At 15:28 14/04/2005 +0200, you wrote:
>Regarding performance issues in TSVN I've been thinking a lot of the
>filesystem events on windows. I know that there is a new cache in the
>upcomming 1.2, but as far as I understand it can still age out etc.
My plan for the 'new' cache was really that there wouldn't be *any* aging
out on it, it would be sufficiently diligent about checking things that you
wouldn't need to discard stuff just because it was old.
I did put an aging mechanism in there, but I'd really like to take it out
again. If they're working properly, the other checks in there should keep
the data fresh. I only wish I had taken it out before I ever released any
of the cache code.
>Have there been any thoughts into using windows filesystem events
>to trap changes to files and alter the content of the cache this way
>to keep it fresh.
Yes. I think that the user-mode file/directory watching mechanism is
unsuitable for watching arbitrarily large numbers of directories. (It's
apparently what Explorer uses, but Explorer only needs to watch a very
small number of directories at once.) A kernel-mode file-system filter
would be a great way to do it, and there's a new framework for file-system
filters coming along from MS, but to be honest I doubt that anyone will
ever have the time to write such a thing for TSVN, at least under the
existing framework.
>I'm guessing svn might encapsulate some of the functionallity needed
>but if we can make a good case maybe svn devs would be inclined to
>accept implementations using filesystem events in svn libraries as well?
I very much doubt it, as they don't really have the continuous need to
supply up-to-date status info which TSVN has. Maybe I'm misunderstanding
you, though.
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Received on Thu Apr 14 15:54:38 2005