Feature Request: Edit mode in TortoiseMerge
I prefer to use TortoiseMerge to solve conflicts than any other difftool. Why? Because it won't tell you the differences but theconflicts, so it is much easier and faster. The only problem is that Icannot edit the merged file. Often, I have to write a mixed codebetween my changes and the changes in the trunk/branch when I merge afile. So, in those situations I need to mark the file as solved –evenif it is not solved- and then open it in a text editor to do the lastchanges manually, instead of using the same application and using allthe information that TortoiseMerge is providing.
I don't know if there is a workaround, but to be able to edit the textwhile comparing it, will be ideal!
Rubén Lozano
Received on Wed Aug 3 16:50:43 2005