it could be very useful to get a list of all files that have been
deleted from a repository. If you like to get one of these files back
you have to know the correct revision number. You could do this by "Show
Log" but you have to click on each revision to see the action (modified,
deleted, ...). I would suggest to add a new dialog where you can select
an url and then see the list of all deleted files of the selected
repository including the revision number, author, etc. Filtering for
authors would be nice.
I have written a small ruby script that demonstrates the functionality
for the command line client:
$revision = 0
$forauthor = ARGV[1]
$author = ""
$date = ""
if ARGV[0] == nil
puts("Show deleted files")
puts(" SDF URL [Author]")
IO.popen("svn log -v #{ARGV[0]}", "r") { |pipe|
pipe.each { |line|
if line =~ /^r(\d+)(\s+)\|(\s+)(.*)(\s+)\|(\s+)(.*)(\s+)\|(.*)/
$revision = $1
$author = $4
$date = $7
printout = false
if line =~ /(^\s+)D(\s+)(.*)/
if $forauthor == nil or $forauthor == $author
puts("r#{$revision} \| #{$author} \| #{$date} \| #{line}")
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Received on Wed Jun 22 12:00:38 2005