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Re: [TSVN] RE: TSVN install causes Drag Drop operations to crash.

From: SteveKing <steveking_at_gmx.ch>
Date: 2005-04-22 20:00:56 CEST

Fernandes, Filipe (Bolton) wrote:
> I've managed to get a stack trace for the explorer crashes, but
> after trying the new build (TSVN 1.2.0 build 3093). I've been
> unable to reproduce it and it seems that the problem has been fixed.

Let's hope it is really fixed. If it happens again, then please report
back immediately!

> Is it possible that the build was created on a system with Win2003?
> Just fishing for answers to prevent this from happening.

I don't think so. I'm building on my XP laptop, and Russell (who does
the nightly builds) is also not building on Win2003 AFAIK.


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Received on Fri Apr 22 20:02:19 2005

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