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Problems "%" character in repo directory path

From: Graham Bloice <gbloice_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-10-13 17:29:08 CEST

TSVN 1.4.0 build 7501, WinXP SP2, repo accessed using svn://

I have noticed a few issues when dealing with a "%" character in the
path of a repo item.

1. Using the repo browser, if "Create Folder ..." is used to create a
directory name containing a "%", e.g. "A % dir", then after the
addition, the repo browser displays the new directory as "A ?dir",
i.e. the "%" and the following space is replaced with a "?". If the
directory name doesn't have a space following the "%" then the two
subsequent characters are missing, e.g. Adding "A %dir" results in "A
?r". If the repo browser is refreshed using F5, then the directory is
displayed correctly.

2. When using the repo browser to copy a file using drag and drop and
into a directory that has a name containing a "%" then initially all
apears to be OK. Expanding the directory or hitting F5 reveals no new
entry in the target directory but instead in the same directory as the
original file, a new file with a name formed by concatenating the
directory name, a "/" and the filename, e.g. Copying "file.txt" to a"
%dir" results in a new file named "A %dir/file.txt". Inspection of
the repo using "svn list" shows the file to be in the correct

3. When using the context menu "Copy to ..." to copy a file to a
directory containing a "%" , the browser updates to show a new file,
in the same directory as the original file, with a name formed by
concatenating the target directory, with the "%" and any following
space or two non-space characters replaced by "?", a "/" and the
filename. E.g. copying "file.txt" to "A %dir" results in a file
displayed as "A ?r/file.txt". Refreshing the repo browser using F5
results in the new file disappearing. Expanding the target directory
results in the new file reappearing but now containing the original
directory name. Inspection of the repo using "svn list" shows the
file to be in the correct directory.

4. When a wc contains a directory with a "%" in the name, then the
"SVN URL" column in Explorer and the Subversion tab of the Properties
both replace the % and any following space or two non-space characters
with a "?".

5. When switching a wc to a directory with a "%" in the name, then
the result of browsing the repo to select the directory replaces the %
and any following space or two non-space characters with a "?".
Attempting to complete the switch with the incorrect path gives the
less than useful error message "Error Cannot replace a directory from

Graham Bloice
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Received on Fri Oct 13 18:06:30 2006

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