Stefan Küng wrote:
> 1. It's not TSVN's fault when the icon cache goes down the drain.
> 2. I have TSVN and TCVS installed on three computers in my office, and
> I've never had that kind of problem, i.e. I don't ever had to rebuild
> the cache.
> 3. This leads me to think that it's not TSVN's fault.
> 4. There's no place to put such a 'feature' in TSVN. It's not a
> setting (so the settings dialog is not the place to put it). And
> another context menu entry for something like this is IMHO really out
> of the question.
Indeed, it is not TSVN's fault, just a system one. I guess when you have
too much icons on the desktop (in my case more than 100, it is just
full), lot of programs installed and TSVN which puts heavy use on icons
too leads to corrupted icon cache.
N/m, it was just a suggestion. I found it is somewhat easy to detect the
icon corruption so eventually I'll build some program myself when I got
some free time.
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Received on Wed Sep 28 09:13:00 2005