabite poteg z desnim miškinim gumbom: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6645
msgid "Commit the parent folder"
msgstr "Objavi nadrejeno mapo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6646
msgid "Since renames and moves are done as a delete followed by an add you must commit the parent folder of the renamed/moved file so that the deleted part of the rename/move will show up in the commit dialog. If you don't commit the removed part of the rename/move, it will stay behind in the repository and when your co-workers update, the old file will not be removed. i.e. they will have <emphasis>both</emphasis> the old and the new copies."
msgstr "Ker je preimenovanje izvedeno kot zaporedni operaciji brisanja in dodajanja, morate narediti objavo na nadrejeni mapi datoteke, da se bo tudi izbrisana datoteka prikazala v oknu za objavo. Œe izbrisane datoteke ne objavite, bo le-ta ostala v skladišu in ne bo odstanjena iz delovnih kopij vaših sodelavcev, ko bo ti posodabljali mapo. V delovni kopiji bodo <emphasis>obe</emphasis> datoteki - tako novo kot staro."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6656
msgid "You <emphasis>must</emphasis> commit a folder rename before changing any of the files inside the folder, otherwise your working copy can get really messed up."
msgstr "Preimenovanje mape <emphasis>morate</emphasis> objaviti preden zanete spreminjati njeno vsebino, v nasprotnem primeru lahko lahko pride do okvare delovne kopije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6662
msgid "You can also use the repository browser to move items around. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repobrowser\"/> to find out more."
msgstr "Za premikanje elementov lahko uporabite tudi brskalnik po skladišu. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repobrowser\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6667
msgid "Do Not SVN Move Externals"
msgstr "Zunanjih elementov ne premikajte z ukazi Subversion"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6668
msgid "You should <emphasis>not</emphasis> use the TortoiseSVN <guilabel>Move</guilabel> or <guilabel>Rename</guilabel> commands on a folder which has been created using <literal>svn:externals</literal>. This action would cause the external item to be deleted from its parent repository, probably upsetting many other people. If you need to move an externals folder you should use an ordinary shell move, then adjust the <literal>svn:externals</literal> properties of the source and destination parent folders."
msgstr "Ukazov <guilabel>Premakni</guilabel> in <guilabel>Preimenuj</guilabel> <emphasis>ne</emphasis> uporabljajte na mapah, ki imajo nastavljeno lastnost <literal>svn:externals</literal>. To bi povzroilo izbris zunanjega elementa iz nadrejene mape, kar bi najbrž razjezilo precej uporabnikov. Œe želite premakniti zunanjo mapo, uporabite premikanje v Raziskovalcu, nato pa uskladite lastnosti <literal>svn:externals</literal> nadrejenih map vira in cilja."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6683
msgid "Changing case in a filename"
msgstr "Spreminjanje velikih in malih rk v imenih datotek"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6685
msgid "Making case-only changes to a filename is tricky with Subversion on Windows, because for a short time during a rename, both filenames have to exist. As Windows has a case-insensitive file system, this does not work using the usual Rename command."
msgstr "Spreminjanje imena, ki se od starega razlikuje le v velikih in malih rkah, je na sistemu Windows malce nerodno. Med preimenovanjem morata namre za kratek as obstajati obe datoteki. Ker pa datoteni sistema operacijskega sistema Windows ne loi med velikimi in malimi rkami, ukaza Preimenuj ne morete uporabiti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6691
msgid "Fortunately there are (at least) two possible methods to rename a file without losing its log history. It is important to rename it within subversion. Just renaming in the explorer will corrupt your working copy!"
msgstr "Na sreo obstajata (vsaj) dve možni rešitvi, kako preimenovati datoteko brez izgube zgodovine. Pomembno je, da jo preimenujete v sistemu Subversion. Preimonovanje v Raziskovalcu pokvari delovno kopijo!!!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6701
msgid "Commit the changes in your working copy."
msgstr "Objavite spremembe v delovni kopiji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6706
msgid "Rename the file from UPPERcase to upperCASE directly in the repository using the repository browser."
msgstr "Datoteko preimenujete (zamenjajte ustrezne velike in male rk) neposredno v skladišu s pomojo brskalnika po skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6712
msgid "Update your working copy."
msgstr "Posodobite delovno kopijo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6697
msgid "Solution A) (recommended) <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Rešitev A) (priporoena) <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6722
msgid "Rename from UPPERcase to UPPERcase_ with the rename command in the TortoiseSVN submenu."
msgstr "Preimenujte datoteko, tako da uporabite ukaz Preimenuj iz kontekstnega menija TortoiseSVN. Novo ime naj bo enako staremu, dodajte mu le znak _ na koncu."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6728
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6738
msgid "Commit the changes."
msgstr "Objavite spremembe"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6733
msgid "Rename from UPPERcase_ to upperCASE."
msgstr "Preimenujte datoteko (zamenjajte ustrezne velike in male rke)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6718
msgid "Solution B) <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Rešitev B) <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6746
msgid "Dealing with filename case conflicts"
msgstr "Obravnava težav pri imenih datotek zaradi velikih in malih rk"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6747
msgid "If the repository already contains two files with the same name but differing only in case (e.g. <filename>TEST.TXT</filename> and <filename>test.txt</filename>), you will not be able to update or checkout the parent directory on a Windows client. Whilst Subversion supports case-sensitive filenames, Windows does not."
msgstr "Œe se v skladišu že nahajata dve datoteki, ki se razlikujeta samo v velikih in malih rkah (n. pr. <filename>TEST.TXT</filename> in <filename>test.txt</filename>), mape, kjer se ti dve datoteki nahajata, na sistemu Windows ne morete posodobiti ali prevzeti. Subversion namre omogoa loevanje imen, ki se razlikujejo samo v velikih in malih rkah, sistem Windows pa ne."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6755
msgid "This sometimes happens when two people commit, from separate working copies, files which happen to have the same name, but with a case difference. It can also happen when files are committed from a system with a case-sensitive file system, like Linux."
msgstr "Ta situacija je možna, e dva uporabnika iz dveh razlinih delovnih kopij objavita datoteko, ki se razlikuje le v velikih in malih rkah. Možna pa je tudi takrat, ko uporabniki uporabljajo operacijski sistem, ki v datotenem sistemu louje velike in male rke, n. pr. Linux."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6762
msgid "In that case, you have to decide which one of them you want to keep and delete (or rename) the other one from the repository."
msgstr "V takšnem primeru se morate odloiti, katero izmed dveh datotek boste obdržali, drugo pa morate v skladišu izbrisati ali premenovati."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6767
msgid "Preventing two files with the same name"
msgstr "Kako prepreiti dve datoteki z enakima imenoma"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6768
msgid "There is a server hook script available at: <ulink url=\"http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/\"><citetitle>http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/</citetitle></ulink> that will prevent checkins which result in case conflicts."
msgstr "Na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/\"><citetitle>http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/</citetitle></ulink> je na razpolago skripta akcije, ki prepreči objave, ki vodijo do spora zaradi velikih in malih črk."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6778
msgid "Repairing File Renames"
msgstr "Popravljanje preimenovanj datotek"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6779
msgid "Sometimes your friendly IDE will rename files for you as part of a refactoring exercise, and of course it doesn't tell Subversion. If you try to commit your changes, Subversion will see the old filename as missing and the new one as an unversioned file. You could just check the new filename to get it added in, but you would then lose the history tracing, as Subversion does not know the files are related."
msgstr "Vasih vaše prijazno razvojno orodje preimenuje datoteke kot del refaktoriranja in seveda tega ne pove sistemu Subversion. Œe poskusite takšne spremembe objaviti, vidite staro datoteko kot manjkajoo in novo kot datoteko brez razliic. Lahko bi enostavno dodali datoteko brez razliic, vendar bi v tem primeru izgubili zgodovino, saj Subversion ne ve, da sta datoteki povezani."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6787
msgid "A better way is to notify Subversion that this change is actually a rename, and you can do this within the <guilabel>Commit</guilabel> and <guilabel>Check for Modifications</guilabel> dialogs. Simply select both the old name (missing) and the new name (unversioned) and use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Repair Move</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to pair the two files as a rename."
msgstr "Boljši nain je, da sistemu Subversion poveste, da gre v tem primeru dejansko za preimenovanje datoteke in sicer lahko to storite v oknih <guilabel>Objavi</guilabel> in <guilabel>Preveri posodobitve</guilabel>. Enostavno izberite tako staro datoteko (manjkajoo) kot novo (brez razliic) in uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Popravi premik</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem datoteki povežete v preimenovanje."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6801
msgid "Deleting Unversioned Files"
msgstr "Brisanje datotek brez razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6802
msgid "Usually you set your ignore list such that all generated files are ignored in Subversion. But what if you want to clear all those ignored items to produce a clean build? Usually you would set that in your makefile, but if you are debugging the makefile, or changing the build system it is useful to have a way of clearing the decks."
msgstr "Obiajno nastavite sezname prezrtih elementov v sistemu v Subversion tako, da se prezrejo vse generirane datoteke. Kaj pa, e želite poistiti vse prezrte datoteke, da bi naredili isto gradnjo? Obiajno naredite to v skripti makefile, e pa to skripto razhrošujete ali delate spremembe v sistemu gradnje, je koristno, e lahko delovno kopijo poistite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6809
msgid "TortoiseSVN provides just such an option using <menuchoice><guimenu>Extended Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete unversioned items...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You have to hold the <keycap>Shift</keycap> while right clicking on a folder in the explorer list pane (right pane) in order to see this in the extended context menu. This will produce a dialog which lists all unversioned files anywhere in your working copy. You can then select or deselect items to be removed."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN vam ponuja to možnost z uporabo ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>Razširjeni kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši datoteke brez razliic...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Da vidite razširjeni kontekstni meni, med desnim klikom na mapo v Raziskovalcu držite pritisnjeno tipko <keycap>Shift</keycap>. Prikazalo se bo pogovorno okno s seznamom vseh datotek brez razliic v delovni kopiji. Izberete lahko tiste, ki jih želite izbrisati."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6821
msgid "When such items are deleted, the recycle bin is used, so if you make a mistake here and delete a file that should have been versioned, you can still recover it."
msgstr "Pri brisanju elementov se le-te premakne v Koš, tako da jih lahko v primeru napake še vedno pridobite nazaj."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6829
msgid "Undo Changes"
msgstr "Razveljavljanje sprememb"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6831
msgid "revert"
msgstr "povrni"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6834
msgid "undo"
msgstr "razveljavi"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6849
msgid "Revert dialog"
msgstr "Okno za povrnitev"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6836
msgid "If you want to undo all changes you made in a file since the last update you need to select the file, <action>right click</action> to pop up the context menu and then select the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revert</guimenuitem></menuchoice> A dialog will pop up showing you the files that you've changed and can revert. Select those you want to revert and click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe želite v datoteki povrniti vse spremembe, ki ste jih naredili od zadnje posodobitve, <action>desno kliknite</action>, da se pojavi kontekstni meni in izberite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Povrni</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Pojavi se pogovorno okno s seznamom vseh spremenjenih datotek, ki jih lahko povrnete. Izberite tiste, ki jih želite povrniti in kliknite na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6853
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8214
msgid "The columns in this dialog can be customized in the same way as the columns in the <guilabel>Check for modifications</guilabel> dialog. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-wcstatus-2\"/> for further details."
msgstr "Stolpce v tem oknu lahko prilagodite enako kot stolpce v oknu <guilabel>Preveri spremembe</guilabel>. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-wcstatus-2\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6859
msgid "Undoing Changes which have been Committed"
msgstr "Povrnitev sprememb, ki so že bile objavljene"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6860
msgid "<menuchoice><guimenuitem>Revert</guimenuitem></menuchoice> will only undo your local changes. It does <emphasis>not</emphasis> undo any changes which have already been committed. If you want to undo all the changes which were committed in a particular revision, read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-showlog\"/> for further information."
msgstr "Z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Povrni</guimenuitem></menuchoice> lahko povrnete le spremembe, ki jih še niste objavili, <emphasis>ne</emphasis> pa tudi sprememb, ki ste jih že objavili. Œe želite povrniti vse spremembe, ki ste jih objavili v doloeni reviziji, preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-showlog\"/>."

#. (title)
#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6872
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12258
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13265
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13683
msgid "Cleanup"
msgstr "Œišenje"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6874
msgid "cleanup"
msgstr "poisti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6876
msgid "If a Subversion command cannot complete successfully, perhaps due to server problems, your working copy can be left in an inconsistent state. In that case you need to use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Cleanup</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on the folder. It is a good idea to do this at the top level of the working copy."
msgstr "Œe se nek ukaz sistema Subversion ne more izvesti uspešno, denimo zaradi težav s strežnikom, lahko vaša delovna kopija ostane v nekonsistentnem stanju. V tem primeru morate na mapi uporabiti ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Poisti</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Najbolje, da to storite na vrhnji mapi delovne kopije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6887
msgid "Cleanup has another useful side effect. If a file date changes but its content doesn't, Subversion cannot tell whether it has really changed except by doing a byte-by-byte comparison with the pristine copy. If you have a lot of files in this state it makes acquiring status very slow, which will make many dialogs slow to respond. Executing a Cleanup on your working copy will repair these <quote>broken</quote> timestamps and restore status checks to full speed."
msgstr "Œišenje ima še en uporaben stranski uinek. Œe se datum datoteke spremeni, njena vsebina pa ne, lahko Subversion ugotovi, ali gre za dejansko spremembo vsebine le s popolno primerjavo trenutne datoteke z zaetno datoteko. Œe imate v delovni kopiji veliko datotek s spremenjenim datumom, lahko pridobivanje dejanskega stanja datotek poteka zelo dolgo, kar upoasni odzivnost pogovornih oken. Œe na delovni kopiji izvedete ukaz Poisti, bo le-ta popravil datoteke z nepravilnim asovnim žigom in s tem poveal hitrost pridobivanja stanja datotek."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6898
msgid "Use Commit Timestamps"
msgstr "Uporabi asovni žig objave"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6899
msgid "Some earlier releases of Subversion were affected by a bug which caused timestamp mismatch when you check out with the <guilabel>Use commit timestamps</guilabel> option checked. Use the Cleanup command to speed up these working copies."
msgstr "Nekatere starejše razliice sistema Subversion so vsebovale napako, ki je povzroila nepravilne asovne žige datotek v primeru uporabe možnosti <guilabel>Uporabi asovni žig objave</guilabel>. Uporabite ukaz Poisti, da pohitrite odzivnost takšne delovne kopije."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6909
msgid "Project Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve projekta"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6911
msgid "properties"
msgstr "lastnosti"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6915
msgid "Explorer property page, Subversion tab"
msgstr "Stran Lastnosti v Raziskovalcu, zavihek Subversion"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6913
msgid "<placeholder-1/> Sometimes you want to have more detailed information about a file/directory than just the icon overlay. You can get all the information Subversion provides in the explorer properties dialog. Just select the file or directory and select <menuchoice><guimenu>Windows Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>properties</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the context menu (note: this is the normal properties menu entry the explorer provides, not the one in the TortoiseSVN submenu!). In the properties dialog box TortoiseSVN has added a new property page for files/folders under Subversion control, where you can see all relevant information about the selected file/directory."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Vasih hoete o datoteki/mapi izvedeti ve, kot pove prekrivna ikona. Vse informacije, ki jih Subversion poda, lahko najdete v oknu Lastnosti. V Raziskovalcu izberite datoteko in v kontekstnem meniju izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Meni Windows</guimenu><guimenuitem>Lastnosti</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (pazite: to je obiajno okno Lastnosti, ki ga prikaže Raziskovalec, ne tisti v podmeniju TortoiseSVN!). V to okno za datoteke/mape pod nadzorom razliic TortoiseSVN doda zavihek Subversion, kjer dobite vse potrebne ifnormacije o izbrani datoteki/mapi."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6935
msgid "Subversion Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti Subversion"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6940
msgid "Subversion property page"
msgstr "Lastnosti v sistemu Subversion"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6938
msgid "<placeholder-1/> You can read and set the Subversion properties from the Windows properties dialog, but also from <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>properties</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and within TortoiseSVN's status lists, from <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>properties</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Lastnosti Subversion lahko preberete in nastavite v oknu Lastnosti, ki ga prikaže sistem Windows. Poleg tega vidite te lastnosti tudi, e uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Lastnosti</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. V pogovornih oknih TortoiseSVN, kjer se izpišejo seznami datotek, lahko lastnosti prikažete z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Lastnosti</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6955
msgid "You can add your own properties, or some properties with a special meaning in Subversion. These begin with <literal>svn:</literal>. <literal>svn:externals</literal> is such a property; see how to handle externals in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-4\"/>. For more information about properties in Subversion see the <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html\"><citetitle>Special Properties</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Dodate lahko svoje lastne lastnosti ali nekatere lastnosti, ki imajo v sistemu Subversion poseben pomen. Te se začnejo s <literal>svn:</literal>. Takšna lastnost je <literal>svn:externals</literal>; kako se uporablja zunanje elemente, si poglejte v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-4\"/>. Za več informacij o lastnostih v sistemu Subversion pa si poglejte <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html\"><citetitle>Special Properties</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6967
msgid "Adding properties"
msgstr "Dodajanje lastnosti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6965
msgid "<placeholder-1/> To add a new property, first click on <guilabel>Add...</guilabel>. Select the required property name from the combo box, or type in a name of your own choice, then enter a value in the box below. Properties which take multiple values, such as an ignore list, can be entered on multiple lines. Click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to add that property to the list."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Œe želite dodati novo lastnost, najprej kliknite na gumb <guilabel>Dodaj...</guilabel>. Iz spustnega menija izberite zahtevano lastnost ali vpišite ime svoje lastnosti, nato pa v vnosno polje vpišite vrednost. Pri lastnostih, ki dopušajo ve vrednosti, n. pr. seznam prezrtih elementov, vnesite po eno vrednost v vrstico. S klikom na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton> dodate lastnost na seznam."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6977
msgid "If you want to apply a property to many items at once, select the files/folders in explorer, then select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>properties</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"
msgstr "Œe želite lastnost nastaviti ve elementom naenkrat, v Raziskovalcu izberite datoteke/mape, nato pa pokliite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Lastnosti</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6985
msgid "If you want to apply the property to <emphasis>every</emphasis> file and folder in the hierarchy below the current folder, check the <guilabel>Recursive</guilabel> checkbox."
msgstr "Œe želite nastaviti lastnost <emphasis>vsaki</emphasis> datoteki in mapi v hierarhiji pod trenutno mapo, uporabite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Rekurzivno</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6990
msgid "Some properties, for example <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>, can only be applied to files, so the property name doesn't appear in the drop down list for folders. You can still apply such a property recursively to all files in a hierarchy, but you have to type in the property name yourself."
msgstr "Nekatere lastnosti, n. pr. <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>, lahko nastavite le na datotekah, tako da se ime lastnosti ne pojavi v spustnih menijih pri mapah. Še vedno lahko takšno lastnost nastavite rekurzivno na vseh datotekah hierarhije, vendar morate ime lastnosti vpisati sami."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:6997
msgid "If you wish to edit an existing property, select that property from the list of existing properties, then click on <guibutton>Edit...</guibutton>."
msgstr "Œe želite urediti obstojeo lastnost, jo izberite iz seznama obstojeih lastnosti in kliknite na gumb <guibutton>Uredi...</guibutton>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7001
msgid "If you wish to remove an existing property, select that property from the list of existing properties, then click on <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>."
msgstr "Œe želite odstraniti nastavljeno lastnost, jo izberite iz seznama obstojeih lastnosti in kliknite na gumb <guibutton>Odstrani</guibutton>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7005
msgid "The <literal>svn:externals</literal> property can be used to pull in other projects from the same repository or a completely different repository. For more information, read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-4\"/>."
msgstr "Lastnost <literal>svn:externals</literal> se uporablja za vkljuitev zunanjih elementov iz istega ali drugega skladiša. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-4\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7011
msgid "TortoiseSVN can handle binary property values using files. To read a binary property value, <guibutton>Save...</guibutton> to a file. To set a binary value, use a hex editor or other appropriate tool to create a file with the content you require, then <guibutton>Load...</guibutton> from that file."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN lahko z uporabo datotek dodaja lastnostim dvojiške vrednosti. Œe želite dvojiško lastnost prebrati, jo shranite v datoteko z gumbom <guibutton>Shrani...</guibutton>. Œe želite dvojiško lastnost nastaviti, uporabite urejevalnik datotek ali drugo primerno orodje, ki vam omogoa ustvariti datoteko z željeno vsebino, potem pa datoteko naložite s klikom na gumb <guibutton>Naloži...</guibutton>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7018
msgid "Although binary properties are not often used, they can be useful in some applications. For example if you are storing huge graphics files, or if the application used to load the file is huge, you might want to store a thumbnail as a property so you can obtain a preview quickly."
msgstr "Œeprav se dvojiške lastnosti ne uporabljajo prav pogosto, pa so vasih precej uporabne. Primer: e shranjujete obsežne grafine datoteke ali e je aplikacija, ki slike nalaga, obsežna, lahko pomanjšane slike shranite kot lastnosti datotek in jih tako hitreje pregledujete."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7025
msgid "Commit properties"
msgstr "Objavite lastnosti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7026
msgid "Subversion properties are versioned. After you change or add a property you have to commit your changes."
msgstr "Lastnosti v sistemu Subversion so pod nadzorom razliic. Potem, ko spremenite ali dodate lastnosti, morate spremembe objaviti."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7032
msgid "Conflicts on properties"
msgstr "Spori pri lastnostih"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7033
msgid "If there's a conflict on committing the changes, because another user has changed the same property, Subversion generates a <filename>.prej</filename> file. Delete this file after you have resolved the conflict."
msgstr "Œe pri objavi sprememb pride do spora, ker je nek drug uporabnik sprememnil isto lastnost, Subversion ustvari datoteko <filename>.prej</filename>. Ko rešite spor, to datoteko izbrišite."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7041
msgid "Automatic property setting"
msgstr "Samodejna nastavitev lastnosti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7042
msgid "You can configure Subversion to set properties automatically on files and folders when they are added to the repository. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings\"/> for further information."
msgstr "Subversion lahko prilagodite tako, da se lastnosti samodejno nastavijo datotekam in mapam, ko se te dodajo v skladiše. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7050
msgid "TortoiseSVN Project Properties"
msgstr "Projektne lastnosti TortoiseSVN"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7056
msgid "<literal>tsvn:logminsize</literal> sets the minimum length of a log message for a commit. If you enter a shorter message than specified here, the commit is disabled. This feature is very useful for reminding you to supply a proper descriptive message for every commit. If this property is not set, or the value is zero, empty log messages are allowed."
msgstr "<literal>tsvn:logminsize</literal> nastavi najmanjšo dolžino sporoila dnevniškega zapisa za objavo. Œe vnesete krajši zapis, objava ni mogoa. Ta lastnost je uporabna, ker vas opozori, da morate pri vsaki objavi podati primerno opisno sporoilo. Œe ta lastnost ni nastavljena ali je nastavljena na vrednost ni, sistem omogoa objavo brez sporoila."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7065
msgid "<literal>tsvn:lockmsgminsize</literal> sets the minimum length of a lock message. If you enter a shorter message than specified here, the lock is disabled. This feature is very useful for reminding you to supply a proper descriptive message for every lock you get. If this property is not set, or the value is zero, empty lock messages are allowed."
msgstr "<literal>tsvn:lockmsgminsize</literal> nastavi najmanjšo dolžino sporoila pri zaklepu. Œe vnesete krajši zapis, pridobitev zaklepa ni mogoa. Ta lastnost je uporabna, ker vas opozori, da morate pri pridobivanju zaklepa podati primerno opisno sporoilo. Œe ta lastnost ni nastavljena ali je nastavljena na vrednost ni, sistem omogoa pridobivanje zaklepa brez vnosa sporoila."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7076
msgid "<literal>tsvn:logwidthmarker</literal> is used with projects which require log messages to be formatted with some maximum width (typically 80 characters) before a line break. Setting this property to a non-zero will do 2 things in the log message entry dialog: it places a marker to indicate the maximum width, and it disables word wrap in the display, so that you can see whether the text you entered is too long. Note: this feature will only work correctly if you have a fixed-width font selected for log messages."
msgstr "<literal>tsvn:logwidthmarker</literal> se uporablja pri projektih, ki zahtevajo, da je sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa oblikovano tako, da imajo vrstice doloeno najvejo dolžino (tipino je ta dolžina 80 znakov) pred novo vrstico. Nastavitev vrednosti, razline od ni, ima dve posledici v oknu za vnos dnevniškega zapisa: nariše mejo najveje dovoljene dolžine vrstice in onemogoi oblivanje besedila, tako da vidite, katere vrstice so predolge. Opomba: ta zmožnost pravilno deluje le, e je pisava, uporabljena za sporoila dnevniških zapisov, konstantne širine."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7089
msgid "<literal>tsvn:logtemplate</literal> is used with projects which have rules about log message formatting. The property holds a multi-line text string which will be inserted in the commit message box when you start a commit. You can then edit it to include the required information. Note: if you are also using <literal>tsvn:logminsize</literal>, be sure to set the length longer than the template or you will lose the protection mechanism."
msgstr "<literal>tsvn:logtemplate</literal> se uporablja pri projektih, kjer je oblika sporoil dnevniških zapisov predpisana. Ta lastnosti vsebuje besedilo v ve vrsticah, ki se vstavi v okno za vnos sporoila dnevniškega zapisa ob prietku objave. Zapis nato uredite in vnesete zahtevane informacije. Opomba: e hkrati s to lastnostjo uporabljate tudi lastnost <literal>tsvn:logminsize</literal>, nastavite najmanjšo dolžino dnevniškega zapisa na vrednost, ki je veja od dolžine predloge, sicer doloanje najmanjše velikosti zapisa nima ve zašitne vloge."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7100
msgid "Subversion allows you to set <quote>autoprops</quote> which will be applied to newly added or imported files, based on the file extension. This depends on every client having set appropriate autoprops in their subversion configuration file. <literal>tsvn:autoprops</literal> can be set on folders and these will be merged with the user's local autoprops when importing or adding files."
msgstr "Subversion omogoa nastavljanje samodejnih lastnosti (<quote>autoprops</quote>), ki se nastavijo vsem novim ali uvoženim datotekam, odvisno od konnice datoteke. Vsak uporabnik mora imeti v svoji konfiguracijski datoteki odjemalca nastavljene ustrezne samodejne lastnosti. Lastnost <literal>tsvn:autoprops</literal> lahko nastavite tudi neposredno na mapah. Pri dodajanju ali uvažanju datotek se te lastnosti spojijo z lastnostmi, ki so nastavljene v konfiguracijski datoteki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7109
msgid "If there is a conflict between the local autoprops and <literal>tsvn:autoprops</literal>, the project settings take precedence because they are specific to that project."
msgstr "Œe pride do spora med krajevnimi samodejnimi lastnostmi in lastnostjo <literal>tsvn:autoprops</literal>, se upoštevajo nastavitve projekta, ker so sprecifine za ta projekt."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7116
msgid "In the Commit dialog you have the option to paste in the list of changed files, including the status of each file (added, modified, etc). <literal>tsvn:logfilelistenglish</literal> defines whether the file status is inserted in English or in the localized language. If the property is not set, the default is <literal>true</literal>."
msgstr "V oknu za objave lahko prilepite seznam spremenjenih datotek, vkljuno s stanjem vsake datoteke (dodano, spremenjeno...). Lastnost <literal>tsvn:logfilelistenglish</literal> doloa, ali se stanje vstavlja v angleškem jeziku ali v jeziku, ki ga uporabljate v programu TortoiseSVN. Œe te lastnosti ne nastavite, se upošteva privzeta vrednost <literal>true</literal>, kar pomeni, da so podatki o stanju prilepljeni v angleškem jeziku."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7127
msgid "TortoiseSVN can use spell checker modules which are also used by OpenOffice and Mozilla. If you have those installed this property will determine which spell checker to use, i.e. in which language the log messages for your project should be written. <literal>tsvn:projectlanguage</literal> sets the language module the spell checking engine should use when you enter a log message. You can find the values for your language on this page: <ulink url=\"http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776260.aspx\"><citetitle>MSDN: Language Identifiers</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "V programu TortoiseSVN lahko uporabljate črkovalnike, ki jih uporabljata tudi programa OpenOffice in Mozilla. Če imate nameščeno katero izmed teh dveh aplikacij, ta lastnost definira, kateri črkovalnik naj se uporabi, torej v katerem jeziku se vpisujejo sporočila dnevniških zapisov. Lastnost <literal>tsvn:projectlanguage</literal> nastavi jezikovni modul, ki naj se uporabi za preverjanje sporočil dnevniških zapisov. Vrednosti za vaš jezik najdete na naslednji strani: <ulink url=\"http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776260.aspx\"><citetitle>MSDN: Language Identifiers</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7141
msgid "You can enter this value in decimal, or in hexadecimal if prefixed with <literal>0x</literal>. For example English (US) can be entered as <literal>0x0409</literal> or <literal>1033</literal>."
msgstr "Vrednost lahko vnesete v desetiški obliki ali v šestnajstiški obliki - v tem primeru ji dodajte predpono <literal>0x</literal>. Primer: za uporabo ameriške anglešine vnesite <literal>0x0409</literal> ali <literal>1033</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7149
msgid "The property <literal>tsvn:logsummary</literal> is used to extract a portion of the log message which is then shown in the log dialog as the log message summary."
msgstr "Lastnost <literal>tsvn:logsummary</literal> se uporablja za izlušenje dela sporoila dnevniškega zapisa, ki se izpiše v dnevniku kot povzetek sporoila."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7154
msgid "The value of the <literal>tsvn:logsummary</literal> property must be set to a one line regex string which contains one regex group. Whatever matches that group is used as the summary."
msgstr "Vrednost lastnosti <literal>tsvn:logsummary</literal> mora biti enovrstini regularni izraz, ki vsebuje eno skupino. Rezultat te skupine se uporabi za povzetek."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7160
msgid "An example: <literal>\\[SUMMARY\\]:\\s+(.*)</literal> Will catch everything after \"[SUMMARY]\" in the log message and use that as the summary."
msgstr "Primer: <literal>\\[SUMMARY\\]:\\s+(.*)</literal> najde vso besedilo, ki se nahaja za nizom \"[SUMMARY]\" in ga uporabi kot povzetek."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7168
msgid "When you want to add a new property, you can either pick one from the list in the combo box, or you can enter any property name you like. If your project uses some custom properties, and you want those properties to appear in the list in the combo box (to avoid typos when you enter a property name), you can create a list of your custom properties using <literal>tsvn:userfileproperties</literal> and <literal>tsvn:userdirproperties</literal>. Apply these properties to a folder. When you go to edit the properties of any child item, your custom properties will appear in the list of pre-defined property names."
msgstr "Kadar želite dodati novo lastnost, jo lahko izberete iz seznama v spustnem polju ali pa vpišete poljubno ime lastnosti. Œe na projektu uporabljate uporabniško doloene lastnosti in želite, da se te lastnosti pojavijo v spustnem polju (v izogib tipkarskim napakam pri pisanju imena), lahko ustvarite seznam lastnih lastnosti z uporabo <literal>tsvn:userfileproperties</literal> in <literal>tsvn:userdirproperties</literal>. Te lastnosti nastavite mapi. Ko boste urejali lastnosti kateregakoli elementa v tej mapi, se bodo lastne lastnosti pojavile na seznamu preddefiniranih imen."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7051
msgid "TortoiseSVN has a few special properties of its own, and these begin with <literal>tsvn:</literal>. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "TortoiseSVN ima nekaj svojih posebnih lastnosti, ki se zanejo s <literal>tsvn:</literal>. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7184
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9382
msgid "Some <literal>tsvn:</literal> properties require a <literal>true/false</literal> value. TortoiseSVN also understands <literal>yes</literal> as a synonym for <literal>true</literal> and <literal>no</literal> as a synonym for <literal>false</literal>."
msgstr "Nekatere lastnosti <literal>tsvn:</literal> zahtevajo vrednost <literal>true/false</literal>. TortoiseSVN razume tudi besedo <literal>yes</literal> kot sinonim za <literal>true</literal> in besedo <literal>no</literal> kot sinonim za <literal>false</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7190
msgid "TortoiseSVN can integrate with some bug tracking tools. This uses project properties that start with <literal>bugtraq:</literal>. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-bugtracker\"/> for further information."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN zna integrirati nekatera orodja za sledenje zadevam. Za to se uporabljajo lastnosti, ki se zanejo z <literal>bugtraq:</literal>. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-bugtracker\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7195
msgid "It can also integrate with some web-based repository browsers, using project properties that start with <literal>webviewer:</literal>. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repoviewer\"/> for further information."
msgstr "Integrira se lahko tudi v nekatera spletna orodja za brskanje po skladiših. Za to uporablja lastnosti, ki se zanejo z <literal>webviewer:</literal>. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-repoviewer\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7201
msgid "Set the project properties on folders"
msgstr "Nastavite projektne lastnosti na mapah"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7202
msgid "These special project properties must be set on <emphasis>folders</emphasis> for the system to work. When you commit a file or folder the properties are read from that folder. If the properties are not found there, TortoiseSVN will search upwards through the folder tree to find them until it comes to an unversioned folder, or the tree root (eg. <literal>C:\\</literal>) is found. If you can be sure that each user checks out only from e.g <filename>trunk/</filename> and not some sub-folder, then it is sufficient to set the properties on <filename>trunk/</filename>. If you can't be sure, you should set the properties recursively on each sub-folder. A property setting deeper in the project hierarchy overrides settings on higher levels (closer to <filename>trunk/</filename>)."
msgstr "Te posebne projektne lastnosti morate nastaviti na <emphasis>mapah</emphasis>, da bo sistem deloval. Ko objavite datoteko ali mapo, se lastnosti preberejo iz te mape. Œe TortoiseSVN lastnosti ne najde tam, jih iše v nadrejenih mapah, dokler ne pride do mape brez razliic ali do korenske mape pogona (n. pr. <literal>C:\\</literal>). Œe ste prepriani, da bodo uporabniki prevzemali projekt zgolj iz poti n. pr. <filename>trunk/</filename> in ne iz katere izmed podmap, potem je dovolj, da lastnosti nastavite na <filename>trunk/</filename>. Œe niste prepriani, potem raje nastavite te lastnosti rekurzivno na vseh podmapah. Lastnosti, ki so globlje v projektni hierarhiji, povozijo lastnosti, ki so višje (bližje poti <filename>trunk/</filename>)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7216
msgid "For project properties <emphasis>only</emphasis> you can use the <guilabel>Recursive</guilabel> checkbox to set the property to all sub-folders in the hierarchy, without also setting it on all files."
msgstr "<emphasis>Zgolj</emphasis> za projektne lastnosti lahko uporabite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Rekurzivno</guilabel>. S tem nastavite lastnost na vse podmape v hierarhiji, na datoteke pa ne."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7223
msgid "When you add new sub-folders using TortoiseSVN, any project properties present in the parent folder will automatically be added to the new child folder too."
msgstr "Ko s pomojo programa TortoiseSVN dodate nove podmape, se tja samodejno prenesejo projektne lastnosti nadrejene mape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7229
msgid "Although TortoiseSVN's project properties are extremely useful, they only work with TortoiseSVN, and some will only work in newer versions of TortoiseSVN. If people working on your project use a variety of Subversion clients, or possibly have old versions of TortoiseSVN, you may want to use repository hooks to enforce project policies. project properties can only help to implement a policy, they cannot enforce it."
msgstr "Œeprav so projektne lastnosti TortoiseSVN zelo uporabne, delujejo le z odjemalcem TortoiseSVN, nekatere celo samo z novejšimi razliicami TortoiseSVN. Œe uporabniki na vašem projektu uporabljajo razline odjemalce za Subversion ali pa starejše razliice TortoiseSVN, raje uporabite skripte akcij v skladišu za zagotavljanje spoštovanja pravil. Lastnosti <literal>tsvn:</literal> vam le pomagajo nastaviti pravila, ne morejo pa jih zagotavljati."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7242
msgid "Branching / Tagging"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje vej/oznak"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7244
msgid "branch"
msgstr "veja"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7247
msgid "tag"
msgstr "oznaka"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7250
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8534
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7253
msgid "One of the features of version control systems is the ability to isolate changes onto a separate line of development. This line is known as a <firstterm>branch</firstterm>. Branches are often used to try out new features without disturbing the main line of development with compiler errors and bugs. As soon as the new feature is stable enough then the development branch is <firstterm>merged</firstterm> back into the main branch (trunk)."
msgstr "Ena od zmožnosti sistemov za nadzor razliic je tudi možnost izoliranja sprememb v svojo razvojno linijo. Linija se prikaže kot <firstterm>veja</firstterm>. Veje se pogosto uporabljajo za preizkušanje novih stvari, da ne bi obremenjevali glavne razvojne linije z napakami prevajalnika in hroši. Ko je nova zmožnost dovolj stabilna, se razvojna veja <firstterm>spoji</firstterm> nazaj v glavno vejo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7263
msgid "Another feature of version control systems is the ability to mark particular revisions (e.g. a release version), so you can at any time recreate a certain build or environment. This process is known as <firstterm>tagging</firstterm>."
msgstr "Še ena lastnost sistemov za nadzor razliic je možnost oznaevanja doloenih revizij (n. pr. verzije izdaje), tako da lahko kasneje ponovno zgradite izdajo ali nastavite razvojno okolje. Ta proces se imenuje <firstterm>oznaevanje</firstterm>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7269
msgid "Subversion does not have special commands for branching or tagging, but uses so-called <quote>cheap copies</quote> instead. Cheap copies are similar to hard links in Unix, which means that instead of making a complete copy in the repository, an internal link is created, pointing to a specific tree/revision. As a result branches and tags are very quick to create, and take up almost no extra space in the repository."
msgstr "Subversion nima posebnih ukazov za ustvarjanje vej ali oznak, ampak uporablja takoimenovane <quote>poceni kopije</quote>. Poceni kopije so podobne povezavam (hard links) v sistemu Unix, kar pomeni, da se namesto ustvarjanja kopije skladiša naredi notranja povezava, ki kaže na doloeno drevo/revizijo. Zato je ustvarjanje vej in oznak zelo hitro, hkrati pa ne zavzema skoraj nobenega dodatnega prostora v skladišu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7279
msgid "Creating a Branch or Tag"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje veje ali oznake"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7284
msgid "The Branch/Tag Dialog"
msgstr "Okno za za ustvarjanje veje/oznake"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7280
msgid "If you have imported your project with the recommended directory structure, creating a branch or tag version is very simple: <placeholder-1/> Select the folder in your working copy which you want to copy to a branch or tag, then select the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Branch/Tag...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Œe ste projekt uvozili v priporoeno sturkturo map, je ustvarjanje vej ali oznak zelo preprosto: <placeholder-1/> Izberite mapo v delovni kopiji, ki jo želite prekopirati v vejo ali oznako, nato pa izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Veja/oznaka...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7294
msgid ""
"The default destination URL for the new branch will be the source URL on which your working copy is based. You will need to edit that URL to the new path for your branch/tag. So instead of <screen>\n"
" http://svn.collab.net/repos/ProjectName/trunk\n"
"</screen> you might now use something like <screen>\n"
" http://svn.collab.net/repos/ProjectName/tags/Release_1.10\n"
"</screen> If you can't remember the naming convention you used last time, click the button on the right to open the repository browser so you can view the existing repository structure."
msgstr ""
"Privzeti ciljni naslov URL za novo vejo bo naslov URL, na katerem je osnovana vaša delovna kopija. Naslov URL boste morali urediti, tako da bo kazal na novo vejo/oznako. Namesto <screen>\n"
" http://svn.collab.net/repos/ProjectName/trunk\n"
"</screen> sedaj uporabite naprimer <screen>\n"
" http://svn.collab.net/repos/ProjectName/tags/Release_1.10\n"
"</screen> Œe se ne spomnite, kakšen sistem oznaevanja ste uporabili pri prejšnjih uporabah ukaza, kliknite na gumb na desni in odpre se vam brskalnik po skladišu. Tako lahko vidite obstojeo strukturo map skladiša."

#. (term)
#. (listitem)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7315
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13311
msgid "HEAD revision in the repository"
msgstr "Revizija HEAD v skladišu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7317
msgid "The new branch is copied directly in the repository from the HEAD revision. No data needs to be transferred from your working copy, and the branch is created very quickly."
msgstr "Nova veja se skopira neposredno v skladišu iz revizije HEAD. Prenos podatkov iz delovne kopije ni potreben, zato je ustvarjanje veje zelo hitro."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7326
msgid "Specific revision in the repository"
msgstr "Doloena revizija v skladišu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7328
msgid "The new branch is copied directly in the repository but you can choose an older revision. This is useful if you forgot to make a tag when you released your project last week. If you can't remember the revision number, click the button on the right to show the revision log, and select the revision number from there. Again no data is transferred from your working copy, and the branch is created very quickly."
msgstr "Nove veja se skopira neposredno v skladišu, vendar se lahko odloite za starejšo revizijo. To je uporabno, e ste prejšnji teden, ko ste naredili novo izdajo, pozabili kreirati oznako. Œe se ne spomnite številke revizije, kliknite na gumb na desni in prikazalo se bo okno z dnevnikom revizij, od koder lahko izberete številko revizije. Iz delovne kopije se v skladiše ne prenašajo podatki, tako da je veja ustvarjena zelo hitro."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7343
msgid "The new branch is an identical copy of your local working copy. If you have updated some files to an older revision in your WC, or if you have made local changes, that is exactly what goes into the copy. Naturally this sort of complex tag may involve transferring data from your WC back to the repository if it does not exist there already."
msgstr "Nova veja je identina kopija krajevne delovne kopije. Œe ste nekatere datoteke posodobili na starejšo revizijo, bodo te starejše revizije datotek prav tako skopirane na vejo. Seveda se lahko pri takšnem zahtevnem tipu oznake zgodi, da se podatki prenašajo iz delovne kopije v skladiše, e tam še ne obstajajo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7310
msgid "Now you have to select the source of the copy. Here you have three options: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Sedaj morate izbrati vir kopiranja. Imate tri možnosti: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7356
msgid "If you want your working copy to be switched to the newly created branch automatically, use the <guilabel>Switch working copy to new branch/tag</guilabel> checkbox. But if you do that, first make sure that your working copy does not contain modifications. If it does, those changes will be merged into the branch WC when you switch."
msgstr "Œe želite, da se vaša delovna kopija samodejno preklopi na novo ustvarjeno vejo, vklopite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Preklopi delovno kopijo na drugo vejo / oznako</guilabel>. Œe želite to narediti, se najprej prepriajte, da vaša delovna kopija nima krajevnih sprememb. Œe jih ima, potem bodo le-te spojene v delovno kopijo veje, ko naredite preklop."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7364
msgid "Press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to commit the new copy to the repository. Don't forget to supply a log message. Note that the copy is created <emphasis>inside the repository</emphasis>."
msgstr "Œe želite objaviti novo kopijo v skladišu, pritisnite gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>. Ne pozabiti na dnevniški zapis. Ne pozabite, da se kopija ustvari <emphasis>znotraj skladiša</emphasis>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7369
msgid "Note that creating a Branch or Tag does <emphasis>not</emphasis> affect your working copy. Even if you copy your WC, those changes are committed to the new branch, not to the trunk, so your WC may still be marked as modified."
msgstr "Ustvarjanje vej in oznak <emphasis>ne</emphasis> vpliva na delovno kopijo. Tudi e kopirate delovno kopijo, bodo spremembe objavljene v novi veji in ne na glavnem deblu, tako da bo vaša delovna kopija lahko kljub vseemu oznaena kot spremenjena."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7377
msgid "To Checkout or to Switch..."
msgstr "Prevzeti ali preklopiti..."

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7380
msgid "switch"
msgstr "preklop"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7382
msgid "...that is (not really) the question. While a checkout checks out everything from the desired branch into your working directory, <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Switch...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> only transfers the changed data to your working copy. Good for the network load, good for your patience. :-)"
msgstr "... to (zares) ni vprašanje. Medtem ko prevzem prevzame vse datoteke iz izbrane veje v delovno kopijo, <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preklopi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> prenese le spremenjene podatke v delovno kopijo. Dobro za obremenitev omrežja in vaše potrpljenje :-)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7398
msgid "<menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Checkout</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to make a fresh checkout in an empty folder. You can check out to any location on your local disk and you can create as many working copies from your repository as you like."
msgstr "Uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Prevzem</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in ustvarite svež prevzem v prazno mapo. Prevzem lahko naredite na katerokoli lokacijo na svojem disku. Naredite lahko poljubno število prevzemov iz skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7410
msgid "Switch your current working copy to the newly created copy in the repository. Again select the top level folder of your project and use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Switch...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the context menu."
msgstr "Preklopite delovno kopijo na novo ustvarjeno kopijo v skladišu. Izberite vrhnjo mapo projekta in iz kontekstnega menija uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preklopi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7420
msgid "In the next dialog enter the URL of the branch you just created. Select the <guilabel>Head Revision</guilabel> radio button and click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. Your working copy is switched to the new branch/tag."
msgstr "V naslednjem pogovornem oknu vnesite naslov URL veje, ki ste jo ustvarili. Izberite radijski gumb <guilabel>Revizija HEAD</guilabel> in kliknite na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>. S tem ste delovno kopijo preklopili na novo vejo/oznako."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7428
msgid "Switch works just like Update in that it never discards your local changes. Any changes you have made to your working copy which have not yet been committed will be merged when you do the Switch. If you do not want this to happen then you must either commit the changes before switching, or revert your working copy to an already-committed revision (typically HEAD)."
msgstr "Preklop, enako kot posodobitev, nikoli ne povozi krajevnih sprememb. Vse spremembe, ki ste jih naredili v delovni kopiji in še niso bile objavljene, bodo spojene, ko naredite preklop. Œe tega ne želite, potem morate spremembe objaviti ali pa delovno kopijio povrniti na objavljeno revizijo (tipino HEAD)."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7439
msgid "The Switch Dialog"
msgstr "Okno za preklop"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7393
msgid "To be able to work with your freshly generated copy you have several ways to handle it. You can: <placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "Na voljo je ve nainov, kako zanete delati z novo ustvarjeno kopijo. Lahko: <placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7448
msgid "Tags are typically used to create a static snapshot of the project at a particular stage. As such they not normally used for development - that's what branches are for, which is the reason we recommended the <filename>/trunk /branches /tags</filename> repository structure in the first place. Working on a tag revision is <emphasis>not a good idea</emphasis>, but because your local files are not write protected there is nothing to stop you doing this by mistake. However, if you try to commit to a path in the repository which contains <filename>/tags/</filename>, TortoiseSVN will warn you."
msgstr "Oznake se ponavadi uporabljajo za ustvarjanje statinega posnetka projekta v doloenem trenutku. Kot take se ponavadi ne uporabljajo za razvijanje - za to se uporabljajo veje, zato priporoamo strukturo skladiša <filename>/trunk /branches /tags</filename>. Delo na reviziji oznake <emphasis>ni dobra ideja</emphasis>, ker pa datoteke v vaši delovni kopiji niso zašitene pred pisanjem, se vam napaka hitro zgodi. Œe pa boste poskušali narediti objavo v skladišu, ki vsebuje mapo <filename>/tags/</filename>, vas bo TortoiseSVN opozoril."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7464
msgid "It may be that you need to make further changes to a release which you have already tagged. The correct way to handle this is to create a new branch from the tag first and commit the branch. Do your Changes on this branch and then create a new tag from this new branch, e.g. <filename>Version_1.0.1</filename>."
msgstr "Vasih morate narediti dodatne spremembe na izdaji, ki ste jo že oznaili. Pravilen postopek je, da ustvarite novo vejo iz oznake in vejo objavite. Nato na novi veji naredite potrebne spremembe in ustvarite novo oznako iz veje, n. pr. <filename>Verzija_1.0.1</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7474
msgid "If you modify a working copy created from a branch and commit, then all changes go to the new branch and <emphasis>not</emphasis> the trunk. Only the modifications are stored. The rest remains a cheap copy."
msgstr "Œe spremenite delovno kopijo, ustvarjeno iz veje, in jo objavite, gredo vse spremembe na novo vejo in <emphasis>ne</emphasis> na glavno vejo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7443
msgid "Although Subversion itself makes no distinction between tags and branches, the way they are typically used differs a bit. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œeprav Subversion ne razlikuje med oznakami in vejami, se pri pri tipini uporabi ta dva ukaza nekoliko razlikujeta. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7487
msgid "Merging"
msgstr "Spajanje"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7490
msgid "merge"
msgstr "spoji"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7492
msgid "Where branches are used to maintain separate lines of development, at some stage you will want to merge the changes made on one branch back into the trunk, or vice versa."
msgstr "Kadar se veje uporabljajo za loeno razvijanje, boste kasneje želeli spremembe na eni veji spojiti nazaj v glavno vejo oz. obratno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7497
msgid "It is important to understand how branching and merging works in Subversion before you start using it, as it can become quite complex. It is highly recommended that you read the chapter <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.branchmerge.html\"><citetitle>Branching and Merging</citetitle></ulink> in the Subversion book, which gives a full description and many examples of how it is used."
msgstr "Pomembno je, da pred uporabo razumete, kako ustvarjanje vej in oznak v sistemu Subversion poteka. Vse skupaj lahko postane precej zapleteno. Toplo priporočamo, da preberete poglavje <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.branchmerge.html\"><citetitle>Branching and Merging</citetitle></ulink> v knjigi The Subversion Book, ki poda popoln opis in veliko primerov, kako ukaza uporabljati. "

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7507
msgid "The next point to note is that merging <emphasis>always</emphasis> takes place within a working copy. If you want to merge changes <emphasis>into</emphasis> a branch, you have to have a working copy for that branch checked out, and invoke the merge wizard from that working copy using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Naslednja stvar, ki jo je treba povdariti, je, da se spajanje <emphasis>vedno</emphasis> izvaja v delovni kopiji. Œe želite spremembe spojiti <emphasis>v</emphasis> vejo, morate imeti delovno kopijo, prevzeto iz te veje, in na njej izvesti ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Spoji...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7518
msgid "In general it is a good idea to perform a merge into an unmodified working copy. If you have made other changes in your WC, commit those first. If the merge does not go as you expect, you may want to revert the changes, and the <guilabel>Revert</guilabel> command will discard <emphasis>all</emphasis> changes including any you made before the merge."
msgstr "V splošnem je priporoljivo, da spajanje vedno izvajate ob nespremenjeni delovni kopiji. Œe ste naredili kakšne spremembe v delovni kopiji, jih najprej objavite. Œe operacija spajanja ne bo uspela, boste verjetno želeli povrniti spremembe. Ukaz <guilabel>Povrni</guilabel> bo izbrisal <emphasis>vse</emphasis> spremembe na delovni kopiji, vkljuno s tistimi, ki ste jih naredili pred poskusom spajanja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7525
msgid "There are two common use cases for merging which are handled in slightly different ways, as described below. The first page of the merge wizard asks you to select the method you need."
msgstr "Obstajata dva primera uporabe za spajanje, vsak se uporablja nekoliko drugae, kar je opisano spodaj. Prva stran arovnika za spajanje vam omogoa izbiro metode, ki jo potrebujete."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7533
msgid "Merge a range of revisions"
msgstr "Spoji obmoje revizij"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7535
msgid "This method covers the case when you have made one or more revisions to a branch (or to the trunk) and you want to port those changes across to a different branch."
msgstr "Ta metoda pokriva primer, ko ste na veji (ali na glavni veji) naredili spremembe, ki jih sedaj želite prenesti na drugo vejo."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7543
msgid "Merge two different trees"
msgstr "Spoji dveh razlini drevesi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7545
msgid "This method covers the case when you have made a feature branch as discussed in the Subversion book. All trunk changes have been ported to the feature branch, week by week, and now the feature is complete you want to merge it back into the trunk. Because you have kept the feature branch synchronized with the trunk, the latest versions of branch and trunk will be absolutely identical except for your branch changes. So in this special case, you would merge by comparing the branch with the trunk. After the merge, trunk and branch are identical."
msgstr "Ta metoda pokriva primer, ko ustvarite vejo za razvoj neke zmožnosti programa, kot je to opisano v knjigi The Subversion Book. Vse spremembe, ki so se dogajale na glavni veji, ste vsak teden spajali na vejo. Sedaj je razvoj nove zmožnosti konan, zato želite to kodo spojiti na glavno vejo. Ker ste vejo ves as sihnronizirali z glavno vejo, sta stranska in glavna veja identini, le da stranska veja vsebuje kodo za novo zmožnost. Zato v tem posebnem primeru spajate tako, da primerjate vejo z glavno vejo. Po spajanju sta glavna in stranska veja identini."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7556
msgid "Another use case occurs when you are using vendor branches and you need to merge the changes following a new vendor drop into your trunk code. For more information read the chapter on <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.vendorbr.html\"><citetitle>vendor branches</citetitle></ulink> in the Subversion Book."
msgstr "Naslednji primer uporabe je uporaba vej zunanje kode (vendor branches), kjer morate spojiti spremembe, ki jih je naredil zunanji izvajalec, v svojo glavno vejo. Za več informacij preberite <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.vendorbr.html\"><citetitle>vendor branches</citetitle></ulink> v knjigi The Subversion Book."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7569
msgid "Merging a Range of Revisions"
msgstr "Spajanje obmoja revizij"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7573
msgid "The Merge Wizard - Select Revision Range"
msgstr "Œarovnik za spajanje - Izberite obseg revizije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7571
msgid "<placeholder-1/> In the <guilabel>From:</guilabel> field enter the full folder URL of the branch or tag containing the changes you want to port into your working copy. You may also click <guibutton>...</guibutton> to browse the repository and find the desired branch. If you have merged from this branch before, then just use the drop down list which shows a history of previously used URLs."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/>V polje <guilabel>Iz:</guilabel> vnesite poln naslov URL veje ali oznake s spremembami, ki jih želite spojiti v delovno kopijo. Lahko pa kliknete na gumb <guibutton>...</guibutton>. S tem pobrskate po skladišu in najdete željeno vejo. Œe ste s te veje že spajali, lahko uporabite spustni seznam, ki prikazuje zgodovino že vnešenih naslovov URL."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7586
msgid "In the <guilabel>Revision range to merge</guilabel> field enter the list of revisions you want to merge. This can be a single revision, a list of specific revisions separated by commas, or a range of revisions separated by a dash, or any combination of these."
msgstr "V polje <guilabel>Obmoje revizij za spajanje</guilabel> vnesite seznam revizij, ki jih želite spojiti. Lahko vpišete eno revizijo, seznam doloenih revizij, loenih z vejicami, obmoje revizij, loenih z vezajem ali kombinacijo vsega naštetega."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7593
msgid "The easiest way to select the range of revisions you need is to click on <guibutton>Show Log</guibutton>, as this will list recent changes with their log comments. If you want to merge the changes from a single revision, just select that revision. If you want to merge changes from several revisions, then select that range (using the usual <keycap>Shift</keycap>-modifier). Click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> and the list of revision numbers to merge will be filled in for you."
msgstr "Najlažji nain, kako izberete veje število revizij, je s klikom na gumb <guibutton>Pokaži dnevnik</guibutton>; prikazalo se bo okno s seznamom zadnjih sprememb in pripadajoimi komentarji. Œe želite spojiti spremembe iz ene revizije, izberite to revizijo. Œe želite spojiti spremembe iz ve revizij, izberite obmoje (z uporabo modifikatorja <keycap>Shift</keycap>). Kliknite na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton> in seznam številk revizij se bo samodejno izpolnil."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7604
msgid "If you want to merge changes back <emphasis>out</emphasis> of your working copy, to revert a change which has already been committed, select the revisions to revert and make sure the <guilabel>Reverse merge</guilabel> box is checked."
msgstr "Œe želite spremembe spojiti nazaj <emphasis>ven</emphasis> iz delovne kopije (da prekliete že objavljeno spremembo), izberite revizije, ki jih želite povrniti in potrdite polje <guilabel>Obratno spajanje</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7610
msgid "If you have already merged some changes from this branch, hopefully you will have made a note of the last revision merged in the log message when you committed the change. In that case, you can use <guibutton>Show Log</guibutton> for the Working Copy to trace that log message. Use the end point of the last merge as the start point for this merge. For example, if you have merged revisions 37 to 39 last time, then the start point for this merge should be revision 39."
msgstr "Œe ste že spajali s te veje, ste verjetno v sporoilo objave vpisali komentar s številko zadnje spojene revizije. Œe je temu tako, lahko uporabite gumb <guibutton>Pokaži dnevnik</guibutton>, da poišete ustrezen dnevniški zapis za delovno kopijo. Konno revizijo prejšnjega spajanja uporabite kot zaetno revizijo za tokratno spajanje. Primer: e ste pri zadnjem spajanju spojili spremembe med revizijama 37 in 39, potem mora biti zaetna toka za to spajanje revizija 39."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7621
msgid "If you are using the merge tracking features of Subversion, you do not need to remember which revisions have already been merged - Subversion will record that for you. If you leave the revision range blank, all revisions which have not yet been merged will be included. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-merge-tracking\"/> to find out more."
msgstr "Œe uporabljete sledenje spajanja, vam ni potrebno vedeti, katere revizije ste že spojili - Subversion si jih zapomni. Œe pustite polje za vnos obmoja revizij prazno, bodo samodejno vkljuene vse revizije, ki še niso bile spojene. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-merge-tracking\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7629
msgid "If other people may be committing changes then be careful about using the HEAD revision. It may not refer to the revision you think it does if someone else made a commit after your last update."
msgstr "Œe v skladišu objavljajo tudi drugi uporabniki, potem bodite pri uporabi spajanja do revizije HEAD previdni. Revizija HEAD mogoe ni tista, kot mislite, saj je od vaše zadnje posodobitve delovne kopije lahko kak drug uporabnik naredil objavo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7635
msgid "Click <guibutton>Next</guibutton> and go to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-merge-options\"/>"
msgstr "Kliknite gumb <guibutton>Naprej</guibutton> in pojdite na <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-merge-options\"/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7641
msgid "Merging Two Different Trees"
msgstr "Spajanje dveh razlinih dreves"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7645
msgid "The Merge Wizard - Tree Merge"
msgstr "Œarovnik za spajanje - Spajanje dreves"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7643
msgid "<placeholder-1/> To merge a feature branch back into the trunk you need to go to a working copy of the trunk. Select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Za spajanje stranske veje na glavno vejo pojdite v delovno kopijo glavne veje. Izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Spoji...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7656
msgid "In the <guilabel>From:</guilabel> field enter the full folder URL of the <emphasis>trunk</emphasis>. This may sound wrong, but remember that the trunk is the start point to which you want to add the branch changes. You may also click <guibutton>...</guibutton> to browse the repository."
msgstr "V polje <guilabel>Iz:</guilabel> vpišite poln naslov URL mape <emphasis>glavne veje</emphasis>. To se morda zdi napano, a ne pozabite, da je glavna veja zaetna toka spajanja, na katero želite dodati spremembe iz veje, kjer ste razvijali novo zmožnost. Uporabite lahko tudi gumb <guibutton>...</guibutton> in pobrskate po skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7665
msgid "In the <guilabel>To:</guilabel> field enter the full folder URL of the feature branch."
msgstr "V polje <guilabel>Do:</guilabel> vpišite poln naslov URL mape veje, kjer ste razvijali novo zmožnost."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7669
msgid "In both the <guilabel>From Revision</guilabel> field and the <guilabel>To Revision</guilabel> field, enter the last revision number at which the two trees were synchronized. If you are sure no-one else is making commits you can use the HEAD revision in both cases. If there is a chance that someone else may have made a commit since that synchronization, use the specific revision number to avoid losing more recent commits."
msgstr "V polji <guilabel>Iz revizije</guilabel> in <guilabel>Do revizije</guilabel> vpišite zadnji reviziji, pri kateri sta bili drevesi sihnronizirani. Œe ste prepriani, da sprememb ne objavlja nihe drug, lahko v obeh primerih uporabite revizijo HEAD. Œe obstaja možnost, da je po sinhronizaciji še kdo drug objavljal spremembe, potem raje uporabite tono doloeno številko revizije, da se izognete izgubi sprememb iz novejših objav."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7679
msgid "You can also use <guibutton>Show Log</guibutton> to select the revision."
msgstr "Za izbiro revizije lahko uporabite tudi gumb <guibutton>Pokaži dnevnik</guibutton>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7685
msgid "Merge Options"
msgstr "Možnosti spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7687
msgid "This page of the wizard lets you specify advanced options, before starting the merge process. Most of the time you can just use the default settings."
msgstr "Ta stran arovnika vam pred zaetkom spajanja omogoa nastavitev naprednih možnosti. V veini primerov lahko uporabite kar privzete nastavitve."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7692
msgid "You can specify the depth to use for the merge, i.e. how far down into your working copy the merge should go. The depth terms used are described in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-checkout-depth\"/>. The default depth is <guilabel>Working copy</guilabel>, which uses the existing depth setting, and is almost always what you want."
msgstr "Doloite lahko globino spajanja, to je kako globoko v delovno kopijo deluje spajanje. Za definicijo globine poglejte <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-checkout-depth\"/>. Priveza globina je <guilabel>delovna kopija</guilabel>, ki uporablja obstojeo nastavitev globine, kar najvekrat tudi potrebujete."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7699
msgid "Most of the time you want merge to take account of the file's history, so that changes relative to a common ancestor are merged. Sometimes you may need to merge files which are perhaps related, but not in your repository. For example you may have imported versions 1 and 2 of a third party library into two separate directories. Although they are logically related, Subversion has no knowledge of this because it only sees the tarballs you imported. If you attempt to merge the difference between these two trees you would see a complete removal followed by a complete add. To make Subversion use only path-based differences rather than history-based differences, check the <guilabel>Ignore ancestry</guilabel> box. Read more about this topic in the Subversion book, <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.branchmerge.copychanges.html#svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac.ancestry\"><citetitle>Noticing or Ignoring Ancestry</citetitle></ulink>"
msgstr "V večini primerov želite pri spajanju upoštevati zgodovino datoteke, tako da se spojijo spremembe, ki so relativne na skupnega prednika. Včasih morate spojiti datoteke, ki so morda povezane, vendar ne v vašem skladišču. Primer: uvozili ste verziji 1 in 2 knjižnice, ki jo je izdelalo neko drugo podjetje. Čeprav sta verziji logično povezani, Subversion o tem ne ve nič, saj vidi le uvožena paketa. Če poskusite spojiti spremembe med tema dvema drevesoma, boste videli, da bo prva verzija odstranjena, druga pa dodana. Da bi Subversion upošteval razlike na osnovi poti in ne na osnovi zgodovine, potrdite polje <guilabel>Prezri dedovanje</guilabel>. Več o tem preberite v knjigi The Subversion book, <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.branchmerge.copychanges.html#svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac.ancestry\"><citetitle>Noticing or Ignoring Ancestry</citetitle></ulink>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7716
msgid "You can specify the way that line ending and whitespace changes are handled. These options are described in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-eol-whitespace\"/>. The default behaviour is to treat all whitespace and line-end differences as real changes to be merged."
msgstr "Doloite lahko, kako se upoštevajo zakljuki vrstic in presledki. Možnosti so opisane v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-eol-whitespace\"/>. Privzeto obnašanje je, da se zakljuki vrstic in presledki obravnavajo kot vse druge spremembe."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7722
msgid "If you are using merge tracking and you want to mark a revision as having been merged, without actually doing the merge here, check the <guilabel>Only record the merge</guilabel> checkbox. There are two possible reasons you might want to do this. It may be that the merge is too complicated for the merge algorithms, so you code the changes by hand, then mark the change as merged so that the merge tracking algorithm is aware of it. Or you might want to prevent a particular revision from being merged. Marking it as already merged will prevent the merge occurring with merge-tracking-aware clients."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate sledenje spajanja in želite revizijo oznaiti kot spojeno brez dejanskega spajanja, potrdite polje <guilabel>Zgolj zabeleži spajanje</guilabel>. Za to dejanje sta dva možna razloga. Lahko se zgodi, da je spajanje prezahtevno, da bi ga prepustili programu in naredite spremembe rono, nato pa revizijo oznaite kot spojeno, da sistem sledenja spajanja ve za to. Drug razlog pa je, da želite prepreiti spajanje doloene revizije. Œe takšno revizijo oznaite kot spojeno, s tem prepreite ponovno spajanje (velja le za odjemalce, ki poznajo možnost sledenja spajanja)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7733
msgid "Now everything is set up, all you have to do is click on the <guibutton>Merge</guibutton> button. If you want to preview the results <guibutton>Test Merge</guibutton> performs the merge operation, but does <emphasis>not</emphasis> modify the working copy at all. It shows you a list of the files that will be changed by a real merge, and notes those areas where conflicts will occur."
msgstr "Sedaj je vse nastvavljeno, zato morate le še klikniti na gumb <guibutton>Spoji</guibutton>. Œe želite prehodno pogledati rezultat spajanja, lahko uporabite gumb <guibutton>Poizkusno spajanje</guibutton>, ki izvede spajanje, vendar <emphasis>ne</emphasis> spremeni delovne kopije. Pokaže vam seznam datotek, ki bodo spremenjene v primeru dejanskega spajanja in oznai obmoja, kjer se bodo pojavili spori."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7741
msgid "The merge progress dialog shows each stage of the merge, with the revision ranges involved. This may indicate one more revision than you were expecting. For example if you asked to merge revision 123 the progress dialog will report <quote>Merging revisions 122 through 123</quote>. To understand this you need to remember that Merge is closely related to Diff. The merge process works by generating a list of differences between two points in the repository, and applying those differences to your working copy. The progress dialog is simply showing the start and end points for the diff."
msgstr "Okno spajanja pokaže vsak korak procesa z obmojem revizij, ki se uporablja. To obsega eno revizijo ve, kot najbrž priakujete. Œe zahtevate spajanje revizije 123, okno prikaže besedilo <quote>Spajanje revizij 122 do 123</quote>. Da bi to razumeli, se morate zavedati, da je spajanje tesno povezano z razlikovanjem. Proces spajanja poteka tako, da se ustvari seznam sprememb med dvema tokama v skladišu in namesti te spremembe v delovno kopijo. Okno spajanja tako kaže zaetno in konno toko razlike."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7754
msgid "Reviewing the Merge Results"
msgstr "Preverjanje rezultatov spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7755
msgid "The merge is now complete. It's a good idea to have a look at the merge and see if it's as expected. Merging is usually quite complicated. Conflicts often arise if the branch has drifted far from the trunk."
msgstr "Spajanje je sedaj zakljueno. Dobra praksa je, da rezultat spajanja preverimo. Spajanje je ponavadi kar komplicirano. Œe je neka veja precej razlina od glavne veje, se pri spajanju pogosto pojavijo spori."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7760
msgid "For Subversion clients and servers prior to 1.5, no merge information is stored and merged revisions have to be tracked manually. When you have tested the changes and come to commit this revision, your commit log message should <emphasis>always</emphasis> include the revision numbers which have been ported in the merge. If you want to apply another merge at a later time you will need to know what you have already merged, as you do not want to port a change more than once. For more information about this, refer to <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.branchmerge.copychanges.html#svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac\"><citetitle>Best Practices for Merging</citetitle></ulink> in the Subversion book."
msgstr "Pri uporabi odjemalcev in strežnika Suversion pred različico 1.5 se informacije o spajanju ne shranjujejo in jih je zato treba voditi ločeno. Ko ste spajanje preverili in ste pripravljeni na objavo spojene revizije, v sporočilo dnevniškega zapisa <emphasis>vedno</emphasis> vpišite številke revizij, ki ste jih prenesli. Če boste kasneje spet spajali s te veje, boste morali vedeti, katere revizije ste že spojili. Sprememb ne smete spajati dvakrat. Za več informacij preberite <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.branchmerge.copychanges.html#svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac\"><citetitle>Best Practices for Merging</citetitle></ulink> v knjigi The Subversion book."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7774
msgid "If your server and all clients are running Subversion 1.5 or higher, the merge tracking facility will record the revisions merged and avoid a revision being merged more than once. This makes your life much simpler as you can simply merge the entire revision range each time and know that only new revisions will actually be merged."
msgstr "Œe strežnik in vsi odjemalci uporabljajo Subversion 1.5 ali novejši, zmožnost sledenje spajanja shrani spojene revizije in preprei vekratno spajanje iste revizije. S tem si precej olajšate življenje, saj lahko vedno izberete celotno obmoje revizij, spojene pa bodo le nove revizije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7781
msgid "Branch management is important. If you want to keep this branch up to date with the trunk, you should be sure to merge often so that the branch and trunk do not drift too far apart. Of course, you should still avoid repeated merging of changes, as explained above."
msgstr "Upravljanje vej je pomembno. Œe želite biti na veji v koraku z glavno vejo, morate dovolj pogosto opravljati spajanje, da se veja in glavna veja ne oddaljita preve ena od druge. Seveda se morate še vedno izogibati ponavljajoemu se spajanju sprememb, kot je opisano zgoraj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7788
msgid "If you have just merged a feature branch back into the trunk, the trunk now contains all the new feature code, and the branch is obsolete. You can now delete it from the repository if required."
msgstr "V tem primeru veje za razvoj nove zmožnosti ne potrebujete ve, ker ste novo kodo že integrirali na glavno vejo. Veja je sedaj odvena in jo lahko izbrišete iz skladiša, e želite."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7796
msgid "Subversion can't merge a file with a folder and vice versa - only folders to folders and files to files. If you click on a file and open up the merge dialog, then you have to give a path to a file in that dialog. If you select a folder and bring up the dialog, then you must specify a folder URL for the merge."
msgstr "Subversion ne more spojiti datoteke z mapo in obratno - spaja lahko mape v mape in datoteke v datoteke. Œe izberete datoteko in odprete okno za spajanje, potem morate v oknu navesti pot do datoteke. Œe izberete mapo in odprete okno, potem morate vnesti naslov URL mape za spajanje."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7806
msgid "Merge Tracking"
msgstr "Sledenje spajanja"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7808
msgid "merge tracking"
msgstr "sledenje spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7816
msgid "You can avoid the danger of merging the same revision twice (repeated merge problem). Once a revision is marked as having been merged, future merges which include that revision in the range will skip over it."
msgstr "Vekratnemu spajanju iste revizije se lahko izognete. Ko je revizija oznaena kot spojena, jo bo Subversion pri naslednjih poskusil enostavno preskoil."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7822
msgid "When you merge a branch back into trunk, the log dialog can show you the branch commits as part of the trunk log, giving better traceability of changes."
msgstr "Ko spremembe na veji spojite nazaj na glavno vejo, vam lahko dnevnik za glavno vejo prikaže tudi objave na posebni veji. S tem lažje sledite spremembam."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7827
msgid "When showing blame information for a file, you can choose to show the original author of merged revisions, rather than the person who did the merge."
msgstr "Pri prikazu krivdnih informacij datoteke lahko prikažete avtorje spojenih revizij namesto avtorja, ki je opravil spajanje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7832
msgid "You can mark revisions as <emphasis>do not merge</emphasis> by including them in the list of merged revisions without actually doing the merge."
msgstr "Revizije lahko oznaite kot <emphasis>ne spajaj</emphasis>. To storite tako, da jih dodate na seznam spojenih revizij, eprav se spajanje dejansko nikoli ni zgodilo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7810
msgid "Subversion 1.5 introduced facilities for merge tracking. When you merge changes from one tree into another, the revision numbers merged are stored and this information can be used for several different purposes. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Subversion 1.5 prinaša zmožnost sledenja spajanja. Ko spajate spremembe iz enega drevesa v drugega, se številke spojenih revizij shranijo. Te informacije se lahko nato uporabijo za razline namene. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7840
msgid "Merge tracking information is stored in the <literal>svn:mergeinfo</literal> property by the client when it performs a merge. When the merge is committed the server stores that information in a database, and when you request merge, log or blame information, the server can respond appropriately. For the system to work properly you must ensure that the server and all clients are upgraded. Earlier clients will not store the <literal>svn:mergeinfo</literal> property and earlier servers will not provide the information requested by new clients."
msgstr "Informacije o sledenju spajanja odjemalec ob spajanju shrani v lastnost <literal>svn:mergeinfo</literal>. Ko je spajanje objavljeno, strežnik te informacije shrani v bazo podatkov in se ob zahtevi po spajanju, prikazu dnevnika ali krivde lahko ustrezno odzove. Da bi sistem deloval, morate nadgraditi tako strežnik kot tudi vse odjemalce. Starejši odjemalci namre ne shranjujejo lastnosti <literal>svn:mergeinfo</literal>, starejši strežniki pa ne pošiljajo zahtevanih informacij novim odjemalcem."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7849
msgid "Find out more about merge tracking from Subversion's <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/merge-tracking/index.html\"><citetitle>Merge tracking documentation</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Več o sledenju spajanja preberite na strani <ulink url=\"http://subversion.tigris.org/merge-tracking/index.html\"><citetitle>Merge tracking documentation</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7857
msgid "Handling Conflicts during Merge"
msgstr "Reševanje sporom med spajanjem"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7860
msgid "merge conflicts"
msgstr "spori spajanja"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7869
msgid "The Merge Conflict Callback Dialog"
msgstr "Povratne informacije o sporih spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7862
msgid "Merging does not always go smoothly. Sometimes there is a conflict, and if you are merging multiple ranges, you generally want to resolve the conflict before merging of the next range starts. TortoiseSVN helps you through this process by showing the <emphasis>merge conflict callback</emphasis> dialog. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Spajanje ne poteka vedno gladko. Vasih se pojavi spor in e spajate obmoje revizij, je najbolje spor rešiti pred nadaljnjim spajanjem. TortoiseSVN vam pri tem pomaga tako, da vam pokaže pogovorno okno <emphasis>povratne informacije o sporih spajanja</emphasis>. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7878
msgid "You may decide that your local changes are much more important, so you want to discard the version from the repository and keep your local version. Or you might discard your local changes in favour of the repository version. Either way, no attempt is made to merge the changes - you choose one or the other."
msgstr "Vasih se odloite, da so krajevne spremembe bolj pomembne, zato želite pozabiti na spremembe iz skladiša in obdržati krajevno verzijo. Ali pa naredite obratno. V obeh primerih se ni spajanja, uporabi se ena ali druga verzija."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7888
msgid "Normally you will want to look at the conflicts and resolve them. In that case, choose the <guibutton>Edit Conflict</guibutton> which will start up your merge tool. When you are satisfied with the result, click <guibutton>Resolved</guibutton>."
msgstr "Obiajno boste spore pregledali in jih rešili. Za to uporabite gumb <guibutton>Uredi spor</guibutton>, ki zažene orodje za spajanje. Ko ste z rezultatom zadovoljni, kliknite na gumb <guibutton>Rešen</guibutton>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7896
msgid "The last option is to postpone resolution and continue with merging. You can choose to do that for the current conflicted file, or for all files in the rest of the merge. However, if there are further changes in that file, it will not be possible to complete the merge."
msgstr "Zadnja možnost je, da reševanje spora odložite in nadaljujete s spajanjem. Lahko se odloite, da to storite le za trenutno datoteko ali pa za celotno spajanje. Upoštevajte, da v primeru nadaljnjih sprememb iste datoteke spajanja ne bo mo zakljuiti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7873
msgid "When a conflict occurs during the merge, you have three ways to handle it. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "V primeru spora imate tri možnosti reševanja: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7908
msgid "Merge All Changes"
msgstr "Spoji vse spremembe"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7910
msgid "merge all"
msgstr "spoji vse"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7922
msgid "The Merge all Dialog"
msgstr "Okno Spoji vse"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7912
msgid "If you want to merge all changes from trunk to the branch you are currently working on, then you can use the <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge all...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the extended context menu (hold down the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key while you right click on the file). <placeholder-1/> This dialog is very easy. All you have to do is set the options for the merge, as described in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-merge-options\"/>. The rest is done by TortoiseSVN automatically using merge tracking."
msgstr "Œe želite spojiti vse spremembe iz glavne veje na stransko vejo, na kateri trenutno delate, lahko uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Spoji vse...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> iz razširjenega kontekstnega menija (ob desnem kliku držite pritisnjeno tipko<keycap>Shift</keycap>). <placeholder-1/> Pogovorno okno je enostavno. Vse, kar morate storiti, je nastaviti možnosti za spajanje, kot je to opisano v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-merge-options\"/>. Vse ostalo naredi TortoiseSVN sam s pomojo sledenja spajanja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7929
msgid "If you use this feature you must be sure that all clients are using merge tracking, otherwise the merge history may be incomplete. Also, if the server does not have a merge tracking database, gathering the information will be very slow."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate to zmožnost, morate zagotoviti, da vsi odjemalci uporabljajo sledenje spajanja, drugae se lahko zgodi, da bo zgodovina spajanja nepopolna. Œe stežnik nima baze podatkov o spajanju, bo pridobivanje informacij potekalo zelo poasi."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7938
msgid "Locking"
msgstr "Zaklepanje"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7940
msgid "locking"
msgstr "zaklepanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7950
msgid "You are using <quote>unmergeable</quote> files, for example, graphics files. If two people change the same file, merging is not possible, so one of you will lose their changes."
msgstr "Za delo uporabljate datoteke, ki jih ni mogoe spajati, naprimer grafine datoteke. Œe dva uporabnika spremenita isto datoteko, spajanje ni mogoe, zato bo eden izmed njih svoje spremembe izgubil."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7958
msgid "Your company has always used a locking revision control system in the past and there has been a management decision that <quote>locking is best</quote>."
msgstr "Vaše podjetje je v preteklosti vedno uporabljalo nadzor razliic z zaklepanjem, zato se je vodstvo odloilo, da je <quote>zaklepanje najboljše</quote>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7942
msgid "Subversion generally works best without locking, using the <quote>Copy-Modify-Merge</quote> methods described earlier in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-basics-versioning-copymodifymerge\"/>. However there are a few instances when you may need to implement some form of locking policy. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Subversion v splošnem najbolje deluje brez zaklepanja, z uporabo modela <quote>kopiraj-spremeni-spoji</quote>, kot je to opisano v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-basics-versioning-copymodifymerge\"/>. Se pa vseeno pojavijo situacije, kjer je potrebno uveljaviti doloeno obliko zaklepanja. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7966
msgid "Firstly you need to ensure that your Subversion server is upgraded to at least version 1.2. Earlier versions do not support locking at all. If you are using <filename>file:///</filename> access, then of course only your client needs to be updated."
msgstr "Najprej morate strežnik nadgraditi na različico Subversion 1.2 ali novejšo. Starejše različice namreč ne podpirajo zaklepanja. Če za dostop uporabljate protokol <filename>file:///</filename>, potem morate seveda nadgraditi samo odjemalca."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7973
msgid "How Locking Works in Subversion"
msgstr "Zaklepanje v sistemu Subversion"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7974
msgid "By default, nothing is locked and anyone who has commit access can commit changes to any file at any time. Others will update their working copies periodically and changes in the repository will be merged with local changes."
msgstr "Po privzetih nastavitvah noben element ni zaklenjen in vsakdo, ki ima pravice za pisanje v skladišu, lahko kadarkoli objavi spremembe za katerokoli datoteko. Ostali uporabniki bodo periodino posodabljali svojo delovno kopijo. Spremembe v skladišu bodo spojene s krajevnimi spremembami."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7980
msgid "If you <firstterm>Get a Lock</firstterm> on a file, then only you can commit that file. Commits by all other users will be blocked until you release the lock. A locked file cannot be modified in any way in the repository, so it cannot be deleted or renamed either, except by the lock owner."
msgstr "Œe za datoteko <firstterm>pridobite zaklep</firstterm>, potem lahko le vi objavite spremembe na tej datoteki. Objave s strani drugih uporabnikov bodo blokirane, vse dokler zaklepa ne sprostite. Zaklenjene datoteke v skladišu ni mogoe spremeniti na noben nain, tako da se je ne da izbrisati ali preimenovati, razen e niste ste lastnik zaklepa. "

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:7987
msgid "However, other users will not necessarily know that you have taken out a lock. Unless they check the lock status regularly, the first they will know about it is when their commit fails, which in most cases is not very useful. To make it easier to manage locks, there is a new Subversion property <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>. When this property is set (to any value) on a file, whenever the file is checked out or updated, the local copy is made read-only <emphasis>unless</emphasis> that working copy holds a lock for the file. This acts as a warning that you should not edit that file unless you have first acquired a lock. Files which are versioned and read-only are marked with a special overlay in TortoiseSVN to indicate that you need to acquire a lock before editing."
msgstr "Ni pa nujno, da uporabniki vedo, da ste datoteko zaklenili. Razen e statusa zaklepanja ne preverjajo redno, bodo to opazili šele, ko bo puskusili datoteko objaviti in objava ne bo uspešna. To pa ni najbolj uporabno. Da bi bilo delo z zaklepi lažje, je na voljo nova lastnost <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>. Œe je ta lastnost nastavljena (na katerokoli vrednost), bo lokalna kopija datoteke ob prevzemu ali posodobitvi na voljo samo za branje, <emphasis>razen</emphasis> e je ta delovna kopija lastnica zaklepa za to datoteko. To deluje kot opozorilo, da datoteke ne urejajte, preden zanjo niste pridobili zaklepa. Datoteke brez razliic, ki so hkrati tudi oznaene samo za branje, imajo v programu TortoiseSVN posebno prekrivno ikono, ki vas opozarja, da morate pred urejanjem pridobiti zaklep."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8003
msgid "Locks are recorded by working copy location as well as by owner. If you have several working copies (at home, at work) then you can only hold a lock in <emphasis>one</emphasis> of those working copies."
msgstr "Zaklep se pridobi za doloeno delovno kopijo in lastnika. Œe imate v lasti ve delovnih kopij (doma, v službi), ste lahko lastnik zaklepa datoteke samo v <emphasis>eni</emphasis> od teh delovnih kopij."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8009
msgid "If one of your co-workers acquires a lock and then goes on holiday without releasing it, what do you do? Subversion provides a means to force locks. Releasing a lock held by someone else is referred to as <firstterm>Breaking</firstterm> the lock, and forcibly acquiring a lock which someone else already holds is referred to as <firstterm>Stealing</firstterm> the lock. Naturally these are not things you should do lightly if you want to remain friends with your co-workers."
msgstr "Œe eden od vaših sodelavcev pridobi zaklep in odide na dopust, ne da bi zaklep sprostil, kaj storite? Subversion omogoa, da prisilno prevzamete zaklep. Sprostitev zaklepa nekoga drugega je znana pod imenom <firstterm>prelom</firstterm> zaklepa, prisilen prevzem zaklepa, ki je v lasti nekoga drugega, pa <firstterm>kraja</firstterm> zaklepa. Seveda teh ukazov ne smete zlorabljati, e želite ostati v dobrih odnosih s sodelavci."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8019
msgid "Locks are recorded in the repository, and a lock token is created in your local working copy. If there is a discrepancy, for example if someone else has broken the lock, the local lock token becomes invalid. The repository is always the definitive reference."
msgstr "Zaklepi so shranjeni v skladišu, žeton za zaklep pa je shranjen v krajevni delovni kopiji. Œe se zgodi prelom zaklepa, lokalni zaklep postane neveljaven. Informacija v skladišu se vedno uporablja kot edina referenna."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8028
msgid "Getting a Lock"
msgstr "Pridobivanje zaklepa"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8037
msgid "The Locking Dialog"
msgstr "Okno zaklepov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8029
msgid "Select the file(s) in your working copy for which you want to acquire a lock, then select the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Get Lock...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. <placeholder-1/> A dialog appears, allowing you to enter a comment, so others can see why you have locked the file. The comment is optional and currently only used with Svnserve based repositories. If (and <emphasis>only</emphasis> if) you need to steal the lock from someone else, check the <guilabel>Steal lock</guilabel> box, then click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>."
msgstr "V delovni kopiji izberite datoteke, za katere želite pridobiti zaklep, potem pa izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dobi zaklep...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. <placeholder-1/> Pojavi se pogovorno okno, ki vam omogoa vpis sporoila, tako da lahko ostali uporabniki vidijo, zakaj ste datoteko zaklenili. Komentar ni obvezen in se uporablja le v primeru uporabe strežnika svnserve. Œe (in <emphasis>samo</emphasis> e) morate nekomu ukrasti zaklep, potrdite polje <guilabel>Ukradi zaklep</guilabel>, potem pa kliknite na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8049
msgid "If you select a folder and then use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Get Lock...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> the lock dialog will open with <emphasis>every</emphasis> file in <emphasis>every</emphasis> sub-folder selected for locking. If you really want to lock an entire hierarchy, that is the way to do it, but you could become very unpopular with your co-workers if you lock them out of the whole project. Use with care ..."
msgstr "Œe izberete mapo in potem uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dobi zaklep...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, se bo pojavilo pogovorno okno Zaklep z <emphasis>vsemi</emphasis> datotekami v <emphasis>vseh</emphasis> podmapah. Œe zares želite zakleniti celotni hierarhijo, je to pravi postopek, vendar lahko postanete zelo nepriljubljeni pri sodelavcih, e jim zaklenete celoten projekt. Bodite previdni..."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8063
msgid "Releasing a Lock"
msgstr "Sprostitev zaklepa"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8064
msgid "To make sure you don't forget to release a lock you don't need any more, locked files are shown in the commit dialog and selected by default. If you continue with the commit, locks you hold on the selected files are removed, even if the files haven't been modified. If you don't want to release a lock on certain files, you can uncheck them (if they're not modified). If you want to keep a lock on a file you've modified, you have to enable the <guilabel>Keep locks</guilabel> checkbox before you commit your changes."
msgstr "Da ne bi pozabili sprostiti zaklepa, ki ga ne potrebujete ve, so zaklenjene datoteke prikazane v oknu za objave in izbrane. Œe nadaljujete z objavo, se zaklepi na izbranih datotekah sprostijo, tudi e datotek niste spreminjali. Œe doloenih zaklepov ne želite sprostiti, ustreznih datotek ne oznaite (e jih niste spreminjali). Œe želite obdržati zaklepe na datotekah, ki ste jih spreminjali, pred objavo potrdite polje <guilabel>Obdrži zaklepe</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8075
msgid "To release a lock manually, select the file(s) in your working copy for which you want to release the lock, then select the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Release Lock</guimenuitem></menuchoice> There is nothing further to enter so TortoiseSVN will contact the repository and release the locks. You can also use this command on a folder to release all locks recursively."
msgstr "Za rono sprošanje zaklepa v delovni kopiji izberite ustrezne datoteke in izvedite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Sprosti zaklep</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Ker dodatni podatki niso potrebni, TortoiseSVN kontaktira skladiše in sprosti zaklep. Ukaz lahko izvedete tudi na mapi. V tem primeru se sprostitev izvede rekurzivno na vseh zaklenjenih datotekah."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8088
msgid "Checking Lock Status"
msgstr "Preverjanje stanja zaklepanja"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8091
msgid "The Check for Modifications Dialog"
msgstr "Pogovorno okno Preveri posodobitve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8089
msgid "<placeholder-1/> To see what locks you and others hold, you can use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Check for Modifications...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Locally held lock tokens show up immediately. To check for locks held by others (and to see if any of your locks are broken or stolen) you need to click on <guibutton>Check Repository</guibutton>."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Za preverjanje, katere zaklepe imate v lasti vi in ostali uporabiniki, lahko uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preveri spremembe...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Zaklepi, ki so v vaši lasti, se pokažejo takoj. Za seznam zaklepov, ki jih imajo v lasti ostali uporabniki, uporabite gumb <guibutton>Preveri skladiše</guibutton>. S tem vidite tudi, e so kateri izmed vaših zaklepov prelomljeni ali ukradeni."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8104
msgid "From the context menu here, you can also get and release locks, as well as breaking and stealing locks held by others."
msgstr "Iz kontekstnega menija lahko pridobite ali sprostite zaklep, prav tako pa lahko prelomite in ukradete zaklep, ki je v lasti drugih."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8109
msgid "Avoid Breaking and Stealing Locks"
msgstr "Izognite se prelamljanju in kraji zaklepov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8110
msgid "If you break or steal someone else's lock without telling them, you could potentially cause loss of work. If you are working with unmergeable file types and you steal someone else's lock, once you release the lock they are free to check in their changes and overwrite yours. Subversion doesn't lose data, but you have lost the team-working protection that locking gave you."
msgstr "Œe nekomu prelomite ali ukradete zaklep, ne da bi uporabniku to povedali, lahko povzroite izgubo podatkov. Œe delate z datotekami, ki se jih ne da spajati, in nekomu ukradete zaklep, lahko ta uporabnik po vaši sprostitvi zaklepa objavi svojo razliico datoteke in s tem povozi vašo. Subversion nikoli ne izgubi podatkov, izgubite pa lahko varnost dela v teamu, ki vam jo daje zaklepanje. "

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8122
msgid "Making Non-locked Files Read-Only"
msgstr "Nastavite nezaklenjene datoteke samo za branje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8123
msgid "As mentioned above, the most effective way to use locking is to set the <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal> property on files. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/> for instructions on how to set properties. Files with this property set will always be checked out and updated with the read-only flag set unless your working copy holds a lock. <graphic fileref=\"../images/ReadOnlyIcon.png\"/> As a reminder, TortoiseSVN uses a special overlay to indicate this."
msgstr "Kot je že bilo omenjeno, je najbolj uinkovita metoda za uporabo zaklepanja uporaba lastnosti <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>. Za ve informacij o tem, kako datotekam nastaviti lastnosti, preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>. Datoteke, ki imajo nastavljeno to lastnost, bodo ob prevzemu ali posodobitvi vedno dobile status datoteke samo za branje, razen e je delovna kopija lastnica zaklepa. <graphic fileref=\"../images/ReadOnlyIcon.png\"/> Kot opomnik, da je datoteka namenjena samo za branje, uporablja TortoiseSVN posebno prekrivno ikono."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8133
msgid "If you operate a policy where every file has to be locked then you may find it easier to use Subversion's auto-props feature to set the property automatically every time you add new files. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings\"/> for further information."
msgstr "Œe velja na projektu pravilo, da je potrebno vsako datoteko zakleniti, potem bo verjetno lažje, da uporabite samodejne lastnosti (auto-props). Tako bo ta lastnost samodejno pripeta vsaki novo dodani datoteki. Za nadaljnje informacije preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8141
msgid "The Locking Hook Scripts"
msgstr "Skripta akcije za zaklepanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8142
msgid "When you create a new repository with Subversion 1.2 or higher, four hook templates are created in the repository <filename>hooks</filename> directory. These are called before and after getting a lock, and before and after releasing a lock."
msgstr "Ko ustvarite novo skladiše s sistemom Subversion 1.2 ali novejšim, se v podmapi <filename>hooks</filename> ustvarijo štiri predloge za skripte akcij. Kliejo se pred in po pridobivanju zaklepa ter pred in po sprostitvi zaklepa."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8148
msgid "It is a good idea to install a <literal>post-lock</literal> and <literal>post-unlock</literal> hook script on the server which sends out an email indicating the file which has been locked. With such a script in place, all your users can be notified if someone locks/unlocks a file. You can find an example hook script <filename>hooks/post-lock.tmpl</filename> in your repository folder."
msgstr "Na strežniku je priporoljivo nastaviti skripte akcij za <literal>post-lock</literal> in <literal>post-unlock</literal>, ki pošljejo elektronsko pošto, ko se datoteka zaklene. S pomojo teh skript so vsi uporabniki obvešeni, ko nekdo zaklene/odklene datoteko. Primer skripte se nahaja v datoteki <filename>hooks/post-lock.tmpl</filename> v mapi skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8156
msgid "You might also use hooks to disallow breaking or stealing of locks, or perhaps limit it to a named administrator. Or maybe you want to email the owner when one of their locks is broken or stolen."
msgstr "Lahko nastavite skripto akcije, ki prepreuje prelom ali krajo zaklepa, ali pa te operacije dovoli le administratorju. Lahko pa nastavite pošiljanje elektronske pošte lastniku zaklepa, kadar mu nekdo zaklep prelomi ali ukrade."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8162
msgid "Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository-hooks\"/> to find out more."
msgstr "Za dodatne informacije preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository-hooks\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8168
msgid "Creating and Applying Patches"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje in namešanje popravkov"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8170
msgid "patch"
msgstr "popravek"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8174
msgid "For open source projects (like this one) everyone has read access to the repository, and anyone can make a contribution to the project. So how are those contributions controlled? If just anyone could commit changes, the project would be permanently unstable and probably permanently broken. In this situation the change is managed by submitting a <firstterm>patch</firstterm> file to the development team, who do have write access. They can review the patch first, and then either submit it to the repository or reject it back to the author."
msgstr "V primeru odprtokodnih projektov (kot je tale) imajo pravice branja skladiša vsi in vsakdo lahko prispeva k projektu. Kako pa se ti prispevki nadzorujejo? Œe bi lahko vsakdo objavljal spremembe, bi projekt kmalu postal nestabilen in neuporaben. V takšnem primeru se spremembe pošljejo razvojni ekipi, ki ima pravice za objavljanje, v obliki datoteke <firstterm>popravkov</firstterm>. Ekipa popravek pregleda in ga objavi v skladišu ali pa vrne avtorju."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8185
msgid "Patch files are simply Unified-Diff files showing the differences between your working copy and the base revision."
msgstr "Datoteke popravkov so poenotene razliice datotek, ki prikazujejo razlike med vašo delovno kopijo in osnovno revizijo."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8190
msgid "Creating a Patch File"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje datoteke popravkov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8191
msgid "First you need to make <emphasis>and test</emphasis> your changes. Then instead of using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Commit...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on the parent folder, you select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Create Patch...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"
msgstr "Najprej morate spremembe narediti <emphasis>in jih preizkusiti</emphasis>. Potem namesto ukaza <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Objavi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> na nadrejeni mapi uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Ustvari popravek...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8205
msgid "The Create Patch dialog"
msgstr "Okno za ustvarjanje popravkov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8208
msgid "you can now select the files you want included in the patch, just as you would with a full commit. This will produce a single file containing a summary of all the changes you have made to the selected files since the last update from the repository."
msgstr "Sedaj lahko izberete datoteke, ki jih želite vkljuiti v popravek, prav tako, kot to lahko storite ob objavi. Ustvari se ena datoteka, ki vsebuje podatke o vseh spremembah, ki ste jih naredili na izbranih datotekah od zadnje posodobitve iz skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8219
msgid "You can produce separate patches containing changes to different sets of files. Of course, if you create a patch file, make some more changes to the <emphasis>same</emphasis> files and then create another patch, the second patch file will include <emphasis>both</emphasis> sets of changes."
msgstr "Izdelate lahko ve popravkov, ki vsebujejo spremembe razlinih skupin datotek. Seveda, e izdelate datoteko popravkov, nato naredite še dodatne spremembe in izdelate novo datoteko popravkov, bo ta vsebovala spremembe <emphasis>obeh</emphasis> skupin sprememb."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8225
msgid "Just save the file using a filename of your choice. Patch files can have any extension you like, but by convention they should use the <filename>.patch</filename> or <filename>.diff</filename> extension. You are now ready to submit your patch file."
msgstr "Shranite datoteko s poljubnim imenom. Datoteke popravkov imajo lahko poljubno konnico, vendar imajo po konvenciji konnico <filename>.patch</filename> ali <filename>.diff</filename>. Sedaj lahko datoteko oddate."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8232
msgid "You can also save the patch to the clipboard instead of to a file. You might want to do this so that you can paste it into an email for review by others. Or if you have two working copies on one machine and you want to transfer changes from one to the other, a patch on the clipboard is a convenient way of doing this."
msgstr "Popravek lahko shranite tudi v odložiše namesto v datoteko. Nato ga lahko prilepite v elektronsko sporoilo in ga pošljete v pregled ostalim. Œe imate dve delovni kopiji na enem raunalniku in želite prenesti spremembe iz ene kopije v drugo, je kopiranje popravka v odložiše pripraven nain za izvedbo operacije."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8241
msgid "Applying a Patch File"
msgstr "Namešanje datoteke popravkov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8242
msgid "Patch files are applied to your working copy. This should be done from the same folder level as was used to create the patch. If you are not sure what this is, just look at the first line of the patch file. For example, if the first file being worked on was <filename>doc/source/english/chapter1.xml</filename> and the first line in the patch file is <filename>Index: english/chapter1.xml</filename> then you need to apply the patch to the <filename>doc/source/</filename> folder. However, provided you are in the correct working copy, if you pick the wrong folder level, TortoiseSVN will notice and suggest the correct level."
msgstr "Datoteke popravkov se namestijo v delovno kopijo. Namešanje je potrebno narediti na istem nivoju map, na katerem je bil popravek narejen. Œe ne veste, kateri nivo to je, poglejte v prvo vrstico datoteke popravkov. Primer: e je prva datoteka popravka <filename>doc/source/english/chapter1.xml</filename> in je prva vrstica popravka <filename>Index: english/chapter1.xml</filename>, potem morate popravek namestiti na mapo <filename>doc/source/</filename>. Vendar, e le delate na pravi delovni kopiji, bo TSVN zaznal, da ste izbrali napaen nivo in vam bo predlagal pravilnega."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8256
msgid "In order to apply a patch file to your working copy, you need to have at least read access to the repository. The reason for this is that the merge program must reference the changes back to the revision against which they were made by the remote developer."
msgstr "Da bi namestili datoteko popravkov na delovni kopiji, morate v skladišu imeti vsaj pravice za branje. Razlog je v tem, da mora imeti program za spajanje referenco na revizijo, ki jo je oddaljeni programer uporabil kot osnovo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8263
msgid "From the context menu for that folder, click on <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Apply Patch...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> This will bring up a file open dialog allowing you to select the patch file to apply. By default only <filename>.patch</filename> or <filename>.diff</filename> files are shown, but you can opt for \"All files\". If you previously saved a patch to the clipboard, you can use <guibutton>Open from clipboard...</guibutton> in the file open dialog."
msgstr "Iz kontekstnega menija v mapi izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Namesti popravek...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Prikazalo se bo pogovorno okno za izbiro datoteke popravkov, ki jo želite namestiti. Prikazane so le datoteke s konnicami <filename>.patch</filename> in <filename>.diff</filename>, vendar pa lahko prikažete tudi \"Vse datoteke\". Œe ste popravek shranili na odložiše, lahko v oknu uporabite gumb <guibutton>Odpri iz odložiša...</guibutton>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8277
msgid "Alternatively, if the patch file has a <filename>.patch</filename> or <filename>.diff</filename> extension, you can right click on it directly and select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Apply Patch...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. In this case you will be prompted to enter a working copy location."
msgstr "Œe ima datoteka popravkov konnico <filename>.patch</filename> ali <filename>.diff</filename>, lahko najno kliknete z desnim gumbom in izberete <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Namesti popravek...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. V tem primeru boste povprašani po lokaciji delovne kopije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8287
msgid "These two methods just offer different ways of doing the same thing. With the first method you select the WC and browse to the patch file. With the second you select the patch file and browse to the WC."
msgstr "Ti dve metodi omogoata isti postopek na razlina naina. S prvo metodo izberete delovno kopijo in poišete datoteko popravkov, z drugo pa izberete datoteko popravkov in poišete delovno kopijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8292
msgid "Once you have selected the patch file and working copy location, TortoiseMerge runs to merge the changes from the patch file with your working copy. A small window lists the files which have been changed. Double click on each one in turn, review the changes and save the merged files."
msgstr "Ko ste izbrali datoteko popravkov in lokacijo delovne kopije, TortoiseMerge zane postopek spajanja sprememb iz datoteke popravkov v delovno kopijo. Majhno okno vsebuje seznam datotek, ki so bile spremenjene. Dvokliknite na vsako izmed njih, preglejte spremembe in shranite spojene datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8299
msgid "The remote developer's patch has now been applied to your working copy, so you need to commit to allow everyone else to access the changes from the repository."
msgstr "Popravek oddaljenega sodelavca je sedaj namešen na vaši delovni kopiji, ki jo morate objaviti, da bodo lahko vsi uporabniki dostopali do sprememb v skladišu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8307
msgid "Who Changed Which Line?"
msgstr "Kdo je spremenil posamezno vrstico?"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8309
msgid "blame"
msgstr "okrivi"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8312
msgid "annotate"
msgstr "oznai"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8315
msgid "praise"
msgstr "hvali"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8318
msgid "Sometimes you need to know not only what lines have changed, but also who exactly changed specific lines in a file. That's when the <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Blame...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> command, sometimes also referred to as <firstterm>annotate</firstterm> command comes in handy."
msgstr "Vasih vas ne zanima samo, katere vrstice so bile spremenjene, ampak tudi, kdo je doloene vrstice spremenil. Takrat je uporaben ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Okrivi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Vasih ga imenujemo tudi <firstterm>pohvali</firstterm>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8328
msgid "This command lists, for every line in a file, the author and the revision the line was changed."
msgstr "Ta ukaz za vsako vrstico v datoteki izpiše avtorja in številko revizije, v kateri je bila vrstica spremenjena."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8333
msgid "Blame for Files"
msgstr "Okrivi datoteke"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8336
msgid "The Annotate / Blame Dialog"
msgstr "Okno hvali/okrivi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8334
msgid "<placeholder-1/> If you're not interested in changes from earlier revisions you can set the revision from which the blame should start. Set this to <literal>1</literal>, if you want the blame for <emphasis>every</emphasis> revision."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Œe vas spremembe v zgodnejših revizijah ne zanimajo, lahko nastavite številko revizije, s katero naj se okrivljanje zane. Nastavite vrednost <literal>1</literal>, e želite okrivljanje <emphasis>vseh</emphasis> revizij."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8343
msgid "By default the blame file is viewed using <firstterm>TortoiseBlame</firstterm>, which highlights the different revisions to make it easier to read. If you wish to print or edit the blame file, select <guilabel>Use Text viewer to view blames</guilabel>"
msgstr "Po privzetih nastavitvah se krivda prikazuje s programom <firstterm>TortoiseBlame</firstterm>, ki naglasi razline revizije, kar vam olajša branje. Œe želite informacije o krivdi natisniti ali urediti, izberite <guilabel>Uporabi ogledovalnik besedila za pregled krivde</guilabel>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8349
msgid "You can specify the way that line ending and whitespace changes are handled. These options are described in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-eol-whitespace\"/>. The default behaviour is to treat all whitespace and line-end differences as real changes, but if you want to ignore an indentation change and find the original author, you can choose an appropriate option here."
msgstr "Nastavite lahko, kako se obravnavajo zakljuki vrstic in presledki. Možnosti so opisane v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-eol-whitespace\"/>. Privzeta nastavitev je, da se zakljuki vrstic in presledki obravnavajo kot vse ostale spremembe. Œe pa želite zamikanje prezreti in poiskati izvirnega avtorja, lahko tu nastavite ustrezno možnost."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8356
msgid "Once you press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> TortoiseSVN starts retrieving the data to create the blame file. Please note: This can take several minutes to finish, depending on how much the file has changed and of course your network connection to the repository. Once the blame process has finished the result is written into a temporary file and you can view the results."
msgstr "Ko pritisnete na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>, zane TortoiseSVN pridobivati podatke, da ustvari datoteko krivd. Pazite: to lahko traja kar nekaj minut, odvisno od tega, koliko se je datoteka spreminjala in seveda od povezave do strežnika skladiša. Po konanem procesu se rezultat zapiše v zaasno datoteko in prikaže na zaslonu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8366
msgid "TortoiseBlame"
msgstr "TortoiseBlame"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8364
msgid "<placeholder-1/> TortoiseBlame, which is included with TortoiseSVN, makes the blame file easier to read. When you hover the mouse over a line in the blame info column, all lines with the same revision are shown with a darker background. Lines from other revisions which were changed by the same author are shown with a light background. The colouring may not work as clearly if you have your display set to 256 colour mode."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> TortoiseBlame, ki je del paketa TortoiseSVN, olajša pregledovanje datoteke krivd. Ko z miško nekaj trenutkov mirujete na vrstici v stolcu z informacijami, se vse vrstice iste revizije prikažejo s temnejšim ozadjem. Vrstice drugih revizij, ki jih je spremenil isti avtor, so prikazane s svetlim ozadjem. Barvno oznaevanje ne bo delovalo dobro, e uporabljate le 256 barv."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8377
msgid "If you <action>left click</action> on a line, all lines with the same revision are highlighted, and lines from other revisions by the same author are highlighted in a lighter colour. This highlighting is sticky, allowing you to move the mouse without losing the highlights. Click on that revision again to turn off highlighting."
msgstr "Œe na vrstico <action>kliknete z levim gumbom</action>, se oznaijo vse vrstice iste revizije, vrstice, ki jih je spremenil isti avtor, pa so oznaene s svetlejšo barvo. Oznaevanje obvelja tudi e premaknete miško. Œe želite oznaevanje izkljuiti, še enkrat kliknite na vrstico."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8384
msgid "The revision comments (log message) are shown in a hint box whenever the mouse hovers over the blame info column. If you want to copy the log message for that revision, use the context menu which appears when you right click on the blame info column."
msgstr "Komentar revizije (sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa) je prikazano v oknu z namigi, ko z miško za kratko poakate na stolpcu s krivdnimi informacijami. Œe želite prekopirati dnevniško sporoilo za to revizijo, uporabite kontekstni meni, ki se pojavi ob desnem kliku."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8390
msgid "You can search within the Blame report using <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Find...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This allows you to search for revision numbers, authors and the content of the file itself. Log messages are not included in the search - you should use the Log Dialog to search those."
msgstr "Iskanje po krivdni datoteki izvedete z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>Uredi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Najdi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Išete lahko po številki revizije, avtorju in po sami vsebini datoteke. Sporoila dnevniških zapisov niso vkljuena v iskanje - za to uporabite Dnevnik."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8400
msgid "You can also jump to a specific line number using <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Go To Line...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>Uredi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pojdi na vrstico...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> skoite na doloeno vrstico v datoteki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8407
msgid "When the mouse is over the blame info columns, a context menu is available which helps with comparing revisions and examining history, using the revision number of the line under the mouse as a reference. <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Blame previous revision</guimenuitem></menuchoice> generates a blame report for the same file, but using the previous revision as the upper limit. This gives you the blame report for the state of the file just before the line you are looking at was last changed. <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show changes</guimenuitem></menuchoice> starts your diff viewer, showing you what changed in the referenced revision. <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show log</guimenuitem></menuchoice> displays the revision log dialog starting with the referenced revision."
msgstr "Ko ste z miško nad stolcem s krivdnimi informacijami, lahko uporabite kontekstni meni, ki vam omogoa primerjanje revizij in pregled zgodovine. Številka revizije vrstice pod kazalcem miške se uporabi kot referenca. Ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Okrivi prejšnjo revizijo</guimenuitem></menuchoice> ustvari krivdno poroilo za isto datoteko, vendar uporabi predhodno revizijo kot zgornjo mejo. To vam da krivdno poroilo za stanje datoteke tono preden se je vrstica, ki jo gledate, zadnji spremenila. Ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži spremembe</guimenuitem></menuchoice> požene pregledovalnik razlik, ki prikazuje, kaj se je spremenilo v referenni reviziji. Ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Prikaži dnevnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice> prikaže dnevnik, ki se zane z referenno revizijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8429
msgid "If you need a better visual indicator of where the oldest and newest changes are, select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Color age of lines</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will use a colour gradient to show newer lines in red and older lines in blue. The default colouring is quite light, but you can change it using the TortoiseBlame settings."
msgstr "Œe potrebujete boljši vizuelno razlikovanje med starimi in novimi spremembami, izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Prikaz starosti vrstic z barvami</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Novejše vrstice bodo prikazane z rdeimi barvnimi odtenki, starejše pa z modrimi. Privzete barve so dokaj svetle, vendar jih lahko spremenite v nastavitvah za TortoiseBlame."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8440
msgid "If you are using Merge Tracking, where lines have changed as a result of merging from another path, TortoiseBlame will show the revision and author of the last change in the original file rather than the revision where the merge took place. These lines are indicated by showing the revision and author in italics."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate sledenje spajanja, kjer so se vrstice spremenile kot posledica spajanja z druge poti, vam TortoiseBlame pokaže revizijo in avtorja zadnje spremembe izvorne datoteke namesto revizije, pri kateri se je zgodilo spajanje. Za te vrstice se uporablja poševna pisava."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8447
msgid "If you want to see the paths involved in the merge, select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge paths</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Œe želite videti poti, ki so predmet spajanja, izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Pogled</guimenu><guimenuitem>Poti spajanja</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8454
msgid "The settings for TortoiseBlame can be accessed using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Settings...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on the TortoiseBlame tab. Refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-tortoiseblame\"/>."
msgstr "Nastavitve za TortoiseBlame prikažete z izbiro <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Nastavitve...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> na zavihku TortoiseBlame. Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-tortoiseblame\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8465
msgid "Blame Differences"
msgstr "Okrivi spremembe"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8466
msgid "One of the limitations of the Blame report is that it only shows the file as it was in a particular revision, and shows the last person to change each line. Sometimes you want to know what change was made, as well as who made it. What you need here is a combination of the diff and blame reports."
msgstr "Ena od omejitev krivdnega poroila je, da vam prikaže datoteko, kot je izgledala v doloeni reviziji, in avtorja zadnje spremembe posamezne vrstice. Vasih želite izvedeti, kakšna sprememba je bila narejena in kdo jo je naredil. Potrebujete kombinacijo razlikovanja in okrivljanja."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8476
msgid "Blame Revisions"
msgstr "Okrivi revizije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8478
msgid "In the top pane, select 2 revisions, then select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Blame revisions</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will fetch the blame data for the 2 revisions, then use the diff viewer to compare the two blame files."
msgstr "V zgornjem delu izberite dve reviziji in poženite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Okrivi revizije</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem boste prenesli krivdne podatke za dve reviziji, potem pa vam bo pregledovalnik razlik prikazal razlike med obema krivdnima datotekama."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8490
msgid "Blame Changes"
msgstr "Okrivi spremembe"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8492
msgid "Select one revision in the top pane, then pick one file in the bottom pane and select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Blame changes</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will fetch the blame data for the selected revision and the previous revision, then use the diff viewer to compare the two blame files."
msgstr "V zgornjem delu izberite revizijo, potem pa v spodnjem delu izberite datoteko in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Okrivi spremembe</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem boste prenesli krivdne podatke za izbrano revizijo in prejšnjo revizijo, potem pa vam bo pregledovalnik razlik prikazal razlike med krivdnima datotekama."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8506
msgid "Compare and Blame with Working BASE"
msgstr "Primerjaj in okrivi z delovno osnovo BASE"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8508
msgid "Show the log for a single file, and in the top pane, select a single revision, then select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Compare and Blame with Working BASE</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will fetch the blame data for the selected revision, and for the file in the working BASE, then use the diff viewer to compare the two blame files."
msgstr "Prikažite dnevnik za eno datoteko in v zgornjem delu izberite revizijo, potem pa poženite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Primerjaj in okrivi z delovno osnovo</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem prenesete krivdne podatke za izbrano revizijo in za datoteko v delovni osnovi, potem pa se prikaže pregledovalnik razlik in premerja obe krivdni datoteki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8472
msgid "The revision log dialog includes several options which allow you to do this. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Dnevnik ponuja ve možnosti, ki vam to omogoajo. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8526
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8544
msgid "The Repository Browser"
msgstr "Brskalnik po skladišu"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8528
msgid "repo-browser"
msgstr "brskalnik po skladišu"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8531
msgid "server-side actions"
msgstr "akcije na strani strežnika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8537
msgid "Sometimes you need to work directly on the repository, without having a working copy. That's what the <firstterm>Repository Browser</firstterm> is for. Just as the explorer and the icon overlays allow you to view your working copy, so the Repository Browser allows you to view the structure and status of the repository. <placeholder-1/> With the Repository Browser you can execute commands like copy, move, rename, ... directly on the repository."
msgstr "Vasih morate nekaj postoriti neposredno v skladišu, brez uporabe delovne kopije. Za to se uporablja <firstterm>brskalnik po skladišu</firstterm>. Prav tako kot vam Raziskovalec in prekrivne ikone omogoajo pregled delovne kopije, vam brskalnik po skladišu omogoa vpogled v strukturo in stanje skladiša. <placeholder-1/> Z brskalnikom po skladišu lahko izvajate kopiranje, premikanje, preimenovanje... neposredno v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8550
msgid "The repository browser looks very similar to the Windows explorer, except that it is showing the content of the repository at a particular revision rather than files on your computer. In the left pane you can see a directory tree, and in the right pane are the contents of the selected directory. At the top of the Repository Browser Window you can enter the URL of the repository and the revision you want to browse."
msgstr "Brskalnik po skladišu je zelo podoben Raziskovalcu, s to razliko, da prikazuje vsebino skladiša v doloeni reviziji namesto datotek na vašem raunalniku. V levem delu lahko vidite strukturo map v obliki drevesa, v desnem pa vsebino izbrane mape. Na vrhu okna lahko vnesete naslov URL skladiša in revizijo, ki jo želite videti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8559
msgid "Just like Windows explorer, you can click on the column headings in the right pane if you want to set the sort order. And as in explorer there are context menus available in both panes."
msgstr "Tako kot v Raziskovalcu lahko tudi tu kliknete na glave stolpcev na desni strani, e želite definirati vrstni red razvršanja. In prav tako kot v Raziskovalcu so v obeh delih na voljo kontekstni meniji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8574
msgid "Save an unversioned copy of the file to your hard drive."
msgstr "Shranite kopijo datoteke brez razliic na trdi disk."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8579
msgid "Show the revision log for that file, or show a graph of all revisions so you can see where the file came from."
msgstr "Prikažete dnevnik za datoteko ali graf vseh revizij, tako da lahko vidite, od kje datoteka prihaja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8585
msgid "Blame the file, to see who changed which line and when."
msgstr "Okrivite datoteko, da vidite, kdo in kdaj je spremenil doloeno vrstico."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8590
msgid "Delete or rename the file."
msgstr "Izbrišete ali preimenujete datoteko"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8595
msgid "Make a copy of the file, either to a different part of the repository, or to a working copy rooted in the same repository."
msgstr "Ustvarite kopijo datoteke - v drug del skladiša ali v delovno kopijo, ki kaže na isto skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8601
msgid "View the file's properties (you cannot edit properties directly in the repository)."
msgstr "Pogledate lastnosti datoteke (lastnosti ne morete popravljati neposredno v skladišu)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8564
msgid "The context menu for a file allows you to: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Kontekstni meni za datoteko vam omogoa, da: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8612
msgid "Show the revision log for that folder, or show a graph of all revisions so you can see where the folder came from."
msgstr "Prikažete dnevnik za mapo ali graf vseh revizij, da vidite, od kje mapa prihaja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8618
msgid "Export the folder to a local unversioned copy on your hard drive."
msgstr "Izvozite mapo v mapo brez razliic na trdem disku."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8623
msgid "Checkout the folder to produce a local working copy on your hard drive."
msgstr "Prevzamete mapo in si s tem ustvarite delovno kopijo na trdem disku."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8628
msgid "Create a new folder in the repository."
msgstr "Ustvarite novo mapo v skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8633
msgid "Add files or folders directly to the repository."
msgstr "Dodate datoteke ali mape neposredno v skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8638
msgid "Delete or rename the folder."
msgstr "Izbrišete ali preimenujete mapo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8643
msgid "Make a copy of the folder, either to a different part of the repository, or to a working copy rooted in the same repository."
msgstr "Ustvarite kopijo mape - v drug del skladiša ali v delovno kopijo, ki kaže na isto skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8649
msgid "View the folder's properties (you cannot edit properties directly in the repository)."
msgstr "Pogledate lastnosti mape (lastnosti ne morete popravljati neposredno v skladišu)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8655
msgid "Mark the folder for comparison. A marked folder is shown in bold."
msgstr "Oznaite mapo za primerjanje. Oznaena mapa je izpisana polkrepko."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8660
msgid "Compare the folder with a previously marked folder, either as a unified diff, or as a list of changed files which can then be visually diffed using the default diff tool. This can be particularly useful for comparing two tags, or trunk and branch to see what changed."
msgstr "Primerjate mapo s predhodno oznaeno mapo - kot poenoteno razliico ali kot seznam spremenjenih datotek, katerih razlike lahko vizuelno pregledate s privzetim orodjem za razlikovanje. To je uporabno pri primerjanju dveh oznak ali pri primerjanju veje in glavne veje, da vidite, kaj se je spremenilo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8608
msgid "The context menu for a folder allows you to: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Kontekstni meni za mapo vam omogoa, da: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8669
msgid "If you select two folders in the right pane, you can view the differences either as a unified-diff, or as a list of files which can be visually diffed using the default diff tool."
msgstr "Œe na desni izberete dve mapi, lahko pregledate razlike med njima - kot poenoteno razliico ali kot seznam datotek, katerih razlike lahko vizuelno pregledate s privzetim orodjem za razlikovanje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8674
msgid "If you select multiple folders in the right pane, you can checkout all of them at once into a common parent folder."
msgstr "Œe na desni strani izberete ve map, jih lahko prevzamete soasno v skupno mapo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8678
msgid "If you select 2 tags which are copied from the same root (typically <literal>/trunk/</literal>), you can use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Log...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to view the list of revisions between the two tag points."
msgstr "Œe izberete dve oznaki, ki sta skopirani iz iste korenske mape (ponavadi <literal>/trunk/</literal>), lahko uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži dnevnik...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in s tem prikažete seznam revizij med obema oznakama."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8687
msgid "You can use <action>F5</action> to refresh the view as usual. This will refresh everything which is currently displayed. If you want to pre-fetch or refresh the information for nodes which have not been opened yet, use <action>CTRL-F5</action>. After that, expanding any node will happen instantly without a network delay while the information is fetched."
msgstr "Kot je to obiajno, lahko uporabite tipko <action>F5</action> za osvežitev pogleda. S tem osvežite vse, kar je trenutno prikazano. Œe želite v naprej prenesti ali osvežiti informacije o vozliših, ki še niso bila odprta, uporabite <action>CTRL-F5</action>. Po tem bo razširjanje kateregakoli vozliša potekalo zelo hitro, saj ne bo zamud zaradi prenosa podatkov preko omrežja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8694
msgid "You can also use the repository browser for drag-and-drop operations. If you drag a folder from explorer into the repo-browser, it will be imported into the repository. Note that if you drag multiple items, they will be imported in separate commits."
msgstr "Brskalnik po skladišu lahko uporabite tudi za izvajanje operacij z metodo povleci-in-spusti. Œe povleete v brskalnik po skladišu mapo iz Raziskovalca, jo s tem uvozite. Upoštevajte, da se v primeru, ko povleete ve elementov naenkrat, elementi uvozijo v loenih objavah."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8700
msgid "If you want to move an item within the repository, just <action>left drag</action> it to the new location. If you want to create a copy rather than moving the item, <action>Ctrl left drag</action> instead. When copying, the cursor has a <quote>plus</quote> symbol on it, just as it does in Explorer."
msgstr "Œe želite elemente premikati znotraj skladiša, jih enostavno <action>povlecite z levim gumbom</action> na novo lokacijo. Œe želite namesto premikanja ustvariti kopijo, ob potegu držite pritisnjeno tipko <action>CTRL</action>. Pri kopiranju ima kazalnik dodan znak <quote>plus</quote>, prav tako kot v Raziskovalcu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8706
msgid "If you want to copy/move a file or folder to another location and also give it a new name at the same time, you can <action>right drag</action> or <action>ctrl right drag</action> the item instead of using <action>left drag</action>. In that case, a rename dialog is shown where you can enter a new name for the file or folder."
msgstr "Œe želite datoteko ali mapo premakniti/prekopirati na novo lokacijo in jo istoasno preimenovati, jo lahko <action>povleete z desnim gumbom</action> (lahko držite pritisnjeno tipko <action>CTRL</action>) namesto <action>z levim gumbom</action>. V tem primeru se pokaže okno se vpis novega imena datoteke ali mape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8713
msgid "Whenever you make changes in the repository using one of these methods, you will be presented with a log message entry dialog. If you dragged something by mistake, this is also your chance to cancel the action."
msgstr "Ko ste naredili spremembe v skladišu z uporabo ene od teh metod, se pojavi okno za vnos sporoila dnevniškega zapisa. Œe ste kaj premaknili po pomoti, imate sedaj možnost, da operacijo prekliete."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8718
msgid "Sometimes when you try to open a path you will get an error message in place of the item details. This might happen if you specified an invalid URL, or if you don't have access permission, or if there is some other server problem. If you need to copy this message to include it in an email, just right click on it and use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Copy error message to clipboard</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, or simply use <action>CTRL+C</action>."
msgstr "Vasih se pri odpiranju poti namesto vsebine prikaže sporoilo o napaki. Vzrok je lahko napaen naslov URL, nezadostne pravice ali težave s strežnikom. Œe želite sporoilo o napaki prekopirati (da ga vkljuite v elektronsko sporoilo), iz kontekstnega menija izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Kopiraj sporoilo o napaki na odložiše</guimenuitem></menuchoice> ali uporabite <action>CTRL+C</action>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8733
msgid "Revision Graphs"
msgstr "Grafi revizij"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8738
msgid "graph"
msgstr "graf"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8742
msgid "A Revision Graph"
msgstr "Graf revizije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8740
msgid "<placeholder-1/> Sometimes you need to know where branches and tags were taken from the trunk, and the ideal way to view this sort of information is as a graph or tree structure. That's when you need to use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revision Graph...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Vasih želite izvedeti, od kje izhajajo veje in oznake in najlažji nain, da to izveste, je graf revizije ali drevesne strukture. Takrat uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Graf revizij...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8753
msgid "This command analyses the revision history and attempts to create a tree showing the points at which copies were taken, and when branches/tags were deleted."
msgstr "Ta ukaz analizira zgodovino revizij in poskuša ustvariti drevo, ki prikazuje, kje so se zgodila kopiranja oziroma kje so bile veje/oznake izbrisane."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8759
msgid "In order to generate the graph, TortoiseSVN must fetch all log messages from the repository root. Needless to say this can take several minutes even with a repository of a few thousand revisions, depending on server speed, network bandwidth, etc. If you try this with something like the <emphasis>Apache</emphasis> project which currently has over 500,000 revisions you could be waiting for some time."
msgstr "Za generiranje grafa mora TortoiseSVN iz strežnika prenesti dnevniške zapise vseh revizij. Verjetno ni potrebno poudarjati, da lahko pri skladiših z nekaj tiso revizijami to traja kar nekaj minut, odvisno tudi od hitrosti strežnika, pasovne širine omrežja... Œe poskusite izdelati graf revizij na projektu, kot je denimo <emphasis>Apache</emphasis>, ki ima trenutno ve kot pol milijona revizij, boste akali kar lep as."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8767
msgid "The good news is that if you are using Log Caching, you only have to suffer this delay once. After that, log data is held locally. Log caching is enabled in the <guilabel>Dialogs 1</guilabel> page of TortoiseSVN's settings."
msgstr "Dobra novica je, da morate v primeru uproabe predpomnenja dnevniških zapisov akati le enkrat. Po tem so podatki shranjeni krajevno. Predpomnenje dnevniških zapisov nastavite na strani <guilabel>Pogovorna okna 1</guilabel> nastavitev TortoiseSVN."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8778
msgid "Added file/folder"
msgstr "Dodana datoteka/mapa"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8780
msgid "Items which have been added, or created by copying another file/folder are shown using a rounded rectangle."
msgstr "Dodani ali kopirani elementi so prikazani z zaokroženimi pravokotniki."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8787
msgid "Deleted file/folder"
msgstr "Izbrisana datoteka/mapa"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8789
msgid "Deleted items eg. a branch which is no longer required, are shown using an octagon (rectangle with corners cut off)."
msgstr "Izbrisani elementi, n. pr. veje, ki niso ve potrebne, so prikazane s pravokotnikom z odsekanimi robovi."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8796
msgid "Branch tip revision"
msgstr "Revizija na vrhu veje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8798
msgid "Where a branch (or trunk or tag) has been modified since the last branch node, this is shown using an ellipse. Shown when the <guilabel>Show HEAD revisions</guilabel> option is selected."
msgstr "Kjer je bila veja (ali glavna veja ali oznaka) spremenjena od trenutka, ko je bila ustvarjena, je revizija prikazana z elipso. Ta revizija je prikazana, e je izbrana možnost <guilabel>Prikaži revizije HEAD</guilabel>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8807
msgid "Normal file/folder"
msgstr "Obiajna datoteka/mapa"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8809
msgid "All other items are shown using a plain rectangle."
msgstr "Vsi drugi elementi so prikazani s pravokotnikom"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8774
msgid "The revision graph shows several types of node: <placeholder-1/> Note that by default the graph only shows the points at which items were added or deleted. Showing every revision of a project will generate a very large graph for non-trivial cases. If you really want to see <emphasis>all</emphasis> revisions where changes were made, there is an option to do this in the <guilabel>View</guilabel> menu and on the toolbar."
msgstr "Graf revizij prikazuje ve tipov vozliš: <placeholder-1/> Po privzetih nastavitvah graf prikazuje le toke, v katerih so bili elementi dodani ali izbrisani. Prikaz vseh revizij projekta ustvari zelo velik graf. Œe zares želite videti <emphasis>vse</emphasis> revizije, kjer so se zgodile spremembe, imate v meniju <guilabel>Pogled</guilabel> in v orodni vrstici možnost vkljuitve te zmožnosti."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8828
msgid "Group branches"
msgstr "Razdeljevanje vej v skupine"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8830
msgid "The default behavior (grouping off) will use one row per revision and all rows are sorted strictly by revision. As a result, long-living branches occupy a whole column for only a few changes and the graph becomes very broad."
msgstr "Privzeta nastavitev (brez skupin vej) uporablja eno vrstico za revizijo, vrstice pa so razvršene po reviziji. Rezultat tega je, da veje z dolgo življensko dobo zavzamejo celoten stolpec kljub malo spremembam, graf pa postane precej širok."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8836
msgid "This mode groups changes by branch, so that there is no global revision ordering: Consecutive revisions on a branch will be shown in (often) consecutive lines. Sub-branches, however, are arranged in such a way that later branches will be shown in the same column above older branches to keep the graph slim. As a result, a given row may contain changes from different revisions."
msgstr "Ta nain daje v skupine spremembe po vejah, tako da splošnega razvršanja po revizijah ni. Zaporedne revizije na veji bodo prikazane v zaporednih vrsticah. Podveje so urejene tako, da se kasnejše veje prikažejo v istem stolpcu nad starejšimi vejami. Tako ostane graf ozek. Rezultat tega je, da lahko vrstica vsebuje spremembe razlinih revizij."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8848
msgid "Oldest on top"
msgstr "Starejše na vrhu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8850
msgid "Normally the graph shows the oldest revision at the bottom, and the tree grows upwards. Use this option to grow down from the top instead."
msgstr "Obiajno graf prikazuje starejše revizije na dnu, drevo pa potem raste navzgor. Z vkljuitvijo te možnosti graf raste od vrha navzdol."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8858
msgid "Show HEAD revisions"
msgstr "Pokaži revizijo HEAD"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8860
msgid "This ensures that the latest revision on every branch is always shown on the graph."
msgstr "S to možnostjo zagotovite, da je najnovejša revizija vsake veje vedno prikazana na grafu."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8867
msgid "Exact copy sources"
msgstr "Natanni izvori kopiranja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8869
msgid "When a branch/tag is made, the default behaviour is to show the branch as taken from the last node where a change was made. Strictly speaking this is inaccurate since the branches are often made from the current HEAD rather than a specific revision. So it is possible to show the more correct (but less useful) revision that was used to create the copy."
msgstr "Privzeta nastavitev je prikaz vej iz vozliša, kjer je bila narejena zadnja sprememba. To ni povsem tono, saj se veje pogosto istvarjajo iz revizije HEAD in ne iz neke doloene revizije. S to možnostjo lahko prikažete pravilne (a manj uporabne) revizije, ki so bile uporabljene za izdelavo veje."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8881
msgid "Split long branches"
msgstr "Razdeli dolge veje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8883
msgid "In some sources you will find a few active branches with constant activity, and a few inactive branches with infrequent activity. The inactive branches will tend to produce very long lines across the graph, joining their sparse nodes and distracting attention from the active branches. This option allows long connections to be broken and shown in separate chunks. A link icon on the node shows when this has occurred."
msgstr "Pri projektih se vasih pojavijo veje, na katerih je razvoj zelo aktiven, in veje, kjer se skoraj ne razvija. Zaradi neaktivnih vej se v grafu pojavijo zelo dolge rte, ki povezujejo vozliša in odvraajo pozornost od aktivnih vej. S to možnostjo prekinete dolge rte, ki se prikažejo kot posamezni koški. Povezovalna ikona na vozlišu pove, kdaj se to zgodi."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8896
msgid "Fold tags"
msgstr "Zloži oznake"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8898
msgid "If you want to see a graph of software development, tagged releases may be of little interest to you. This option hides the nodes for tags and shows them instead in the tooltip for the node that they were copied from. A tag icon on the right side of the source node indicates that tags were made."
msgstr "Œe želite videti graf razvoja programskega paketa, vas oznaene izdaje ne zanimajo preve. Ta možnost skrije vozliša oznak in namesto njih prikaže namig na vozlišu, iz katerega je bila oznaka ustvarjena. Ikona oznake nakazuje, da je bila iz vozliša ustvarjena oznaka."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8909
msgid "Reduce cross lines"
msgstr "Zmanjšaj križanje rt"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8911
msgid "If the layout of the graph has produced a lot of crossing lines, use this option to clean it up. This may make the layout columns appear in less logical places, for example in a diagonal line rather than a column, and it may take a little time to optimise."
msgstr "Œe je oblika grafa takšna, da se na zaslonu veliko rt križa, uporabite to možnost, da se križanju izognete. Graf bo mogoe izgledal malce manj logino urejen, poleg tega pa lahko optimizacija traja kar nekaj asa."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8922
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filter"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8924
msgid "Sometimes the revision graph contains more revisions than you want to see. This option opens a dialog which allows you to restrict the range of revisions displayed, and to hide particular paths by name."
msgstr "Vasih graf revizij prikaže ve podrobnosti, kot si želite. Ta možnost odpre pogovorno okno, ki omogoa omejevanje prikazanega obmoja revizij in skrivanje doloenih poti po imenu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8821
msgid "Because a revision graph is often quite complex, there are a number of features which can be used to tailor the view the way you want it. These are available in the <guilabel>View</guilabel> menu and from the toolbar. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Ker je graf revizij pogosto kar zapleten, imate na voljo kar nekaj možnosti, da ga priredite po svojem okusu. Te možnosti so na voljo v meniju <guilabel>Pogled</guilabel> in v orodni vrstici. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8934
msgid "To make it easier to navigate a large graph, use the overview window. This shows the entire graph in a small window, with the currently displayed portion highlighted. You can drag the highlighted area to change the displayed region."
msgstr "Za lažjo navigacijo po grafu revizij uporabite predogledno okno. Ta prikaže celoten graf v majhnem oknu, pri tem pa je trenutno prikazan del posebej oznaen. Oznaen del lahko premikate in s tem spremenite pogled grafa."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8940
msgid "The revision date, author and comments are shown in a hint box whenever the mouse hovers over a revision box."
msgstr "Datum revizije, avtor in komentarji so prikazani v namigu, ko miško pridržite na polju revizije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8944
msgid "If you select two revisions (Use <action>Ctrl left click</action>), you can use the context menu to show the differences between these revisions. You can choose to show differences as at the branch creation points, but usually you will want to show the differences at the branch end points, i.e. at the HEAD revision."
msgstr "Œe izberete dve reviziji (uporabite <action>CTRL)</action>), lahko uporabite kontekstni meni, da prikažete razlike med revizijama. Prikažete lahko tudi razlike med zaetnimi tokami vej, vendar obiajno prikazujemo razlike med konnimi tokami vej (revizije HEAD)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8951
msgid "You can view the differences as a Unified-Diff file, which shows all differences in a single file with minimal context. If you opt to <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Compare Revisions</guimenuitem></menuchoice> you will be presented with a list of changed files. <action>Double click</action> on a file name to fetch both revisions of the file and compare them using the visual difference tool."
msgstr "Razlike lahko prikažete kot datoteko poenotene razliice, ki prikaže vse razlike v eni datoteki z minimalno vsebino. Œe izberete <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Primerjaj reviziji</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, se vam prikaže seznam spremenjenih datotek. <action>Dvokliknite</action> na datoteko, da prenesete obe reviziji datoteke in ju primerjate z grafinim orodjem za razlikovanje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8962
msgid "If you <action>right click</action> on a revision you can use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Log</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to view the history."
msgstr "Œe <action>kliknete z desnim gumbom</action> na revizijo, lahko uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži dnevnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8970
msgid "You can also merge changes in the selected revision(s) into a different working copy. A folder selection dialog allows you to choose the working copy to merge into, but after that there is no confirmation dialog, nor any opportunity to try a dry run. It is a good idea to merge into an unmodified working copy so that you can revert the changes if it doesn't work out! This is a useful feature if you want to merge selected revisions from one branch to another."
msgstr "Spremembe lahko iz izbranih revizij spojite tudi v drugo delovno kopijo. Okno za izbiro mape vam omogoa izbiro delovne kopije, v katero spajate, vendar za tem ni potrebne nobene potrditve ali možnosti poskusnega izvajanja. Zato vedno spajajte v nespremenjeno delovno kopijo, tako da lahko v primeru napake izvedete povrnitev! To je uporabna zmožnost, e želite spajati izbrane revizije iz ene veje na drugo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8981
msgid "Because Subversion cannot provide all the information required, a certain amount of interpretation is required, which can sometimes give strange results. Nevertheless, the output for the trunk will generally give useful results."
msgstr "Ker Subversion ne more vedno zagotoviti vseh informacij, ki jih potrebujete, je potrebna doloena razlaga podatkov, kar lahko pripelje do udnih zakljukov. Vseeno pa prikaz za glavno vejo (trunk) obiajno da uporabne rezultate."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8990
msgid "Exporting a Subversion Working Copy"
msgstr "Izvažanje delovne kopije sistema Subversion"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8992
msgid "export"
msgstr "izvoz"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:8994
msgid "Sometimes you may want a copy of your working tree without any of those <filename>.svn</filename> directories, e.g. to create a zipped tarball of your source, or to export to a web server. Instead of making a copy and then deleting all those <filename>.svn</filename> directories manually, TortoiseSVN offers the command <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Export...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Exporting from a URL and exporting from a working copy are treated slightly differently."
msgstr "Vasih potrebujete delovno kopijo brez map <filename>.svn</filename>, n. pr. zato, da naredite paket izvorne kode ali da jo izvozite na spletni strežnik. Namesto ronega kopiranja in brisanja map <filename>.svn</filename> TortoiseSVN ponuja ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izvozi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Izvažanje neposredno iz naslova URL in izvažanje iz delovne kopije se nekoliko razlikujeta."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9009
msgid "The Export-from-URL Dialog"
msgstr "Okno Uvoz-iz-URL"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9007
msgid "<placeholder-1/> If you execute this command on an unversioned folder, TortoiseSVN will assume that the selected folder is the target, and open a dialog for you to enter the URL and revision to export from. This dialog has options to export only the top level folder, to omit external references, and to override the line end style for files which have the <literal>svn:eol-style</literal> property set."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Œe izvedete ta ukaz na mapi brez razliic TortoiseSVN predpostavlja, da je izbrana mapa cilj, in odpre pogovorno okno za vnos naslova URL in številke revizije za izvoz. Okno omogoa izvoz samo vrhnje mape, omogoa izpustitev zunanjih referenc, prav tako pa omogoa spreminjanje sloga zakljuevanja vrstic pri datotekah, ki imajo nastavljeno lastnost <literal>svn:eol-style</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9019
msgid "Of course you can export directly from the repository too. Use the Repository Browser to navigate to the relevant subtree in your repository, then use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Export</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You will get the <guilabel>Export from URL</guilabel> dialog described above."
msgstr "Seveda lahko izvažate tudi neposredno iz skladiša. Z brskalnikom po skladišu pojdite na ustrezno poddrevo skladiša in uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izvozi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Prikazalo se bo okno <guilabel>Izvoz iz URL</guilabel>, kot je to opisano zgoraj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9029
msgid "If you execute this command on your working copy you'll be asked for a place to save the <emphasis>clean</emphasis> working copy without the <filename>.svn</filename> folders. By default, only the versioned files are exported, but you can use the <guilabel>Export unversioned files too</guilabel> checkbox to include any other unversioned files which exist in your WC and not in the repository. External references using <literal>svn:externals</literal> can be omitted if required."
msgstr "Œe izvedete ta ukaz na delovni kopiji, vas TortoiseSVN vpraša, kam naj shrani <emphasis>isto</emphasis> delovno kopijo brez map <filename>.svn</filename>. Po privzetih nastavitvah se izvozijo le datoteke pod nadzorom razliic, vendar lahko potrdite polje <guilabel>Izvozi tudi datoteke brez razliic</guilabel>, da izvozite tudi datoteke brez razliic, ki obstajajo v delovni kopiji, ne pa tudi v skladišu. Po želji lahko izpustite zunanje reference (z nastavljeno lastnostjo <literal>svn:externals</literal>)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9039
msgid "Another way to export from a working copy is to <action>right drag</action> the working copy folder to another location and choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN Export here</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN Export all here</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The second option includes the unversioned files as well."
msgstr "Druga možnost za izvoz delovne kopije je, da vrhnjo mapo delovne kopije <action>povleete z desnim gumbom</action> na drugo lokacijo in izberete <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN - Izvozi sem</guimenuitem></menuchoice> ali <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>SVN - Izvozi vse sem</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Zadnja možnost izvozi tudi datoteke brez razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9053
msgid "When exporting from a working copy, if the target folder already contains a folder of the same name as the one you are exporting, you will be given the option to overwrite the existing content, or to create a new folder with an automatically generated name, eg. <literal>Target (1)</literal>."
msgstr "Pri izvažanju iz delovne kopije se v primeru, da v ciljni mapi že obstaja datoteka z enakim imenom kot tista, ki jo izvažate, pojavi okno in vam ponudi možnost, da obstojeo vsebino prepišete ali da se ustvari mapa s samodejno deloenim imenom, n. pr. <literal>Cilj (1)</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9061
msgid "Removing a working copy from version control"
msgstr "Odstranjevanje delovne kopije iz nadzora razliic"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9063
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12020
msgid "unversion"
msgstr "brez razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9065
msgid "Sometimes you have a working copy which you want to convert back to a normal folder without the <literal>.svn</literal> directories. What you really need is an export-in-place command, that just removes the control directories rather than generating a new clean directory tree."
msgstr "Vasih hoete svoje delovno kopijo pretvoriti v navadno mapo brez podmap <literal>.svn</literal>. Potrebujete ukaz izvozi-na-mestu, ki namesto ustvarjanja novega drevesa map odstrani kontrolne podmape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9072
msgid "The answer is surprisingly simple - export the folder to itself! TortoiseSVN detects this special case and asks if you want to make the working copy unversioned. If you answer <emphasis>yes</emphasis> the control directories will be removed and you will have a plain, unversioned directory tree."
msgstr "Odgovor je presenetljivo preprost - izvozite mapo samo vase! TortoiseSVN ta poseben primer zazna in vas vpraša, e želite delovno kopijo pretvoriti v mapo, ki ni pod nadzorom razliic. Œe odgovorite z <emphasis>da</emphasis>, se kontrolne mape odstranijo, tako da dobite navadno drevesno strukturo, ki ni pod nadzorom."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9082
msgid "Relocating a working copy"
msgstr "Premešanje delovne kopije"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9084
msgid "relocate"
msgstr "preklop"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9089
msgid "The Relocate Dialog"
msgstr "Okno za premešanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9087
msgid "<placeholder-1/> If your repository has for some reason changed it's location (IP/URL). Maybe you're even stuck and can't commit and you don't want to checkout your working copy again from the new location and to move all your changed data back into the new working copy, <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Relocate</guimenuitem></menuchoice> is the command you are looking for. It basically does very little: it scans all \"entries\" files in the <filename>.svn</filename> folder and changes the URL of the entries to the new value."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Vasih se lokacija (IP/URL) vašega skladiša spremeni. Mogoe ste celo v stiski in ne morete objavljati, noete pa ponovno prevzeti delovne kopije iz nove lokacije in premikati spremenjenih podatkov v novo delovno kopijo. Išete ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Premesti</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. V bistvu ta naredi zelo malo: preiše vse \"zapise\" v mapah <filename>.svn</filename> in spremeni naslove URL v vseh zapisih na novo vrednost."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9113
msgid "The IP address of the server has changed."
msgstr "Spremenil se je IP naslov strežnika."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9116
msgid "The protocol has changed (e.g. http:// to https://)."
msgstr "Spremenil se je protokol (n.pr. http:// v https://)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9119
msgid "The repository root path in the server setup has changed."
msgstr "Spremenila se je korenska pot skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9107
msgid "<emphasis>This is a very infrequently used operation</emphasis>. The relocate command is <emphasis>only</emphasis> used if the URL of the repository root has changed. Possible reasons are: <placeholder-1/> Put another way, you need to relocate when your working copy is referring to the same location in the same repository, but the repository itself has moved."
msgstr "<emphasis>Ta operacija se uporablja zelo redko</emphasis>. Ukaz Premesti se uporablja <emphasis>le</emphasis>, e se spremeni naslov URL korenske mape skladiša. Možni razlogi za to so: <placeholder-1/> Povedano drugae, ukaz Premesti uporabite takrat, ko vaša delovna kopija kaže na isto lokacijo v istem skladišu, se je pa samo skladiše preselilo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9130
msgid "You want to move to a different Subversion repository. In that case you should perform a clean checkout from the new repository location."
msgstr "se želite premakniti v drugo skladiše Subversion. V tem primeru je najbolje, da narediti svež prevzem iz novega skladiša."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9136
msgid "You want to switch to a different branch or directory within the same repository. To do that you should use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Switch...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-switch-1\"/> for more information."
msgstr "želite narediti preklop na drugo vejo ali mapo znotraj istega skladiša. Za to uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preklopi...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-switch-1\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9126
msgid "It does not apply if: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Ne velja, e: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9148
msgid "If you use relocate in either of the cases above, it <emphasis>will corrupt your working copy</emphasis> and you will get many unexplainable error messages while updating, committing, etc. Once that has happened, the only fix is a fresh checkout."
msgstr "Œe uporabite ukaz Premesti v kateremkoli od zgoraj naštetih dveh primerih, <emphasis>boste pokvarili svojo delovno kopijo</emphasis> in prikazalo se vam bo veliko nerazložljivih napak pri objavljanju, posodabljanju... Œe se vam to zgodi, je edina rešitev svež prevzem."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9157
msgid "Integration with Bug Tracking Systems / Issue Trackers"
msgstr "Integracija s sistemi za sledenje zadevam"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9159
msgid "bug tracking"
msgstr "selednje hrošev"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9162
msgid "bug tracker"
msgstr "sledilnik zadevam"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9165
msgid "issue tracker"
msgstr "sledilnik zadevam"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9167
msgid "It is very common in Software Development for changes to be related to a specific bug or issue ID. Users of bug tracking systems (issue trackers) would like to associate the changes they make in Subversion with a specific ID in their issue tracker. Most issue trackers therefore provide a pre-commit hook script which parses the log message to find the bug ID with which the commit is associated. This is somewhat error prone since it relies on the user to write the log message properly so that the pre-commit hook script can parse it correctly."
msgstr "V razvoju programske opreme se pogosto dogaja, da so spremembe vezane na doloenega hroša ali številko zadeve. Uporabniki sistemov za sledenje zadevam pogosto želijo asociirati spremembe v sistemu Subversion z doloeno številko zadeve v sistemu za sledenje zadevam. Veina sistemov za sledenje zadevam omoga pisanje skript akcije pred objavo, ki pregleda sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa in poiše številko zadeve. Tak nain je podvržen napakam, saj se zanaša na dejstvo, da bodo uporabniki napisali sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa v pravilni obliki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9180
msgid "When the user enters a log message, a well defined line including the issue number associated with the commit can be added automatically. This reduces the risk that the user enters the issue number in a way the bug tracking tools can't parse correctly."
msgstr "Ko uporabnik vpiše sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa, lahko samodejno doda predhodno doloeno vrstico, ki vsebuje številko zadeve, ki se nanaša na objavo. Tako se zmanjša možnost, da uporabnik vpiše številko zadeve v obliki, ki jo orodje za sledenje zadevam ne zna pravilno razleniti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9186
msgid "Or TortoiseSVN can highlight the part of the entered log message which is recognized by the issue tracker. That way the user knows that the log message can be parsed correctly."
msgstr "Lahko pa TortoiseSVN oznai del vnešenega sporoila dnevniškega zapisa, ki ga sledilnik zadevam prepozna. Tako uporabnik ve, da je sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa mogoe pravilno obdelati."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9193
msgid "When the user browses the log messages, TortoiseSVN creates a link out of each bug ID in the log message which fires up the browser to the issue mentioned."
msgstr "Ko uporabnik brska po dnevniških zapisih, TortoiseSVN ustvari povezavo za vsako številko hroša v sporoilu dnevniškega zapisa, ki požene spletni brskalnik in naloži stran ustrezne zadeve."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9176
msgid "TortoiseSVN can help the user in two ways: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "TortoiseSVN lahko pomaga uporabniku na dva naina: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9201
msgid "You can integrate a bug tracking tool of your choice in TortoiseSVN. To do this, you have to define some properties, which start with <literal>bugtraq:</literal>. They must be set on Folders: (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>)"
msgstr "V TortoiseSVN lahko integrirate sledilnik zadevam po vaši izbiri. Za to morate definirati nekaj lastnosti, ki se zanejo z <literal>bugtraq:</literal>. Nastavljene morajo biti na mapah: (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9215
msgid "Set this property to the URL of your bug tracking tool. It must be properly URI encoded and it has to contain <literal>%BUGID%</literal>. <literal>%BUGID%</literal> is replaced with the Issue number you entered. This allows TortoiseSVN to display a link in the log dialog, so when you are looking at the revision log you can jump directly to your bug tracking tool. You do not have to provide this property, but then TortoiseSVN shows only the issue number and not the link to it. e.g the TortoiseSVN project is using <literal>http://issues.tortoisesvn.net/?do=details&amp;id=%BUGID%</literal>"
msgstr "Nastavite vrednost te lastnosti na naslov URL orodja za sledenje zadevam. Naslov mora biti pravilne oblike (URI) in mora vsebovati niz <literal>%BUGID%</literal>. Niz <literal>%BUGID%</literal> se zamenja s številko zadeve, ki ste jo vnesli. To omogoča sistemu TortoiseSVN, da prikaže povezavo v sporočilu dnevniškega zapisa, tako da pri pregledovanju dnevniških zapisov lahko skočite neposredno na stran orodja za sledenje zadevam. Nastavitev te lastnosti ni nujna; če je ne nastavite, boste v sporočilu dnevniškega zapisa videli le številko zadeve namesto povezave. Primer: projekt TortoiseSVN uporablja vrednost <literal>http://issues.tortoisesvn.net/?do=details&amp;id=%BUGID%</literal>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9235
msgid "Set this to <literal>true</literal>, if you want TortoiseSVN to warn you because of an empty issue-number text field. Valid values are <literal>true/false</literal>. <emphasis> If not defined, <literal>false</literal> is assumed. </emphasis>"
msgstr "Nastavite to vrednost na <literal>true</literal>, e želite, da vas TortoiseSVN opozori, e pustite polje za vnos številke zadeve prazno. Dovoljene vrednosti so <literal>true/false</literal>. <emphasis> Œe vrednost ni nastavljena, se predpostavlja <literal>false</literal> (brez opozarjanja). </emphasis>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9207
msgid "There are two ways to integrate TortoiseSVN with issue trackers. One is based on simple strings, the other is based on <emphasis>regular expressions</emphasis>. The properties used by both approaches are: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "TortoiseSVN lahko integrirate v sisteme za sledenje na dva naina. Prvi je na osnovi enostavnih nizov, drugi pa na osnovi <emphasis>regularnih izrazov</emphasis>. Lastnosti, ki se uporabljajo pri obeh pristopih, so: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9256
msgid "This property activates the bug tracking system in <emphasis>Input field</emphasis> mode. If this property is set, then TortoiseSVN will prompt you to enter an issue number when you commit your changes. It's used to add a line at the end of the log message. It must contain <literal>%BUGID%</literal>, which is replaced with the issue number on commit. This ensures that your commit log contains a reference to the issue number which is always in a consistent format and can be parsed by your bug tracking tool to associate the issue number with a particular commit. e.g the TortoiseSVN project is using <literal>Issue : %BUGID%</literal>, but this depends on your Tool."
msgstr "Ta lastnost aktivira nain <emphasis>z vnosnim poljem</emphasis>. Œe nastavite to lastnost, vas TortoiseSVN ob objavi povpraša po številki zadeve. Številka se vnese na konec sporoila dnevniškega zapisa. Vsebovati mora niz <literal>%BUGID%</literal>, ki se ob objavi zamenja s številko zadeve. To zagotavlja, da sporoilo vedno vsebuje referenco na številko zadeve, ki je podana vedno v pravilni obliki in jo orodje za sledenje zadevam lahko razleni ter poveže s to objavo. Primer: projekt TortoiseSVN uporablja vrednost <literal>Issue : %BUGID%</literal>, vendar je to odvisno od orodja, ki ga uporabljate."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9277
msgid "This property defines if the bug-ID is appended (true) to the end of the log message or inserted (false) at the start of the log message. Valid values are <literal>true/false</literal>. <emphasis> If not defined, <literal>true</literal> is assumed, so that existing projects don't break. </emphasis>"
msgstr "Ta lastnost doloa, ali se številka hroša (zadeve) pripne na konec sporoila dnevniškega zapisa (true) ali na zaetek (false). Veljavni vrednosti sta <literal>true/false</literal>. <emphasis> Œe vrednost ni nastavljena, se predpostavlja <literal>true</literal>, zato da obstojoi projekti še vedno delujejo. </emphasis>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9292
msgid "This text is shown by TortoiseSVN on the commit dialog to label the edit box where you enter the issue number. If it's not set, <literal>Bug-ID / Issue-Nr:</literal> will be displayed. Keep in mind though that the window will not be resized to fit this label, so keep the size of the label below 20-25 characters."
msgstr "To besedilo se prikaže v oknu za objave in opisuje vnosno polje za vpis številke zadeve. Œe ni nastavljeno, se pojavi napis <literal>Bug-ID / Issue-Nr:</literal>. Upoštevajte, da se okno ne bo samodejno povealo, zato omejite število znakov v napisu na 20 do 25."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9306
msgid "If set to <literal>true</literal> only numbers are allowed in the issue-number text field. An exception is the comma, so you can comma separate several numbers. Valid values are <literal>true/false</literal>. <emphasis> If not defined, <literal>true</literal> is assumed. </emphasis>"
msgstr "Œe je vrednost nastavljena na <literal>true</literal>, je v polje za številko zadeve dovoljeno vpisati le številke. Izjema je le vejica, ki jo uporabite, da vnesete ve številk zadeve. Veljavni vrednosti sta <literal>true/false</literal>. <emphasis> Œe vrednost ni nastavljena, se predpostavlja <literal>true</literal>. </emphasis>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9248
msgid "In the simple approach, TortoiseSVN shows the user a separate input field where a bug ID can be entered. Then a separate line is appended/prepended to the log message the user entered. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Pri enostavnem nainu TortoiseSVN uporabniku pokaže posebno polje za vnos številke hroša. Nato se na zaetek/konec dnevniškega zapisa doda posebna vrstica. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9330
msgid "<emphasis> This property activates the bug tracking system in <literal>Regex</literal> mode. </emphasis> It contains one or two regular expressions, separated by a newline."
msgstr "<emphasis> Ta lastnost aktivira sistem sledenja zadev v nainu <literal>Regex</literal>. </emphasis> Vsebuje enega ali dva regularna izraza, loena z novo vrstico."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9337
msgid "If only one expression is set, then the bare bug IDs must be matched in the groups of the regex string. Example: <literal>[Ii]ssue(?:s)? #?(\\d+)</literal>"
msgstr "Œe je nastavljen le en izraz, potem mora le številka zadeve ustrezati skupini v regularnemu izrazu. Primer: <literal>[Zz]adeva(?:s)? #?(\\d+)</literal>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9342
msgid "If two expressions are set, then the first expression is used to find a string which relates to the bug ID but may contain more than just the bug ID (e.g. \"Issue #123\" or \"resolves issue 123\"). The second expression is then used to extract the bare bug ID from the string extracted with the first expression. An example:"
msgstr "Œe sta nastavljena dva izraza, potem se prvi uporablja za iskanje številke zadeve, vendar lahko poleg številke zadeve vsebuje tudi druge nize (n. pr. \"Zadeva #123\" ali \"reši zadevo 123\"). Drugi izraz se uporablja za izlušitev številke zadeve/hroša iz niza, ki je rezultat prvega izraza. Primer:"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9350
msgid "If you want to catch every pattern \"issue #XXX\" and \"issue #890, #789\" inside a log message you could use the following regex strings: <literal>[Ii]ssue #?(\\d+)(,? ?#(\\d+))*</literal> and the second expression as <literal>(\\d+)</literal>"
msgstr "Œe želite ujeti izraze \"zadeva #XXX\" in \"zadeva #890, #789\" v sporoilu dnevniškega zapisa, lahko uporabite naslednja regularna izraza: <literal>[Zz]adeva #?(\\d+)(,? ?#(\\d+))*</literal> in <literal>(\\d+)</literal>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9356
msgid "If you are unfamiliar with regular expressions, take a look at the introduction at <ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression\"><citetitle>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression</citetitle></ulink>, and the online documentation and tutorial at <ulink url=\"http://www.regular-expressions.info/\"><citetitle>http://www.regular-expressions.info/</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Če regularnih izrazov ne poznate, lahko nekaj o njih preberete na naslovu <ulink url=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression\"><citetitle>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression</citetitle></ulink>, dokumentacijo in priročnik pa poiščite na <ulink url=\"http://www.regular-expressions.info/\"><citetitle>http://www.regular-expressions.info/</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9319
msgid "In the approach with <emphasis>regular expressions</emphasis>, TortoiseSVN doesn't show a separate input field but marks the part of the log message the user enters which is recognized by the issue tracker. This is done while the user writes the log message. This also means that the bug ID can be anywhere inside a log message! This method is much more flexible, and is the one used by the TortoiseSVN project itself. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Pri pristopu z <emphasis>regularnimi izrazi</emphasis> TortoiseSVN ne prikaže vnosnega polja, ampak oznai del sporoila dnevniškega zapisa, ki ga orodje za sledenje zadevam prepozna. To se dogaja med vnosom besedila. To pomeni tudi, da se številka zadeve lahko nahaja kjerkoli v sporoilu. Ta metoda je precej bolj fleksibilna in jo uporablja tudi sam projekt TortoiseSVN. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9371
msgid "If both the <literal>bugtraq:message</literal> and <literal>bugtraq:logregex</literal> properties are set, <literal>logregex</literal> takes precedence."
msgstr "Œe sta nastavljeni obe lastnosti - <literal>bugtraq:message</literal> in <literal>bugtraq:logregex</literal> - se upošteva <literal>logregex</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9376
msgid "Even if you don't have an issue tracker with a pre-commit hook parsing your log messages, you still can use this to turn the issues mentioned in your log messages into links!"
msgstr "Tudi e nimate orodja za sledenje zadevam, ki ga nastavite v skripto akcij za akcijo pred objavo, lahko še vedno uporabljate ta sistem, da številke zadev v sporoilu spremenite v povezave!"

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9389
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9491
msgid "Set the Properties on Folders"
msgstr "Nastavite lastnosti na mapah"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9390
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9492
msgid "These properties must be set on folders for the system to work. When you commit a file or folder the properties are read from that folder. If the properties are not found there, TortoiseSVN will search upwards through the folder tree to find them until it comes to an unversioned folder, or the tree root (eg. <literal>C:\\</literal>) is found. If you can be sure that each user checks out only from e.g <filename>trunk/</filename> and not some sub-folder, then it's enough if you set the properties on <filename>trunk/</filename>. If you can't be sure, you should set the properties recursively on each sub-folder. A property setting deeper in the project hierarchy overrides settings on higher levels (closer to <filename>trunk/</filename>)."
msgstr "Da bo sistem deloval, morate te lastnosti nastaviti na mapah. Ko objavite datoteko ali mapo, se lastnosti preberejo iz te mape. Œe TortoiseSVN lastnosti ne najde, iše naprej v nadrejeni mapi, dokler ne pride do mape, ki ni pod nadzorom razliic ali do korenske mape pogona (n. pr. <literal>C:\\</literal>). Œe ste prepriani, da bodo uporabniki prevzemali samo iz mape n.pr. <filename>trunk/</filename> in ne iz katere od podmap, potem lahko lastnosti nastavite na mapi <filename>trunk/</filename>. Œe niste prepriani, potem morate lastnosti nastaviti rekurzivno na vseh podmapah. Lastnost, nastavljena globlje v projektni hierarhiji, vedno povozi nastavitve na višjih nivojih (bližje mapi <filename>trunk/</filename>)."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9404
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9506
msgid "For <literal>tsvn:</literal> properties <emphasis>only</emphasis> you can use the <guilabel>Recursive</guilabel> checkbox to set the property to all sub-folders in the hierarchy, without also setting it on all files."
msgstr "<emphasis>Zgolj</emphasis> za lastnosti <literal>tsvn:</literal> lahko uporabite potrditveno polje <guilabel>Rekurzivno</guilabel>. S tem nastavite lastnost na vse podmape v hierarhiji, na datoteke pa ne."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9411
msgid "This issue tracker integration is not restricted to TortoiseSVN; it can be used with any Subversion client. For more information, read the full <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/doc/issuetrackers.txt\"><citetitle>Issue Tracker Integration Specification</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Integracija s sistemi za sledenje zadevam ni omejena na TortoiseSVN; uporabite jo lahko s katerimkoli odjemalcem za sistem Subversion. Za več informacij preberite <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/doc/issuetrackers.txt\"><citetitle>Issue Tracker Integration Specification</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9420
msgid "Integration with Web-based Repository Viewers"
msgstr "Integracija z internetno naravnanimi pregledovalniki skladiš"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9422
msgid "web view"
msgstr "spletni pogled"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9425
msgid "repo viewer"
msgstr "pregledovalnik skladiša"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9427
msgid "There are several web-based repository viewers available for use with Subversion such as <ulink url=\"http://www.viewvc.org/\"><citetitle>ViewVC</citetitle></ulink> and <ulink url=\"http://websvn.tigris.org/\"><citetitle>WebSVN</citetitle></ulink>. TortoiseSVN provides a means to link with these viewers."
msgstr "Obstaja kar nekaj spletnih pregledovalnikov skladišč za Subversion, n. pr. <ulink url=\"http://www.viewvc.org/\"><citetitle>ViewVC</citetitle></ulink> in <ulink url=\"http://websvn.tigris.org/\"><citetitle>WebSVN</citetitle></ulink>. TortoiseSVN nudi možnost povezave s temi pregledovalniki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9439
msgid "You can integrate a repo viewer of your choice in TortoiseSVN. To do this, you have to define some properties which define the linkage. They must be set on Folders: (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>)"
msgstr "V TortoiseSVN lahko integrirate pregledovalnik skladiš po izbiri. Za to morate nastaviti nekaj lastnosti, ki definirajo povezavo. Nastavljene morajo biti na mapah: (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9449
msgid "Set this property to the URL of your repo viewer to view all changes in a specific revision. It must be properly URI encoded and it has to contain <literal>%REVISION%</literal>. <literal>%REVISION%</literal> is replaced with the revision number in question. This allows TortoiseSVN to display a context menu entry in the log dialog <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>View revision in webviewer</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"
msgstr "To lastnost nastavite na naslov URL spletnega pregledovalnika, da vidite vse spremembe v doloeni reviziji. Vrednost mora biti pravilno oblikovan naslov (URI) in mora vsebovati izraz <literal>%REVISION%</literal>. Ta se zamenja z zahtevano številko revizije. To sistemu TortoiseSVN omogoa prikaz ukaza v kontekstnem meniju v Dnevniku - <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Poglej revizijo v spletnem brskalniku</guimenuitem></menuchoice>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9468
msgid "Set this property to the URL of your repo viewer to view changes to a specific file in a specific revision. It must be properly URI encoded and it has to contain <literal>%REVISION%</literal> and <literal>%PATH%</literal>. <literal>%PATH%</literal> is replaced with the path relative to the repository root. This allows TortoiseSVN to display a context menu entry in the log dialog <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>View revision and path in webviewer</guimenuitem></menuchoice> For example, if you right-click in the log dialog bottom pane on a file entry <literal>/trunk/src/file</literal> then the <literal>%PATH%</literal> in the URL will be replaced with <literal>/trunk/src/file</literal>."
msgstr "Vrednost te lastnosti nastavite na naslov URL spletnega pregledovalnika, da vidite spremembe doloene datoteke v doloeni reviziji. Vrednost mora biti pravilno oblikovan naslov (URI) in mora vsebovati izraza <literal>%REVISION%</literal> in <literal>%PATH%</literal>. Izraz <literal>%PATH%</literal> se zamenja z relativno potjo do korenske mape skladiša. To sistemu TortoiseSVN omogoa prikaz ukaza v kontekstnem meniju Dnevnika - <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Poglej revizijo in pot v spletnem brskalniku</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Primer: e v spodnjem delu dnevnika kliknete na datoteko <literal>/trunk/src/file</literal>, potem se izraz <literal>%PATH%</literal> v naslovu URL zamenja z vrednostjo <literal>/trunk/src/file</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9515
msgid "TortoiseSVN's Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve TortoiseSVN"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9517
msgid "settings"
msgstr "nastavitve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9519
msgid "To find out what the different settings are for, just leave your mouse pointer a second on the editbox/checkbox... and a helpful tooltip will popup."
msgstr "Da izveste, emu služi doloena nastavitev, poakajte z miško nekaj trenutkov nad vnosnim/potrditvenim poljem... in prikazal se vam bo uporaben namig."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9528
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Splošne nastavitve"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9530
msgid "sounds"
msgstr "zvoki"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9534
msgid "The Settings Dialog, General Page"
msgstr "Okno za nastavitve, Splošno"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9532
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This dialog allows you to specify your preferred language, and the Subversion-specific settings."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> To okno vam omogoa nastavitev jezika in nastavitev, specifinih za Subversion."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9542
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jezik"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9544
msgid "Selects your user interface language. What else did you expect?"
msgstr "Izbere jezik za uporabniški vmesnik. Kaj drugega ste pa priakovali?"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9551
msgid "Automatically check for newer versions every week"
msgstr "Vsak teden preveri, e je na voljo novejša razliica"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9553
msgid "If checked, TortoiseSVN will contact its download site once a week to see if there is a newer version of the program available. Use <guibutton>Check now</guibutton> if you want an answer right away. The new version will not be downloaded; you simply receive an information dialog telling you that the new version is available."
msgstr "Œe je to polje potrjeno, bo TortoiseSVN tedensko na strežniku preveril, e je morda na voljo novejša razliica programa. Uporabite gumb <guibutton>Preveri zdaj</guibutton>, e želite to storiti takoj."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9564
msgid "System sounds"
msgstr "Sistemski zvoki"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9570
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Napaka"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9575
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Obvestilo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9580
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Opozorilo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9566
msgid "TortoiseSVN has three custom sounds which are installed by default. <placeholder-1/> You can select different sounds (or turn these sounds off completely) using the Windows Control Panel. <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> is a shortcut to the Control Panel."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN ima tri lastne zvone efekte, ki so vedno namešeni. <placeholder-1/> Preko Nadzorne ploše sistema Windows (Control Panel) lahko izberete zvoke (ali popolnoma izklopite privzete) .Gumb <guibutton>Nastavi</guibutton> je bližnjica do Nadzorne ploše."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9592
msgid "Global ignore pattern"
msgstr "Splošni vzorec prezrtih"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9595
msgid "exclude pattern"
msgstr "vzorec za izkljuevanje"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9598
msgid "global ignore"
msgstr "splošni vzorec prezrtih"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9600
msgid "Global ignore patterns are used to prevent unversioned files from showing up e.g. in the commit dialog. Files matching the patterns are also ignored by an import. Ignore files or directories by typing in the names or extensions. Patterns are separated by spaces e.g. <literal>*/bin */obj *.bak *.~?? *.jar *.[Tt]mp</literal>. Remember that these patterns may be used against paths which include N levels of parent directory. Setting ignore patterns for anything other than simple file extensions is not as trivial as it first appears, so be sure to read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-ignore-glob\"/> for more information on the pattern-matching syntax, and how paths are checked."
msgstr "Splošni vzorec prezrtih elementov se uporablja za skrivanje datotek brez razliic v oknih (n. pr. okno za objave). Datoteke, ki ustrezajo vzorcem, se prezrejo tudi pri uvažanju. Datoteke ali mape prezrete tako, da vpišete ime ali konnico. Vzorci so loeni s presledkom, n. pr. <literal>*/bin */obj *.bak *.~?? *.jar *.[Tt]mp</literal>. Upoštevajte, da vzorci delujejo na poljubno globokem nivoju drevesne strukture. Nastavljanje bolj kompleksnih vzorcev (ve kot n. pr. vnos konnice) ni tako enostavno, ko se sprva zdi, zato preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-ignore-glob\"/>, kjer izveste ve o sintaksi in preverjanju poti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9614
msgid "Note that the ignore patterns you specify here will also affect other Subversion clients running on your PC, including the command line client."
msgstr "Upoštevajte, da bodo vzorci prezrtih elementov, ki jih nastavite tukaj, vplivali tudi na druge odjemalce za Subversion, ki so namešeni na vašem raunalniku, vkljuno z odjemalcem za ukazno vrstico."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9620
msgid "If you use the Subversion configuration file to set a <literal>global-ignores</literal> pattern, it will override the settings you make here. The Subversion configuration file is accessed using the <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> as described below."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate konfiguracijsko datoteko Subversion za nastavljanje <literal>splošnega vzorca prezrtih</literal>, bodo nastavitve, ki so nastavite tu, povožene. Do konfiguracijske datoteke Subversion dostopate z gumbom <guibutton>Uredi</guibutton>, kot je opisano spodaj."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9628
msgid "This ignore pattern will affect all your projects. It is not versioned, so it will not affect other users. By contrast you can also use the versioned <literal>svn:ignore</literal> property to exclude files or directories from version control. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-ignore\"/> for more information."
msgstr "Vzorec prezrtih elementov vpliva na vse vaše projekte. Ni pa pod nadzorom razliic, tako da ne vpliva na druge uporabnike. Lahko pa uporabite tudi lastnost <literal>svn:ignore</literal>, ki je pod nadzorom. Z njo izkljuite datoteke ali mape iz nadzora razliic. Za ve informacij preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-ignore\"/>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9640
msgid "Set file dates to the \"last commit time\""
msgstr "Nastavi datume datotek na \"as zadnje objave\""

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9642
msgid "This option tells TortoiseSVN to set the file dates to the last commit time when doing a checkout or an update. Otherwise TortoiseSVN will use the current date. If you are developing software it is generally best to use the current date because build systems normally look at the date stamps to decide which files need compiling. If you use \"last commit time\" and revert to an older file revision, your project may not compile as you expect it to."
msgstr "Ta možnost pove sistemu TortoiseSVN, naj pri prevzemu ali posodobitvi popravi asovni žig datotek na as objave. V nasprotnem primeru TortoiseSVN uporabi trenutni datum. Œe razvijate programsko opremo, je najbolje, da uporabljate trenuten datum/as, saj sistemi za gradjo obiajno pogledajo datum in as spremembe datoteke, da ugotovijo, katere je potrebno ponovno prevesti. Œe uporabite \"zadnji as objave\" in naredite povrnitev, se projekt morda ne bo prevedel tako, kot želite."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9656
msgid "Subversion configuration file"
msgstr "Nastavitvena datoteka Subversion"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9658
msgid "Use <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> to edit the Subversion configuration file directly. Some settings cannot be modified directly by TortoiseSVN, and need to be set here instead. For more information about the Subversion <filename>config</filename> file see the <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.confarea.html\"><citetitle>Runtime Configuration Area</citetitle></ulink>. The section on <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html#svn.advanced.props.auto\"><citetitle>Automatic Property Setting</citetitle></ulink> is of particular interest, and that is configured here. Note that Subversion can read configuration information from several places, and you need to know which one takes priority. Refer to <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.confarea.html#svn.advanced.confarea.windows-registry\"><citetitle>Configuration and the Windows Registry</citetitle></ulink> to find out more."
msgstr "Za neposredno urejanje konfiguracijske datoteke sistema Subversion uporabite ukaz <guibutton>Uredi</guibutton>. Nekaterih nastavitev ne morete nastaviti preko TortoiseSVN, zato jih morate nastaviti tukaj. Za več informacij o konfiguracijski datoteki (<filename>config</filename>) poglejte na stran <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.confarea.html\"><citetitle>Runtime Configuration Area</citetitle></ulink>. Razdelek <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.html#svn.advanced.props.auto\"><citetitle>Automatic Property Setting</citetitle></ulink> je še posebej zanimiv. Upoštevajte, da sistem Subversion lahko bere informacije o konfiguraciji na več mestih in da morate vedeti, katero mesto ima prioriteto. Za več informacij preberite <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.confarea.html#svn.advanced.confarea.windows-registry\"><citetitle>Configuration and the Windows Registry</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9683
msgid "Use \"_svn\" instead of \".svn\" directories"
msgstr "Uporabi mape \"_svn\" namesto \".svn\""

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9685
msgid "VS.NET when used with web projects can't handle the <literal>.svn</literal> folders that Subversion uses to store its internal information. This is not a bug in Subversion. The bug is in VS.NET and the frontpage extensions it uses. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-asp-dot-net\"/> to find out more about this issue."
msgstr "VS.NET pri razvoju spletnih projektov ne zna delati z mapami <literal>.svn</literal>, ki jih Subversion uporablja za shranjevanje notranjih informacij. To ni napaka v sistemu Subversion, ampak v razvojnem okolju VS.NET in razširitvah frontpage, ki jih uporablja. Za ve informacij o tem problemu preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-asp-dot-net\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9692
msgid "If you want to change the behaviour of Subversion and TortoiseSVN, you can use this checkbox to set the environment variable which controls this."
msgstr "Œe želite spremeniti obnašanje programov Subversion in TortoiseSVN, lahko uporabite to potrditveno polje, da nastavite ustrezno okoljsko spremenljivko."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9697
msgid "You should note that changing this option will not automatically convert existing working copies to use the new admin directory. You will have to do that yourself using a script (See our FAQ) or simply check out a fresh working copy."
msgstr "Vedeti morate, da sprememba te nastavitve ne vpliva na obstojee delovne kopije. Te boste morali popraviti sami z uporabo skripte (preberite Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja) ali pa enostavno narediti novo delovno kopijo."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9707
msgid "Context Menu Settings"
msgstr " Nastavitve kontekstnega menija"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9711
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Context Menu Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Kontekstni meni"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9709
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This page allows you to specify which of the TortoiseSVN context menu entries will show up in the main context menu, and which will appear in the TortoiseSVN submenu. By default most items are unchecked and appear in the submenu."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Ta stran omogoa nastavitev vnosov kontekstnega menija TortoiseSVN, ki se pojavijo v glavnem kontekstnem meniju. Po privzetih nastavitvah veina vnosov ni izbranih in se pojavijo samo v podmeniju."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9719
msgid "There is a special case for <guilabel>Get Lock</guilabel>. You can of course promote it to the top level using the list above, but as most files don't need locking this just adds clutter. However, a file with the <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal> property needs this action every time it is edited, so in that case it is very useful to have at the top level. Checking the box here means that when a file is selected which has the <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal> property set, <guilabel>Get Lock</guilabel> will always appear at the top level."
msgstr "Ukaz <guilabel>Get Lock</guilabel> je poseben primer. Seveda ga lahko postavite v glavni kontekstni meni, kot je opisano zgoraj. Ker pa veina datotek ne potrebuje zaklepanja, je to le nepotrebna obremenitev menija. Po drugi strani pa pri datotekah, ki imajo nastavljeno lastnost <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>, potrebujete ta ukaz pri vsakem urejanju, zato je v tem primeru koristno, e se nahaja v glavnem kontekstnem meniju. Œe potrdite to polje, se bo ukaz <guilabel>Get Lock</guilabel> pojavil v glavnem meniju vsakokrat, ko izberete datoteko z nastavljeno lastnostjo <literal>svn:needs-lock</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9731
msgid "TortoiseSVN Dialog Settings 1"
msgstr "Pogovorna okna 1"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9735
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Dialogs 1 Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Pogovorna okna 1"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9733
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This dialog allows you to configure some of TortoiseSVN's dialogs the way you like them."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> To okno omogoa nastavitev nekaterih pogovornih oken programa TortoiseSVN po vaših željah."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9743
msgid "Default number of log messages"
msgstr "Privzeto število dnevniških zapisov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9745
msgid "Limits the number of log messages that TortoiseSVN fetches when you first select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Log</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Useful for slow server connections. You can always use <guibutton>Get All</guibutton> or <guibutton>Next 100</guibutton> to get more messages."
msgstr "Omeji število dnevniških zapisov, ki jih TortoiseSVN prenese, ko prvi izberete <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži dnevnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Uporabno za poasne povezave. Vedno lahko uporabite gumb <guibutton>Pokaži vse</guibutton> ali gumb <guibutton>Naslednjih 100</guibutton>, e želite videti ve zapisov."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9759
msgid "Font for log messages"
msgstr "Pisava za dnevniški zapis"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9761
msgid "Selects the font face and size used to display the log message itself in the middle pane of the Revision Log dialog, and when composing log messages in the Commit dialog."
msgstr "Izbere pisavo in velikost, ki se uporablja za izpis sporoila dnevniškega zapisa v srednjem delu dnevnika in pri sestavljanju dnevniških zapisov v oknu za objave."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9770
msgid "Short date / time format in log messages"
msgstr "Kratka oblika datuma / ure v dnevniških zapisih"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9772
msgid "If the standard long messages use up too much space on your screen use the short format."
msgstr "Œe standardni dnevniški zapisi zavzamejo preve prostora na zaslonu, uporabite kratek format."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9779
msgid "Cache log messages"
msgstr "Predpomnenje dnevniških zapisov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9781
msgid "Fetching log messages can take a long time on some repositories, depending on how good the connection is, server load, etc. TortoiseSVN has the facility to cache log messages locally to avoid the need to fetch them from the server. The cache is filled in as part of the normal log message fetch, so there is no need to take any other action."
msgstr "Prenos dnevniških zapisov lahko v nekaterih skladiših traja precej asa, odvisno od omrežne povezave, obremenitve strežnika in podobno. TortoiseSVN ima možnost krajevnega pomnenja že prenesenih dnevniških zapisov, tako da jih ni potrebno vsaki prenašati iz strežnika. Predpomnilnik se polni ob navadnem prenosu dnevniških zapisov, tako da dodatne aktivnosti za uporabo te možnosti niso potrebne."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9789
msgid "You should keep in mind that log messages can be edited, so if someone else changes a log message and you have a cached copy, you will not see the changes unless you clear the log message cache. Use the <guilabel>Saved Data</guilabel> tab to do that."
msgstr "Upoštevati pa morate, da je dnevniške zapise mogoe popravljati. Œe nekdo naredi to spremembo, vi pa imate zapis že shranjen v predpomnilniku, sprememb ne boste videli, razen e predpomnilnika ne spraznite. To storite v zavihku <guilabel>Shranjeni podatki</guilabel>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9798
msgid "Progress Dialog"
msgstr "Okno napredka"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9800
msgid "TortoiseSVN can automatically close all progress dialogs when the action is finished without error. This setting allows you to select the conditions for closing the dialogs. The default (recommended) setting is <guilabel>Close manually</guilabel> which allows you to review all messages and check what has happened. However, you may decide that you want to ignore some types of message and have the dialog close automatically if there are no critical changes."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN lahko v primeru uspešne operacije samodejno zapre pogovorna okna. Ta nastavitev vam omogoa nastaviti pogoje samodejnega zapiranja. Privzeta (priporoena) nastavitev je <guilabel>Zapri rono</guilabel>, kar vam omogoa, da pregledate sporoila in preverite, kaj se je zgodilo. Lahko pa se odloite, da vas doloene vrste sporoil ne zanimajo in želite, da se takšna okna samodejno zaprejo, e se ne pojavijo kritine napake."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9811
msgid "<guilabel>Auto-close if no merges, adds or deletes</guilabel> means that the progress dialog will close if there were simple updates, but if changes from the repository were merged with yours, or if any files were added or deleted, the dialog will remain open. It will also stay open if there were any conflicts or errors during the operation."
msgstr "Izbira <guilabel>Samodejno zapri, e ni spajanj, dodajanj ali brisanj</guilabel> pomeni, da se bo okno napredka zaprlo v primeru enostavnih posodobitev. Œe pa pride do spajanja sprememb iz skladiša v delovno kopijo ali e so bile kakšne datoteke dodane ali izbrisane, bo pogovorno okno ostalo odprto. Odprto bo ostalo tudi, e se pri posodobitvi pojavijo spori ali napake."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9819
msgid "<guilabel>Auto-close if no merges, adds or deletes for local operations</guilabel> means that the progress dialog will close as for <guilabel>Auto-close if no merges, adds or deletes</guilabel> but only for local operations like adding files or reverting changes. For remote operations the dialog will stay open."
msgstr "Izbira <guilabel>Samodejno zapri, e pri krajevnih operacijah ni spajanj, dodajanj ali brisanj</guilabel> pomeni, da se bo okno napredka zaprlo kot pri uporabi možnosti <guilabel>\"Samodejno zapri, e ni spajanj, dodajanj ali brisanj</guilabel>, vendar le v primeru krajevnih operacij, kot sta dodajanje datotek ali povrnitev sprememb. Pri oddaljenih operacij ostane okno odprto."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9827
msgid "<guilabel>Auto-close if no conflicts</guilabel> relaxes the criteria further and will close the dialog even if there were merges, adds or deletes. However, if there were any conflicts or errors, the dialog remains open."
msgstr "Izbira <guilabel>Samodejno zapri, e ni sporov</guilabel> še bolj omili pogoje in zapre pogovorna okna tudi v primeru spajanja, dodajanja ali brisanja. Œe pa se ob tem pojavijo spori ali napake, pa bo okno vseeno ostalo odprto."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9834
msgid "<guilabel>Auto-close if no errors</guilabel> always closes the dialog even if there were conflicts. The only condition that keeps the dialog open is an error condition, which occurs when Subversion is unable to complete the task. For example, an update fails because the server is inaccessible, or a commit fails because the working copy is out-of-date."
msgstr "Izbira <guilabel>Samodejno zapri, e ni napak</guilabel> pomeni, da se pogovorno okno vedno zapre, tudi v primeru sporov. Okno ostane odprto le v primeru, e Subversion ne more dokonati operacije. Primer: posodobitev je neuspešna, e strežnik ni dosegljiv, objava ni uspešna, e je delovna kopija zastarela."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9846
msgid "Use URL of WC as the default \"From:\" URL"
msgstr "Uporabi URL delovne kopije kot privzeti URL za polje \"Iz:\""

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9848
msgid "In the merge dialog, the default behaviour is for the <guilabel>From:</guilabel> URL to be remembered between merges. However, some people like to perform merges from many different points in their hierarchy, and find it easier to start out with the URL of the current working copy. This can then be edited to refer to a parallel path on another branch."
msgstr "Po privzetih nastavitvah si okno Spoji zapomni naslov URL, ki je nastavljen v polju <guilabel>Iz:</guilabel>. Nekateri uporabniki opravljajo spajanja iz precej razlinih tok v svoji strukture map in jim je lažje, e se v polju pojavi naslov URL trenutne delovne kopije. Naslov URL potem popravijo, da ustreza vzporedni poti na drugi veji."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9860
msgid "Default checkout path"
msgstr "Privzeta pot za prevzem"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9862
msgid "You can specify the default path for checkouts. If you keep all your checkouts in one place, it is useful to have the drive and folder pre-filled so you only have to add the new folder name to the end."
msgstr "Nastavite lahko privzeto pot za prevzeme. Œe imate vse prevzeme na enem mestu, potem je uporabno, da sta pogon in mapa predizpolnjena, tako da dodate na koncu samo ime mape."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9871
msgid "Default checkout URL"
msgstr "Privzeti URL za prevzem"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9873
msgid "You can also specify the default URL for checkouts. If you often checkout sub-projects of some very large project, it can be useful to have the URL pre-filled so you only have to add the sub-project name to the end."
msgstr "Lahko pa nastavite privzeti naslov URL za prevzeme. Œe pogosto prevzemate podprojekte nekega velike projekta, je uporabno, e imate polje naslov URL predizpolnjeno in mu na koncu dodate samo ime podprojekta."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9884
msgid "TortoiseSVN Dialog Settings 2"
msgstr "Pogovorna okna 2"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9888
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Dialogs 2 Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Pogovorna okna 2"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9894
msgid "Recurse into unversioned folders"
msgstr "Vstopi rekurzivno v mape brez razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9896
msgid "If this box is checked (default state), then whenever the status of an unversioned folder is shown in the <guilabel>Add</guilabel>, <guilabel>Commit</guilabel> or <guilabel>Check for Modifications</guilabel> dialog, every child file and folder is also shown. If you uncheck this box, only the unversioned parent is shown. Unchecking reduces clutter in these dialogs. In that case if you select an unversioned folder for Add, it is added recursively."
msgstr "Œe je to polje potrjeno (privzeta nastavitev), potem se v oknih <guilabel>Dodaj</guilabel>, <guilabel>Objavi</guilabel> ali <guilabel>Preveri spremembe</guilabel> v primeru map brez razliic pojavijo tudi podrejene mape in datoteke brez razliic. Œe to polje izklopite, potem je prikazana samo vrhnja mapa. Izklop tega polja pripomore k manjši obremenjnosti pogovornih oken. Œe v takšnem primeru izberete za dodajanje mapo brez razliic, se rekurzivno doda vsa njena vsebina."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9910
msgid "Use auto-completion of file paths and keywords"
msgstr "Uporabi samodokonanje poti datotek in kljunih besed"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9912
msgid "The commit dialog includes a facility to parse the list of filenames being committed. When you type the first 3 letters of an item in the list, the auto-completion box pops up, and you can press Enter to complete the filename. Check the box to enable this feature."
msgstr "Okno za objave omogoa razlenjevanje seznama datotek za objavo. Ko vtipkate prve tri rke elementa na seznamu, se pojavi okno za samodokonanje. Pritisnete lahko tipko ENTER in s tem vnesete predlagani niz. Za vklop te zmožnosti potrdite to polje."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9922
msgid "Timeout in seconds to stop the auto-completion parsing"
msgstr "Œasovni rok v sekundah za ustavitev razlenjevanja samodokonanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9924
msgid "The auto-completion parser can be quite slow if there are a lot of large files to check. This timeout stops the commit dialog being held up for too long. If you are missing important auto-completion information, you can extend the timeout."
msgstr "Orodje za razlenjevanje je lahko precej poasno, e dela z velikim številom datotek. Œasovni rok preprei, da bi okno za objave akalo predolgo asa. Œe pri samodokonanju pogrešate doloene informacije, podaljšajte asovni rok."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9933
msgid "Only use spellchecker when <literal>tsvn:projectlanguage</literal> is set"
msgstr "Uporabi rkovalnik le ko je nastavljena lastnost <literal>tsvn:projectlanguage</literal>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9935
msgid "If you don't wish to use the spellchecker for all commits, check this box. The spellchecker will still be enabled where the project properties require it."
msgstr "Œe ne želite uporabiti rkovalnika za vse objave, potrdite to polje. Œrkovalnik bo še vedno omogoen tam, kjer ga zahtevajo projektne lastnosti."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9943
msgid "Max. items to keep in the log message history"
msgstr "Najveje število ohranjenih dnevniških zapisov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9945
msgid "TortoiseSVN stores the last 25 log messages you entered for each repository. You can customize the number stored here. If you have many different repositories, you may wish to reduce this to avoid filling your registry."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN si shrani zadnjih 25 vnešenih zapisov za vsako skladiše. Tukaj lahko število zapisov sprememnite. Œe uporabljate veliko število skladiš, zmanjšajte število shranjenih zapisov, saj s tem zmanjšate velikost registra."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9954
msgid "Re-open commit and branch/tag dialog after a commit failed"
msgstr "Ponovno odpri okno za objave/oznake/veje, e je bila objava neuspešna"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9956
msgid "When a commit fails for some reason (working copy needs updating, pre-commit hook rejects commit, network error, etc), you can select this option to keep the commit dialog open ready to try again. However, you should be aware that this can lead to problems. If the failure means you need to update your working copy, and that update leads to conflicts you must resolve those first."
msgstr "Ko objava zaradi doloenega razloga ni uspešna (delovno kopijo je potrebno posodobiti, skripta akcije pred objavo preprei objavo, napake v omrežju), lahko izberete to možnost, da bo okno objave ostalo odprto in pripravljeno na ponoven poskus. Morate pa se zavedati, da to lahko povzroi težave. Œe je vzrok za napako neposodobljena delovna kopija, jo morate posodobiti, to pa lahko povzroi spore. Le-te morate najprej rešiti."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9967
msgid "Select items automatically"
msgstr "Elemente izberi samodejno"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9969
msgid "The normal behaviour in the commit dialog is for all modified (versioned) items to be selected for commit automatically. If you prefer to start with nothing selected and pick the items for commit manually, uncheck this box."
msgstr "Obiajno obnašanje okna za objave je, da so vse spremenjene datoteke pod nadzorom izbrane samodejno. Œe vam bolj ustreza, da ni izbrana nobena datoteka in boste elemente za objavo izbrali sami, izkljuite to možnost."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9978
msgid "Contact the repository on startup"
msgstr "Poveži se s skladišem ob zagonu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9980
msgid "The Check for Modifications dialog checks the working copy by default, and only contacts the repository when you click <guibutton>Check repository</guibutton>. If you always want to check the repository, you can use this setting to make that action happen automatically."
msgstr "Okno Preveri spremembe po privzetih nastavitvah preveri le delovno kopijo, skladiše pa preverja le, e kliknete gumb <guibutton>Preveri skladiše</guibutton>. Œe želite, da se skladiše vedno samodejno preverja, potrdite to možnost."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9990
msgid "Show Lock dialog before locking files"
msgstr "Prikaži okno zaklepov pred zaklepanjem datotek"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:9992
msgid "When you select one or more files and then use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Lock</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to take out a lock on those files, on some projects it is customary to write a lock message explaining why you have locked the files. If you do not use lock messages, you can uncheck this box to skip that dialog and lock the files immediately."
msgstr "Pri nekaterih projektih velja pravilo, da se pri zaklepanju ene ali ve datotek z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Lock</guimenuitem></menuchoice> vpiše sporoilo zaklepa z vzrokom zaklepa. Œe sporoil zaklepov ne uporabljate, lahko to možnost izkljuite. S tem preskoite pogovorno kono za vpis sporoila in nemudoma zaklenete datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10004
msgid "If you use the lock command on a folder, you are always presented with the lock dialog as that also gives you the option to select files for locking."
msgstr "Œe uporabite zaklepanje na mapi, se vedno pojavi pogovorno okno za zaklepnaje, ki vam ponudi možnost izbire datotek za zaklepanje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10009
msgid "If your project is using the <literal>tsvn:lockmsgminsize</literal> property, you will see the lock dialog regardless of this setting because the project <emphasis>requires</emphasis> lock messages."
msgstr "Œe vaš projekt uporablja lastnost <literal>tsvn:lockmsgminsize</literal>, se bo pogovorno okno zaklepov prikazalo ne glede na te nastavitve, ker projekt <emphasis>zahteva</emphasis> zapis zaklepa."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10019
msgid "TortoiseSVN Colour Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitev barv TortoiseSVN"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10023
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Colours Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Barve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10021
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This dialog allows you to configure the text colours used in TortoiseSVN's dialogs the way you like them."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> To pogovorno okno omogoa nastavljanje barve besedil v pogovornih oknih aplikacije TortoiseSVN."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10031
msgid "Possible or real conflict / obstructed"
msgstr "Možen ali resnien spor / ovirano"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10033
msgid "A conflict has occurred during update, or may occur during merge. Update is obstructed by an existing unversioned file/folder of the same name as a versioned one."
msgstr "Do spora je prišlo med posodobitvijo ali med spajanjem. Posodobitev ovira datoteka/mapa brez razliic in nosi isto ime kot datoteka/mapa pod nadzorom."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10038
msgid "This colour is also used for error messages in the progress dialogs."
msgstr "Ta barva se uporablja tudi za sporoila o napakah v oknu napredka."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10044
msgid "Added files"
msgstr "Dodane datoteke"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10046
msgid "Items added to the repository."
msgstr "Elementi, dodani v skladiše."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10052
msgid "Missing / deleted / replaced"
msgstr "Manjkajoe / izbrisano / zamenjano"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10054
msgid "Items deleted from the repository, missing from the working copy, or deleted from the working copy and replaced with another file of the same name."
msgstr "Elementi, izbrisani iz skladiša, ki v delovni kopiji manjkajo, ali element, izbrisan iz delovne kopije in zamenjan z drugo datoteko z istim imenom."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10062
msgid "Merged"
msgstr "Spojeno"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10064
msgid "Changes from the repository successfully merged into the WC without creating any conflicts."
msgstr "Spremembe iz skladiša so bile uspešno (brez sporov) spojene v delovno kopijo."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10071
msgid "Modified / copied"
msgstr "Spremenjeno / kopirano"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10073
msgid "Add with history, or paths copied in the repository. Also used in the log dialog for entries which include copied items."
msgstr "Elementi, dodani z zgodovino, ali poti, kopirane v skladišu. Uporablja se tudi v Dnevniku za kopirane elemente."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10081
msgid "Deleted node"
msgstr "Izbrisano vozliše"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10083
msgid "An item which has been deleted from the repository."
msgstr "Element, ki je bil izbrisan iz skladiša."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10089
msgid "Added node"
msgstr "Dodano vozliše"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10091
msgid "An item which has been added to the repository, by an add, copy or move operation."
msgstr "Element, ki je bil dodan v skladiše z uporabo ukazov dodaj, kopiraj ali premakni."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10098
msgid "Renamed node"
msgstr "Preimenovano vozliše"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10100
msgid "An item which has been renamed within the repository."
msgstr "Element, ki je bil preimenovan znotraj skladiša."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10106
msgid "Replaced node"
msgstr "Zamenjano vozliše"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10108
msgid "The original item has been deleted and a new item with the same name replaces it."
msgstr "Izviren element je bil izbrisan. Nadomesti ga nov element z enakim imenom."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10118
msgid "Icon Overlay Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve prekrivnih ikon"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10122
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Look and Feel Page"
msgstr "Okno za nastavitve, Stran Izgled in obutek"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10120
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This page allows you to choose the items for which TortoiseSVN will display icon overlays. Network drives can be very slow, so by default icons are not shown for working copies located on network shares. You can even disable all icon overlays, but where's the fun in that?"
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Ta stran omogoa nastavitev elementov, pri katerih se uporabijo prekrivne ikone. Omrežni pogoni so precej poasni, zato po privzetih nastavitvah tu ni prikaza prekrivnih ikon. Seveda lahko prikaz prekrivnih ikon popolnoma izkljuite, toda to sploh ni zabavno, kaj ne?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10130
msgid "USB Flash drives appear to be a special case in that the drive type is identified by the device itself. Some appear as fixed drives, and some as removable drives."
msgstr "Pogoni USB so poseben primer, saj je njihov tip definiran s pogonom samim. Tako se nekateri pojavijo kot stalni pogoni, nekateri pa kot odstanjivi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10135
msgid "By default, overlay icons and context menus will appear in all open/save dialogs as well as in Windows Explorer. If you want them to appear <emphasis>only</emphasis> in Windows Explorer, check the <guilabel>Show overlays and context menu only in explorer</guilabel> box."
msgstr "Po privzetih nastavitvah se prekrivne ikone in kontekstni meni pojavijo v vseh oknih Open/Save (Odpri/Shrani) in v Raziskovalcu. Œe želite, da se pojavijo <emphasis>samo</emphasis> v Raziskovalcu, potrdite polje <guilabel>Pokaži prekrivanje ikon in kontekstni meni samo v raziskovalcu</guilabel>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10149
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Prizeto"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10151
msgid "Caches all status information in a separate process (<filename>TSVNCache.exe</filename>). That process watches all drives for changes and fetches the status again if files inside a working copy get modified. The process runs with the least possible priority so other programs don't get hogged because of it. That also means that the status information is not <emphasis>real time</emphasis> but it can take a few seconds for the overlays to change."
msgstr "Vse informacije o stanju pridobiva poseben proces (<filename>TSVNCache.exe</filename>). Ta preverja spremembe na vseh pogonih in ponovno pridobi informacijo o stanju, e se datoteke znoraj delovne kopije spremenijo. Proces tee z najmanjšo možno prioriteto izvajanja, tako da ne upoasni ostalih aplikacij. To pa pomeni tudi, da se informacije o procesu ne prodobivajo v <emphasis>realnem asu</emphasis>, zato se lahko sprememba prekrivne ikone zgodi šele ez nekaj sekund."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10162
msgid "Advantage: the overlays show the status recursively, i.e. if a file deep inside a working copy is modified, all folders up to the working copy root will also show the modified overlay. And since the process can send notifications to the shell, the overlays on the left tree view usually change too."
msgstr "Prednost: prekrivne ikone prikazujejo status rekurzivno: e se spremeni datoteka nekje globoko v hierarhiji map, se prekrivne ikone spremenijo vsem mapam do korenske mape delovne kopije. Ker lahko proces pošilja obvestila o spremembah ukazni lupini, se obiajno spremenijo tudi prekrivne ikone map na levi strani Raziskovalca (drevo strukture map)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10170
msgid "Disadvantage: the process runs constantly, even if you're not working on your projects. It also uses around 10-50 MB of RAM depending on number and size of your working copies."
msgstr "Slabost: proces tee neprestano, tudi e ne delate na projektih. Uporablja pa tudi 10 do 50 MB pomnilnika (RAM), odvisno od števila in velikosti delovnih kopij."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10178
msgid "Shell"
msgstr "Lupina"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10180
msgid "Caching is done directly inside the shell extension dll, but only for the currently visible folder. Each time you navigate to another folder, the status information is fetched again."
msgstr "Polnjenje predpomnilnika se dogaja znotraj knjižnice za razširitev lupine, vendar zgolj za trenutno vidno mapo. Vsaki, ko se premaknete na drugo mapo, se informacije o stanju ponovno pridobijo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10186
msgid "Advantage: needs only very little memory (around 1 MB of RAM) and can show the status in <emphasis>real time</emphasis>."
msgstr "Prednost: potrebuje zelo malo pomnilnika (približno 1MB), stanje pa lahko prikazuje v <emphasis>realnem asu</emphasis>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10190
msgid "Disadvantage: Since only one folder is cached, the overlays don't show the status recursively. For big working copies, it can take more time to show a folder in explorer than with the default cache. Also the mime-type column is not available."
msgstr "Slabost: Ker se v predpomnilnik shranijo le informacije o eni mapi, se prekrivne ikone ne prikazujejo rekurzivno. Pri velikih delovnih kopijah lahko prikaz mape traja dalj asa kot pri privzetih nastavitvah. Stolpec, ki prikazuje tip MIME, ni na voljo."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10200
msgid "None"
msgstr "Brez predpomnilnika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10202
msgid "With this setting, the TortoiseSVN does not fetch the status at all in Explorer. Because of that, files don't get an overlay and folders only get a 'normal' overlay if they're versioned. No other overlays are shown, and no extra columns are available either."
msgstr "Pri tej nastavitvi TortoiseSVN ne pridobiva stanja delovne kopije v Raziskovalcu. Datoteke nimajo prekrivnih ikon, mape pa imajo prekrivno ikono 'obiajno', e so pod nadzorom razliic. Druge prekrivne ikone se ne prikazujejo, prav tako niso na voljo dodatni stolpci z informacijami."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10209
msgid "Advantage: uses absolutely no additional memory and does not slow down the Explorer at all while browsing."
msgstr "Prednost: ne uporablja nobenega dodatnega spomina in ne upoasni delovanja Raziskovalca med brskanjem."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10213
msgid "Disadvantage: Status information of files and folders is not shown in Explorer. To see if your working copies are modified, you have to use the \"Check for modifications\" dialog."
msgstr "Slabost: informacija o stanju datotek in map ni prikazana v Raziskovalcu. Œe želite preveriti, ali je vaša delovna kopija spremenjena, morate uporabiti okno \"Preveri spremembe\"."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10141
msgid "Since it takes quite a while to fetch the status of a working copy, TortoiseSVN uses a cache to store the status so the explorer doesn't get hogged too much when showing the overlays. You can choose which type of cache TortoiseSVN should use according to your system and working copy size here: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Ker pridobivanje informacij o stanju delovne kopije traja kar nekaj asa, TortoiseSVN uporablja predpomnilnik, tako da prikazovanje prekrivnih ikon poteka bolj gladko. Glede na vaš sistem in velikost delovne kopije izberite ustrezen tip predpomnilnika: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10222
msgid "If you select the default option, you can also choose to mark folders as modified if they contain unversioned items. This could be useful for reminding you that you have created new files which are not yet versioned."
msgstr "Œe izberete privzeto možnost, lahko izberete tudi možnost oznaevanja map kot spremenjenih, e vsebujejo elemente brez razliic. To je uporabno, saj vas opozarja, da ste ustvarili nove datoteke, ki še niso dodane v skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10227
msgid "The <guilabel>Exclude Paths</guilabel> are used to tell TortoiseSVN those paths for which it should <emphasis>not</emphasis> show icon overlays and status columns. This is useful if you have some very big working copies containing only libraries which you won't change at all and therefore don't need the overlays. For example:"
msgstr "Za poti, nastavljene v <guilabel>Izloi poti</guilabel>, TortoiseSVN <emphasis>ne</emphasis> prikazuje prekrivnih ikon in stolpcev stanja. To je uporabno, e imate velike delovne kopije, ki vsebujejo le knjižnice, ki jih ne boste spreminjali in zato ne potrebujete informacij preko prekrivnih ikon. Primer:"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10235
msgid "<filename>f:\\development\\SVN\\Subversion</filename> will disable the overlays <emphasis>only</emphasis> on that specific folder. You still can see the overlays on all files and folder inside that folder."
msgstr "Nastavitev <filename>f:\\development\\SVN\\Subversion</filename> onemogoi <emphasis>le</emphasis> na tono tej mapi. Prekrivne ikone še vedno vidite na vseh datotekah in mapah znotraj te mape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10240
msgid "<filename>f:\\development\\SVN\\Subversion*</filename> will disable the overlays on <emphasis>all</emphasis> files and folders whose path starts with <filename>f:\\development\\SVN\\Subversion</filename>. That means you won't see overlays for any files and folders below that path."
msgstr "Nastavitev <filename>f:\\development\\SVN\\Subversion*</filename> onemogoi prikaz prekrivnih ikon na <emphasis>vseh</emphasis> datotekah in mapah, katerih pot se zane z <filename>f:\\development\\SVN\\Subversion</filename>. To pomeni, da na datotekah in mapah pod to potjo ne boste videli prekrivnih ikon."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10247
msgid "The same applies to the <guilabel>Include Paths</guilabel>. Except that for those paths the overlays are shown even if the overlays are disabled for that specific drive type, or by an exclude path specified above."
msgstr "Enako velja tudi za nastavitev <guilabel>Vkljui poti</guilabel>. Za te poti se prekrivne ikone prikazujejo vedno, tudi e so sicer izklopljene za ta tip pogona ali preko zgornjih nastavitev."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10252
msgid "TSVNCache.exe also uses these paths to restrict its scanning. If you want it to look only in particular folders, disable all drive types and include only the folders you specifically want to be scanned."
msgstr "Te poti uporablja tudi TSVNCache.exe, da si omeji pregledovanje. Œe želite, da pregleda samo doloene mape, onemogoite vse tipe pogonov in vkljuite le mape, ki jih želite pregledati."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10257
msgid "Sometimes you will exclude areas that contain working copies, which saves TSVNCache from scanning and monitoring for changes, but you still want a visual indication that such folders are versioned. The <guilabel>Show excluded folders as 'normal'</guilabel> checkbox allows you to do this. With this option, versioned folders in any excluded area (drive type not checked, or specifically excluded) will show up as normal and up-to-date, with a green check mark. This reminds you that you are looking at a working copy, even though the folder overlays may not be correct. Files do not get an overlay at all. Note that the context menus still work, even though the overlays are not shown."
msgstr "Vasih izkljuite obmoja, ki vsebujejo delovne kopije, kar povzroi, da TSVNCache teh podroij ne preverja. Vseeno pa želite imeti takšne mape oznaene, da so pod nadzorom razliic. Polje <guilabel>Prikaži izloene mape kot 'obiajne'</guilabel> omogoa prav to. S potrditvijo tega polja dosežete, da se datoteke v izkljuenih obmojih (nevklueni pogoni, izkljueni pogoni) prikažejo kot obiajne in sodobne, z zeleno kljukico. To vam pove, da gledate delovno kopijo, eprav stanje, ki ga prekrivne ikone prikazujejo, morda ni pravilno. Datoteke prekrivnih ikon nimajo, vendar kontekstni meni kljub temu deluje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10270
msgid "As a special exception to this, drives <literal>A:</literal> and <literal>B:</literal> are never considered for the <guilabel>Show excluded folders as 'normal'</guilabel> option. This is because Windows is forced to look on the drive, which can result in a delay of several seconds when starting Explorer, even if your PC does have a floppy drive."
msgstr "Izjema sta pogona <literal>A:</literal> in <literal>B:</literal>, ki se nikoli ne upoštevata pri možnosti <guilabel>Prikaži izloene mape kot 'navadne'</guilabel>. V takem primeru bi namre sistem Windows pregledal omenjena pogona, tudi e ju dejansko nimate, kar bi za nekaj sekund upoasnilo zaganjanje Raziskovalca."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10279
msgid "Icon Set Selection"
msgstr "Izbira nabora ikon"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10283
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Icon Set Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Izbor ikon"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10281
msgid "<placeholder-1/> You can change the overlay icon set to the one you like best. Note that if you change overlay set, you may have to restart your computer for the changes to take effect."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Izberete si lahko tak nabor ikon, ki vam najbolj ustreza. Da bi uveljavili spremembe, boste morali mogoe ponovno zagnati raunalnik."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10294
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve omrežja"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10296
msgid "proxy server"
msgstr "Posredniški strežnik"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10300
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Network Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Omrežje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10298
msgid "<placeholder-1/> Here you can configure your proxy server, if you need one to get through your company's firewall."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Tukaj lahko nastavite posredniški strežnik (proxy). Mogoe ga potrebujete, da lahko delate preko požarnega zidu v podjetju."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10306
msgid "If you need to set up per-repository proxy settings, you will need to use the Subversion <filename>servers</filename> file to configure this. Use <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> to get there directly. Consult the <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.confarea.html\"><citetitle>Runtime Configuration Area</citetitle></ulink> for details on how to use this file."
msgstr "Če želite posredniški strežnik nastaviti za vsako skladišče posebej, morate za to uporabiti datoteko <filename>servers</filename> sistema Subversion. Za neposreden dostop do te datoteke uporabite gumb <guibutton>Uredi</guibutton>. Za več informacij preberite <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.confarea.html\"><citetitle>Runtime Configuration Area</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10316
msgid "You can also specify which program TortoiseSVN should use to establish a secure connection to a svn+ssh repository. We recommend that you use TortoisePlink.exe. This is a version of the popular Plink program, and is included with TortoiseSVN, but it is compiled as a Windowless app, so you don't get a DOS box popping up every time you authenticate."
msgstr "Doloite lahko aplikacijo, ki naj jo TortoiseSVN uporabi za vzpostavitev varne povezave do skladiša svn+ssh. Priporoamo uporabo programa TortoisePlink.exe. To je posebna razliica priljubljenega programa Plink in je del paketa TortoiseSVN. Prevedena je kot aplikacija brez okna, tako da se ob avtentikaciji ne pojavi okno DOS."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10324
msgid "One side-effect of not having a window is that there is nowhere for any error messages to go, so if authentication fails you will simply get a message saying something like <quote>Unable to write to standard output</quote>. For this reason we recommend that you first set up using standard Plink. When everything is working, you can use TortoisePlink with exactly the same parameters."
msgstr "Stranski uinek aplikacije brez okna je, da ta ne more izpisati sporoila o napaki. Œe avtentikacija ne uspe, dobite sporoilo tipa <quote>Ne morem pisati na standardni izhod</quote>. Zato priporoamo, da najprej uporabite standarno razliico programa Plink. Ko vse deluje, pa jo zamenjate s programom TortoisePlink. Uporabite popolnoma enake parametre."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10335
msgid "External Program Settings"
msgstr "Nastaviteve zunanjih programov"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10338
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Diff Viewer Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, ogledovalnik razlik"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10336
msgid "<placeholder-1/> Here you can define your own diff/merge programs that TortoiseSVN should use. The default setting is to use TortoiseMerge which is installed alongside TortoiseSVN."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Tukaj lahko nastavite programe za razlikovanje/spajanje, ki naj jih TortoiseSVN uporabi. Privzeta nastavitev je uporaba programa TortoiseMerge, ki se namesti skupaj s TortoiseSVN."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10346
msgid "Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-tools\"/> for a list of some of the external diff/merge programs that people are using with TortoiseSVN."
msgstr "Preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-diff-tools\"/>, kjer so navedena nekatera zunanja orodja za razlikovanje/spajanje, ki jih uporabniki uporabljajo skupaj s sistemom TortoiseSVN."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10351
msgid "Diff Viewer"
msgstr "Pregledovalnik razlik"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10366
msgid "The original file without your changes"
msgstr "Izvirna datoteka brez vaših sprememb"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10374
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10481
msgid "The window title for the base file"
msgstr "Naslov okna osnovne datoteke"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10382
msgid "Your own file, with your changes"
msgstr "Vaša lastna datoteka z vašimi spremembami"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10390
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10497
msgid "The window title for your file"
msgstr "Naslov okna za vašo datoteko"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10353
msgid "An external diff program may be used for comparing different revisions of files. The external program will need to obtain the filenames from the command line, along with any other command line options. TortoiseSVN uses substitution parameters prefixed with <literal>%</literal>. When it encounters one of these it will substitute the appropriate value. The order of the parameters will depend on the Diff program you use. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Za primerjanje razlik med razlinimi revizijami datotek lahko uporabljate zunanji program za razlikovanje. Zunanji program mora v ukazni vrstici dobiti imena datotek in opcije ukazne vrstice. TortoiseSVN uporablja parametre za zamenjavo s predpono <literal>%</literal>. Ko naleti na parameter, ga zamenja z ustrezno vrednostjo. Vrstni red parametrov je odvisen od programa za razlikovanje, ki ga uporabljate. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10397
msgid "The window titles are not pure filenames. TortoiseSVN treats that as a name to display and creates the names accordingly. So e.g. if you're doing a diff from a file in revision 123 with a file in your working copy, the names will be <filename>filename : revision 123</filename> and <filename>filename : working copy</filename>"
msgstr "Naslovi oken niso zgolj imena datotek. TortoiseSVN jih obravnava kot nazive za prikaz in ustvari ustrezna imena. N. pr. e razlikujete datoteko revizije 123 z datoteko v delovni kopiji, bosta imeni za prikaz <filename>imedatoteke : revizija 123</filename> in <filename>ime datoteke : delovna kopija</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10407
msgid ""
"For example, with ExamDiff Pro: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\ExamDiff.exe %base %mine\n"
"</screen> or with KDiff3: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\kdiff3.exe %base %mine --L1 %bname --L2 %yname\n"
"</screen> or with WinMerge: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\WinMerge.exe -e -ub -dl %bname -dr %yname %base %mine\n"
"</screen> or with Araxis: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\compare.exe /max /wait /title1:%bname /title2:%yname\n"
" %base %mine\n"
msgstr ""
"Naprimer: z ExamDiff Pro: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\ExamDiff.exe %base %mine\n"
"</screen> ali s KDiff3: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\kdiff3.exe %base %mine --L1 %bname --L2 %yname\n"
"</screen> ali z WinMerge: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\WinMerge.exe -e -ub -dl %bname -dr %yname %base %mine\n"
"</screen> ali z Araxis: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\compare.exe /max /wait /title1:%bname /title2:%yname\n"
" %base %mine\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10426
msgid "If you use the <literal>svn:keywords</literal> property to expand keywords, and in particular the <emphasis>revision</emphasis> of a file, then there may be a difference between files which is purely due to the current value of the keyword. Also if you use <literal>svn:eol-style = native</literal> the BASE file will have pure <literal>LF</literal> line endings whereas your file will have <literal>CR-LF</literal> line endings. TortoiseSVN will normally hide these differences automatically by first parsing the BASE file to expand keywords and line endings before doing the diff operation. However, this can take a long time with large files. If <guilabel>Convert files when diffing against BASE</guilabel> is unchecked then TortoiseSVN will skip pre-processing the files."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate lastnost <literal>svn:keywords</literal> za razširitev kljunih besed, posebej e uporabite <emphasis>revizijo</emphasis> datoteke, se med datotekami pojavi razlike zgolj zaradi razline vrednosti kljunih besed. Podobno je pri uporabi lastnosti <literal>svn:eol-style = native</literal>: osnovna datoteka (BASE) bo uporabljala <literal>LF</literal> za zakljuek vrstice, vaša datoteka pa <literal>CR-LF</literal>. TortoiseSVN obiajno te razlike skrije, tako da pred primerjanjem tudi v osnovni datoteki razširi kljune besede in spremeni zakljuke vrstic. To pa lahko traja precej asa, e delamo z dolgimi datotekami. Œe je polje <guilabel>Pri razlikovanju glede na BASE pretvori datoteke</guilabel> izklopljeno, bo TortoiseSVN preskoil predprocesiranje datotek."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10440
msgid "You can also specify a different diff tool to use on Subversion properties. Since these tend to be short simple text strings, you may want to use a simpler more compact viewer."
msgstr "Lahko pa doloite drugo orodje za razlikovanje lastnosti v sistemu Subversion. Ker so lastnosti ponavadi enostavna kratka besedila, vam bo mogoe bolj ustrezal enostavnejši pregledovalnik."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10445
msgid "If you have configured an alternate diff tool, you can access TortoiseMerge <emphasis>and</emphasis> the third party tool from the context menus. <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Diff</guimenuitem></menuchoice> uses the primary diff tool, and <menuchoice><guimenu>Context menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Shift-Diff</guimenuitem></menuchoice> uses the secondary diff tool."
msgstr "Œe ste nastavili dodatna orodja za razlikovanje, lahko iz kontekstnega menija izbere TortoiseMerge <emphasis>in</emphasis> ostala orodja. <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Razlikuj</guimenuitem></menuchoice> uporabi osnovno orodje za razlikovanje, <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Shift-Razlikuj</guimenuitem></menuchoice> pa dodatnega."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10462
msgid "Merge Tool"
msgstr "Orodje za spajanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10472
msgid "the original file without your or the others changes"
msgstr "izvirna datoteka brez vaših sprememb ali sprememb ostalih"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10489
msgid "your own file, with your changes"
msgstr "vaša datoteka z vašimi spremembami"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10505
msgid "the file as it is in the repository"
msgstr "datoteka, kot se nahaja v skladišu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10513
msgid "The window title for the file in the repository"
msgstr "naslov okna za datoteko v skladišu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10521
msgid "the conflicted file, the result of the merge operation"
msgstr "sporna datoteka, rezultat spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10530
msgid "The window title for the merged file"
msgstr "naslov okna za spojeno datoteko"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10464
msgid "An external merge program used to resolve conflicted files. Parameter substitution is used in the same way as with the Diff Program. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Zunanji program za spajanje, uporabljen za reševaje spornih datotek. Zamenjava parametrov se uporablja prav tako kot pri programu za razlikovanje. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10537
msgid ""
"For example, with Perforce Merge: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\P4Merge.exe %base %theirs %mine %merged\n"
"</screen> or with KDiff3: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\kdiff3.exe %base %mine %theirs -o %merged\n"
" --L1 %bname --L2 %yname --L3 %tname\n"
"</screen> or with Araxis: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\compare.exe /max /wait /3 /title1:%tname /title2:%bname\n"
" /title3:%yname %theirs %base %mine %merged /a2\n"
msgstr ""
"Naprimer: s Perforce Merge: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\P4Merge.exe %base %theirs %mine %merged\n"
"</screen> ali s KDiff3: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\kdiff3.exe %base %mine %theirs -o %merged\n"
" --L1 %bname --L2 %yname --L3 %tname\n"
"</screen> ali z Araxis: <screen>\n"
"C:\\Path-To\\compare.exe /max /wait /3 /title1:%tname /title2:%bname\n"
" /title3:%yname %theirs %base %mine %merged /a2\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10555
msgid "Diff/Merge Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Napredne nastavitve za razlikovanje/spajanje"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10559
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Diff/Merge Advanced Dialog"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, napredne nastavitve razlikovanja/spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10557
msgid "<placeholder-1/> In the advanced settings, you can define a different diff and merge program for every file extension. For instance you could associate Photoshop as the <quote>Diff</quote> Program for <filename>.jpg</filename> files :-) You can also associate the <literal>svn:mime-type</literal> property with a diff or merge program."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> V naprednih nastavitvah lahko nastavite razlina orodja za razlikovanje in spajanje glede na konnico datoteke. Primer: Photoshop nastavite kot program za <quote>razlikovanje</quote> datotek <filename>.jpg</filename> :-) Tudi lastnost <literal>svn:mime-type</literal> lahko asociirate s programom za razlikovanje ali spajanje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10568
msgid "To associate using a file extension, you need to specify the extension. Use <literal>.bmp</literal> to describe Windows bitmap files. To associate using the <literal>svn:mime-type</literal> property, specify the mime type, including a slash, for example <literal>text/xml</literal>."
msgstr "Za povezavo orodij s konnico datotek morate navesti konnico. Uporabite <literal>.bmp</literal> za datoteke bitmap sistema Windows. Za povezavo orodij z lastnostjo <literal>svn:mime-type</literal> nastavite tip MIME, vkljuno s poševnico, n.pr. <literal>text/xml</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10577
msgid "Unified Diff Viewer"
msgstr "Pregledovalnik za poenotene razlike"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10579
msgid "A viewer program for unified-diff files (patch files). No parameters are required. The <guilabel>Default</guilabel> option is to check for a file association for <filename>.diff</filename> files, and then for <filename>.txt</filename> files. If you don't have a viewer for <filename>.diff</filename> files, you will most likely get NotePad."
msgstr "Pregledovalnik za poenoteno razliico (datoteke popravkov). Noben parameter ni obvezen. Možnost <guilabel>Default</guilabel> pove, da je potrebno poiskati program, ki je povezan s konnico <filename>.diff</filename> in s konnico <filename>.txt</filename>. Œe pregledovalnika za datoteke <filename>.diff</filename> nimate, vam bo po vsej verjetnosti ponujena Beležka."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10588
msgid "The original Windows NotePad program does not behave well on files which do not have standard CR-LF line-endings. Since most unified diff files have pure LF line-endings, they do not view well in NotePad. However, you can download a free NotePad replacement <ulink url=\"http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html\"><citetitle>Notepad2</citetitle></ulink> which not only displays the line-endings correctly, but also colour codes the added and removed lines."
msgstr "Originalna Beležka sistema Windows ne deluje najbolje pri datotekah, ki imajo nestandardne zaključke vrstic CR-LF. Ker imajo datoteke poenotene različice večinoma le zaključke LF, se jih v Beležki ne da dobro pregledovati. Lahko pa si prenesete brezplačno zamenjavo za Beležko. <ulink url=\"http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html\"><citetitle>Notepad2</citetitle></ulink>, poleg tega, da pravilno prikaže zaključke datotek, uporablja tudi barvno kodiranje za dodane in odstranjene vrstice."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10604
msgid "Saved Data Settings"
msgstr "Shranjeni podatki"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10607
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Saved Data Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Shranjeni podatki"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10605
msgid "<placeholder-1/> For your convenience, TortoiseSVN saves many of the settings you use, and remembers where you have been lately. If you want to clear out that cache of data, you can do it here."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Za vejo uporabnost TortoiseSVN shrani veliko nastavitev, ki jih uporabljate, in si zapomni vaše zadnje operacije. Œe želite, lahko tu te podatke izbrišete."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10616
msgid "URL history"
msgstr "Zgodovina naslovov URL"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10618
msgid "Whenever you checkout a working copy, merge changes or use the repository browser, TortoiseSVN keeps a record of recently used URLs and offers them in a combo box. Sometimes that list gets cluttered with outdated URLs so it is useful to flush it out periodically."
msgstr "Ko naredite prevzem delovne kopije, spojite spremembe ali uporabite brskalnik po skladišu, vam TortoiseSVN ponudi shranjene zadnje uporabljene naslove URL v spustnem meniju. Vasih je seznam poln starih naslovov in ga je zato koristno poistiti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10625
msgid "If you want to remove a single item from one of the combo boxes you can do that in-place. Just click on the arrow to drop the combo box down, move the mouse over the item you want to remove and type <action>SHIFT+DELETE</action>."
msgstr "Œe želite iz spustnega polja izbrisati posamezne elemente, lahko to storite kar na polju samem. Kliknite na pušico za spust spustnega polja, premaknite miško na element, ki ga želite odstraniti in stisnite <action>SHIFT+DELETE</action>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10634
msgid "Log messages (Input dialog)"
msgstr "Dnevniška sporoila (vnosno okno)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10636
msgid "TortoiseSVN stores recent commit log messages that you enter. These are stored per repository, so if you access many repositories this list can grow quite large."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN shrani zadnjih nekaj sporoil dnevniških zapisov, ki jih vnesete in sicer za vsako skladiše posebej. Œe uporabljate veliko skladiš, postane ta seznam precej dolg."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10644
msgid "Log messages (Show log dialog)"
msgstr "Dnevniška sporoila (okno Prikaži dnevnik)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10646
msgid "TortoiseSVN caches log messages fetched by the Show Log dialog to save time when you next show the log. If someone else edits a log message and you already have that message cached, you will not see the change until you clear the cache. Log message caching is enabled on the <guilabel>Dialogs 1</guilabel> tab."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN si ob prikazu okna sporoila dnevniških zapisov shrani v predpolmnilnik, tako da naslednji, ko jih mora prikazati, prihrani as. Œe nekdo dnevniški zapis popravi, vi pa ta zapis že imate v predpomnilniku, te spremembe ne boste videli, dokler ne izbrišete predpomnilnika. Predpomnenje dnevniških zapis se vkljui v zavihku <guilabel>Pogovorna okna 1</guilabel>."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10657
msgid "Dialog sizes and positions"
msgstr "Velikosti in položaji pogovornih oken"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10659
msgid "Many dialogs remember the size and screen position that you last used."
msgstr "Veliko oken si zapomni velikost in položaj na zaslonu ob zadnji uporabi."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10666
msgid "Authentication data"
msgstr "Podatki avtentikacije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10668
msgid "When you authenticate with a Subversion server, the username and password are cached locally so you don't have to keep entering them. You may want to clear this for security reasons, or because you want to access the repository under a different username ... does John know you are using his PC?"
msgstr "Ko uporabljate avtentikacijo s strežnikom Subversion, se uporabniško ime in geslo shranita v krajevni datoteki in vam ju tako ni potrebno vedno znova vnašati. Te podatke boste morda želeli izbrisati - zaradi varnostnih razlogov ali pa zato, ker želite do skladiša dostopati z drugim uporabniškim imenom ... ali Janez ve, da uporabljate njegov PC?"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10675
msgid "If you want to clear authentication data for one particular server only, read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-general-auth\"/> for instructions on how to find the cached data."
msgstr "Œe želite izbrisate podatke o avtentikaciji samo za nek tono doloen strežnik, preberite <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-general-auth\"/>. Tu je opisano, kje najdete podatke predpomnilnika."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10685
msgid "Registry Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve registra"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10687
msgid "registry"
msgstr "register"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10689
msgid "A few infrequently used settings are available only by editing the registry directly."
msgstr "Nekaj redko uporabljenih nastavitev je možno nastaviti le s spreminjanjem vrednosti nesposredno v registru."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10697
msgid "You can specify a different location for the Subversion configuration file using registry location <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ConfigDir</literal>. This will affect all TortoiseSVN operations."
msgstr "Konfiguracijsko datoteko za Subversion lahko postavite na drugo lokacijo z uporabo naslednje lokacije v registru: <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ConfigDir</literal>. Sprememba ima vpliv na vse operacije TortoiseSVN."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10706
msgid "Cache tray icon"
msgstr "Ikona predpomnilnika v sistemskem traku"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10708
msgid "To add a cache tray icon for the TSVNCache program, create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\CacheTrayIcon</literal>. This is really only useful for developers as it allows you to terminate the program gracefully."
msgstr "Œe želite dodati za program TSVNCache ikono v sistemski trak, ustvarite klju <literal>DWORD</literal> z vrednostjo na lokaciji <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\CacheTrayIcon</literal>. V resnici je to uporabno le za razvijalce, ki želijo pravilno zaustaviti program."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10718
msgid "Filenames without extensions in auto-completion list"
msgstr "Imena datotek brez konnic v seznamu za samodokonanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10720
msgid "The auto-completion list shown in the commit message editor displays the names of files listed for commit. To also include these names with extensions removed, create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\AutocompleteRemovesExtensions</literal>."
msgstr "Seznam za samodokonanje, ki se prikaže v urejevalniku sporoil v oknu za objave, prikaže datoteke, ki so predvidene za objavo. Œe želite, da se prikažejo tudi imena brez konnic, na naslovu <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\AutocompleteRemovesExtensions</literal> ustvarite klju <literal>DWORD</literal> z vrednostjo 1"

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10730
msgid "Explorer columns everywhere"
msgstr "Stolpci v Raziskovalcu vsepovsod"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10732
msgid "The extra columns the TortoiseSVN adds to the details view in Windows Explorer are normally only active in a working copy. If you want those to be accessible everywhere, not just in working copies, create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ColumnsEveryWhere</literal>."
msgstr "Dodatni stolpci, ki jih TortoiseSVN doda podrobnemu pogledu v Raziskovalcu, so obiajno vidni le v delovni kopiji. Œe želite, da so dostopni tudi drugje, na naslovu <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ColumnsEveryWhere</literal> ustvarite klju <literal>DWORD</literal> z vrednostjo 1."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10743
msgid "Merge log separator"
msgstr "Loilnik dnevniškega zapisa spajanja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10745
msgid "When you merge revisions from another branch, and merge tracking information is available, the log messages from the revisions you merge will be collected to make up a commit log message. A pre-defined string is used to separate the individual log messages of the merged revisions. If you prefer, you can create a <literal>SZ</literal> key at <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\MergeLogSeparator</literal> containing a separator string of your choice."
msgstr "Pri spajanju revizij z druge veje in e so informacije o sledenju spajnja na voljo, se sporoila dnevniških sporoil zbereje in tvorijo novo sporoilo objave. Za loitev posameznih sporoil spojenih revizij se uporabi prednastavljeni niz. Œe želite uporabiti svoj niz, ustvarite na naslovu <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\MergeLogSeparator</literal> klju <literal>SZ</literal>, kot vrednost pa vpišite izbrani niz."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10758
msgid "Always blame changes with TortoiseMerge"
msgstr "Vedno pokaži krivdne informacije z uporabo programa TortoiseMerge"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10760
msgid "TortoiseSVN allows you to assign external diff viewer. Most such viewers, however, are not suited for change blaming (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/>), so you might wish to fall back to TortoiseMerge in this case. To do so, create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\DiffBlamesWithTortoiseMerge</literal>."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN omogoa uporabo zunanjega pregledovalnika razlik. Veina pregledovalnikov pa ni primerna za prikaz krivdnih informacij (<xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-blame-diffs\"/>), zato v tem primeru raje uporabite TortoiseMerge. Da bi to storili, ustvarite klju <literal>DWORD</literal> z vrednostjo 1 na lokaciji <literal>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\DiffBlamesWithTortoiseMerge</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10773
msgid "Subversion Working Folders"
msgstr "Delovne mape Subversion"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10775
msgid ".svn folder"
msgstr ".svn folder"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10778
msgid "_svn folder"
msgstr "_svn folder"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10780
msgid "VS.NET when used with web projects can't handle the <literal>.svn</literal> folders that Subversion uses to store its internal information. This is not a bug in Subversion. The bug is in VS.NET and the frontpage extensions it uses."
msgstr "Ko VS.NET uporablja spletne projekte, ne more delati z mapami <literal>.svn</literal>, ki jih Subversion uporablja za shranjevanje notranjih informacij. To ni napaka sistema Subversion. To je napaka VS.NET in dodatkov za FrontPage, ki jih uporablja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10786
msgid "As of Version 1.3.0 of Subversion and TortoiseSVN, you can set the environment variable <literal>SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK</literal>. If that variable is set, then Subversion will use <literal>_svn</literal> folders instead of <literal>.svn</literal> folders. You must restart your shell for that environment variable to take effect. Normally that means rebooting your PC. To make this easier, you can now do this from the general settings page using a simple checkbox - refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/>."
msgstr "Od razliice 1.3.0 sistemov Subversion in TortoiseSVN naprej lahko nastavite okoljsko sprememnljivko <literal>SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK</literal>. Œe je le-ta nastavljena, bo Subversion uporabljal mape <literal>_svn</literal> namesto map <literal>.svn</literal>. Da bi se sprememba okoljske spremenljivke upoštevala, morate ponovno zagnati lupino. Obiajno to pomeni ponoven zagon raunalnika. Da bi bilo enostavneje, lahko sedaj to nastavitev opravite v oknu za nastavitve z uporabo preprostega potrditvenega polja - poglejte na <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-settings-main\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10796
msgid "For more information, and other ways to avoid this problem in the first place, check out the article about this in our <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/node/aspdotnethack\"><citetitle>FAQ</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Za več informacij in ostale načine, kako se tem težavam izogniti, preberite članek o tem v <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/node/aspdotnethack\"><citetitle>pogosto zastavljenih vprašanjih</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10807
msgid "Client Side Hook Scripts"
msgstr "Skripte akcij na strani odjemalca"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10809
msgid "client hooks"
msgstr "akcijske skripte odjemalca"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10812
msgid "hook scripts"
msgstr "skripte akcij"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10816
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Hook Scripts Page"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, Skripte akcij"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10814
msgid "<placeholder-1/> This dialog allows you to set up hook scripts which will be executed automatically when certain Subversion actions are performed. As opposed to the hook scripts explained in <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository-hooks\"/>, these scripts are executed locally on the client."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> To okno vam omogoa nastavitev skript akcij, ki se izvedejo samodejno ob doloeni operaciji sistema Subversion. V nasprotju s skriptami akcij, ki so razložene v <xref linkend=\"tsvn-repository-hooks\"/>, se te skripte izvedejo krajevno na strani odjemalca."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10824
msgid "One application for such hooks might be to call a program like <literal>SubWCRev.exe</literal> to update version numbers after a commit, and perhaps to trigger a rebuild."
msgstr "Ena možnost uporabe skripte akcije je klicanje programa <literal>SubWCRev.exe</literal>, ki zamenja številke revizij po objavi, ali pa sproži ponovno gradnjo projekta."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10829
msgid "For various security and implementation reasons, hook scripts are defined locally on a machine, rather than as project properties. You define what happens, no matter what someone else commits to the repository. Of course you can always choose to call a script which is itself under version control."
msgstr "Zaradi razlinih varnostnih in izvedbenih razlogov so skripte akcij definirane krajevno na raunalniku namesto v projektnih lastnostih. Tako sami definirate, kaj se bo zgodilo, ne glede na to, kaj nek drug uporabnik objavi v skladišu. Seveda pa lahko skripto akcije nastavite tako, da klie skripto, ki je sama pod nadzorom razliic."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10837
msgid "The Settings Dialog, Configure Hook Scripts"
msgstr "Okno nastavitev, nastavitev skript akcij"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10835
msgid "<placeholder-1/> To add a new hook script, simply click <guibutton>Add</guibutton> and fill in the details."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Za dodajanje nove skripte akcije preprosto kliknite na gumb <guibutton>Dodaj</guibutton> in izpolnite podrobnosti."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10847
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10915
msgid "Start-commit"
msgstr "Akcija pred prikazom okna objave"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10849
msgid "Called before the commit dialog is shown. You might want to use this if the hook modifies a versioned file and affects the list of files that need to be committed."
msgstr "Poklie se, preden se prikaže okno za objave. To uporabite, e skripta akcije spremeni datoteko pod nadzorom in tako vpliva na seznam datotek, ki jih je potrebno objaviti."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10857
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10919
msgid "Pre-commit"
msgstr "Akcija pred objavo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10859
msgid "Called after the user clicks <guibutton>OK</guibutton> in the commit dialog, and before the actual commit begins."
msgstr "Poklie se po kliku na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton> v oknu za objave in preden se objava dejansko zane."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10866
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10923
msgid "Post-commit"
msgstr "Akcija po objavi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10868
msgid "Called after the commit finishes (whether successful or not)."
msgstr "Poklie se, ko se objava zakljui (usprešno ali neuspešno)."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10874
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10927
msgid "Start-update"
msgstr "Akcija pred prikazom okna posodobitve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10876
msgid "Called before the update-to-revision dialog is shown."
msgstr "Poklie se, preden se prikaže pogovorno okno \"Posodobi na revizijo\"."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10882
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10931
msgid "Pre-update"
msgstr "Akcija pred posodobitvijo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10884
msgid "Called before the actual Subversion update begins."
msgstr "Poklie se, preden se posodobitev zane."

#. (term)
#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10890
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10935
msgid "Post-update"
msgstr "Akcija po posodobitvi"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10892
msgid "Called after the update finishes (whether successful or not)."
msgstr "Poklie se, ko se posodobitev zakljui (uspešno ali neuspešno)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10843
msgid "There are currently six types of hook script available <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Zaenkrat je na razpolago šest tipov skript akcij <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10899
msgid "A hook is defined for a particular working copy path. You only need to specify the top level path; if you perform an operation in a sub-folder, TortoiseSVN will automatically search upwards for a matching path."
msgstr "Skripta akcije se definira za doloeno pot v delovni kopiji. Nastaviti jo morate le za najvišjo mapo. Œe operacijo izvedete na neki podmapi, bo TortoiseSVN samodejno iskal navzgor po hierarhiji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10904
msgid "Next you must specify the command line to execute, starting with the path to the hook script or executable. This could be a batch file, an executable file or any other file which has a valid windows file association, eg. a perl script."
msgstr "Nato morate doloiti ukazno vrstico, ki naj se izvede, zaenši s potjo do skripte ali izvršne datoteke. Doloite lahko sistemsko skripto, izvršno datoteko ali katerokoli datoteko, ki ima veljavno asociacijo s programom v sistemu Windows, n. pr. skripto v jeziku perl."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10910
msgid "The command line can include several parameters which get filled in by TortoiseSVN. The parameters available depend upon which hook is called. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Ukazna vrstica lahko vsebuje ve parametrov, ki jih vnese TortoiseSVN. Kateri parametri so na voljo, je odvisno od tipa akcije. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10946
msgid "A path to a temporary file which contains all the paths for which the operation was started. Each path is on a separate line in the temp file."
msgstr "Pot do zaasne datoteke, ki vsebuje vse poti, za katere je bila izvedena operacija. Vsaka pot je v svoji vrstici zaasne datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10956
msgid "The paths which were selected when the operation was started, eg. the paths selected in Explorer when invoking the Commit dialog. If multiple paths were selected they are separated by a <literal>*</literal> character."
msgstr "Poti, ki so bile izbrane ob izvedbi operacije, n. pr. poti, izbrane ob klicu ukaza Objavi. Œe ste izbrali ve poti, so le te loene z znakom <literal>*</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10963
msgid "Note that if possible, you should use <literal>%PATH%</literal> instead of <literal>%PATHS%</literal> to avoid running into the size limit of the command line."
msgstr "Œe je le mogoe, uporabite spremenljivko <literal>%PATH%</literal> namesto <literal>%PATHS%</literal>, sicer lahko naletite na omejitev dolžine ukazne vrstice."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10973
msgid "The depth with which the commit/update is done."
msgstr "Globina, do katere se izvede objava/posodobitev."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10983
msgid "svn_depth_unknown"
msgstr "svn_depth_unknown"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10991
msgid "svn_depth_exclude"
msgstr "svn_depth_exclude"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10999
msgid "svn_depth_empty"
msgstr "svn_depth_empty"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11007
msgid "svn_depth_files"
msgstr "svn_depth_files"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11015
msgid "svn_depth_immediates"
msgstr "svn_depth_immediates"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11023
msgid "svn_depth_infinity"
msgstr "svn_depth_infinity"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10976
msgid "Possible values are: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Možne vrednosti spremenljivk: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11034
msgid "Path to a file containing the log message for the commit. The file contains the text in UTF8 encoding."
msgstr "Pot do datoteke, ki vsebuje dnevniški zapis za objavo. Datoteka vsebuje besedilo v obliki UTF8."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11044
msgid "The repository revision to which the update should be done or after a commit completes."
msgstr "Revizija skladiša, na katero je potrebno posodobiti delovno kopijo, ali revizija po uspešni objavi."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11053
msgid "Empty if the operation was successful, or the error message if the operation was unsuccessful."
msgstr "Prazno, e je bila operacija uspešna ali sporoilo napake, e je bila operacija neuspešna."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:10940
msgid "The meaning of each of these variables is described here: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Pomen vsake izmed teh spremenljivk je podan tukaj: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11061
msgid "If you want the Subversion operation to hold off until the hook has completed, check <guilabel>Wait for the script to finish</guilabel>."
msgstr "Œe želite, da operacija Subversion aka, dokler se skripta akcije ne zakljui, potrdite polje <guilabel>Poakaj, da skripta kona izvajanje</guilabel>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11065
msgid "Normally you will want to hide ugly DOS boxes when the script runs, so <guilabel>Hide the script while running</guilabel> is checked by default. For debugging, you may want to watch what happens in the DOS window."
msgstr "Obiajno ne želite videti neprivlanih oken sistema DOS, ko poženete skripto, zato je možnost <guilabel>Skrij skripto med izvajanjem</guilabel> po privzetih nastavitvah vkljuena. Za razhroševanje skript lahko to možnost izklopite in spremljate, kaj se s skripto dogaja."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11073
msgid "TortoiseBlame Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve TortoiseBlame"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11076
msgid "The Settings Dialog, TortoiseBlame Page"
msgstr "Okno za nastavitve, TortoiseBlame"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11074
msgid "<placeholder-1/> The settings used by TortoiseBlame are controlled from the main context menu, not directly with TortoiseBlame itself."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Nastavitve, ki jih uporablja TortoiseBlame, se nastavljejo v glavnem kontekstnem meniju in ne neposredno v programu TortoiseBlame."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11084
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Barve"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11086
msgid "TortoiseBlame can use the background colour to indicate the age of lines in a file. You set the endpoints by specifying the colours for the newest and oldest revisions, and TortoiseBlame uses a linear interpolation between these colours according to the repository revision indicated for each line."
msgstr "TortoiseBlame lahko uporablja razline barve ozadja za oznaevanje starosti vrstic v datoteki. Nastavite zaetno in konno barvo za najnovejšo in najstarejšo revizijo, TortoiseBlame pa uporabi linearno interpolacijo za doloitev barve posameznih vrstic glede na številko revizije."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11096
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Pisava"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11098
msgid "You can select the font used to display the text, and the point size to use. This applies both to the file content, and to the author and revision information shown in the left pane."
msgstr "Izberete lahko tip in velikost pisave za prikazano besedilo. Nastavitev velja tako za vsebino datoteke kot za informacije na levi strani (avtor, revizija)."

#. (term)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11106
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "Tabulatorji"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11108
msgid "Defines how many spaces to use for expansion when a tab character is found in the file content."
msgstr "Definira, koliko presledkov nadomesti tabulatorje, ki jih najde v datoteki."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11118
msgid "Final Step"
msgstr "Zadnji korak"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11124
msgid "Wish List"
msgstr "Seznam želja"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11125
msgid "Even though TortoiseSVN and TortoiseMerge are free, you can support the developers by sending in patches and play an active role in the development. You can also help to cheer us up during the endless hours we spend in front of our computers."
msgstr "Œeprav sta programa TortoiseSVN in TortoiseMerge brezplana, lahko pomagate razvijalcem s pošiljanjem popravkov in igranjem aktivne vloge pri razvoju. Lahko nas tudi pomagate razvedriti med neštetimi urami, ki jih prebijemo pred raunalnikom."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11131
msgid "While working on TortoiseSVN we love to listen to music. And since we spend many hours on the project we need a <emphasis>lot</emphasis> of music. Therefore we have set up some wish-lists with our favourite music CDs and DVDs: <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/donate.html\"><citetitle>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/donate.html</citetitle></ulink> Please also have a look at the list of people who contributed to the project by sending in patches or translations."
msgstr "Med delom na projektu TortoiseSVN radi poslušamo glasbo. In ker delamo na projektu veliko časa, potrebujemo <emphasis>veliko</emphasis> glasbe. Zato smo sestavili seznam želja z našimi priljubljenimi CDji in DVDji: <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/donate.html\"><citetitle>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/donate.html</citetitle></ulink>. Prosimo, poglejte tudi seznam ljudi, ki so prispevali k projektu s popravki ali prevodi."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11145
msgid "The SubWCRev Program"
msgstr "Program SubWCRev"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11147
msgid "version extraction"
msgstr "izlušenje verzije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11150
msgid "SubWCRev is Windows console program which can be used to read the status of a Subversion working copy and optionally perform keyword substitution in a template file. This is often used as part of the build process as a means of incorporating working copy information into the object you are building. Typically it might be used to include the revision number in an <quote>About</quote> box."
msgstr "SubWCRev je konzolna aplikacija, ki se uporablja za pridobivanje informacij o stanju delovne kopije in opcijsko zamenjavo kljunih besed v predlogi. Postopek se pogosto uporablja kot del procesa gradnje projekta. S tem se v elemente projekta, ki se gradi, vnese informacije o delovni kopiji. Tipien primer uporabe je prikaz številke revizije v pogovornem oknu <quote>O programu</quote>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11164
msgid "The SubWCRev Command Line"
msgstr "Program SubWCRev za ukazno vrtico"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11165
msgid "SubWCRev reads the Subversion status of all files in a working copy, excluding externals by default. It records the highest commit revision number found, and the commit timestamp of that revision, It also records whether there are local modifications in the working copy, or mixed update revisions. The revision number, update revision range and modification status are displayed on stdout."
msgstr "SubWCRev prebere stanje vseh datotek v delovni kopiji, razen datotek zunanjih projektov (po privzetih nastavitvah). Zapomni si najvišjo najdeno številko revizije in asovni žig te revizije. Prav tako si zapomni, e so v delovni kopiji narejene krajevne spremembe ali datoteke mešanih revizij. Na standardnem izhodu (stdout) se izpiše številka revizije, obmoje posodobitve revizij in stanje sprememb."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11173
msgid ""
"SubWCRev.exe is called from the command line or a script, and is controlled using the command line parameters. <screen>\n"
"SubWCRev WorkingCopyPath [SrcVersionFile DstVersionFile] [-nmdfe]\n"
msgstr ""
"SubWCRev.exe kliemo iz ukazne vrstice ali iz skripte in nastavljamo s pomojo parameterov ukazne vrstice. <screen>\n"
"SubWCRev PotDelovneKopije [IzvirnaDatoteka CiljnaDatoteka] [-nmdfe]\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11180
msgid "<literal>WorkingCopyPath</literal> is the path to the working copy being checked. You can only use SubWCRev on working copies, not directly on the repository. The path may be absolute or relative to the current working directory."
msgstr "<literal>PotDelovneKopije</literal> je pot do delovne kopije, ki se preverja. SubWCRev lahko uporabljate le na delovni kopiji, ne pa tudi neposredno na skladišu. Pot je lahko absolutna ali relativna na trenutno mapo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11186
msgid "If you want SubWCRev to perform keyword substitution, so that fields like repository revision and URL are saved to a text file, you need to supply a template file <literal>SrcVersionFile</literal> and an output file <literal>DstVersionFile</literal> which contains the substituted version of the template."
msgstr "Œe želite, da SubWCRev opravi zamenjavo kljunih besed, tako da so polja revizija in naslov URL shranjena v besedilni datoteki, morate podati predlogo <literal>IzvirnaDatoteka</literal> in izhodno datoteko <literal>CiljnaDatoteka</literal>, ki vsebuje zamenjano verzijo predloge."

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11202
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11272
msgid "List of available command line switches"
msgstr "Seznam stikal ukazne vrstice, ki so na voljo"

#. (entry)
#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11208
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12266
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13323
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13966
msgid "Switch"
msgstr "Preklop"

#. (entry)
#. (entry)
#. (entry)
#. (entry)
#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11209
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11279
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11418
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12521
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12893
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11217
msgid "ERRORLEVEL 7"
msgstr "ERRORLEVEL 7"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11215
msgid "If this switch is given, SubWCRev will exit with <placeholder-1/> if the working copy contains local modifications. This may be used to prevent building with uncommitted changes present."
msgstr "Ob uporabi tega stikala se SubWCRev zakljui s številko napake <placeholder-1/>, e delovna kopija vsebuje krajevne spremembe. To stikalo se uporablja, da se preprei gradnja projekta, ki vsebuje neobjavljene spremembe."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11226
msgid "ERRORLEVEL 8"
msgstr "ERRORLEVEL 8"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11224
msgid "If this switch is given, SubWCRev will exit with <placeholder-1/> if the working copy contains mixed revisions. This may be used to prevent building with a partially updated working copy."
msgstr "Ob uporabi tega stikala se SubWCRev zakljui s številko napake <placeholder-1/>, e delovna kopija vsebuje mešane revizije. To stikalo se uporablja, da se preprei gradnja projekta, ki vsebuje delno posodoboljeno delovno kopijo."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11235
msgid "ERRORLEVEL 9"
msgstr "ERRORLEVEL 9"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11233
msgid "If this switch is given, SubWCRev will exit with <placeholder-1/> if the destination file already exists."
msgstr "Ob uporabi tega stikala se SubWCRev zakljui s številko napake <placeholder-1/>, e ciljna datoteka že obstaja."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11241
msgid "If this switch is given, SubWCRev will include the last-changed revision of folders. The default behaviour is to use only files when getting the revision numbers."
msgstr "Ob uporabi tega stikala SubWCRev pri iskanju najvišje revizije vkljui tudi mape. Po privzetih nastavitvah se iše najvišja revizija le na datotekah."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11253
msgid "svn:externals"
msgstr "svn:externals"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11250
msgid "If this switch is given, SubWCRev will examine directories which are included with <placeholder-1/>, but only if they are from the same repository. The default behaviour is to ignore externals."
msgstr "Ob uporabi tega stikala SubWCRev pregleda mape, ki so oznaene z lastnostjo <placeholder-1/>, vendar le, e se nahajajo v istem skladišu. Privzeta nastavitev ne upošteva zunanjih datotek."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11195
msgid "There are a number of optional switches which affect the way SubWCRev works. If you use more than one, they must be specified as a single group, eg. <literal>-nm</literal>, not <literal>-n -m</literal>. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Obstaja ve opcijskih stikal, ki vplivajo na to, kako SubWCRev deluje. Œe uporabite ve kot eno, jih morate navesti kot eno skupino, n. pr. <literal>-nm</literal>, in ne <literal>-n -m</literal>. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11267
msgid "Keyword Substitution"
msgstr "Zamenjava kljunih besed"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11278
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Kljuna beseda"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11285
msgid "Replaced with the highest commit revision in the working copy."
msgstr "Zamenjano z najvišjo revizijo v delovni kopiji."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11296
msgid "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
msgstr "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11298
msgid "strftime()"
msgstr "strftime()"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11300
msgid "$WCDATE=%a %b %d %I:%M:%S %p$"
msgstr "$WCDATE=%a %b %d %I:%M:%S %p$"

#. (citetitle)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11303
msgid "online reference"
msgstr "spletna navodila"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11292
msgid "Replaced with the commit date/time of the highest commit revision. By default, international format is used: <placeholder-1/>. Alternatively, you can specify a custom format which will be used with <placeholder-2/>, for example: <placeholder-3/>. For a list of available formatting characters, look at the <ulink url=\"http://www.cppreference.com/stddate/strftime.html\"><placeholder-4/></ulink>."
msgstr "Zamenjano z datumom/uro objave najvišje revizije. Po privzetih nastavitvah je uporabljena mednarodna oblika: <placeholder-1/>. Lahko pa uporabite lastno obliko z <placeholder-2/>, n. pr. : <placeholder-3/>. Za seznam znakov za formatiranje poglejte na <ulink url=\"http://www.cppreference.com/stddate/strftime.html\"><placeholder-4/></ulink>."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11309
msgid "Replaced with the current system date/time. This can be used to indicate the build time. Time formatting is as described above."
msgstr "Zamenjano s s trenutnim sistemskim datumom/asom. To se uporablja za zapis asa gradnje. Uporabljena je zgoraj opisana oblika."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11317
msgid "Replaced with the update revision range in the working copy. If the working copy is in a consistent state, this will be a single revision. If the working copy contains mixed revisions, either due to being out of date, or due to a deliberate update-to-revision, then the range will be shown in the form 100:200"
msgstr "Zamenjano z obmojem revizij delovne kopije. Œe je delovna kopija v konsistentnem stanju, bo to le ena številka. Œe delovna kopija vsebuje mešane revizije - ker je zastarela ali zaradi namerne uporabe ukaza posodobi-na-revizijo - se obmoje prikaže v obliki 100:200."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11330
msgid "$WCMIXED?TText:FText$"
msgstr "$WCMIXED?TText:FText$"

#. (literal)
#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11331
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11339
msgid "TText"
msgstr "TText"

#. (literal)
#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11332
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11340
msgid "FText"
msgstr "FText"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11329
msgid "<placeholder-1/> is replaced with <placeholder-2/> if there are mixed update revisions, or <placeholder-3/> if not."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> se zamenja z vrednostjo <placeholder-2/>, e obstajajo mešane revizije, in z vrednostjo <placeholder-3/>, e ne obstajajo."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11338
msgid "$WCMODS?TText:FText$"
msgstr "$WCMODS?TText:FText$"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11337
msgid "<placeholder-1/> is replaced with <placeholder-2/> if there are local modifications, or <placeholder-3/> if not."
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> se zamenja z vrednostjo <placeholder-2/>, e obstajajo krajevne spremembe, in z vrednostjo <placeholder-3/>, e krajevnih sprememb ni.."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11345
msgid "Replaced with the repository URL of the working copy path passed to SubWCRev."
msgstr "Zamenjano z naslovom URL delovne kopije, ki je bila podana programu SubWCRev."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11268
msgid "If a source and destination files are supplied, SubWCRev copies source to destination, performing keyword substitution as follows: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe podamo zaetno in ciljno datoteko, SubWCRev prekopira zaetno datoteko v ciljno, pri tem pa izvede zamenjavo kljunih besed: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11359
msgid "Keyword Example"
msgstr "Primer uprabe kljune besede"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11360
msgid "The example below shows how keywords in a template file are substituted in the output file."
msgstr "Spodnji primer prikazuje, kako se kljune besede v predlogi zamenjajo v izhodni datoteki."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11364
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"// Test file for SubWCRev\n"
"char *Revision = \"$WCREV$\";\n"
"char *Modified = \"$WCMODS?Modified:Not modified$\";\n"
"char *Date = \"$WCDATE$\";\n"
"char *Range = \"$WCRANGE$\";\n"
"char *Mixed = \"$WCMIXED?Mixed revision WC:Not mixed$\";\n"
"char *URL = \"$WCURL$\";\n"
"#if $WCMODS?1:0$\n"
"#error Source is modified\n"
"// End of file\n"
msgstr ""
"// Preizkusna datoteka za SubWCRev\n"
"char *Revision = \"$WCREV$\";\n"
"char *Modified = \"$WCMODS?Spremenjeno:Nespremenjeno$\";\n"
"char *Date = \"$WCDATE$\";\n"
"char *RevRange = \"$WCRANGE$\";\n"
"char *Mixed = \"$WCMIXED?Mešana delovna kopija:Nemešana$\";\n"
"char *URL = \"$WCURL$\";\n"
"#if $WCMODS?1:0$\n"
"#error Vir spremenjen\n"
"// EndOfFile\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11380
msgid "After running SubWCRev.exe, the output file looks like this:"
msgstr "Po zagonu programa SubWCRev.exe dobimo naslednji izhod:"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11383
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"// Test file for SubWCRev\n"
"char *Revision = \"3701\";\n"
"char *Modified = \"Modified\";\n"
"char *Date = \"2005/06/15 11:15:12\";\n"
"char *Range = \"3699:3701\";\n"
"char *Mixed = \"Mixed revision WC\";\n"
"char *URL = \"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/src/SubWCRev\";\n"
"#if 1\n"
"#error Source is modified\n"
"// End of file\n"
msgstr ""
"// Testna datoteka za SubWCRev\n"
"char *Revision = \"3701\";\n"
"char *Modified = \"Spremenjeno\";\n"
"char *Date = \"2005/06/15 11:15:12\";\n"
"char *RevRange = \"3699:3701\";\n"
"char *Mixed = \"Mešana delovna kopija\";\n"
"char *URL = \"http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/src/SubWCRev\";\n"
"#if 1\n"
"#error Vir spremenjen\n"
"// EndOfFile\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11404
msgid "COM interface"
msgstr "Vmesnik COM"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11411
msgid "COM/automation methods supported"
msgstr "podprte COM/avtomatizacijske metode"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11417
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Nain"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11430
msgid "-f"
msgstr "-f"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11433
msgid "-e"
msgstr "-e"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11424
msgid "This method traverses the working copy gathering the revision information. Naturally you must call this before you can access the information using the remaining methods. The first parameter is the path. The second parameter should be true if you want to include folder revisions. Equivalent to the <placeholder-1/> command line switch. The third parameter should be true if you want to include svn:externals. Equivalent to the <placeholder-2/> command line switch."
msgstr "Metoda pregleda delovno kopijo in pridobi informacije o revizijah. Klicati jo morate pred metodami, ki so opisane v nadaljevanju. Prvi parameter je pot. Drugi parameter mora imeti vrednost true, e želite upoštevati tudi revizije map. Ta parameter je ekvivalenten stikalu <placeholder-1/> v ukazni vrstici. Tretji parameter mora biti true, e želite vkljuiti tudi zunanje elemente. Ta paramter je ekvivalenten stikalu <placeholder-2/> v ukazni vrstici."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11441
msgid "$WCREV$"
msgstr "$WCREV$"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11439
msgid "The highest commit revision in the working copy. Equivalent to <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Najvišja objavljena revizija v delovni kopiji. Isto kot spremenljivka <placeholder-1/>."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11448
msgid "$WCDATE$"
msgstr "$WCDATE$"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11446
msgid "The commit date/time of the highest commit revision. Equivalent to <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Datum/as objave najvišje revizije. Isto kot spremenljivka <placeholder-1/>"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11453
msgid "The author of the highest commit revision, that is, the last person to commit changes to the working copy."
msgstr "Avtor najvišje objavljene revizije, to je zadnji avtor, ki je objavil spremembe delovne kopije."

#. (literal)
#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11460
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11464
msgid "$WCRANGE$"
msgstr "$WCRANGE$"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11460
msgid "The minimum update revision, as shown in <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Najnižja revizija posodobitve, kot je prikazana z <placeholder-1/>"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11464
msgid "The maximum update revision, as shown in <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Najvišja revizija posodobitve, kot je prikazana z <placeholder-1/>"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11468
msgid "True if there are local modifications"
msgstr "'True', e obstajajo krajevne spremembe"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11474
msgid "GetWCInfo"
msgstr "GetWCInfo"

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11475
msgid "$WCURL$"
msgstr "$WCURL$"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11472
msgid "Replaced with the repository URL of the working copy path used in <placeholder-1/>. Equivalent to <placeholder-2/>"
msgstr "Zamenjano z naslovom URL skladiša poti delovne kopije, uporabljene pri <placeholder-1/>. Isto kot spremenljivka <placeholder-2/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11405
msgid "If you need to access Subversion revision information from other programs, you can use the COM interface of SubWCRev. The object to create is <literal>SubWCRev.object</literal>, and the following methods are supported: <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe morate do informacij o reviziji dostopati iz drugih programov, lahko uporabite vmesnik COM programa SubWCRev. Ustvariti morate objekt <literal>SubWCRev.object</literal>, na katerem so podprte naslednje metode: <placeholder-1/>"

#. (programlisting)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11484
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"// test script for the SubWCRev COM/Automation-object\n"
"filesystem = new ActiveXObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\");\n"
"SubWCRev1 = new ActiveXObject(\"SubWCRev.object\");\n"
"SubWCRev2 = new ActiveXObject(\"SubWCRev.object\");\n"
"SubWCRev3 = new ActiveXObject(\"SubWCRev.object\");\n"
"SubWCRev1.GetWCInfo(filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName(\".\"), 0, 0);\n"
"SubWCRev2.GetWCInfo(filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName(\"..\"), 1, 1);\n"
"SubWCRev3.GetWCInfo(filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName(\"SubWCRev.cpp\"), 0, 0);\n"
"sInfo1 = \"Revision = \" + SubWCRev1.Revision + \n"
" \"\\n"
"Min Revision = \" + SubWCRev1.MinRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Max Revision = \" + SubWCRev1.MaxRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Date = \" + SubWCRev1.Date +\n"
" \"\\n"
"URL = \" + SubWCRev1.Url +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Author = \" + SubWCRev1.Author +\n"
" \"\\n"
"HasMods = \" + SubWCRev1.HasModifications;\n"
"sInfo2 = \"Revision = \" + SubWCRev2.Revision +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Min Revision = \" + SubWCRev2.MinRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Max Revision = \" + SubWCRev2.MaxRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Date = \" + SubWCRev2.Date +\n"
" \"\\n"
"URL = \" + SubWCRev2.Url +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Author = \" + SubWCRev2.Author +\n"
" \"\\n"
"HasMods = \" + SubWCRev2.HasModifications;\n"
"sInfo3 = \"Revision = \" + SubWCRev3.Revision +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Min Revision = \" + SubWCRev3.MinRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Max Revision = \" + SubWCRev3.MaxRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Date = \" + SubWCRev3.Date +\n"
" \"\\n"
"URL = \" + SubWCRev3.Url +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Author = \" + SubWCRev3.Author +\n"
" \"\\n"
"HasMods = \" + SubWCRev3.HasModifications;\n"
msgstr ""
"// Preizkusna skripta za SubWCRev COM/avtomatizacijski objekt\n"
"filesystem = new ActiveXObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\");\n"
"SubWCRev1 = new ActiveXObject(\"SubWCRev.object\");\n"
"SubWCRev2 = new ActiveXObject(\"SubWCRev.object\");\n"
"SubWCRev3 = new ActiveXObject(\"SubWCRev.object\");\n"
"SubWCRev1.GetWCInfo(filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName(\".\"), 0, 0);\n"
"SubWCRev2.GetWCInfo(filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName(\"..\"), 1, 1);\n"
"SubWCRev3.GetWCInfo(filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName(\"SubWCRev.cpp\"), 0, 0);\n"
"sInfo1 = \"Revision = \" + SubWCRev1.Revision + \n"
" \"\\n"
"Min Revision = \" + SubWCRev1.MinRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Max Revision = \" + SubWCRev1.MaxRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Date = \" + SubWCRev1.Date +\n"
" \"\\n"
"URL = \" + SubWCRev1.Url +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Author = \" + SubWCRev1.Author +\n"
" \"\\n"
"HasMods = \" + SubWCRev1.HasModifications;\n"
"sInfo2 = \"Revision = \" + SubWCRev2.Revision +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Min Revision = \" + SubWCRev2.MinRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Max Revision = \" + SubWCRev2.MaxRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Date = \" + SubWCRev2.Date +\n"
" \"\\n"
"URL = \" + SubWCRev2.Url +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Author = \" + SubWCRev2.Author +\n"
" \"\\n"
"HasMods = \" + SubWCRev2.HasModifications;\n"
"sInfo3 = \"Revision = \" + SubWCRev3.Revision +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Min Revision = \" + SubWCRev3.MinRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Max Revision = \" + SubWCRev3.MaxRev +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Date = \" + SubWCRev3.Date +\n"
" \"\\n"
"URL = \" + SubWCRev3.Url +\n"
" \"\\n"
"Author = \" + SubWCRev3.Author +\n"
" \"\\n"
"HasMods = \" + SubWCRev3.HasModifications;\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11482
msgid "The following example shows how the interface might be used. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Naslednji primer prikazuje uporabo vmesnika. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11527
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)"
msgstr "Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja (FAQ)"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11529
msgid "Because TortoiseSVN is being developed all the time it is sometimes hard to keep the documentation completely up to date. We maintain an <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/faq\"><citetitle>interactive online FAQ</citetitle></ulink> which contains a selection of the questions we are asked the most on the TortoiseSVN mailing lists <email>dev_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org</email> and <email>users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org</email>."
msgstr "Ker se TortoiseSVN nenehno razvija, je včasih težko vzdrževati dokumentacijo, tako da je ta vedno v skladu z aplikacijo. Vzdržujemo <ulink url=\"http://tortoisesvn.net/faq\"><citetitle>interaktivna najpogosteje zastavljena vprašanja</citetitle></ulink>, ki vsebujejo izbor vprašanj, ki se najpogosteje pojavljajo na dopisnih seznamih projekta TortoiseSVN <email>dev_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org</email> in <email>users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org</email>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11541
msgid "We also maintain a <ulink url=\"http://issues.tortoisesvn.net\"><citetitle>project Issue Tracker</citetitle></ulink> which tells you about some of the things we have on our To-Do list, and bugs which have already been fixed. If you think you have found a bug, or want to request a new feature, check here first to see if someone else got there before you."
msgstr "Vzdržujemo tudi <ulink url=\"http://issues.tortoisesvn.net\"><citetitle>sledilnik zadevam</citetitle></ulink>, kjer lahko izveste, kaj nameravamo dodati aplikaciji v prihodnje in kateri hrošči so že odpravljeni. Če ste v programu našlji napako ali želite predlagati izboljšavo, najprej preverite, če tega ni storil že kdo pred vami."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11551
msgid "If you have a question which is not answered anywhere else, the best place to ask it is on the mailing list."
msgstr "Œe potrebujete odgovor na vprašanje, ki ga tu niste našli, povprašajte na našem dopisnem seznamu."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11562
msgid "How Do I..."
msgstr "Kako naredim..."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11564
msgid "This appendix contains solutions to problems/questions you might have when using TortoiseSVN."
msgstr "Ta dodatek vsebuje rešitve težav/vprašanj, ki se lahko pojavijo pri uporabi TortoiseSVN."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11570
msgid "Move/copy a lot of files at once"
msgstr "Kako premaknem/kopiram veje število datotek naenkrat"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11572
msgid "moving"
msgstr "premikanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11574
msgid "Moving/Copying single files can be done by using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Rename...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. But if you want to move/copy a lot of files, this way is just too slow and too much work."
msgstr "Premikanje/kopiranje posameznih datotek se izvaja z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preimenuj...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Œe premikate/kopirate veje število datotek, je ta postopek poasen in zahteva preve dela."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11583
msgid "The recommended way is by <action>right-dragging</action> the files to the new location. Simply <action>right-click</action> on the files you want to move/copy without releasing the mouse button. Then drag the files to the new location and release the mouse button. A context menu will appear where you can either choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Copy in Subversion to here</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. or <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Move in Subversion to here</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Priporoamo, da datoteke <action>povleete z desnim gumbom</action> na novo lokacijo. Enostavno <action>kliknite z desnim gumbom</action> na datoteke, ki jih želite premakniti/prekopirati, ne da spustite miškin gumb. Potem datoteke povlecite na novo lokacijo in spustite miškin gumb. Prikazal se bo kontekstni meni, kjer lahko izberete <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Kopiraj s SVN sem</guimenuitem></menuchoice> ali <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Premakni s SVN sem</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11606
msgid "Force users to enter a log message"
msgstr "Kako prisilim uporabnika, da vnese sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11608
msgid "log message"
msgstr "zapis dnevnika"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11610
msgid "There are two ways to prevent users from committing with an empty log message. One is specific to TortoiseSVN, the other works for all Subversion clients, but requires access to the server directly."
msgstr "Obstajata dva naina, kako uporabnikom prepreiti objavljanje s praznim sporoilom dnevniškega zapisa. Eden je poseben za TortoiseSVN, drugi pa je uporaben za vse odjemalce Subversion, vendar morate za nastavitev imeti neposreden dostop do strežnika."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11616
msgid "Hook-script on the server"
msgstr "Skripta akcije na strežniku"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11617
msgid "If you have direct access to the repository server, you can install a pre-commit hook script which rejects all commits with an empty or too short log message."
msgstr "Œe imate neposreden dostop do strežnika skladiša, lahko nastavite skripto za akcijo pred objavo, ki zavrne vse objave s praznim sporoilom dnevniškega zapisa ali s prekratkim sporoilom."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11622
msgid "In the repository folder on the server, there's a sub-folder <filename>hooks</filename> which contains some example hook scripts you can use. The file <filename>pre-commit.tmpl</filename> contains a sample script which will reject commits if no log message is supplied, or the message is too short. The file also contains comments on how to install/use this script. Just follow the instructions in that file."
msgstr "V mapi skladiša na strežniku se nahaja podmapa z imenom <filename>hooks</filename>, ki vsebuje nekaj primerov skript akcij, ki jih lahko uporabite. Datoteka <filename>pre-commit.tmpl</filename> vsebuje primer, ki zavrne objavo brez sporoila dnevniškega zapisa ali s prekratkim sporoilom. Zraven so zapisana tudi navodila za namestitev/uporabo skripte. Sledite jim."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11632
msgid "This method is the recommended way if your users also use other Subversion clients than TortoiseSVN. The drawback is that the commit is rejected by the server and therefore users will get an error message. The client can't know before the commit that it will be rejected. If you want to make TortoiseSVN have the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button disabled until the log message is long enough then please use the method described below."
msgstr "Ta metoda je priporoljiva, e uporabniki poleg TortoiseSVN uporabljajo še druge odjemalce za Subversion. Slaba stran metode je, da objavo zavrne strežnik, zato bodo uporabniki dobili sporoilo o napaki. Odjemalec namre ne more vnaprej vedeti, da bo objava zavrnjena. Œe želite, da TortoiseSVN onemogoi gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>, dokler ni vneseno sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa predpisane dolžine, uporabite metodo, ki je opisana spodaj."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11643
msgid "Project properties"
msgstr "Lasnosti projekta"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11644
msgid "TortoiseSVN uses properties to control some of its features. One of those properties is the <literal>tsvn:logminsize</literal> property."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN uporablja lastnosti, da kontrolira nekatere zmožnosti programa. Ena takšnih je lastnost <literal>tsvn:logminsize</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11648
msgid "If you set that property on a folder, then TortoiseSVN will disable the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button in all commit dialogs until the user has entered a log message with at least the length specified in the property."
msgstr "Œe nastavite to lastnost na mapi, bo TortoiseSVN onemogoil gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton> v vseh oknih objave, dokler uporabnik ne bo vnesel sporoila dnevniškega zapisa predpisane dolžine."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11653
msgid "For detailed information on those project properties, please refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>"
msgstr "Za podrobne informacije o projektnih lastnostih poglejte <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-propertypage\"/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11660
msgid "Update selected files from the repository"
msgstr "Kako posodobim izbrane datoteke iz skladiša"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11664
msgid "Normally you update your working copy using <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Update</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. But if you only want to pick up some new files that a colleague has added without merging in any changes to other files at the same time, you need a different approach."
msgstr "Obiajno posodobite delovno kopijo z ukazom <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Posodobi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Œe pa želite posodobiti le nekaj novih datotek, ki jih je dodal vaš sodelavec, ne želite pa hkrati spajati ostalih datotek, uporabite drugaen pristop."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11674
msgid "Use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Check for Modifications</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. and click on <guibutton>Check repository</guibutton> to see what has changed in the repository. Select the files you want to update locally, then use the context menu to update just those files."
msgstr "Uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preveri spremembe</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in kliknite na gumb <guibutton>Preveri skladiše</guibutton>. S tem vidite, kaj se je spremenilo v skladišu. Izberite datoteke, ki jih želite posodobiti v delovni kopiji, potem pa izvedite posodobitev preko ukazov kontekstnega menija."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11686
msgid "Roll back revisions in the repository"
msgstr "Kako prevrtim nazaj revizije v skladišu"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11688
msgid "rollback"
msgstr "povrnitev"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11691
msgid "Use the revision log dialog"
msgstr "Uporabite okno za prikaz dnevniških zapisov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11692
msgid "The easiest way to revert the changes from a single revision, or from a range of revisions, is to use the revision log dialog. This is also the method to use of you want to discard recent changes and make an earlier revision the new HEAD."
msgstr "Najlažji nain, kako povrniti spremembe iz ene revizije ali obsega revizij je z uporabo okna dnevnika. S to metodo lahko pozabite na zadnje spremembe in doloite starejšo revizijo za novo revizijo HEAD."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11701
msgid "Select the file or folder in which you need to revert the changes. If you want to revert all changes, this should be the top level folder."
msgstr "Izberite datoteko ali mapo, kateri želite povrniti spremembe. Œe želite povrniti vse spremembe, izberite vrhnjo datoteko."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11708
msgid "Select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Log</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to display a list of revisions. You may need to use <guibutton>Get All</guibutton> or <guibutton>Next 100</guibutton> to show the revision(s) you are interested in."
msgstr "Za seznam revizij izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži dnevnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Mogoe boste morali uporabiti gumb <guibutton>Pokaži vse</guibutton> ali gumb <guibutton>Naslednjih 100</guibutton>, da bi videli revizijo(e), ki vas zanima."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11721
msgid "Select the revision you wish to revert. If you want to undo a range of revisions, select the first one and hold the shift key while selecting the last one. Note that for multiple revisions, the range must be unbroken with no gaps. <action>Right click</action> on the selected revision(s), then select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revert changes from this revision</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Izberite revizije, ki jih želite povrniti. Œe želite povrniti obmoje revizij, izberite prvo izmed njih, držite tipko SHIFT in izberite zadnjo izmed njih. Upoštevajte, da mora biti obmoje neprekinjeno, brez lukenj. <action>Kliknite z desnim gumbom</action> na izbrane revizije in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Povrni spremembe te revizije</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11736
msgid "Or if you want to make an earlier revision the new HEAD revision, <action>right click</action> on the selected revision(s), then select <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revert to this revision</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will discard <emphasis>all</emphasis> changes after the selected revision."
msgstr "Œe želite staro revizijo postaviti za novo revizijo HEAD, <action>kliknite z desnim gumbom</action> na izbrano revizijo in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Povrni na to revizijo</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem boste izbrisali <emphasis>vse</emphasis> spremembe, narejene po izbrani reviziji."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11749
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11806
msgid "You have reverted the changes within your working copy. Check the results, then commit the changes."
msgstr "Povrnili ste spremembe znotraj delovne kopije. Preverite rezultate in potem objavite spremembe."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11755
msgid "Use the merge dialog"
msgstr "Uporabite okno za spajanje"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11756
msgid "To undo a larger range of revisions, you can use the Merge dialog. The previous method uses merging behind the scenes; this method uses it explicitly."
msgstr "Da bi razveljavili spremembe vejega števila revizij, lahko uporabite okno za spajanje. Prejšnja metoda v ozadju uporablja spajanje; ta metoda ga uporablja direktno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11763
msgid "In your working copy select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "V delovni kopiji izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Spoji</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11772
msgid "In the <guilabel>From:</guilabel> field enter the full folder URL of the branch or tag containing the changes you want to revert in your working copy. This should come up as the default URL."
msgstr "V polje <guilabel>Iz:</guilabel> vnesite naslov URL mape veje ali oznake, ki vsebuje spremembe, ki jih želite povrniti v delovni kopiji. Pojaviti se mora prednastavljeni naslov URL."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11780
msgid "In the <guilabel>From Revision</guilabel> field enter the revision number that you are currently at. If you are sure there is no-one else making changes, you can use the HEAD revision."
msgstr "V polje <guilabel>Iz revizije</guilabel> vnesite trenutno številko revizije. Œe ste prepriani, da sprememb ne objavlja nihe drug, lahko izberete revizijo HEAD."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11788
msgid "make sure the <guilabel>Use \"From:\" URL</guilabel> checkbox is checked."
msgstr "Prepriajte se, da je polje <guilabel>Uporabite URL \"Od:\"</guilabel> potrjeno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11794
msgid "In the <guilabel>To Revision</guilabel> field enter the revision number that you want to revert to, namely the one <emphasis>before</emphasis> the first revision to be reverted."
msgstr "V polje <guilabel>V revizijo</guilabel> vnesite številko revizije, na katero želite povrniti delovno kopijo. To pomeni na revizijo <emphasis>pred</emphasis> prvo revizijo, ki vsebuje spremembe, ki jih želite povrniti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11801
msgid "Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to complete the merge."
msgstr "Za zakljuek spajanja kliknite na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11812
msgid "Use <literal>svndumpfilter</literal>"
msgstr "Uporabite <literal>svndumpfilter</literal>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11813
msgid "Since TortoiseSVN never loses data, your <quote>rolled back</quote> revisions still exist as intermediate revisions in the repository. Only the HEAD revision was changed to a previous state. If you want to make revisions disappear completely from your repository, erasing all trace that they ever existed, you have to use more extreme measures. Unless there is a really good reason to do this, it is <emphasis>not recommended</emphasis>. One possible reason would be that someone committed a confidential document to a public repository."
msgstr "Ker TortoiseSVN nikoli ne izgubi podatkov, revizije, ki ste jih povrnili, še vedno obstajajo v skladišu. Vse, kar ste naredili, je, da ste spremenili zadnjo (HEAD) revizijo na vsebino predhodnje revizije. Œe želite, da doloene revizije izginejo iz skladiša in da se za njimi izgubi vsaka sled, morate uporabiti bolj drastine ukrepe. Razen v primeru zelo dobrega razloga to <emphasis>ni priporoljivo</emphasis>. Eden od možnih razlogov za uporabo te metode je objava zaupnega dokumenta v javno skladiše."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11824
msgid "The only way to remove data from the repository is to use the Subversion command line tool <literal>svnadmin</literal>. You can find a description of how this works in the <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.maint.html\"><citetitle>Repository Maintenance</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Edini način, kako odstraniti podatke is skladišča, je z uporabo odjemalca za ukazno vrstico Subversion <literal>svnadmin</literal>. Kako postopek deluje, si lahko preberete na <ulink url=\"http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.maint.html\"><citetitle>Repository Maintenance</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11835
msgid "Compare two revisions of a file"
msgstr "Kako primerjam dve reviziji datoteke"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11837
msgid "compare files"
msgstr "primerja datoteke"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11839
msgid "If you want to compare two revisions in a file's history, for example revisions 100 and 200 of the same file, just use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Log</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to list the revision history for that file. Pick the two revisions you want to compare then use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Compare Revisions</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Œe želite primerjati dve reviziji v zgodovini datoteke, na primer reviziji 100 in 200 iste datoteke, uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pokaži dnevnik</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in prikaže se vam seznam revizij za izbrano datoteko. Izberite reviziji, ki ju želite primerjati, potem pa uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Primerjaj revizije</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11853
msgid "If you want to compare the same file in two different trees, for example the trunk and a branch, you can use the repository browser to open up both trees, select the file in both places, then use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Compare Revisions</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."
msgstr "Œe želite primerjati datoteko v dveh razlinih drevesih, n. pr. v glavni veji in v neki drugi veji, uporabite brskalnik po skladišu in odprite obe poti. Izberite datoteko v obeh poteh in uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Primerjaj revizije</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11863
msgid "If you want to compare two trees to see what has changed, for example the trunk and a tagged release, you can use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revision Graph</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Select the two nodes to compare, then use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Compare HEAD Revisions</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will show a list of changed files, and you can then select individual files to view the changes in detail. Alternatively use <menuchoice><guimenu>Context Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Unified Diff of HEAD Revisions</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to see a summary of all differences, with minimal context."
msgstr "Œe želite primerjati dve poti, da bi videli, kaj se je spremenilo, n. pr. med glavno vejo in neko oznako, uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Graf revizij</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Izberite dve vozliši, ki ju želite primerjati, potem pa uporabite <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Primerjaj revizije HEAD</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Prikazal se bo seznam spremenjenih datotek, iz katerega lahko izberete posamezne datoteke, pri katerih vas zanimajo spremembe. Uporabite lahko tudi <menuchoice><guimenu>Kontekstni meni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Poenotene razlike revizij HEAD</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem vidite povzetek vseh sprememb z minimalnim sobesedilom."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11886
msgid "Include a common sub-project"
msgstr "Kako vkljuim skupni podprojekt"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11888
msgid "common projects"
msgstr "skupni projekti"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11890
msgid "Sometimes you will want to include another project within your working copy, perhaps some library code. You don't want to make a duplicate of this code in your repository because then you would lose connection with the original (and maintained) code. Or maybe you have several projects which share core code. There are at least 3 ways of dealing with this."
msgstr "Vasih želite vkljuiti v delovno kopijo še en projekt, mogoe izvorno kodo za knjižnico, ki jo uporabljate. Ne želite narediti dvojnika izvorne kode v svojem skladišu, saj s tem izgubite povezavo z izvirno (vzdrževano) kodo. Ali pa imate ve projektov, ki si delijo skupno kodo. Obstajajo vsaj trije naini, kako se spopasti s tem."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11900
msgid "Use svn:externals"
msgstr "Uporabite lastnost svn:externals"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11901
msgid "Set the <literal>svn:externals</literal> property for a folder in your project. This property consists of one or more lines; each line has the name of a sub-folder which you want the use as the checkout folder for common code, and the repository URL that you want to be checked out there. For full details refer to <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-4\"/>."
msgstr "Mapi v projektu nastavite lastnost <literal>svn:externals</literal>. Ta lastnost vsebuje eno ali ve vrstic; vsaka vrstica vsebuje ime podmape, ki jo želite uporabiti kot prevzemno mapo za skupno kodo in naslov URL skladiša, od koder naj se opravi prevzem. Za natannejše informacije poglejte <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-import-4\"/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11909
msgid "Commit the new folder. Now when you update, Subversion will pull a copy of that project from its repository into your working copy. The sub-folders will be created automatically if required. Each time you update your main working copy, you will also receive the latest version of all external projects."
msgstr "Objavite novo mapo. Pri posodobitvi bo Subversion potegnil kopijo projekta iz skladiša v vašo delovno kopijo. Œe je to potrebno, se podmape ustvarijo samodejno. Ob vsaki posodobitvi delovne kopije boste posodobili tudi vse zunanje projekte."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11928
msgid "Of the three methods described, this is the only one which needs no setup on the client side. Once externals are specified in the folder properties, all clients will get populated folders when they update."
msgstr "Od vseh treh opisanih možnosti je ta edina, ki ne potrebuje namestitve na strani odjemalca. Ko so zunanje datoteke doloene v lastnostih map, bodo ob posodobitvi vsi odjemalci popolnili mape."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11936
msgid "Use a nested working copy"
msgstr "Uporabite vgnezdeno delovno kopijo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11937
msgid "Create a new folder within your project to contain the common code, but do not add it to Subversion"
msgstr "Ustvarite novo mapo znotraj svojega projekta, ki naj vsebuje skupno kodo, vendar je ne dodajte v sistem Subversion."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11941
msgid "Select <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Checkout</guimenuitem></menuchoice> for the new folder and checkout a copy of the common code into it. You now have a separate working copy nested within your main working copy."
msgstr "Na novi mapi izvedite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Prevzem</guimenuitem></menuchoice> skupne kode. Sedaj imate loeno delovno kopijo vgnezdeno v svoji glavni delovni kopiji."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11951
msgid "The two working copies are independent. When you commit changes to the parent, changes to the nested WC are ignored. Likewise when you update the parent, the nested WC is not updated."
msgstr "Ti dve delovni kopiji sta neodvisni. Ko objavite spremembe na korenski delovni kopiji, se spremembe na vgnezdeni delovni kopij prezrejo. Podobno je v primeru posodobitve: ko posodobite korensko delovno kopijo, je vgnezdena prezrta."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11958
msgid "Use a relative location"
msgstr "Uporabite relativno lokacijo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11959
msgid ""
"If you use the same common core code in several projects, and you do not want to keep multiple working copies of it for every project that uses it, you can just check it out to a separate location which is related to all the other projects which use it. For example: <screen>\n"
"</screen> and refer to the common code using a relative path, eg. <filename>..\\..\\Common\\DSPcore</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Œe na ve projektih uporabljate skupno kodo in ne želite imeti ve delovnih kopij te kode, jo lahko prevzamete v posebno mapo, nato pa naredite povezavo nanjo v vseh projektih. Primer: <screen>\n"
"</screen> in naredite povezavo na skupno kodo z uporabo relativne poti, n. pr. <filename>..\\..\\Skupno\\SkupnaKoda</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11974
msgid ""
"If your projects are scattered in unrelated locations you can use a variant of this, which is to put the common code in one location and use drive letter substitution to map that location to something you can hard code in your projects, eg. Checkout the common code to <filename>D:\\Documents\\Framework</filename> or <filename>C:\\Documents and Settings\\{login}\\My Documents\\framework</filename> then use <screen>\n"
"SUBST X: \"D:\\Documents\\framework\"\n"
"</screen> to create the drive mapping used in your source code. Your code can then use absolute locations. <screen>\n"
"#include \"X:\\superio\\superio.h\"\n"
msgstr ""
"Œe so vaši projekti razmetani na nepovezanih lokacij, lahko uporabite posebno variacijo zgornje rešitve. Skupno kodo shranite v svojo mapo, nato pa uporabite preslikavo pogonov in preslikate to lokacijo v nekaj, kar lahko uporabite v svojih projektih. Primer: prevzemite skupno kodo v <filename>D:\\Documents\\Framework</filename> ali <filename>C:\\Documents and Settings\\{login}\\My Documents\\framework</filename> in potem uporabite <screen>\n"
"SUBST X: \"D:\\Documents\\framework\"\n"
"</screen> da ustvarite preslikavo pogona za uporabo v izvorni kodi. V kodi sedaj uporabljate absolutne lokacije.<screen>\n"
"#include \"X:\\superio\\superio.h\"\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:11992
msgid "This method will only work in an all-PC environment, and you will need to document the required drive mappings so your team know where these mysterious files are. This method is strictly for use in closed development environments, and not recommended for general use."
msgstr "Ta metoda deluje le v okoljih, kjer vsi uporabniki uporabljajo raunalnike PC. Preslikave pogonov boste morali dokumentirati, da bodo ostali lani teama vedeli, od kje prihajajo te skrivnostne datoteke. Metoda naj se uporablja v zaprtem krogu razvijalcev, za splošno uporabo pa ni priporoljiva."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12002
msgid "Create a shortcut to a repository"
msgstr "Kako ustvarim bližnjico do skladiša"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12004
msgid "shortcut"
msgstr "bližnjica"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12006
msgid ""
"If you frequently need to open the repository browser at a particular location, you can create a desktop shortcut using the automation interface to TortoiseProc. Just create a new shortcut and set the target to: <screen>\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:repobrowser /path:\"url/to/repository\"\n"
"</screen> Of course you need to include the real repository URL."
msgstr ""
"Œe pogosto odpirate brskalnik po skladišu na doloeni lokaciji, si lahko na namizju ustvarite bližnjico z uporabo avtomatizacijskega vmesnika do TortoiseProc. Ustvarite novo bližnjico in nastavite cilj na: <screen>\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:repobrowser /path:\"url/do/skladiša\"\n"
"</screen> Seveda morate podati pravi naslov URL skladiša."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12018
msgid "Ignore files which are already versioned"
msgstr "Kako dodam na seznam prezrtih datoteke, ki so že pod nadzorom"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12022
msgid "If you accidentally added some files which should have been ignored, how do you get them out of version control without losing them? Maybe you have your own IDE configuration file which is not part of the project, but which took you a long time to set up just the way you like it."
msgstr "Œe ste pomotoma dodali nekatere datoteke, ki bi jih morali preskoiti, kako jih dobite iz sistema nadzora, ne da bi jih izgubili? Mogoe imate svojo konfiguracijsko datoteko za razvojno okolje, ki ni del projekta, ste pa porabili kar nekaj asa, da ste si okolje nastavili po svojih željah."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12029
msgid "If you have not yet committed the add, then all you have to do is use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Revert...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to undo the add. You should then add the file(s) to the ignore list so they don't get added again later by mistake."
msgstr "Œe dodane datoteke še niste objavili, lahko uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Povrni...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, s imer prekliete dodano datoteko. Nato datoteko(e) dodate na seznam prezrtih elementov, da je ne bi naslednji pomotoma spet dodali."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12044
msgid "Hold the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key to get the extended context menu and use <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete (keep local)</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to mark the file/folder for deletion from the repository without losing the local copy."
msgstr "Pritisnite tipko <keycap>Shift</keycap>, da dobite razšijeni kontekstni meni, in uporabite ukaz <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Izbriši (ohrani krajevno)</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. S tem oznaite datoteko za brisanje iz skladiša, vendar se pri tem ohrani krajevna kopija datoteke."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12056
msgid "<menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Commit</guimenuitem></menuchoice> the parent folder."
msgstr "V delovni kopiji izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>TortoiseSVN</guimenu><guimenuitem>Objavi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12065
msgid "Add the file/folder to the ignore list so you don't get into the same trouble again."
msgstr "Dodajte datoteko/mapo na seznam prezrtih, da drugi ne naletite na enake težave."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12039
msgid "If the files are already in the repository, you have to do a little more work. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe so datoteke že v skladišu, imate malce ve dela. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12074
msgid "Unversion a working copy"
msgstr "Odstranjevanje delovne kopije iz nadzora razliic"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12075
msgid "If you have a working copy which you want to convert back to a plain folder tree without the <literal>.svn</literal> directories, you can simply export it to itself. Read <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-export-unversion\"/> to find out how."
msgstr "Œe imate delovno kopijo, ki jo želite pretvoriti v navadno drevesno strukturo brez podmap <literal>.svn</literal>, yjo lahko enostavno izvozite samo vase. Ve o tem pove <xref linkend=\"tsvn-dug-export-unversion\"/>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12083
msgid "Remove a working copy"
msgstr "Odstrani delovno kopijo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12084
msgid "If you have a working copy which you no longer need, how do you get rid of it cleanly? Easy - just delete it in Windows Explorer! Working copies are private local entities, and they are self-contained."
msgstr "Œe imate delovno kopijo, ki je ne potrebujete ve, kako se je znebite? Enostavno - izbrišite jo iz Raziskovalca! Delovne kopije so zasebne krajevne enote."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12092
msgid "Administrators"
msgstr "Administratorji"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12094
msgid "This appendix contains solutions to problems/questions you might have when you are responsible for deploying TortoiseSVN to multiple client computers."
msgstr "Ta dodatek podaja rešitve problemov/vprašanj, ki se lahko pojavijo administratorjem, ki so zadolženi za namestitev TortoiseSVN na veje število raunalnikov."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12101
msgid "Deploy TortoiseSVN via group policies"
msgstr "Namestitev TortoiseSVN preko pravic skupin"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12103
msgid "group policies"
msgstr "pravice skupin"

#. (primary)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12106
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13774
msgid "GPO"
msgstr "GPO"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12108
msgid "The TortoiseSVN installer comes as an MSI file, which means you should have no problems adding that MSI file to the group policies of your domain controller."
msgstr "Namestitveni program TortoiseSVN je oblike datoteke MSI, kar pomeni, da ne bi smeli imeti nobenih težav pri dodajanju namestitve v pravice skupin (group policies) domenskega kontrolerja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12113
msgid "A good walk-through on how to do that can be found in the knowledge base article 314934 from Microsoft: <ulink url=\"http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314934\"><citetitle>http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314934</citetitle></ulink>."
msgstr "Dober članek na to temo se nahaja v bazi znanja podjetja Microsoft pod številko 314934: <ulink url=\"http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314934\"><citetitle>http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314934</citetitle></ulink>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12120
msgid "Versions 1.3.0 and later of TortoiseSVN must be installed under <emphasis>Computer Configuration</emphasis> and not under <emphasis>User Configuration</emphasis>. This is because those versions need the new CRT and MFC DLLs, which can only be deployed <emphasis>per computer</emphasis> and not <emphasis>per user</emphasis>. If you really must install TortoiseSVN on a per user basis, then you must first install the MFC and CRT package version 8 from Microsoft on each computer you want to install TortoiseSVN as per user."
msgstr "Razliice TortoiseSVN 1.3.0 in novejše je potrebno namestiti pod <emphasis>Raunalniško konfiguracijo (Computer Configuration)</emphasis> in ne pod <emphasis>Uporabniško konfiguracijo (User Configuration)</emphasis>. Razlog je v tem, da potrebujejo nove razliice nove knjižnice CRT in MFC DLL, ki se lahko namestijo le <emphasis>za raunalnik</emphasis> in ne <emphasis>za uporabnika</emphasis>. Œe morate TortoiseSVN res namestiti za uporabnika, potem morate najprej namestiti paket MFC in CRT verzije 8 na vsak raunalnik, kjer želite namestitev TortoiseSVN za uporabnika."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12132
msgid "Redirect the upgrade check"
msgstr "Preusmerjanje iskanja najnovejše razliice"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12134
msgid "upgrade check"
msgstr "iskanje najnovejše verzije"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12136
msgid "TortoiseSVN checks if there's a new version available every few days. If there is a newer version available, a dialog shows up informing the user about that."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN vsakih nekaj dni preveri, e obstaja novejša razliica aplikacije. Œe novejša razliica obstaja, se pojavi okno, ki o tem obvesti uporabnika."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12142
msgid "The upgrade dialog"
msgstr "Okno za nadgradnjo"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12145
msgid "If you're responsible for a lot of users in your domain, you might want your users to use only versions you have approved and not have them install always the latest version. You probably don't want that upgrade dialog to show up so your users don't go and upgrade immediately."
msgstr "Œe ste odgovorni za veliko število uporabnikov v vaši domeni, verjetno želite, da vaši uporabniki uporabljajo le verzije, ki ste jih odobrili, in da si ne namestijo vedno zadnje verzije. Verjetno ne želite, da se pojavi pogovorno okno za nadgradnjo, da ne bi uporabniki sami nadredili nadgradnje."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12151
msgid ""
"Versions 1.4.0 and later of TortoiseSVN allow you to redirect that upgrade check to your intranet server. You can set the registry key <filename>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\UpdateCheckURL</filename> (string value) to an URL pointing to a text file in your intranet. That text file must have the following format: <screen>\n"
"A new version of TortoiseSVN is available for you to download!\n"
"</screen> The first line in that file is the version string. You must make sure that it matches the exact version string of the TortoiseSVN installation package. The second line is a custom text, shown in the upgrade dialog. You can write there whatever you want. Just note that the space in the upgrade dialog is limited. Too long messages will get truncated! The third line is the URL to the new installation package. This URL is opened when the user clicks on the custom message label in the upgrade dialog. You can also just point the user to a web page instead of the MSI file directly. The URL is opened with the default web browser, so if you specify a web page, that page is opened and shown to the user. If you specify the MSI package, the browser will ask the user to save the MSI file locally."
msgstr ""
"TortoiseSVN razliice 1.4.0 in novejše omogoajo, da preusmerite preverjanje na svoj intranetni strežnik. Nastavite klju v registru <filename>HKCU\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\UpdateCheckURL</filename> (niz) na naslov URL, ki kaže na besedilno datoteko v intranetu. Besedilna datoteka mora imeti naslednjo obliko: <screen>\n"
"Na voljo je nova razliica programa TortoiseSVN!\n"
"</screen> V prvi vrstici se nahaja razliica TortoiseSVN. Zagotoviti morate, da ustreza namestitveni datoteki. V drugi vrstici se nahaja besedilo, ki se prikaže v oknu z obvestilom o novi razliici. Vpišete lahko karkoli želite, upoštevajte le, da je prostor omejen. V primeru predolgega besedila bo le-to skrajšano. V tretji vrstici se nahaja naslov URL namestitvenega paketa. Ta naslov se odpre, ko uporabnik klikne na sporoilo v pogovornem oknu. Uporabnika lahko pošljete tudi na spletno stran namesto neposredno na namestitveni paket. Naslov se odpre v privzetem brskalniku in e nastavite spletno stran, se bo odprla le-ta in prikazala uporabniku. Œe nastavite namestitveni paket MSI, bo brskalnik uporabnika pozval, naj ga shrani na krajevnem disku."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12176
msgid "Setting the <literal>SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK</literal> environment variable"
msgstr "Nastavljanje okoljske spremenljivke <literal>SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK</literal>"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12178

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12180
msgid "As of version 1.4.0 and later, the TortoiseSVN installer doesn't provide the user with the option to set the <literal>SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK</literal> environment variable anymore, since that caused many problems and confusions with users which always install <emphasis>everything</emphasis> no matter if they know what it is for."
msgstr "Od verzije 1.4.0. naprej namestitveni program TortoiseSVN uporabniku ne ponudi ve možnosti uporabe okoljske spremenljivke <literal>SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK</literal>. Ta možnost je povzroila mnogo težav in zmed pri uporabnikih, ki vedno namestijo <emphasis>prav vse</emphasis>, ne glede na to, ali vedo, zakaj se doloena zmožnost uporablja ali ne."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12188
msgid ""
"But that option is only hidden for the user. You still can force the TortoiseSVN installer to set that environment variable by setting the <literal>ASPDOTNETHACK</literal> property to TRUE. For example, you can start the installer like this: <screen>\n"
"msiexec /i TortoiseSVN-1.4.0.msi ASPDOTNETHACK=TRUE\n"
msgstr ""
"Ta možnost še obstaja, vendar je uporabniku skrita. Še vedno pa lahko prisilite namestitveni program TortoiseSVN, da nastavi okoljsko sprememnljivko z nastavitvijo lastnosti <literal>ASPDOTNETHACK</literal> na TRUE. Primer: nasmestitveni program lahko poženete takole: <screen>\n"
"msiexec /i TortoiseSVN-1.4.0.msi ASPDOTNETHACK=TRUE\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12199
msgid "Disable context menu entries"
msgstr "Onemogoanje kontekstnega menija"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12201
msgid "context menu entries"
msgstr "elementi kontekstnega menija"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12203
msgid "As of version 1.5.0 and later, TortoiseSVN allows you to disable (actually, hide) context menu entries. Since this is a feature which should not be used lightly but only if there is a compelling reason, there is no GUI for this and it has to be done directly in the registry. This can be used to disable certain commands for users who should not use them. But please note that only the context menu entries in the <emphasis>explorer</emphasis> are hidden, and the commands are still available through other means, e.g. the command line or even other dialogs in TortoiseSVN itself!"
msgstr "Od razliice 1.5.0 naprej TortoiseSVN ponuja onemogoanje (pravzaprav skrivanje) elementov v kontekstnem meniju. Ker je to zmožnost, ki se praviloma ne uporablja, ampak le z dobrim razlogom, uporabniškega vmesnika ni na voljo, zato je treba nastavitve opraviti neposredno v registru. Uporablja se za onemogoanje doloenih ukazov, ki jih uporabnik ne sme uporabljati. Vendar upoštevajte, da s tem skrijete le elemente v kontekstnem meniju <emphasis>Raziskovalca</emphasis> in da so ukazi še vedno na razpolago na druge naine, n. pr. preko odjemalca za ukazno vrstico ali celo iz drugih pogovornih oken programa TortoiseSVN samega!"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12213
msgid "The registry keys which hold the information on which context menus to show are <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskLow</filename> and <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskHigh</filename>."
msgstr "Kljua registra, ki vsebujejo informacije o elementih kontekstnega menija, ki jih je potrebno prikazati, sta <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskLow</filename> in <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskHigh</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12218
msgid "Each of these registry entries is a <literal>DWORD</literal> value, with each bit corresponding to a specific menu entry. A set bit means the corresponding menu entry is deactivated."
msgstr "Vsak izmed teh vnosov v registru je vrednost <literal>DWORD</literal>, pri kateri vsak bit ustreza doloenemu elementu v kontekstnem meniju. Nastavljen bit pomeni, da je ta element v meniju onemogoen."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12225
msgid "Menu entries and their values"
msgstr "Elementi menija in njihove vrednosti"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12231
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Vrednost"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12232
msgid "Menu entry"
msgstr "Vnos v meniju"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12238
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13017
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13674
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "Prevzemi"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12242
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13035
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13980
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Posodobi"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12246
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13074
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13700
msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Objavi"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12250
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13386
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13617
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12254
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13243
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13913
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Povrni"

#. (entry)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12262
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13901
msgid "Resolve"
msgstr "Reši"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12274
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13347
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13755
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Izvozi"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12278
msgid "Create Repository here"
msgstr "Ustvari skladiše tu"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12282
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13299
msgid "Branch/Tag"
msgstr "Veja/Oznaka"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12286
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13330
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13827
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Spoji"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12290
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13237
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13734
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Izbriši"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12294
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13231
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Preimenuj"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12298
msgid "Update to revision"
msgstr "Posodobi na revizijo"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12302
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13121
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13746
msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Razlikuj"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12306
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13142
msgid "Show Log"
msgstr "Pokaži dnevnik"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12310
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13217
msgid "Edit Conflicts"
msgstr "Uredi spore"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12314
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13372
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13873
msgid "Relocate"
msgstr "Premakni"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12318
msgid "Check for modifications"
msgstr "Preveri spremembe"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12322
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Prezri"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12326
msgid "Repository Browser"
msgstr "Brskalnik po skladišu"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12330
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13406
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13638
msgid "Blame"
msgstr "Okrivi"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12334
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13432
msgid "Create Patch"
msgstr "Ustvari popravek"

#. (entry)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12338
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13442
msgid "Apply Patch"
msgstr "Namesti popravek"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12342
msgid "Revision graph"
msgstr "Revision graph"

#. (entry)
#. (glossterm)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12346
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13799
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Zaklep"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12350
msgid "Remove Lock"
msgstr "Odstrani zaklep"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12354
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12358
msgid "Diff with URL"
msgstr "Razlikuj z URL"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12362
msgid "Delete unversioned items"
msgstr "Izbriši datoteke brez razliic"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12366
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12370
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomo"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12374
msgid "About"
msgstr "O programu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12380
msgid ""
"Example: to disable the \"Relocate\" the \"Delete unversioned items\" and the \"Settings\" menu entries, add the values assigned to the entries like this: <screen>\n"
" 0x0000000000080000\n"
"+ 0x0000000080000000\n"
"+ 0x2000000000000000\n"
"= 0x2000000080080000\n"
"</screen> The lower <literal>DWORD</literal> value (<literal>0x80080000</literal>) must then be stored in <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskLow</filename>, the higher <literal>DWORD</literal> value (<literal>0x20000000</literal>) in <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskHigh</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Primer: e želite onemogoiti elemente menija \"Premesti\", \"Izbriši elemente brez razliic\" in \"Nastavitve\", seštejte vrednosti, dodeljene elementom: <screen>\n"
" 0x0000000000080000\n"
"+ 0x0000000080000000\n"
"+ 0x2000000000000000\n"
"= 0x2000000080080000\n"
"</screen> Spodnjo vrednost <literal>DWORD</literal> (<literal>0x80080000</literal>) je potrebno shraniti v <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskLow</filename>, zgornjo vrednost <literal>DWORD</literal> (<literal>0x20000000</literal>) pa v <filename>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ContextMenuEntriesMaskHigh</filename>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12396
msgid "To enable the menu entries again, simply delete the two registry keys."
msgstr "Za ponoven prikaz teh elementov izbrišite zgornja vnosa v registru."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12402
msgid "Automating TortoiseSVN"
msgstr "Avtomatizacija TortoiseSVN"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12404
msgid "Since all commands for TortoiseSVN are controlled through command line parameters, you can automate it with batch scripts or start specific commands and dialogs from other programs (e.g. your favourite text editor)."
msgstr "Ker se ukazi TortoiseSVN izvajajo s pomojo parametrov ukazne vrstice, jih lahko avtomatizirate s skripto ali zaženete posamezne ukaze in okna iz ostalih programov (n. pr. iz priljubljenega urejevalnika besedila)."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12410
msgid "Remember that TortoiseSVN is a GUI client, and this automation guide shows you how to make the TortoiseSVN dialogs appear to collect user input. If you want to write a script which requires no input, you should use the official Subversion command line client instead."
msgstr "Ne pozabite, da je TortoiseSVN grafini uporabniški vmesnik. Ta navodila za avtomatizacijo vam pokažejo, kako pripravite TortoiseSVN, da prikaže okna, kjer pridobi ustrezne informacije od uporabnikov. Œe želite ustvari skripto, ki ne zahteva vnosa podatkov s strani uporabnikov, namesto TortoiseSVN raje uporabite uradnega odjemalca za ukazno vrstico."

#. (title)
#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12422
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13015
msgid "TortoiseSVN Commands"
msgstr "Ukazi TortoiseSVN"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12424
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12860
msgid "automation"
msgstr "avtomatizacija"

#. (primary)
#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12427
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12863
msgid "command line"
msgstr "ukazna vrstica"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12429
msgid "The TortoiseSVN GUI program is called <literal>TortoiseProc.exe</literal>. All commands are specified with the parameter <option>/command:abcd</option> where <literal>abcd</literal> is the required command name. Most of these commands need at least one path argument, which is given with <option>/path:\"some\\path\"</option>. In the following table the command refers to the <option>/command:abcd</option> parameter and the path refers to the <option>/path:\"some\\path\"</option> parameter."
msgstr "Grafini vmesnik TortoiseSVN se imenuje <literal>TortoiseProc.exe</literal>. Vsi ukazi se podajo s parametrom <option>/command:abcd</option>, kjer <literal>abcd</literal> predstavlja ime ukaza. Veina ukazov zahteva vsaj eno pot kot argument, ki ga podamo z opcijo <option>/path:\"some\\path\"</option>. V naslednji tabeli ukaz predstavlja parameter <option>/command:abcd</option>, pot pa parameter <option>/path:\"some\\path\"</option>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12438
msgid "Since some of the commands can take a list of target paths (e.g. committing several specific files) the <option>/path</option> parameter can take several paths, separated by a <literal>*</literal> character."
msgstr "Ker nekateri ukazi sprejmejo seznam ciljnih poti (n. pr. objava ve doloenih datotek), sprejme parameter <option>/path</option> ve poti, loenih z znakom <literal>*</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12443
msgid "TortoiseSVN uses temporary files to pass multiple arguments between the shell extension and the main program. From TortoiseSVN 1.5.0 on and later, <option>/notempfile</option> parameter is obsolete and there is no need to add it anymore."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN uporablja zaasne datoteke, da pošlje veje število argumentov iz razširitve lupine v glavni program. Od razliice TortoiseSVN 1.5.0 naprej je parameter <option>/notempfile</option> zastarel in ga ni potrebno ve dodajati."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12449
msgid "The progress dialog which is used for commits, updates and many more commands usually stays open after the command has finished until the user presses the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button. This can be changed by checking the corresponding option in the settings dialog. But using that setting will close the progress dialog, no matter if you start the command from your batch file or from the TortoiseSVN context menu."
msgstr "Okno napredka, ki se uporablja pri objavljanju, posodabljanju in ostalih ukazih, po zakljuku operacije obiajno ostane odprto, dokler uporabnik ne klikne na gumb <guibutton>V redu</guibutton>. To obnašanje je mogoe spremeniti v oknu z nastavitvami. Uporaba takšne nastavitve povzroi zapiranje okna ne glede na to, od kje je bilo okno odprto - iz sistemske skripte ali iz kontekstnega menija TortoiseSVN."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12457
msgid "To specify a different location of the configuration file, use the parameter <option>/configdir:\"path\\to\\config\\directory\"</option>. This will override the default path, including any registry setting."
msgstr "Za nastavitev druge lokacije za konfiguracijsko datoteko uporabite parameter <option>/configdir:\"pot\\do\\konfig\\mape\"</option>. S tem povozite privzete nastavitve vkljuno z nastavitvami registra."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12468
msgid "<option>/closeonend:0</option> don't close the dialog automatically"
msgstr "<option>/closeonend:0</option> okna ne zapiraj samodejno"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12473
msgid "<option>/closeonend:1</option> auto close if no errors"
msgstr "<option>/closeonend:1</option> samodejno zapri, e ni napak"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12478
msgid "<option>/closeonend:2</option> auto close if no errors and conflicts"
msgstr "<option>/closeonend:2</option> samodejno zapri, e ni napak in sporov"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12483
msgid "<option>/closeonend:3</option> auto close if no errors, conflicts and merges"
msgstr "<option>/closeonend:3</option> samodejno zapri, e ni napak, sporov in spajanj"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12488
msgid "<option>/closeonend:4</option> auto close if no errors, conflicts and merges for local operations"
msgstr "<option>/closeonend:4</option> samodejno zapri, e ni napak, sporov in spajanj pri krajevnih operacijah"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12462
msgid "To close the progress dialog at the end of a command automatically without using the permanent setting you can pass the <option>/closeonend</option> parameter. <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Œe želite, da se okno napredka po konani operaciji samodejno zapre, ne da bi pri tem spreminjali nastavitve, lahko podate parameter ukazne vrstice <option>/closeonend</option>. <placeholder-1/>"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12495
msgid "The table below lists all the commands which can be accessed using the TortoiseProc.exe command line. As described above, these should be used in the form <literal>/command:abcd</literal>. In the table, the <literal>/command</literal> prefix is omitted to save space."
msgstr "Spodnja tabela prikazuje seznam ukazov, ki jih je mo izvesti s pomojo programa TortoiseProc.exe. Kot je opisano zgoraj, je ukaze potrebno podati v obliki <literal>/command:abcd</literal>. V tabeli je del <literal>/command</literal> zaradi varevanja s prostorom izpušen."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12514
msgid "List of available commands and options"
msgstr "Seznam ukazov in opcij, ki so na voljo"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12520
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Ukaz"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12527
msgid "Shows the about dialog. This is also shown if no command is given."
msgstr "Pokaže okno s podatki o aplikaciji. Le-to se prikaže tudi, e ni podan noben ukaz."

#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12535
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12546
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12554
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12561
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12573
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12590
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12598
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12606
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12613
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12622
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12628
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12635
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12636
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12638
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12644
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12656
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12664
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12677
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12684
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12694
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12700
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12711
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12717
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12730
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12739
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12750
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12785
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12795
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12802
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12809
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12818
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12835
msgid "/path"
msgstr "/path"

#. (option)
#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12538
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12702
msgid "/startrev:xxx"
msgstr "/startrev:xxx"

#. (option)
#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12539
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12703
msgid "/endrev:xxx"
msgstr "/endrev:xxx"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12540
msgid "/strict"
msgstr "/strict"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12534
msgid "Opens the log dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the file or folder for which the log should be shown. Three additional options can be set: <placeholder-2/>, <placeholder-3/> and <placeholder-4/>"
msgstr "Odpre okno dnevnika. <placeholder-1/> pove datoteko ali mapo, za katero želite pokazati dnevnik. Nastavite lahko tri dodatne možnosti: <placeholder-2/>, <placeholder-3> in <placeholder-4/>"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12547
msgid "/url"
msgstr "/url"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12545
msgid "Opens the checkout dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the target directory and the <placeholder-2/> specifies the URL to checkout from."
msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno za prevzem. <placeholder-1/> doloa ciljno mapo, <placeholder-2/> pa naslov URL, iz katerega delate prevzem."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12553
msgid "Opens the import dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the directory with the data to import."
msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno za uvažanje. <placeholder-1/> doloa mapo s podatki za uvoz."

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12562
msgid "/rev"
msgstr "/rev"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12565
msgid "/rev:1234"
msgstr "/rev:1234"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12566
msgid "/nonrecursive"
msgstr "/nonrecursive"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12567
msgid "/ignoreexternals"
msgstr "/ignoreexternals"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12560
msgid "Updates the working copy in <placeholder-1/> to HEAD. If the option <placeholder-2/> is given then a dialog is shown to ask the user to which revision the update should go. To avoid the dialog specify a revision number <placeholder-3/>. Other options are <placeholder-4/> and <placeholder-5/>."
msgstr "Delovno kopijo na poti <placeholder-1/> posodobi na revizijo HEAD. Œe je podana opcija <placeholder-2/>, potem se pojavi okno z vprašanjem, na katero revizijo naj se posodobi. Œe se želite oknu izogniti, doloite številko revizije: <placeholder-3/>. Ostali možnosti sta <placeholder-4/> in <placeholder-5/>."

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12575
msgid "/logmsg"
msgstr "/logmsg"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12578
msgid "/logmsgfile:path"
msgstr "/logmsgfile:path"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12579
msgid "path"
msgstr "pot"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12583
msgid "/bugid:\"the bug id here\""
msgstr "/bugid:\"številka hroša\""

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12572
msgid "Opens the commit dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the target directory or the list of files to commit. You can also specify the <placeholder-2/> switch to pass a predefined log message to the commit dialog. Or, if you don't want to pass the log message on the command line, use <placeholder-3/>, where <placeholder-4/> points to a file containing the log message. To pre-fill the bug ID box (in case you've set up integration with bug trackers properly), you can use the <placeholder-5/> to do that."
msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno za objave. <placeholder-1/> doloa ciljno mapo ali seznam datotek za objavo. Doloite lahko tudi stikalo <placeholder-2/>, s katerim podate predefinirano sporoilo dnevniškega zapisa za okno objave. Ali, e ne želite podati sporoila dnevniškega zapisa v ukazni vrstici, uporabite stikalo <placeholder-3/>, kjer <placeholder-4/> kaže na datoteko, ki vsebuje sporoil dnevniškega zapisa. Za predipolnitev okenca za identifikacijo hroša (e ste pravilno nastavili integracijo s sledilnikom zadev) uporabite <placeholder-5/>."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12589
msgid "Adds the files in <placeholder-1/> to version control."
msgstr "Doda datoteke v <placeholder-1/> v sistem nadzora razliic."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12596
msgid "Reverts local modifications of a working copy. The <placeholder-1/> tells which items to revert."
msgstr "Povrne krajevne spremembe na delovni kopiji. <placeholder-1/> pove, katere elemente želite povrniti."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12604
msgid "Cleans up interrupted or aborted operations and unlocks the working copy in <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "Poisti prekinjene ali preklicane operacije in odklene delovno kopijo v <placeholder-1/>."

#. (option)
#. (option)
#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12614
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12687
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12828
msgid "/noquestion"
msgstr "/noquestion"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12611
msgid "Marks a conflicted file specified in <placeholder-1/> as resolved. If <placeholder-2/> is given, then resolving is done without asking the user first if it really should be done."
msgstr "Datoteko, doloeno v <placeholder-1/>, oznai kot rešeno. Œe je podana opcija <placeholder-2/>, se ukaz izvede brez potrditve uporabnika."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12621
msgid "Creates a repository in <placeholder-1/>"
msgstr "Ustvari skladiše v <placeholder-1/>"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12627
msgid "Opens the switch dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the target directory."
msgstr "Odpre okno za preklop. <placeholder-1/> doloa ciljno mapo."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12634
msgid "Exports the working copy in <placeholder-1/> to another directory. If the <placeholder-2/> points to an unversioned directory, a dialog will ask for an URL to export to the directory in <placeholder-3/>."
msgstr "Delovno kopijo v <placeholder-1/> izvozi v drugo mapo. Œe <placeholder-2/> kaže na mapo brez razliic, se pojavi pogovorno okno in vas vpraša po naslovu URL, iz katerega izvažate v <placeholder-3/>."

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12647
msgid "/mergefrom:xxx"
msgstr "/mergefrom:xxx"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12648
msgid "/mergeto:xxx"
msgstr "/mergeto:xxx"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12649
msgid "/fromurl:URL"
msgstr "/fromurl:URL"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12643
msgid "Opens the merge dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the target directory. Three additional options can be set: <placeholder-2/>, <placeholder-3/> and <placeholder-4/>. These pre-fill the relevant fields in the merge dialog."
msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno za spajanje. <placeholder-1/> doloa ciljno mapo. Nastavite lahko tri dodatne možnosti: <placeholder-2/>, <placeholder-3/> in <placeholder-4/>. S tem predizpolnite ustrezna polja v pogovornem oknu."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12655
msgid "Opens the merge all dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the target directory."
msgstr "Odpre okno za spajanje. <placeholder-1/> doloa ciljno mapo."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12662
msgid "Brings up the branch/tag dialog. The <placeholder-1/> is the working copy to branch/tag from."
msgstr "Odpre okno vej/oznak. <placeholder-1/> prestavlja delovno kopijo, iz katere ustvarjate vejo/oznako."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12670
msgid "Opens the settings dialog."
msgstr "Odpre okno za nastavitve."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12676
msgid "Removes the file(s) in <placeholder-1/> from version control."
msgstr "Odstrani datoteko/e v <placeholder-1/> iz sistema nadzora razliic."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12683
msgid "Renames the file in <placeholder-1/>. The new name for the file is asked with a dialog. To avoid the question about renaming similar files in one step, pass <placeholder-2/>."
msgstr "Preimenuje datoteko v <placeholder-1/>. Novo ime vpišete v oknu. Da bi se izognili vprašanju o preimenovanju podobnih datotek v enem koraku, podajte <placeholder-2/>."

#. (option)
#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12696
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12698
msgid "/path2"
msgstr "/path2"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12692
msgid "Starts the external diff program specified in the TortoiseSVN settings. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the first file. If the option <placeholder-2/> is set, then the diff program is started with those two files. If <placeholder-3/> is omitted, then the diff is done between the file in <placeholder-4/> and its BASE. To explicitly set the revision numbers use <placeholder-5/> and <placeholder-6/>."
msgstr "Požene zunanji program za razlikovanje, ki je doloen v nastavitvah TortoiseSVN. <placeholder-1/> doloa prvo datoteko. Œe je nastavljena možnost <placeholder-2/>, se program za razlikovanje požene s tema dvema datotekama. Œe <placeholder-3/> izpustite, potem se razlikovanje izvede med datoteko <placeholder-4/> in njeno osnovo (BASE). Za doloanje številk revizij uporabite <placeholder-5/> in <placeholder-6/>."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12708
msgid "Starts the conflicteditor specified in the TortoiseSVN settings with the correct files for the conflicted file in <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "Požene urejevalnik sporov, nastavljen v nastavitvah za TortoiseSVN, z ustreznimi datotekami za sporno datoteko v <placeholder-1/>."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12716
msgid "Opens the relocate dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the working copy path to relocate."
msgstr "Odpre pogovnorno okno za premešanje. <placeholder-1/> doloa pot delovne kopije, ki jo premešate."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12723
msgid "Opens the help file."
msgstr "Odpre datoteko s pomojo."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12729
msgid "Opens the check-for-modifications dialog. The <placeholder-1/> specifies the working copy directory."
msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno Preveri spremembe. <placeholder-1/> doloa mapo delovne kopije."

#. (option)
#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12741
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12743
msgid "/rev:xxx"
msgstr "/rev:xxx"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12736
msgid "Starts the repository browser dialog, pointing to the URL of the working copy given in <placeholder-1/> or <placeholder-2/> points directly to an URL. An additional option <placeholder-3/> can be used to specify the revision which the repository browser should show. If the <placeholder-4/> is omitted, it defaults to HEAD."
msgstr "Odpre brskalnik po skladišu, ki kaže na naslov URL delovne kopije, podane v <placeholder-1/> ali <placeholder-2/> kaže neposredno na naslov URL. Dodatna možnost <placeholder-3/> se uporablja za doloanje revizije, ki naj jo brskalnik po skladišu prikaže. Œe <placeholder-4/> izpustite, se uporabi revizija HEAD."

#. (literal)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12751
msgid "svn:ignore"
msgstr "svn:ignore"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12749
msgid "Adds all targets in <placeholder-1/> to the ignore list, i.e. adds the <placeholder-2/> property to those files."
msgstr "Ciljne elemente v <placeholder-1/> doda na seznam prezrtih; to pomeni, da tem datotekam nastavi lastnost <placeholder-2/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12758
msgid "Opens the blame dialog for the file specified in <option>/path</option>."
msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno Okrivi za datoteko, doloeno z opcijo <option>/path</option>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12762
msgid "If the options <option>/startrev</option> and <option>/endrev</option> are set, then the dialog asking for the blame range is not shown but the revision values of those options are used instead."
msgstr "Œe uporabite stikali <option>/startrev</option> in <option>/endrev</option>, se okno, ki vas povpraša po obmoju revizij, ne prikaže, ampak se uporabijo nastavljene vrednosti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12769
msgid "If the option <option>/line:nnn</option> is set, TortoiseBlame will open with the specified line number showing."
msgstr "Œe je uporabljeno stikalo <option>/line:nnn</option>, se po zagonu programa TortoiseBlame prikaže navedena vrstica."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12774
msgid "The options <option>/ignoreeol</option>, <option>/ignorespaces</option> and <option>/ignoreallspaces</option> are also supported."
msgstr "Podprte so tudi možnosti <option>/ignoreeol</option>, <option>/ignorespaces</option> in <option>/ignoreallspaces</option>."

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12786
msgid "/savepath:path"
msgstr "/savepath:path"

#. (option)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12787
msgid "/revision:xxx"
msgstr "/revision:xxx"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12783
msgid "Saves a file from an URL or working copy path given in <placeholder-1/> to the location given in <placeholder-2/>. The revision is given in <placeholder-3/>. This can be used to get a file with a specific revision."
msgstr "Shrani datoteko iz naslova URL ali iz delovne kopije, podane v <placeholder-1/>, na lokacijo <placeholder-2/>. Številka revizije je podana kot <placeholder-3/>. Ta ukaz se uporablja za pridobivanje datoteke doloene revizije."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12793
msgid "Creates a patch file for the path given in <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "Za pot, podano v <placeholder-1/>, naredi datoteko popravkov."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12800
msgid "Shows the revision graph for the path given in <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "Pokaže graf revizij za pot, podano v <placeholder-1/>."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12807
msgid "Locks a file or all files in a directory given in <placeholder-1/>. The 'lock' dialog is shown so the user can enter a comment for the lock."
msgstr "Zaklene datoteko ali vse datoteke v mapi <placeholder-1/>. Uporabniku se pokaže pogovorno okno 'zakleni', da lahko vnese komentar zaklepa."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12816
msgid "Unlocks a file or all files in a directory given in <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "Odklene datoteko ali vse datoteke v mapi <placeholder-1/>."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12823
msgid "Rebuilds the windows icon cache. Only use this in case the windows icons are corrupted. A side effect of this (which can't be avoided) is that the icons on the desktop get rearranged. To suppress the message box, pass <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "Ponovno zgradi predpomnilnik sistema Windows za ikone. To možnost uporabite le, e se ikone v sistemu Windows pokvarijo. Stranski uinek, ki se mu ne morete izogniti, je, da se ikone na namizju prerazporedijo. Œe želite preskoiti okno s sporoilom, uporabite stikalo <placeholder-1/>."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12833
msgid "Shows the properties dialog for the path given in <placeholder-1/>."
msgstr "Prikaže okno lastnosti za pot, podano v <placeholder-1/>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12842
msgid ""
"Examples (which should be entered on one line): <screen>\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit\n"
" /path:\"c:\\svn_wc\\file1.txt*c:\\svn_wc\\file2.txt\"\n"
" /logmsg:\"test log message\" /closeonend\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:\"c:\\svn_wc\\\" /closeonend\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:log /path:\"c:\\svn_wc\\file1.txt\"\n"
" /startrev:50 /endrev:60 /closeonend\n"
msgstr ""
"Primeri (ki jih morate vnesti v eno vrtico): <screen>\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit\n"
" /path:\"c:\\svn_wc\\file1.txt*c:\\svn_wc\\file2.txt\"\n"
" /logmsg:\"test log message\" /closeonend\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:\"c:\\svn_wc\\\" /closeonend\n"
"TortoiseProc.exe /command:log /path:\"c:\\svn_wc\\file1.txt\"\n"
" /startrev:50 /endrev:60 /closeonend\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12858
msgid "TortoiseIDiff Commands"
msgstr "Ukazi TortoiseIDiff"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12865
msgid "The image diff tool has a few command line options which you can use to control how the tool is started. The program is called <literal>TortoiseIDiff.exe</literal>."
msgstr "Orodje za razlikovanje slik ima nekaj možnosti ukazne vrstice, s katerimi nastavimo, kako se pogram zažene. Program se imenuje <literal>TortoiseIDiff.exe</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12870
msgid "The table below lists all the options which can be passed to the image diff tool on the command line."
msgstr "Spodnja tabela prikazuje seznam vseh možnosti, ki jih lahko podamo orodju za razlikovanje slik v ukazni vrstici."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12886
msgid "List of available options"
msgstr "Seznam možnosti, ki so na voljo"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12892
msgid "Option"
msgstr "Možnost"

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12899
msgid "Path to the file shown on the left."
msgstr "Pot do datoteke na levi strani."

#. (entry)
#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12905
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12918
msgid "A title string. This string is used in the image view title instead of the full path to the image file."
msgstr "Naslov. Besedilo se uporablja pri prikazu slike namesto polne poti datoteke."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12912
msgid "Path to the file shown on the right."
msgstr "Pot do datoteke na desni strani."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12925
msgid "If specified, the image diff tool switches to the overlay mode (alpha blend)."
msgstr "Œe je ta možnost nastavljena, se orodje za razlikovanje preklopi v prekrivni nain (alpha blend)."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12932
msgid "If specified, the image diff tool fits both images together."
msgstr "Œe je ta možnost nastavljena, orodje za razlikovanje slik izenai velikost slik."

#. (entry)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12939
msgid "Shows the image info box."
msgstr "Prikaže informacije o sliki."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12947
msgid ""
"Example (which should be entered on one line): <screen>\n"
"TortoiseIDiff.exe /left:\"c:\\images\\img1.jpg\" /lefttitle:\"image 1\"\n"
" /right:\"c:\\images\\img2.jpg\" /righttitle:\"image 2\"\n"
" /fit /overlay\n"
msgstr ""
"Primer (vpisati ga je potrebno v eno vrstico): <screen>\n"
"TortoiseIDiff.exe /left:\"c:\\images\\img1.jpg\" /lefttitle:\"slika 1\"\n"
" /right:\"c:\\images\\img2.jpg\" /righttitle:\"slika 2\"\n"
" /fit /overlay\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12959
msgid "Command Line Interface Cross Reference"
msgstr "Ustrezni ukazi v odjemalcu za ukazno vrstico"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12961
msgid "command line client"
msgstr "odjemalec za ukazno vrstico"

#. (primary)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12964
msgid "CLI"
msgstr "CLI"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12967
msgid "Sometimes this manual refers you to the main Subversion documentation, which describes Subversion in terms of the Command Line Interface (CLI). To help you understand what TortoiseSVN is doing behind the scenes, we have compiled a list showing the equivalent CLI commands for each of TortoiseSVN's GUI operations."
msgstr "Ta prironik vas vasih pozove, da pogledate dokumentacijo sistema Subversion, ki opisuje sistem Subversion z vidika uporabe preko ukazne vrstice (Command Line Interface - CLI). Da bi lažje razumeli, kaj se dogaja v ozadju, je tu seznam ukazov TortoiseSVN in ekvivalentnih ukazov odjemalca za ukazno vrstico."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12976
msgid "Even though there are CLI equivalents to what TortoiseSVN does, remember that TortoiseSVN does <emphasis>not</emphasis> call the CLI but uses the Subversion library directly."
msgstr "Œeprav za ukaze TortoiseSVN obstajajo ekvivalentni ukazi v ukazni vrstici, ne pozabite, da TortoiseSVN ukazne vrstice <emphasis>ne</emphasis> uporablja, ampak neposredno uporablja knjižnice sistema Subversion."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12982
msgid "If you think you have found a bug in TortoiseSVN, we may ask you to try to reproduce it using the CLI, so that we can distinguish TortoiseSVN issues from Subversion issues. This reference tells you which command to try."
msgstr "Œe mislite, da ste našli napako v programu TortoiseSVN, vas bomo mogoe prosili, da jo poskusite ponoviti z uporabo odjemalca ukazne vrstice za Subversion. S tem loimo napake programa TortoiseSVN od napak programa Subversion. Ta razpredelnica vam pove, katere ukaze poskusite."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12990
msgid "Conventions and Basic Rules"
msgstr "Konvencije in osnovna pravila"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:12991
msgid "In the descriptions which follow, the URL for a repository location is shown simply as <literal>URL</literal>, and an example might be <literal>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk</literal>. The working copy path is shown simply as <literal>PATH</literal>, and an example might be <literal>C:\\TortoiseSVN\\trunk</literal>."
msgstr "V naslednjih opisih je naslov URL za lokacijo skladišča prikazan kot <literal>URL</literal>, n. pr. <literal>http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk</literal>. Delovno kopijo prikazujemo kot <literal>PATH</literal>, n. pr. <literal>C:\\TortoiseSVN\\trunk</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13001
msgid "Because TortoiseSVN is a Windows Shell Extension, it is not able to use the notion of a current working directory. All working copy paths must be given using the absolute path, not a relative path."
msgstr "Ker je TortoiseSVN razširitev lupine Windows, ne more uporabljati trenutne mape. Vse poti delovne kopije morajo biti podane z absolutno in ne z relativno potjo."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13008
msgid "Certain items are optional, and these are often controlled by checkboxes or radio buttons in TortoiseSVN. These options are shown in [square brackets] in the command line definitions."
msgstr "Doloeni elementi so opcijski in se ponavadi v TortoiseSVN nastavijo preko potrditvenih polj ali radijskih gumbov. Te opcije so v definicije ukazne vrstice prikazane v [oglatih oklepajih]."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13018
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn checkout [-N] [--ignore-externals] [-r rev] URL PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn checkout [-N] [--ignore-externals] [-r rev] URL POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13021
msgid "If <guilabel>Only checkout the top folder</guilabel> is checked, use the <literal>-N</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe je potrjena opcija <guilabel>Prevzemi vrhnjo mapo</guilabel>, uporabite stikalo <literal>-N</literal>."

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13025
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13068
msgid "If <guilabel>Omit externals</guilabel> is checked, use the <literal>--ignore-externals</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe je potrjeno polje <guilabel>Izpusti zunanje</guilabel>, uporabite stikalo <literal>--ignore-externals</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13029
msgid "If you are checking out a specific revision, specify that after the URL using <literal>-r</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe prevzemate doloeno revizijo, povejte to po navedbi naslova URL s stikalom <literal>-r</literal>."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13036
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn info URL_of_WC\n"
"svn update [-r rev] PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn info URL_delovne_kopije\n"
"svn update [-r rev] POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13040
msgid "Updating multiple items is currently not an atomic operation in Subversion. So TortoiseSVN first finds the HEAD revision of the repository, and then updates all items to that particular revision number to avoid creating a mixed revision working copy."
msgstr "Posodabljanje vejega števila elementov v sistemu Subversion ni atomina operacija. TortoiseSVN najprej najde revizijo HEAD v skladišu in potem posodobi vse elemente na to doloeno številko revizije, da se izogne ustarjanju mešane delovne kopije."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13047
msgid "If only one item is selected for updating or the selected items are not all from the same repository, TortoiseSVN just updates to HEAD."
msgstr "Œe je za posodobitev izbran le en element ali e niso vsi izbrani elementi iz istega skladiša, TortoiseSVN posodobi na revizijo HEAD."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13052
msgid "No command line options are used here. <guilabel>Update to revision</guilabel> also implements the update command, but offers more options."
msgstr "Tu se ne uporabljajo možnosti ukazne vrstice. <guilabel>Posodobi na revizijo</guilabel> prav tako izvede posodabljanje, a ponudi ve možnosti."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13059
msgid "Update to Revision"
msgstr "Posodobi na revizijo"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13060
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn info URL_of_WC\n"
"svn update [-r rev] [-N] [--ignore-externals] PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn info URL_delovne_kopije\n"
"svn update [-r rev] [-N] [--ignore-externals] POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13064
msgid "If <guilabel>Only update the top folder</guilabel> is checked, use the <literal>-N</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe je potrjeno polje <guilabel>Posodobi le vrhnjo mapo</guilabel>, uporabite stikalo <literal>-N</literal>."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13075
msgid "In TortoiseSVN, the commit dialog uses several Subversion commands. The first stage is a status check which determines the items in your working copy which can potentially be committed. You can review the list, diff files against BASE and select the items you want to be included in the commit."
msgstr "V programu TortoiseSVN pogovorno okno za objavo uporablja ve ukazov sistema Subversion. Prvi ukaz je preverjanje stanja, ki v delovni kopiji najde elemente, ki so kandidati za objavo. Seznam lahko pregledate, pogledate spremembe datotek glede na revizijo BASE in izberete elemente, ki jih želite objaviti."

#. (screen)
#. (screen)
#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13082
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13244
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13272
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn status -v PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn status -v POT\n"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13085
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13173
msgid "If <guilabel>Show unversioned files</guilabel> is checked, TortoiseSVN will also show all unversioned files and folders in the working copy hierarchy, taking account of the ignore rules. This particular feature has no direct equivalent in Subversion, as the <literal>svn status</literal> command does not descend into unversioned folders."
msgstr "Œe je potrjena možnost <guilabel>Prikaži datoteke brez razliic</guilabel>, bo TortoiseSVN prikazal vse datoteke in mape brez razliic v hierarhiji delovne kopije, pri tem pa upošteval pravila za prezrte elemente. Ta zmožnost nima neposrednega ekvivalentnega ukaza v sistemu Subversion. Ukaz <literal>svn status</literal> se ne ukvarja z datotekami brez razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13093
msgid "If you check any unversioned files and folders, those items will first be added to your working copy."
msgstr "Œe potrdite datoteke in mape brez razliic, se le-te najprej dodajo v delovno kopijo."

#. (screen)
#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13097
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13387
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn add PATH...\n"
msgstr ""
"svn add POT...\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13100
msgid "When you click on OK, the Subversion commit takes place. If you have left all the file selection checkboxes in their default state, TortoiseSVN uses a single recursive commit of the working copy. If you deselect some files, then a non-recursive commit (<literal>-N</literal>) must be used, and every path must be specified individually on the commit command line."
msgstr "Ko kliknete na gumb V redu, se spremembe objavijo. Œe ste pustili vsa potrditvena polja za izbiro datotek v privzetem stanju, TortoiseSVN uporabi enojno rekurzivno objavo delovne kopije. Œe nekatere datoteke izloite, mora uporabiti nerekurzivno objavo (<literal>-N</literal>). Vsaka pot mora biti posamezno navedena v ukazni vrstici ob objavi."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13108
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn commit -m \"LogMessage\" [-N] [--no-unlock] PATH...\n"
msgstr ""
"svn commit -m \"LogMessage\" [-N] [--no-unlock] POT...\n"

#. (para)
#. (para)
#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13111
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13317
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13400
msgid "<literal>LogMessage</literal> here represents the contents of the log message edit box. This can be empty."
msgstr "<literal>LogMessage</literal> predstavlja vsebino vnosnega polja sporoila dnevniškega zapisa. Lahko je prazen."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13115
msgid "If <guilabel>Keep locks</guilabel> is checked, use the <literal>--no-unlock</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe je potrjena možnost <guilabel>Ohrani zaklepe</guilabel>, uporabite stilako <literal>--no-unlock</literal>."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13122
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn diff PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn diff POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13125
msgid "If you use Diff from the main context menu, you are diffing a modified file against its BASE revision. The output from the CLI command above also does this and produces output in unified-diff format. However, this is not what TortoiseSVN is using. TortoiseSVN uses TortoiseMerge (or a diff program of your choosing) to display differences visually between full-text files, so there is no direct CLI equivalent."
msgstr "Œe uporabljate ukaz Razlikuj iz glavnega kontekstnega menija, gledate spremembe v primerjavi z revizijo BASE. To se zgodi tudi pri uporabi ukazne vrstice, izhod pa je podan v obliki poenotene razliice. Vendar za prikaz razlik med dvema datotekama TortoiseSVN ne uporablja te možnosti, ampak TortoiseMerge (ali kak drug program za razlikovanje, ki ste ga izbrali), torej ekvivalentnega ukaza za ukazno vrstico ni."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13134
msgid "You can also diff any 2 files using TortoiseSVN, whether or not they are version controlled. TortoiseSVN just feeds the two files into the chosen diff program and lets it work out where the differences lie."
msgstr "S TortoiseSVN lahko razlikujete katerikoli dve datoteki, ne glede na to, ali sta pod nadzorom razliic ali ne. TortoiseSVN enostavno pošlje datoteki v izbrani program za razlikovanje in mu prepusti, da vam pokaže razlike v datotekah."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13143
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn log -v -r 0:N --limit 100 [--stop-on-copy] PATH\n"
" or\n"
"svn log -v -r M:N [--stop-on-copy] PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn log -v -r 0:N --limit 100 [--stop-on-copy] POT\n"
" or\n"
"svn log -v -r M:N [--stop-on-copy] POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13148
msgid "By default, TortoiseSVN tries to fetch 100 log messages using the --limit method. If the settings instruct it to use old APIs, then the second form is used to fetch the log messages for 100 repository revisions."
msgstr "Po privezetih nastavitvah TortoiseSVN poskuša pridobiti 100 dnevniških zapisov z uporabo methode --limit. Œe nastavitve zahtevajo uporabo starega aplikacijskega vmesnika, potem se za pridobivanje 100 revizij dnevniških zapisov iz skladiša uporablja druga oblika."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13154
msgid "If <guilabel>Stop on copy/rename</guilabel> is checked, use the <literal>--stop-on-copy</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe je potrjeno polje <guilabel>Ustavi ob kopiranju/preimenovanju</guilabel>, uporabite stikalo <literal>--stop-on-copy</literal>."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13161
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn status -v PATH\n"
" or\n"
"svn status -u -v PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn status -v POT\n"
" ali\n"
"svn status -u -v POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13166
msgid "The initial status check looks only at your working copy. If you click on <guibutton>Check repository</guibutton> then the repository is also checked to see which files would be changed by an update, which requires the <literal>-u</literal> switch."
msgstr "Najprej se stanje preveri le v delovni kopiji. Œe pa kliknete na <guibutton>Preveri skladiše</guibutton>, potem se preveri tudi stanje v skladišu, da se izve, katere datoteke bi se spremenile v primeru posodobitve. To zahteva stikalo <literal>-u</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13183
msgid "Revision Graph"
msgstr "Graf revizij"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13184
msgid "The revision graph is a feature of TortoiseSVN only. There's no equivalent in the command line client."
msgstr "Graf revizij je zmožnost aplikacije TortoiseSVN. Ekvivalenten ukaz v ukazni vrstici ne obstaja."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13188
msgid ""
"What TortoiseSVN does is an <screen>\n"
"svn info URL_of_WC\n"
"svn log -v URL\n"
"</screen> where URL is the repository <emphasis>root</emphasis> and then analyzes the data returned."
msgstr ""
"TortoiseSVN naredi naslednje: <screen>\n"
"svn info URL_delovne_kopije\n"
"svn log -v URL\n"
"</screen>kjer je URL korenska pot skladiša, in potem analizira vrnjene podatke."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13199
msgid "Repo Browser"
msgstr "Brskalnik po skladišu"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13200
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn info URL_of_WC\n"
"svn list [-r rev] -v URL\n"
msgstr ""
"svn info URL_delovne_kopije\n"
"svn list [-r rev] -v URL\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13204
msgid "You can use <literal>svn info</literal> to determine the repository root, which is the top level shown in the repository browser. You cannot navigate <literal>Up</literal> above this level. Also, this command returns all the locking information shown in the repository browser."
msgstr "Da najdete korensko mapo skladiša, lahko uporabite ukaz <literal>svn info</literal>. Ta mapa se prikaže kot vrhnja mapa v brskalniku po skladišu. <literal>Višje</literal> od te mape ne morete. Ta ukaz vrne tudi vse informacije o zaklepih, ki se prav tako prikažejo v brskalniku po skladišu."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13211
msgid "The <literal>svn list</literal> call will list the contents of a directory, given a URL and revision."
msgstr "Ukaz <literal>svn list</literal> s parametrom URL in številko revizije vrne vsebino mape."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13218
msgid "This command has no CLI equivalent. It invokes TortoiseMerge or an external 3-way diff/merge tool to look at the files involved in the conflict and sort out which lines to use."
msgstr "Ekvivalenten ukaz za ukazno vrstico ne obstaja. Uporabi se orodje TortoiseMerge ali kakšen drug tristranski program za razlikovanje/spajanje, s pomojo katerega se odloimo, kako bomo spore rešili."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13225
msgid "Resolved"
msgstr "Rešeno"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13226
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn resolved PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn resolved POT\n"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13232
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn rename CURR_PATH NEW_PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn rename TRENUTNA_POT NOVA_POT\n"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13238
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn delete PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn delete POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13247
msgid "The first stage is a status check which determines the items in your working copy which can potentially be reverted. You can review the list, diff files against BASE and select the items you want to be included in the revert."
msgstr "Prva faza predstavlja preverjanje stanja, s emer ugotovimo, katere elemente v delovni kopiji je mogoe povrniti. Seznam lahko pregledate, pogledate razlike v primerjavi z revizijo BASE in izberete elemente, ki jih želite povrniti."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13253
msgid "When you click on OK, the Subversion revert takes place. If you have left all the file selection checkboxes in their default state, TortoiseSVN uses a single recursive (<literal>-R</literal>) revert of the working copy. If you deselect some files, then every path must be specified individually on the revert command line."
msgstr "Ko kliknete na gumb V redu, se zgodi povrnitev. Œe izbire niste spreminjali, uporabi TortoiseSVN eno samo rekurzivno (<literal>-R</literal>) povrnitev delovne kopije. Œe ste iz izklopili nekatere datoteke, potem mora vsako pot doloiti posebej pri uporabi ukaza v ukazni vrstici. "

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13260
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn revert [-R] PATH...\n"
msgstr ""
"svn revert [-R] POT...\n"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13266
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn cleanup PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn cleanup POT\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13271
msgid "Get Lock"
msgstr "Vzemi zaklep"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13275
msgid "The first stage is a status check which determines the files in your working copy which can potentially be locked. You can select the items you want to be locked."
msgstr "Prva faza je preverjanje stanja, ki ugotovi, katere datoteke v delovni kopiji lahko zaklenete. Nato izberete datoteke, ki jih želite zakleniti."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13280
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn lock -m \"LockMessage\" [--force] PATH...\n"
msgstr ""
"svn lock -m \"LockMessage\" [--force] POT...\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13283
msgid "<literal>LockMessage</literal> here represents the contents of the lock message edit box. This can be empty."
msgstr "<literal>LockMessage</literal> predstavlja vsebina sporoila zaklepa. Lahko je prazno."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13287
msgid "If <guilabel>Steal the locks</guilabel> is checked, use the <literal>--force</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe je potrjeno polje <guilabel>Ukradi zaklep</guilabel>, uporabite stikalo <literal>--force</literal>."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13293
msgid "Release Lock"
msgstr "Odstrani zaklep"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13294
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn unlock PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn unlock POT\n"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13300
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn copy -m \"LogMessage\" URL URL\n"
" or\n"
"svn copy -m \"LogMessage\" URL@rev URL@rev\n"
" or\n"
"svn copy -m \"LogMessage\" PATH URL\n"
msgstr ""
"svn copy -m \"LogMessage\" URL URL\n"
" ali\n"
"svn copy -m \"LogMessage\" URL@rev URL@rev\n"
" ali\n"
"svn copy -m \"LogMessage\" POT URL\n"

#. (listitem)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13312
msgid "Specific revision in repository"
msgstr "Doloena revizija v skladišu"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13307
msgid "The Branch/Tag dialog performs a copy to the repository. There are 3 radio button options: <placeholder-1/> which correspond to the 3 command line variants above."
msgstr "Okno Veja/Oznaka izdela kopijo skladiša. Na voljo so trije radijski gumbi: <placeholder-1/> Ti ustrezajo trem opisanim variacijam ukazne vrstice. "

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13324
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn info URL_of_WC\n"
"svn switch [-r rev] URL PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn info URL_delovne_kopije\n"
"svn switch [-r rev] URL POT\n"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13331
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn merge [--dry-run] --force From_URL@revN To_URL@revM PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn merge [--dry-run] --force Iz_URL@revN V_URL@revM POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13334
msgid "The <guibutton>Dry run</guibutton> performs the same merge with the <literal>--dry-run</literal> switch."
msgstr "<guibutton>Izvedi poskusno</guibutton> izvede enako spajanje z uporabo stikala <literal>--dry-run</literal>."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13338
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn diff From_URL@revN To_URL@revM\n"
msgstr ""
"svn diff Iz_URL@revN V_URL@revM\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13341
msgid "The <guibutton>Unified diff</guibutton> shows the diff operation which will be used to do the merge."
msgstr "Gumb <guibutton>Poenotena razliica</guibutton> pokaže operacijo razlikovanja, ki bo uporabljena za spajanje."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13348
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn export [-r rev] [--ignore-externals] URL Export_PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn export [-r rev] [--ignore-externals] URL POT_za_izboz\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13351
msgid "This form is used when accessed from an unversioned folder, and the folder is used as the destination."
msgstr "Ta oblika se uporablja v mapi brez razliic, kadar je ta mapa tudi ciljna mapa."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13355
msgid "Exporting a working copy to a different location is done without using the Subversion library, so there's no matching command line equivalent."
msgstr "Izvoz delovne kopije na drugo lokacijo se ne izvede s pomojo knjižnice Subversion, zato ekvivalentnega ukaza ni."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13360
msgid "What TortoiseSVN does is to copy all files to the new location while showing you the progress of the operation. Unversioned files/folders can optionally be exported too."
msgstr "TortoiseSVN prekopira vse datoteke na novo lokacijo, hkrati pa prikazuje napredek operacije. Nastavite lahko, da se izvozijo tudi datoteke/mape brez razliic."

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13365
msgid "In both cases, if <guilabel>Omit externals</guilabel> is checked, use the <literal>--ignore-externals</literal> switch."
msgstr "Œe je potrjeno potrditveno polje <guilabel>Izpusti zunanje</guilabel>, v obeh primerih uporabite stikalo <literal>--ignore-externals</literal>."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13373
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn switch --relocate From_URL To_URL\n"
msgstr ""
"svn switch --relocate Iz_URL V_URL\n"

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13378
msgid "Create Repository Here"
msgstr "Tu ustvari skladiše"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13379
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs PATH\n"
" or\n"
"svnadmin create --fs-type bdb PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs POT\n"
" ali\n"
"svnadmin create --fs-type bdb POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13390
msgid "If you selected a folder, TortoiseSVN first scans it recursively for items which can be added."
msgstr "Œe izberete mapo, jo TortoiseSVN najprej rekurzivno pregleda, da najde elemente, ki jih je možno dodati."

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13397
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn import -m LogMessage PATH URL\n"
msgstr ""
"svn import -m LogMessage POT URL\n"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13407
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"svn blame -r N:M -v PATH\n"
"svn log -r N:M PATH\n"
msgstr ""
"svn blame -r N:M -v POT\n"
"svn log -r N:M POT\n"

#. (para)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13411
msgid "If you use TortoiseBlame to view the blame info, the file log is also required to show log messages in a tooltip. If you view blame as a text file, this information is not required."
msgstr "Œe za pregled krivdnih informacij uporabljate TortoiseBlame, potem potrebujete tudi informacije o dnevniških zapisih datoteke, ki se prikažejo kot namig. Œe krivdne informacije pregledujete v obliki besedilne datoteke, to ni potrebno."

#. (title)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13419
msgid "Add to Ignore List"
msgstr "Dodaj na seznam prezrtih"

#. (screen)
#: ../source/TortoiseSVN_en.xml:13420
#, no-wrap
msgid ""