> > 2) The second line in each graph box is not useful,
> > in most cases the entry gets truncated to an useless
> > rest.
> Do you suggest to drop it completely?
No, not really.
How about make the size of the boxes depending on the content?
IMHO the first and last part of the path should be visible completely,
| Revision 4711 (changed)
| /tags/..../050930_MyProduct_1-5-78_HotfixForSomething |
but in case of very large names (like ours) this can be a problem.
What do you think?
> > 3) Instead of using round rects, octagons and rectangles,
> > the usage of colors or small icons at the boxes would
> > improve the graph and make it better to read.
> Colors isn't a good idea most of the time. You probably can't
> imagine how many times people complained about colors because
> they have some eye deficiency and just can't see the colors
> correctly.
Good point, but bad argument. Following your theory, nobody should use
colors and sounds, because there are blind and deaf people on this world.
Please do not misunderstand me: I understand and accept the problem of
accessibility, and I think it's an important point. But on the other hand,
if one is not disabled that way, colors offer a great deal of usability.
> If we use colors, we'd also have to provide a way to
> configure the colors used.
That's right, especially with regard to accessibility.
> > 4) It seems that in some cases some lines are drawn twice,
> > or not in the correct way (see bild2, around revision 353)
> Can you please help me out here a little?
> svn log -v url/to/repository/root > logfile.txt
> and send that to me? (important: do the log from the repository root,
> not your working copy! Otherwise I won't get all the required data to
> reproduce the problem).
Please have a look at the attachment.
Thanks again, best regards
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Received on Tue Oct 4 10:35:54 2005