[TSVN] Bug report. The layout of "Show Log" dialog is wrong.
From: tdkim <tdkim_at_unimo.co.kr>
Date: 2007-10-24 07:48:29 CEST
Hi all.
I tested it in TSVN-1.4.99-11106. nightly build.
1. Clear the Dialog size and position infomation of Setting.
2. Open the "Show Log" dialog.
3. Maximize the "Show Log" dialog.
4. Move two seperate bars to the top.
5. Restore the "Show Log" dialog size.
---> First problem. The dialog layout is invalid.
6. Click the top position of "Show Log" dialog.
---> "From", "To" and "Search" fields appear.
7. Close the "Show Log" dialog.
8. Reopen "Show Log" dialog.
I attached the capture file.
Thanks for TSVNˇ¦
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