Hughes, Trystan wrote:
> Sorry that the Subject Heading is a bit vague,
> but my colleague has been having a strange problem with TSVN, and as
> i'm in charge of the SubVersion stuff, I might as well help him.
> Anyway, my colleague has a local copy (checked-out) of a repository.
> Within this local copy/directory is a sub-folder called 'Desktop
> Modules', and within this sub-folder can be contained further folders
> that are each of the modules that can be created. Now, when a new
> folder has been created, my colleague used the 'Add' command to
> prepare the folder to be added to the repository, and then the
> 'Commit' command to finalise and add to the repository. The problem
> now is that all of a sudden the module folder that he added now
> contains and '!'/exclamation icon over the folder. Whenever we now
> try to do a 'Clean-up' command on the parent folder (DesktopModules)
> we get an error message saying that the 'Subversion has reported an
> error: 'FolderName' (which is the new folder we added) is not a
> working copy'. Now if we try the 'Add' command on this new folder
> again, SubVersion says that the 'Folder' has already been added. 'The
> 'Revert' function also brings up a similar errounous based message.
> What exactly is the problem here? and what exactly does that symbol
> ('!') entail?
I guess it's the yellow exclamation overlay and not the red one?
That means you have some sort of conflict there. That overlay is shown
for conflicted and obstructed files/folders.
Fire up the "check for modifications" dialog and check the real status
of that folder and the files in it.
I think you'll find that the status is 'obstructed' which means that
there is something in the way. You can't really add that folder because
it seems the same folder already was added to the repository and the
update failed because Subversion can't replace an existing folder.
So: rename the folder (in explorer, not TSVN), then do a cleanup, then
an update.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Mon May 16 11:45:55 2005