[TSVN] Revised: TSVN install causes Drag Drop operations to crash.
From: Fernandes, Filipe (Bolton) <ffernandes_at_husky.ca>
Date: 2005-04-21 18:05:02 CEST
My appologies... I read everything except the "Mailing List Etiquette"
Concerning TSVN 1.2.0 (nightly build 3074)
I've been testing out TSVN (nightly builds) and have been really impressed
However, lately I've noticed that during simple drag drop operations using
I've successfully been able to Cut & Paste using explorer many times, but
At first I thought it was simply my machine, but it's been confirmed on
To reproduce the crash...
Simply create a folder on desktop and continually drag and drop files and
I know this is vague, I'll be happy to try out any suggestions on how to
Filipe Fernandes
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