I am working on a project which involves hundreds and
potentially thousands of files and sub-directories in
certain directories, most of which aren't needed by
every user. Because Tortoise SVN treats normal
deletions from the file system as an SVN delete, the
only way to remove files from the local computer
without affecting the repository is to delete the
whole tree and check out only the needed parts. This
problem could either be dealt with by changing that
behavior (i.e. only propagate a deletion to the
repository if there has been a specific SVN delete) or
by adding a "release" feature like the one in CVS
where files that are identical to the ones in the
repository may be removed from the working copy
without altering the repository. Thank you, and if I
can be of some assistance on solving this, I would be
happy to.
-Morgan Brown
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Received on Wed Jul 27 20:32:16 2005