[TSVN] Bug with Commit Dialog when moving versioned files
From: Fernandes, Filipe (Bolton) <ffernandes_at_husky.ca>
Date: 2005-09-13 17:27:33 CEST
I've included a repository that has three files in it
1. Checkout three files found in root of repository into
There should exist file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt inside
2. Create folder inside test called 'folder1'.
3. Add the folder 'folder1' to make it a versioned folder.
4. Select files file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt, right-click
5. Commit using TortoiseSVN and the dialog box.
The commit dialog box appears (see picture) they show the
I've tried the above using SVN Command Line and the commit
Using TSVN 1.2.2 r4361 (nightly)
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