>> Using Windows XP:
>> Press start. Then right click on any entry. 2 TortoiseSVN Context menus
>> show up.
>> Same thing on Quick launch bar at the bottom.
>> Minor issue.
> Not an issue but by design: one entry is for the link itself, the other
> for the target the link points to. In version 1.4, you can distinguish
> the two entries because they will have slightly different icons shown.
This question must be approaching the level of "frequently asked". I would propose that it's added to the FAQ.
--- schnipp ---
Q: I get two TortoiseSVN context menu entries when I right click on a link!
A: This is by design. One entry is for the link itself (the .lnk-file), the other for the target the link points to. This way a link can both be versioned and in the same time work as a link should by allowing operations on its target.
--- schnapp ---
To the FAQ post 1.4 I would suggest adding the icons for the different context menus in the text above.
Received on Mon May 8 08:35:49 2006