Dave Peterson wrote:
> Here's what I am doing in TSVN -- again URL1 is my trunk, URL2 is my
> feature branch, and WC is a local copy of URL1.
> - right click on the WC folder and select the "Merge..." TSVN
> menu item
> - edit the "From" URL to be URL2 and select the "Head Revision"
> radio button
> - unselect the "Use "From:" URL" checkbox, set the "To" URL to be
> URL1, and select the "Head Revision" radio button
> - check the "Dry Run" checkbox
> - click "OK"
> And I get a much larger list of changes than I expected -- 2248
> changes listed. TSVN is definitely including changes to URL1 that
> have already been merged and committed into URL2 -- changes the
> command line version is not listing.
What you are doing in TSVN appears to be the correct equivalent to your
SVN example. I hope Stefan's explanation accounts for the differences
you were seeing: if not, get back to us.
However, all the examples in the SVN book actually use the alternate
form and there is a warning in the "Common Use Cases for Merging"
section about doing it that way. Normally you want to merge a range of
changes from your branch back into the trunk (or vice versa). Quoting
the SVN book example:
"To express only the changes that happened on your branch, you need to
compare the initial state of your branch to its final state. Using svn
log on your branch, you can see that your branch was created in revision
341. And the final state of your branch is simply a matter of using the
HEAD revision. That means you want to compare revisions 341 and HEAD of
your branch directory, and apply those differences to a working copy of
the trunk."
To do that in TSVN you need to set the "From:" URL to the branch and
select rev 341. You then set the "To:" URL to point to the same branch
(ie. Use the "From:" URL) and select HEAD. The From/To pair now
describes the _range_ of revisions on the branch which you want to merge
back into the trunk.
This point sometimes causes confusion: some users have incorrectly
assumed that the "To:" field specifies the destination for merging back
into. The destination is always the WC from which you launched the merge
dialog, and is shown at the top of the dialog.
Maybe that means we need to tweak the UI for that dialog slightly to
make it more obvious.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Thu Jan 13 11:18:13 2005