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Re[2]: [TSVN] doc translations

From: Fernando P. Nájera Cano <tortoisesvn_at_fernandonajera.com>
Date: 2005-04-18 18:56:10 CEST


I've just checked-out everything and I've got ready to back-port my
partial Spanish XML files into poEdit. But... How can I make the docs?
I want to compile doc files so I can see the changes. But GenDoc.bat
does seem to get doc files from xml ones not .po.

Is there any command I can run to rebuild XML files from .po? Or is
there an updated .bat file?

Thank you

At lunes, 18 de abril de 2005, 9:18:06, you wrote:

LO> Hi Jean-Marc

>> I understand that; what I don't understand is what *I* have to do with
>> xml2po, libxml2 and python. Or was that info intended for Lübbe only?

LO> I think, this mostly applies to me :-). I will test the toolchain and report
LO> back as soon as possible. I see the following steps in the doc translation
LO> process:

LO> 1) Docs are changed in the english version
LO> 2) A doc.pot file is updated from the new docs and checked into say
LO> doc/Languages
LO> 3) Doc translators update their doc/Languages directory
LO> 4) Using poEdit, doc translators update their .po file from the current pot,
LO> translate and check in (or send to the patches list)

LO> Doc Translators will need the xml2something stuff only if they want to build
LO> their language helpfiles themselves (for testing purposes)

>> How do you want us to fill the .po file: leave not yet
>> translated strings
>> empty of fill them with english?

LO> Leave them emptly, because...

>> Will the doc generation stuff
>> default to english for any missing .po entry?

LO> ... It'll default to english.

>> And it will make it easier to reorganise the docs, as there is only a
>> single set of XML master files; all translations being generated from
>> that set, right?

LO> Yes, that's the idea. Structural changes immediately go into each language,
LO> there's no need for the translators to work on that. The only drawback is
LO> that translators work out of context in poEdit, so you should have a current
LO> version of the english docs at your side while translating.

LO> Cheers
LO> - Lübbe

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Best regards,

Fernando Nájera

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Received on Mon Apr 18 18:56:41 2005

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