Martin Eckardt wrote:
>> Martin Eckardt wrote:
>>> But shouldn't we add this to the list of known issues, then?
>> Well, it's not really a Vista issue but that's happening on all OS
>> versions. And to be honest: you're the first to report to have
>> problems with this here - all others just hit the ignore button.
> That's new to me. Why does this happen? On all my Windows XP machines i
> never had a problem with this and the two processes are always running.
> That's the reason why i reported it, because i never saw these processes
> in this dialog before, others like Firefox though.
> But if this is normal behaviour i will just ignore it.
MSI tries to reduce reboots. That's why it checks whether files it needs
to replace are in use and gives the user a chance to close them before
proceeding. Only if you ignore that or if you can't close the
application, then a reboot is scheduled (the "you need to reboot" dialog
at the end of the installation).
The problem TSVN has when installing: you can't really "close" the
explorer process because the *desktop* itself is an explorer instance.
MSI isn't really good at this and doesn't always schedule a reboot,
that's why we *force* the reboot in our msi.
>> If you had strange problems with this, then I suspect you didn't do
>> the reboot after the installation finished.
>>>>> The second issue is that i become a crash if i want to start
>>>>> TortoiseUDiff.exe from TSVN or directly.
>>>>> I can't find the debug symbols for the x64 build so i didn't sent a
>>>>> crashreport.
>>>> I'm creating a new x64 build and will send you TortoiseUDiff.exe and
>>>> the debug symbols in a private mail. I don't have an x64 OS (or
>>>> computer with such a processor) available to try myself.
>>> Ok many thanks i will try them out then.
>>> That's why you have such a lot testers *smile*
>> The build is currently running. I hope this time it will succeed (I
>> broke the x64 build just a few commits ago, so I had to fix this first).
>> Should be ready in about half an hour.
Just sent the TortoiseUDiff.exe and the debug symbols to your private mail.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Thu Sep 13 21:53:26 2007