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Feature Request for Merge related functions

From: Mark Pickersgill <mpickers_at_tpg.com.au>
Date: 2006-07-10 16:49:59 CEST

Great work on TortoiseSVN!
I've finally been able to convince the powers that be at work to give it
a go!

However, after attempting to do some branching, diff-ing on branches and
merging (of which I do a fair bit of), I've found that these functions
are rather cumbersome and have a few suggestions to stream-line this
process. Happy and discuss other suggestions along these lines that help
in the "ease of use" goal.

- Add a "Diff with..." or "Compare with..." context menu option that
allows a folder or file to be compared with either a nominated, external
(outside of the repository) file or folder or a file/folder in the

Reason/Usefulness: Useful for quickly comparing a full file that has
been sent to you, rather than having to commit it to the repository to
diff the changes or try and invoke another merge tool. Also useful for
easily comparing changes between say trunk and a branch version of a
file or folder.

- If you right click on a folder under subversion control and select
"Merge..." it would be nice if it filled out the "From" url with the
selected file/folder as other TortoiseSVN dialogs "tend" to do.

Reason/Usefulness: If you've already selected the file or folder you
want to merge, you have to re-enter in the url each time you crank up
the Merge dialog. Also the history list doesn't seem to save unless the
merge is "ok"ed (which is probably sensible), so the list may not have
the url on which you were previously doing a "dry run".

- In the Merge window, as well as the "Unified Diff" button, add a
"Compare" button that shows the differences in the same manner as
selecting two folders in the Repo-Browser and selecting "Compare
Revisions". ie if it's two files you are merging, show the TortoiseMerge
window straight away, but if it's a folder you're merging, show the list
box of differing files.

Reason/Usefulness: A Unified Diff view isn't a particularly friendly
view of a difference on a file. The only way to do this at the moment
(as described in section B.5. of the help) is to diff the two folders
from the repo browser. This is quite cumbersome when you have many
folders in the repository.

- In the "Dry Run" form, allow the diff tool to be invoked on individual
files so you can see what it will do.


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Received on Mon Jul 10 16:52:15 2006

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