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[TSVN] Case sensitivity causes problems

From: Ben Summers <ben_at_connectedsupport.co.uk>
Date: 2005-08-04 12:12:25 CEST


I have some non-technical users using TortoiseSVN. It's a really good
solution for them, and they find using the client very easy.

However, we have found one issue. They're finding it easy to create
two files with the same name but differing case, for example

   Some Filename.GIF
   Some Filename.gif

I presume what they're doing is replacing a file, then noticing that
TortoiseSVN asks them to add it, adding it, and therefore creating
the second file in the repository. I believe the exact procedure is

1) Create a file, "Break SVN.txt".

2) Add, then commit it to the repository.

3) Create a new file, and save it as "Break svn.txt" over the
existing file.

4) Notice that TortoiseSVN says this file needs to be added.

5) Add it, then commit it.

When someone comes to check the file out or update an existing
working copy, they get a rather obscure message about moving a file.

I am happy to have a go at fixing this problem. However, this could
be "fixed" in either the client or the libraries, and I can think of
at least two ways of changing things. Perhaps the best plan would be
to create a better error message for when the problem occurs, and add
a check in "Add file" to prevent it happening. I appreciate the
developers will have their own preferences, so would appreciate some
pointers on how it should be done and where in the code to start.

Thanks for developing such a good client.


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Received on Thu Aug 4 12:12:48 2005

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