All my projects have this sort of folder structure:
1 - Proposal
2 - Task Initiation
3 - Correspondence
4 - Planning and Management
5 - Work
6 - Source
- Tags
- Branches
- Trunk
7 - Deliverables
8 - Invoices
9 - Close Out
I have people with different roles who work on the project. Each person
needs a subset of this project. eg the guy who is writing the docco may
5 - Work
7 - Deliverables (maybe just a subset of this folder)
The guy writing the code may need:
5 - Work
6 - Source
- Trunk
7 - Deliverables
One way to have a partial checkout is to create the folder structure in
explorer, then do a bunch of small checkout in each subfolder. I'm wondering
if there could be a better way.
Could the Tortoise client allow a partial checkout ? I have constructed a
screen mockup to show how the HMI would work here. I imagine you could also
allow to users to specify filters suchs as:
* All files with size less than 5mb
* All files except those starting with the letter "Q"
* All excel files
Would this create a problem with the SVN libraries ? What would happen if
you built one of the partial checkouts then triesd to do a commit or an
update ?
Is this a good feature ? ie do others find it useful, or just me ?
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Received on Thu Jan 13 23:52:04 2005