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Re: [TSVN] TSVNCache too resource intensive on large workingcopies

From: Will Dean <svn_at_indcomp.co.uk>
Date: 2005-05-27 10:15:44 CEST

At 09:04 27/05/2005 +0100, you wrote:

>Can you advise what tools people should use to diagnose what is going on
>if they are suffering real problems? It seems that neither you nor
>Stefan have any problem, but some other users do. Until we get some
>useful data from other systems we can only guess at it and treat the
>symptoms and not the cause.

Well, filemon might show if there was some problem with endlessly
re-crawling the same stuff, but if it's just general contention for disk
I/O, then it's a bit harder - you could look at various things with
perfmon, but it would be much harder to interpret.

>Won't the negative feedback of its own activity slug it if you do that?

Well, that's an obvious hazard - I suppose you'd do something like:

1. Are the disks busy?
         No - Do some crawling
         Yes -Wait
2. Wait a bit
Goto 1

As you say, this is probably slower than it could be, but as the crawler
does all synchronous stuff anyway, it's probably not going to trip over its
own accesses anyway.

>The big chunk of activity at start-up will go away when the code that
>saves the cache to disk and reloads it gets completed.

Possibly. That in itself needs very careful handling - my machines already
grind to a halt at logon (i.e. Explorer startup) because of all the disk
access which goes on as various applications start. We need to make sure
that we don't add to this by fighting to do a fast read of another 10MB of
data. Deferring this until the first request to the cache *might* be
better, but might also be a pain because it will probably block Explorer
while it's happening.

I expect it will be better overall, but I don't think it's just a matter of
doing one stonking-great fread at application startup, even if that seems
beautiful in testing when there's no competition for disk and the dump file
is in disk-cache anyway.



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Received on Fri May 27 10:16:30 2005

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