Simon Large <slarge <at>> writes:
> On Fri Aug 25 8:36 , Bill Nolan <billynolan <at>> sent:
> >I'm sure you've heard this before, but I want to know how (or why it's
> >impossible) to delete/revise history in SVN. This would be most useful,
> >does not go against the concept of version control. If history is saved via
> >a delta method, it would be simple enough to just reconstruct it. I'm
> >concerned with deleting data from a given date and before, anyhow.
> You seem to be giving a circular argument here. You say on the one hand that
> want to delete data, and on the other that it would be reversible because
you can
> use deltas to reconstruct it. The deltas are the history, so if you delete
> you cannot reconstruct anything. What is it you actually want to do?
> Simon
I heard an argument not long ago that removing history would not work if it is
stored with delta values. I was just talking about reconstructing
(consolidating) the history after the deletion. I was not talking about being
able to regain the permanent deletions.
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Received on Fri Aug 25 23:29:18 2006