[TSVN] Case sensitivity causes problems
From: Ben Summers <ben_at_connectedsupport.co.uk>
Date: 2005-08-04 12:12:25 CEST
I have some non-technical users using TortoiseSVN. It's a really good
However, we have found one issue. They're finding it easy to create
Some Filename.GIF
I presume what they're doing is replacing a file, then noticing that
1) Create a file, "Break SVN.txt".
2) Add, then commit it to the repository.
3) Create a new file, and save it as "Break svn.txt" over the
4) Notice that TortoiseSVN says this file needs to be added.
5) Add it, then commit it.
When someone comes to check the file out or update an existing
I am happy to have a go at fixing this problem. However, this could
Thanks for developing such a good client.
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