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Re: BUG: program fall after Update, show difference of merge

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-10-12 19:11:08 CEST

Oto BREZINA wrote:
>>>>> 1. Update tortoiseSvn to actual ver
>>>>> 2. mke archive copy trunk/src/TortoiseProc/EditPropertiesDlg.cpp
>>>>> 3. Update to rev 7722
>>>>> 4. copy archived file to its place (emulates made same changes as
>>>>> somebody else)
>>>>> 5. Update
>>>>> 6. in update Result dialog select kontext menu "show chcanges"
>>>>> 7. in my case you get windows screen about if you want to send
>>>>> program crash, or violation error ....
>>>> Can't reproduce this. There's no "show changes" menu in the progress
>>>> dialog which is shown during an update. I tried "compare with
>>>> working copy", but that one doesn't get a crash.
>>>> Stefan
>>> You are right with "compare with working copy", I have used
>>> translated version ...
>>> I can reproduce it also with 7725 ! I'm going to make more investigation
>> Try switching to english - if you can't reproduce it there, then
>> there's a bug in the language pack (or you're not using the correct one).
>> Stefan
> I can reproduce it also with English.
> Can also anybody else check if it is possible to reproduce?

Can you maybe give a more detailed recipe on how to reproduce this?
Because when I follow the recipe above, I don't get a crash at all. For
me, TortoiseMerge starts up with a three way diff, but showing no
differences at all because the same changes were also done by the update.

Which program crashes anyway? TortoiseProc or TortoiseMerge?
Did you switch both programs back to english?


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Received on Thu Oct 12 19:10:58 2006

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