[TSVN] New cache, now on trunk
From: Will Dean <svn_at_indcomp.co.uk>
Date: 2005-01-27 10:21:27 CET
I did manage to get the new cache onto the trunk last night, and I believe
HOWEVER, I haven't changed the install script, so although the TSVNCache
For people who can build it themselves, you will need to add the following
HKLM\Software\TortoiseSVN\CachePath - A string, pointing to the full path
HKCU\Software\TortoiseSVN\ExternalCache - A DWORD, set to zero to disable
You can change this value at any time, and its effect will be almost instant.
There are an number of problems with the new cache at the moment, some of
1. It applies itself to every folder you browse to (network, etc),
2. When asked for the status of a folder, it always tries to return
3. I am very focused on 'correctness' at this stage, and have not tried
Could I ask that people don't commit changes to the cache code at the
Stefan, could I grovel and ask you to do the WiX changes to add the new
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