Flyspray wrote:
> FS#187 - Use this/other text block fault when panes switched
> User who did this: - Stefan Küng (steveking)
> ----------
> TortoiseMerge always saves the right file (or in three-way diff the
> bottom file). So the context menu's are correct IMHO.
> Sure, if you're diffing against BASE, then *switching* the two panes
> is a bad idea because you will save the changes to the BASE file.
> (That's why you can switch the files. It's *not* for just changing
> left/right views but to change the saving target).
> Simon: Since there's no easy/reliable way for TortoiseMerge to know if
> a file is BASE (or that a file shouldn't be modified at all) should we
> close this issue as WONTFIX?
BASE files are actually read-only, so TMerge could refuse to attempt
changes to such a file. Another can of worms - should it attempt to
detect SVN temp files too, and avoid changing them? When you diff
against an old revision, you get exactly that. Maybe TortoiseProc should
make those retrieved old-revision files read-only before calling TMerge.
There are 2 reasons cited for switching panes:
1. Because in a 2-way diff of arbitrary files, Windows gives them in
whatever order it feels like. In this case, always saving the right pane
works well.
2. Because the user prefers to see the WC file in the left pane. This is
OK for diffing, but doesn't fit at all well when making changes, where
you always assume the changes are going into the right pane. If it is
supported at all it should be a separate option ('Working file in left
pane') in TMerge settings, rather than an on-the-fly change from the
Would it be clearer that the right pane is the destination of all
changes if the left pane had no context menu and the right pane had 'Use
this' *and* 'use other' (and maybe 'this before other and 'other before
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Received on Mon Nov 14 00:27:51 2005