> No, TSVN can't just ignore what you tell it to do. But try the next
> nightly build - now TSVN shows you the error message Subversion throws
> instead of just telling you "... has local modifications".
Cool :)
"COMMON is not under version control" and it stopped. The situation does not get much better but at least the folder sub-duplication is gone. The original COMMON folder still gets deleted and a new fresh copy is created in the "SubProject1" as a local COMMON to the project.
Idea 1:
When a move operation of some folder has failed - revert the partial changes?
I have tried it - done a revert on the "Deleted" COMMON folder and then to the "Added" one inside the Subproject1 and got all back in place with the exception of a new unversioned COMMON folder in SubProject1. This is far better than have my externals deleted :)
Idea 2:
In the docs, the move section write with the huge red bold letters "Do not move externals or you'll face the consequences" :)
Received on Thu Sep 8 14:49:54 2005